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119 Cards in this Set

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connections you have with other people and groups in your life
aware of how you may be feeling at a given moment
the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people
body language
use of visual cues to communicate information or feelings
mixed message
when words say one thing but your body language and or intonation say another
active listening
hearing, thinking about, and responding to the other person's message
a group of friends who hang out together and act in similar ways
peer pressure
the influence to go along with the beliefs and actions of other people your age
invisible boundaries that protect you
outcomes of effects that may occur as a result of a decision or an action
conscious, active choice not to participate in high-risk behaviors
feeling of love for another person
refusal skills
communication strategies that help you say no effectively
speaking in a way that is overly forceful, pushy, hostile, or otherwise attacking in approach
a tendency to give in, give up, or back down without standing up for your rights
behaving with confidence and clearly stating your intentions
1. say no in a clear voice
2. tell them why not
3. offer other ideas or options
Name three strategies for refusing
1. pay attention to the speaker
2. use body language to show that you are listening
3. ask questions
name three listening skills
1. sympathetic
2. kind
3. open minded
4. respectful
name four qualities of a good friend
mob mentality
acting or behaving in a certain and often negative manner because others are doing it
punishment, injury, or insult to the person seen as the cause of the strong emotion
become more serious
an arrangement in which each side gives something up to reach a satisfactory solution
conflict resolution
solving a disagreement in a way that satisfies both sides
a process in which a third person helps those find a solution
a negative and unjustly formed opinion, usually against people of a different racial, religious, or cultural background
someone who picks on individuals who are smaller or weaker
a disagreement between people with opposing viewpoint, ideas, or goals
1. a lump in the throat
2. a knot in the stomach
3. a sudden surge of energy
name three warning signs of building physical conflict
1. wanting to cry
2. wanting to lash out
3. wanting to escape
name three warning signs of building emotional conflict
1. show respect for yourself and others
2. avoid alcohol and drugs
3. learn to accept others
name three ways to prevent conflict from building
1. take a time out
2. allow each person to tell his or her side
3. let each person ask questions
4. keep brainstorming
name four skills in conflict resolution
1. good listener
2. respectful
3. stays calm/ keeps things calm
4. open minded
name four traits of an effective peer mediator
a pledge or promise
a legal end to a marriage contract
unconditional love
love without limitation or qualification
blended family
a family that consists of a parent, a stepparent, and the children of one or both parents
extended family
a family in which one or more parents and children live with other relatives, grandparents, aunts, uncles
single parent family
a family made up of one parent plus a child or children
the basic unit of society, and includes two or more people brought together by blood, marriage
the ability to value other people as they are
social health
your ability to get along with people around you
a part you play when you interact with people around you
1. son/ daughter
2. student
3. babysitter
name three teen roles
1. tolerance
2. respect
3. patience
4. trust
name the four healthy traits in a relationship named in the book
1. providing unconditional love
2. providing physical needs like food, shelter, and clothing
3. caring for a child's mental/ emotional needs
name the three responsibilities of becoming a parent
anxiety disorder
a disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally
personality disorder
a psychological condition that affects a person's ability to interact normally with others
major depression
a very serious mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything
the intentional taking of one's own life
family therapy
counseling that seeks to improve troubled family relationships
a medical doctor with a specialty in the treatment of mental health problems
a disturbance in the normal function of a part of the body
an exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object
mood disorder
a disorder in which a person undergoes changes in mood that seem inappropriate or extreme
a severe mental disorder in which people loose contact with reality
an approach that teaches you different ways of thinking and behaving
a mental health professional who is trained and licensed by the state to perform therapy
1. a sudden fascination with the topic of death
2. dramatic change in the person's appearance
3. self destructive behavior
4. withdrawl from family, friends, and regular activities
5. a sudden change in mood
name the five warning signs of suicide
1. thoughts of death or suicide
2. irritability
3. lack of energy; always tired
name three warning signs of depression
1. arachnaphobia
2. glossophobia
name two phobias
1. obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
2. post traumatic stress disorder
3. phobia
4. panic disorder
5. general anxiety disorder
name the five types of anxiety disorders
grief reaction
the process of dealing with strong feelings following any loss
sorrow caused by the loss of a loved one
the body's response to change
fight or flight response
the process by which the body prepared to deal with a stressor
anything that causes stress
time management
strategies for using time efficiently
state of uneasiness, usually associated with a future uncertainty
a feeling of sudden, intense fear
feeling created in response to thoughts, remarks, and events
emotional needs
needs that effect your feelings and sense of well-being
the unique combination of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that make you different from everyone else
the ability to bounce back from disappointment
self concept
the view you have of yourself
self esteem
the way you feel about yourself, and how you value yourself
1. to love and be loved
2. to belong
3. to make a difference
what are the three emotional needs that everyone has
pupils dialate
list the symptoms of how the body responds to stress for the eyes
throat constricts making it hard to swallow
list the symptoms of how the body responds to stress for the throat
the heart rate increases sending extra blood to the arms and legs
list the symptoms of how the body responds to stress for the heart
you start to perspire more
list the symptoms of how the body responds to stress for the skin
muscles lock down and tighten getting ready for action
list the symptoms of how the body responds to stress for the muscles
1. denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance
what are the five stages of grief in order
a promise to refund your money if the product doesn't work as claimed
comparison shopping
a method of judging the relative benefits of competing products or services based on quality
anyone who uses products or services
consumer skills
techniques that enable you to make wise, informed purchases
prescription medicines
medicines that can be sold only with a written order from a physician or nurse practitioner
side effect
any effect of a medicine other than the one intended
drugs that are used to treat or prevent diseases and other conditions
over the counter medicines
medicines that are safe enough to be taken without a written order from a physician
a doctor trained to handle particular kinds of patients or medical conditions
preventative steps
steps taken to keep disease or injury from happening or getting worse
health insurance
a plan in which private companies or government programs pay for a part of a person's medical cost
an announcement that informs the public that a product has been determined unsafe
public health
involves efforts to monitor and promote the welfare of the population
government insurance that cares for people over 65 years old
government insurance that cares for disabled people
a health service that you are treated and go home the same day
a health service that you spend the night in the hospital
a health service that terminally ill people use
food and drug administration
center for disease control
department of health and human services
when a male's sperm cell joins with a female egg cell
the release of one mature egg cell a month
when the lining material, the unfertilized egg, and some blood flow out of the body
a normal menstrual cycle is _____ days
the lining of the uterus before fertilization
after the zygote implants into the endometrium the lining inside the uterus is called this
what the baby is called in the first eight weeks
what the baby is called from eight weeks to birth
umbilical cord
connects the baby to the plancenta
1. contractions, water breaks, cervix begins to dilate
2. cervix dilates to 10cm and the baby is born
3. placenta is pushed out
what are the three stages of birth
what month does the heart, digestive system, and spinal cord begin to form
what month can the gender be determined
what month are most organs formed and the heartbeat can be heard
what month does the heart start to beat and the eyes and teeth are forming