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27 Cards in this Set

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عقيد ج عقداء 'aqiid 'uqadaa'
Contracting party contractor colonel naval captain. When you're old a colonel and a contractor seem like -- a kid and they're like -- ew caught a contractor colonel captain. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
عقداء 'uqadaa'
plural Contracting party contractor colonel naval captain. عقيد ج عقداء 'aqiid 'uqadaa'. Contracting party contractor colonel naval captain. When you're old a colonel and a contractor seem like -- a kid and they're like -- ew caught a contractor colonel captain. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
متقاعد mutaqaa'id
Retired pensioner. My mom would love to be retired and be a -- mother to a qid. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
تقص/التصي taqaSSin al-taqaSSii
Through examination close study minute investigation. Children take taqaSSin to cussing start to get al-taqaSSi all to cussy through examination close study and minute investigation of what you'll let them get away with. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
Suitable appropriate Parents have to make sure that what kids -- like is suitable appropriate. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
بغض النظر عن bigaDD al-NaZr 'an
Aside from…not to speak of… let alone… regardless of… irrespective of… notwithstanding. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
خطيئة ج جطيئات KHaTii'ah KHaaTi'aat
Mistake offense crime sin fine blunder slip lapse fault. I don't want to -- cut you off but you keep making mistakes offenses slips. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
زخم zaKHim
Stinking. Josh likes to fart and be stinky then say "zaKHim Zack him where the stench came from. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
حجم ج حجوم أحجام Hajm Hujuum aHjaam
Amount bulk size volume. Jim tried to get the same sort of advice my sister does from my mom. She said "Hajm" uh Jim I don't want to hear that your think your problems' size bulk volume is "Huj" huge cause "uum" umm that's gross enough to make me want to "aHjaam" uh jam a pencil in my eye. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
حجوم Hujuum
one of the plurals of amount bulk size volume. حجم ج حجوم أحجام Hajm Hujuum aHjaam. Amount bulk size volume. Jim tried to get the same sort of advice my sister does from my mom. She said "Hajm" uh Jim I don't want to hear that your think your problems' size bulk volume is "Huj" huge cause "uum" umm that's gross enough to make me want to "aHjaam" uh jam a pencil in my eye. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
أحجام aHjaam
one of the plurals of amount bulk size volume. حجم ج حجوم أحجام Hajm Hujuum aHjaam. Amount bulk size volume. Jim tried to get the same sort of advice my sister does from my mom. She said "Hajm" uh Jim I don't want to hear that your think your problems' size bulk volume is "Huj" huge cause "uum" umm that's gross enough to make me want to "aHjaam" uh jam a pencil in my eye. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
أطبق يطبق الإطباق على
close shut (sth) surround encircle (sth) agree (on about). Take the leftovers from -- outback and cover encircle them with the take out box you agreed to take home. on the table. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
حَسَدَ يَحْسَدُ الحَسَد على ه
To be envious of have a grudge (sth) -- How sad is Allah when you are envious have a grudge 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
تبرير ج تبريرات tabriir tabriiraat
Justification vindication pleases excuses pretexts. Masdar from برر barrara. Just because someone is running up a tab tab with his riir rear in a bar stool doesn't mean he's an alcoholic. He may have justifications excuses pretexts for being there. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
تذرع يتذرع التذرع ب
To use employ apply use as an excuse. How could you begin -- to dare to employ apply use an excuse employ that. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
قايض يقايض المقايضة القياض ب
To exchange give in exchange ب to s.o. s.th. for. My Dad used to always joke about exchanging a -- kid for a new bi baby. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
مقايضة muQaayaDah
Barter exchange barter trade bartering trading compensation barter transaction barter deal. One of the masdars of قايض QiyaaD. My dad would joke about bartering trading for -- more kid. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
قياض QiyaaD
Barter exchange. You can't barter exchange for a -- kid. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
محاسبة ج محاسبات muHasibah muHasibaat
Accounting bookkeeping clearing settlement accounting accountancy calling to account. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
حاسب يحاسب المحاسبة الحساب
To hold responsible make answerable to settle an account get even to call to account ask for a account. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
شلة ج شلات SHallah SHallaat
Group clique. The group of seafood lovers goes around trying to SHallah shell all the crabs it can get aat at the beach. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
شلات Shallaat
Plural group clique. شلة ج شلات SHallah SHallaat. Group clique. The group of seafood lovers goes around trying to SHallah shell all the crabs it can get aat at the beach. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
SHallah SHullah
Aim purpose destination of a journey. The aim purpose destination of seafood lovers going to waterfalls is to SHalal shell all the crabs they can or to eat a hall SHullah school of fish. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
شلة ج شلل SHallah SHillah SHilal
Spool hank skein of yarn or thread cop. They seafood lovers carry a little spool of string to tie up the crabs before they SHallah shell them. It's sends a SHillah chill up the spines of some crabs. They try to remind themselves "they can't SHilal shell all of us so I'll probably be ok." 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
شلل Shilal
plural spool hank skein of yarn thread. شلة ج شلل SHallah SHillah SHilal. Spool hank skein of yarn or thread cop. They seafood lovers carry a little spool of string to tie up the crabs before they SHallah shell them. It's sends a SHillah chill up the spines of some crabs. They try to remind themselves "they can't SHilal shell all of us so I'll probably be ok." 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
ماس ب maass
Tangent touching ب sth urgent need
Pervs have an urgent need to go up to strangers and are like "excuse me mass miss then try touch them be adjacent with their maass mass. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab
حاجة ماسة Haajaa maassah
Urgent need. It's an urgent need in the life of a Muslim to go to Haajah hajj and touch the maassah mass of the Kaaba. 82 15 Oct 09 Vocab