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152 Cards in this Set

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3 main functions of the circulatory system





Gasses, hormones, nutrient molecules, and waste materials


Regulation of internal temperature and transporting hormones


Protects against blood loss from injuryand protects against disease

Pulmonary Circut

Blood movingbetween heart and lungs

Systemic Circut

Blood moving from the heart to the rest ofbody

Coronary Pathway

Bloodpumped from the heart to the heart tissues with oxygenated blood


The fluid-filled membrane that acts as a shock absorber and prevents friction


Muscular wall that separates the left andright sides of the heart


Ensure blood only flows in one direction


Chamber at thetop of the heart that fills with blood returningto the heart


Chamber at thebottom of the heart that receive blood from the atria and pumps outof heart

Pulmonary Arteries

Blood vesselsthat carry the blood from the right ventricle to the lungs

Pulmonary Veins

Blood vesselsthat carry blood back from the lungs to the left atrium

Superior Vena Cava

Collects deoxygenated blood from the head, chest, and arms and dumps blood into the right atrium

Inferior Vena Cava

Collects deoxygenated blood from central and lower body and dumps blood into the right atrium


Largest blood vessel (artery) in the body

Leaves theheart by way of the left ventriclecarrying oxygenated blood

Tricuspid (Right AV) valve

Three flaps, separates right atrium from ventricle

Bicuspid(Mitral, Left AV) valve

Two flaps, separates the left atrium from the left ventricle

Chordae Tendinae

"heart strings"

Papillary Muscles

Located in the ventricles of the heart

They attach to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves

Semilunar (SL) Valves

Half moon shaped valves found in pulmonary trunk and aorta

AV valves close


SL valves close


Heart murmur

Abnormal heart sounds – produced when the valves are defective or have been damaged by disease


Thick, elastic walls made of smoothmuscle

Carry blood away from heart, usually rich in O2

Arteries branch into smaller...



Membrane one cell thick

Tiny vessels where gases, nutrients and wastes are exchanged


Thinner, non-elastic vessels (large diameter)

Carry blood to the heart, usually O2 poor, contain valves

Capillaries merge into what? Which merge into what?

Capillaries merge into venules and venules merge into a vein

Myogenic Muscle

Keeps heart beating at 100 beats per minute at rest

Parasympathetic Stimulation

Slows the heart rate to about 70 beats/min

Sinoatrial (SA) node


Located in wall of right atrium

Atrioventricular (AV) node

Transmits electrical signal through thebundle of His (in septum) which transmits to the Purkinje fibers (up the sidesof ventricles)


Causes the right and left ventricles to contract

The pathway of an electrical impulse in the heart

1.SA node sends out electrical stimulusto cause atria to contract

2.Impulse reaches the AV node

3.Impulse then passes through thebundle of His

4.Impulse reaches left and right bundlebranches

5.Impulse continues through the Purkinje fibers andcauses the ventricles to contract from the bottom up and forces blood topulmonary artery and aorta.

Blood Pathway through the heart

▪Superiorand inferior vena cavae – carry deoxygenated blood intoright atrium

▪Bloodflows from the right atrium into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve.

▪Bloodis pumped from the right ventricle, through the pulmonary semilunar valve intothe pulmonary trunk that splits into the right and left pulmonary arteries

▪Oxygenatedblood returns from the lungs through the pulmonaryveins

▪Bloodenters the leftatrium

▪Bloodflows past the bicuspidvalve into the left ventricle

▪Leftventricle pumps out past the aorticsemilunar valve into the aorta

▪Bloodin the aorta flows to the body

Blood flow overview

Heart - Aorta - Arteries - Arterioles - Capillaries - Venules - Veins - Heart - Lungs


Change in diameter of the arteries following heart contractions

Precapillary sphincter muscle

Controls blood flow from arterioles to capillaries

Capillaries provide cells and tissues with...

Oxygen, glucose and amino acids


Blood rushes into spaces between tissue

Cells in body bathed in...

Interstitial fluid (extracellular fluid)

Varicose Veins

Veins have permanently lost their abilityto carry blood from the legs to the heart

Too hard to work against gravity

The veins overfill giving them typicalunsightly bulging appearance.

Venous Valves

Open in ONE direction (UNIDIRECTIONAL)

Pushes blood to heart with help ofskeletal muscles contractions

Prevent blood from falling back down

Blood pools on top of valve

Once blood pressure is great enough,valves are forced open

Sympathetic Nervous System

Fight orFlight

Increasesheart rate

Increasesblood flow to tissues

Increasesblood flow to brain and leg muscles Vasodilation/vasoconstriction

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Rest anddigestion

Decrease heartrate

Conservationof energy

Electrocardiographc (ECG)

Instrument to measure electricalactivity of the heart

P wave

Atrial contraction

Represents electrical impulses traveling from SA node to AV node

QRS wave

Ventricular contractions

Impulse travels down Bundle of His and up Purkinje fibers

T wave

Ventricular recovery (relaxation)

Represents recovery of the impulse

Average resting heart

Adults: 70-75

Children: 80-100


Rapid heart rate

100 + beats per minute

Caused my exercise, drugs (caffeine,nicotine)


Very slow heart rate

Less than 60 beats/minute

Fit individuals with strong hearts mayhave a slower heart rate

Systolic pressure

Pressure that blood exerts on vessels during ventricular contraction (forcing blood out of heart to arteries)

Diastolic pressure

Pressure that blood exerts on vessels during ventricular relaxation (ventricles filling with blood)

Normal blood pressure


Blood Pressure



Systolic pressure will fall when

There is reduced filling of the ventricle (like that caused by an internal bleeding/hemorrhage)

Stroke volume

Amount of blood forced out of the heart in each beat (ml/beat)

Larger stroke volume = stronger heart

Average: 70ml/beat

Cardiac Output

Amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute

Heart rate x stroke volume

Average: 4900 mL/min

Factors affecting blood pressure

Eating, caffeine,nicotine, high altitudes, stress, atherosclerosis, exercise

Blood pressure is determined by:

Cardiac Output

Arteriole Resistance

Arteriole Resistance

Diameter of arterioles changes in response to hormones or nervous system controls


Results in less blood flow to area, therefore increasing blood pressure

Causes: epinephrine (except heart, muscle, and skin), sympathetic nerve stimulation (except skeletal & cardiac – dilation)


Results in more blood flow to area, therefore decrease in blood pressure

Causes: Acidaccumulation, CO2 accumulation,lactic acid accumulation


Located in the walls of the aorta and carotid arteries and detect changes in blood pressure


Too low of blood pressure


Too high of blood pressure


Keeping the temperature of the bodywithin a range that allows the cells to function normally


Body temperature is regulated


Increases heat loss


Decreases heat loss (conserves heat)– Pre-cap.sphincter can close completely to an area


Thickeningand hardening of arteries

Results in a loss of elasticity


Specificform of arteriosclerosis

Depositof fatty plaques in artery


Chest pain or discomfort

Heart muscle does not get enough oxygen-rich blood

Symptom of coronary heart disease

Plaque in coronary artery

Myocardial Infarction (“HeartAttack”)

Interruptionof blood supply to the heart

Clotin coronary artery

Atheroscleroticplaque plays a role

Heartmuscle tissue dies


Abnormalballooning of an artery

Causedby weakness in artery wall


Bloodflow to a part of the brain stops

IfBrain cannot get enough blood and oxygen:

▪5seconds: Unconsciousness

▪1minute: Brain Cells begin to die

▪3minutes: Brain Damage

▪15minutes: Recovery impossible

Congenital Heart Defects

Defectsin the structure of the heart or great vessels


Present at birth


One of more valves is not opening or closing properly

Holein the Heart

Hole in septum – get mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

Hypertension (“Silent Killer”)

Consistenthigh bloodpressure which weakens blood vessels

Increasedchance of stroke, aneurysm, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease

Cardiac Catheterization

A catheter is passed through a leg vein and up to aorta andheart

Dyethat shows up on X-rays is injected into the catheter, the blood travelsthrough the heart and an image is seen on a screen

Thispinpoints regions of blockage by showing where blood flow decreases

Helpssurgeon see where they need to do surgery


Catheterhas tiny balloon attached that can be inflated to open up blocked blood vessel

Bloodsamples can also be taken from the catheter to determine how much oxygen is inthe blood

Coronary Bypass

Operation involves removing the patient's leg vein and grafting the vein into position into the heart

The heart must be temporarily stopped to do this

The heart is cooled and attached to a machine that will continue to push blood and supply oxygen/nutrients to the body

Components of Blood

Plasma (55%)

Blood Cells (45%)


Slightly basic

Yellow incolour

90% water

Organicsubstances – Proteins, sugars (anything that isnot a blood cell)





Blood Cells

Erythrocytes(red blood cells)

Leukocytes(white blood cells)



Makeup 44% of blood volume

Bone Marrow in adults from stem cells

Carry oxygen throughout body

Lack cell nucleus (enucleated)

Bi-concave in structure – increases SA

Lifespan – 100-120 days



When oxygen levels are low, kidneyssecrete erythropoietin (a hormone), which stimulates the bone marrow to produceRBCs


Stores about 150 mL of red blood cells for emergency situations

Filters blood and destroys worn out RBC


<1% of blood volume

Bone Marrow, Thymus gland

Cells of the immune system

Wayfewer WBC than RBC (1:700)

Types of Leukocytes











Evolve into macrophage


Controlsinflammation by releasing histamines



Lymphocytes (2nd most numerous)




Neutrophil (most numerous)

Phagocytosis- bacteria

B cells

Release antibodies

T cells

Participatein immune response

Platelets - Thrombocytes

Tiny cellfragments of cells from the bone marrow

No nucleus andbreak down quickly

Playa key role in blood clotting – prevents blood loss

When platelets arrive at a rough surface (ie. cut), they rupture and release protein called...


Thromboplastin combines with calcium ions (Ca2+) and activates a plasma protein called...


Prothrombin is transformed into...


Thrombin is an enzyme which reacts with the protein... to form ...

Fibrinogen (made in liver) to form fibrin


Forms a mesh of fibres to close a wound and create a clot


Markers found on the surface of the red blood cells a person's blood type is classified by

A cells ID

Are inherited


Proteins created by your body that bind to specific antigens to disable the pathogen

specifically designed to target foreign invaders

Y shaped

Antibodies are found in the plasma

Four types of blood

A : RBC have A antigens

B : RBC have B antigens

AB : RBC have A antigens and B antigens

O : RBC have neither antigens


Occurs if blood types are not compatible – can be deadly


Donating whole blood but it is then separated into its parts (RBC, WBC, plasma)


The transfer of only the blood cells, not the plasma, from one person to another

This means that only antigens are transfused and not antibodies

Universal donor

Type O

Universal recipient

Type AB


Dantigen present

Rh+ do not haveanti-Rh antibodies


D antigen absent

Rh- people do not usually have anti-Rh antibodies, unless they have been exposed to the D antigen


Reduced redblood cell concentration



Pale and fatigued


Insufficient clotting proteinInherited


Cancer of white blood cell

Toomany WBC but are immature and can not fight infection


Pale yellow – colourless fluid flowing through

Lymph nodes are located

Neck, armpits, abdominal region & groin

Nodes contain ... that filterlymph

White blood cells

destroy bacteria and damaged cells and debris in the lymph

Lymphaticorgans aid in the creation of...


Lymphatic Organs

Thymus Gland


Lymph Nodes

Bone Marrow

First two lines of defence in the immune system

Non-specific immune responses

Last line of defence in the immune system

Specific immune response


Keratinized and secretes acidicsubstances


Traps particles


Catch particles

Saliva and tears

Contain enzymes (saliva) and bacteriophages (tears)

Acidic stomach

Destroys foreign substances

Second line of defense

Macrophagesand neutrophils (phagocytes) are activated, but NO antibodies

Damagedtissues release histamine

Histaminecauses capillaries to swell and leak (releasing phagocytes)

Phagocytes‘eat’ any bacteria and dead debris in infectedtissue

B-Lymphocytes (B-cells)

Mature in bone marrow

Plasma B and memory B

T-Lymphocytes (T-cells)

Mature in the thymus

Helper T, killer T, suppressor T and memory T

Plasma B cells

Makeantibodies (200/sec) that matches the foreign invader’s antigen

Bindingof foreign antigen to antibody results in disabling of pathogen

Memory B cells

Remember the invader for next time sothat Abare made sooner in response

Helper T cells

Recognizes antigens and give off chemical signals that stimulate macrophages, B cells, and other T cells

Killer T cells

Puncture the membranes of infected cells (ex. cancer cells)

Self destruct

Releases lymphotoxins which cause cell lysis – thereby killing invader and itself!

SuppressorT cells

Slows/turns off immune response to protect healthy tissues after invader is killed off

MemoryT cells

Remain in bloodstream after immune response is shut down

If antigen is encountered again, it will start immune response quickly (like memory B)

Third defense #1

Step 1:

Monocytes circulating blood stream

Identifyforeign cell

Step 2:

Monocytechanges into macrophage (“big eaters”)

Adheresto organism, and slowly ‘eats’ it

Third defense #2

Step 3:

Macrophageplaces intruder’s antigens on its outer membrane

Alarmsother cells

Step 4:

HelperT cells respond by making copy of antigen

HelperT cells activate plasma B-cells

HelperT cells activate killer T cells

Third defense #3

Step 5:

Plasma B-cells divide rapidly and also make antibodies that correspond to antigen (10 000/sec) Step 6:

Antibodies attach to antigen (“antigen-Ab complex”)

Clump together

Easier for macrophages and Killer T cells to find and destroy the intruders

Step 7:

When theinvasion is under control, suppressorT-cell shut off the immune response

Third defense overview

1.Macrophageengulfs invader and alerts T-cells

2.Helper T-cellsactivate B-cells and Killer T-cells

3.B-cellsproduce antibodies and memory cells

4.Antibodiesattach to invaders

5.Killer T-cellsdestroy invading cells

6.Memory T-cellskeep antigen info – immunity7.SuppressorT-cells turn off immune system



Immunesystem mistakes a harmless cell for an invader




Immuneresponse target bones and connective tissues


Develops from HIV

Attacks and hides in Helper T-Cells therefore shutting down immune response

Forms of vaccines

Killed – influenza, rabies

Attenuated – mumps, measles, and rubella

Toxoid – tetanus & diphtheria

Subunit – Hep B, HPV