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54 Cards in this Set

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Samurai without masters. They fall below Samurai because they are less valued.
When a person or group is set apart or cut off from others by geographic, ecologic, or social barriers.
A powerful Japanese landowner or noble.
A Japanese military ruler in Edo Japan.
Japanese Hierarchy
The top was Emporer, Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai, Ronin, Peasants, Farmers, Craftsman, Merchants
What was the Meiji era?
Japan was open to trade and expanding in the new world. there was rapid change in Japan, culture wise and economical.
What were three national disasters in Japan?
There were earthquakes because japan is on two tectonic plates.
Volcanoes, there were many volcanic eruptions in Japan
Hurricanes because is was such a small island and was in the middle of the island
the group of warriors for japan that fought each other sword on sword they could carry two swords
the official ruler of japan. even though Japan was ruled by the shogun for the majority of the time
How was Japan isolated?
Japan was isolated because:
1) it was an island
2) the western side of Japan was rocky and uninhabitable
3) The water surrounding Japan was very rough and hard to sail on
The Four Islands Of Japan
The Japanese islands in order from top to bottom are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu
Name of the capital city of Japan
Edo, later named Tokyo
The Japanese Flag Represents.......
"land of the rising sun"
This is becuase the Japanese thought that the sun only rose in east mountians of Japan
Alternate Attendance
Law put out by Shogun to prevent power going to Daimyo. Every other year a Daimyo had to live with the Shogun
How did the honour of the samurai affect there lives?
If they lost ther honour or their master they would commit seppuku, which was ritual suicide.
Why Japan was so easily isolated
a. Japan was easily isolated because of the rough waters and the rocky west coastline. As well it was a very long trip even to the unsafe and uninhabitable part of the island.
Why weren't there many citys along the west shore of Japan....
The reason is becuase of the the west shore is very rockey and the seas are very turbulent. (Not ideal for a main city)
What Where Two Natural Resources of Japan?
1) Rice - rice was very small and easy to grow in small areas, and since there was very little fertile land in Japan rice was very popular
2) Fish - fish because Japan was an island and had many fish around it.
What samurai did if they dishonoured there master or there country it envolved sttabing themselves with a short sword through the belly and being beheaded
What are the Japanese Seasons like?
The seasons are very extreme. The winters are very cold and the summers are very hot. The spring is very rainy and the fall is very windy
Sumo wrestling
An ancient japanese sport that consists of pushing your opponent out of the ring
Missionaries were members of the cathloic church that would come from Europe to try and convert the Japanese people and make them cathlioc.
Sumo: An ancient Japanese sport
Thought to be Ships a flame: Caravels
A gift the Americans gave the Japanese: Train set
New Japanese dynasty: MeiJi dynasty
Group of people that lost their land and power at the end of the exclusion law: Daimyo and Samurai
What were the classes for women in japan
The women were in the same class as their spouse
Local war lord
What were 2 internal (pressure from the inside) and 2 external reasons (pressure from the outside) why isolation ended in japan?
- famine due to natural disaster, almost 1/3 of the population died
- due to high taxes, there was poverty and discontent

- other countries were developing technology far beyond the Japanese
- the United States, along with other countries was pressuring Japan
- Britain had taken over China, which made japan nervous
When Japan moved closer to a democracy, also modeled the education system on the western system it was called westernization.
The artisans were the craftspeople who made a variety of wood and metal products to meet the needs and wants ofthe other classes.
What was Alternate Attendance?
It was a rule that the Meji Emporer inforced. It was where the Daimyo had to stay in the Emporer's home town every other year. Then when the daimyo left they would have to leave one or more family members behind. This would help control because the Daimyo would have to spend their money on houses for their loved ones and not be able to build up their armies.
Who was the Shogun and what was his responsibility in Japan?
The Tokugawa Shogun was responsible for all of Japan and the decisions made. Other than the emperor he was has the highest responsibility on the hierarchy. The shogun was in control of all the Daimyo who were warlords that controlled many Samurai. The shogun was in control of what Japan did and the way the people lived.
Tokugawa Ieyasu
was the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan which ruled from the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 until the Meiji Restoration in 1868.
The merchants sold goods and produce made by others. They were the lowest rank on the social ladder
effected japan very much, due to their geographical landscape
The Shogun Steps Down (1868)
Emperor Mutsuhito, age 16 who started a new era in Japan called the “Meiji era” (enlightened rule)
It was a staple food sometimes used as currency and to make clothing for the poor
Edo era
Isolation, Strict Hierarchy, Traditional, Culture, Stay the Same
Why was rice the most popular food in Japan...
It was a popular food becuase it was cheap to grow and can grow in small spaces.
Meiji era
Open to Trade, Flexible Hierarchy, Modern, Business, Rapid Change
why did the merchants move up in class so fast when the execution laws were put in place?
this was because they were the only group of people that could make large amounts of money because there weren't any more wars so samurai began to move down on the hierarchy
Treaty of Kanagawa
It opened the Japanese and Americans to Trade, and it guaranteed good between the Japanese and Americans. It was signed by the Japanese Emperor and Commodore Perry.
What was the culture during that Isolation?
The Japanese culture flourished during this period. Sumo Wrestling, Calligraphy, Noh Masks, and Origami where all part of the Japanese culture
New Ideas about Government
The Emperor made the best Samurai his advisors. He wants a strong central government to control the whole country. He wants a form of government a democracy like the ones in the west (U.S).
An ancient japanese theatre and entertainement
Artisans were important because they created Samurai swords which were very important to their culture
What were the Exlcusion Laws?
o All Christian missionaries were forced to leave Japan
o The Japanese were not allowed to leave Japan
o Ships large enough to make long voyages were destroyed
o Japanese who were out of the country were forbidden to return
o All foreign objects were forbidden. Western books were banned.
What happened when the Europeans came to Japan?
o Christianity (in the form of missionaries, who worked with the upper class to spread the word of god)
o Guns and other firearms, were also new to japan
o New ideas from the Renaissance
o Disease that the Japanese had never seen before
What changed Japanese warfare from hourornerable face to face combat to a faceless killing of the other side
The use of guns and firearms completely changed the style of war that Japanese warriors fought
Why did the Japanese experience physical isolation....
Becuase they are on an island off of the coast of china, and the west shore of japan is very rockey and the water is very turbulent and was therefor very hard to get to Tokyo/Edo Japan.
They controlled the money, because they controlled the rice which was the currency
What happened to Japan after the Westernization?
a. The high cost of alternate attendance meant that the Daimyo were becoming poor
b. There was no work, during peace, for the powerful Samurai
c. Merchants became very powerful because they controlled the money
Samurai Swords
The katana originated from the Tang blade, which as its name suggests, originated from Tang Dynasty.The katana originated in the Muromachi period (1392–1573) as a result of changing battle conditions requiring faster response times
What started to happen to the people in Japan?
The people began to die from starvation
samurai swords
took years of practice to perfect and each sword was said to have over 200 layers of steel within one blade as well there was a set of different metals that were used to give the sword flexibility as well as stiffness
What is one of the Isolation/Exclusion laws....
Anybody who is out of the country at this time will never be allowed back in.