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52 Cards in this Set

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11 endocrine glands
posterior pituitary - anterior pituitary - thyroid gland - parathyroid gland - adrenal gland (cortex) - adrenal gland (medulla) - pancreas - testes - ovaries - pineal gland - thymus gland
2 hormones of the posterior pituitary
ADH (antidiuretic hormone) - oxytocin
what produces ADH
supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus
gland that releases ADH
posterior pituitary
ADH is stimulated by
hypothalamus when ↑blood osmolarity - ↓blood volume - ↓blood pressure
ADH is inhibited by
hydration - alcohol
ADH targets
effects of ADH
stimulates resorption of H2O by kidney tubules - ↑blood volume & blood pressure
ADH effects of hyposecretion↓ or hypersecretion↑
↓diabetes insipidus - ↑syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)
what produces oxytocin
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
gland that releases oxytocin
posterior pituitary
oxytocin is stimulated by
hypothalamus when cervix/uterus stretches - suckling of infant
oxytocin is inhibited by
lack of stimulation
oxytocin targets
smooth muscle (uterus) - breast
effects of oxytocin
stimulates uterine contractions - initiates labor + milk ejection
6 hormones of the anterior pituitary
GH (growth hormone) - PRL (prolactin) - TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) - ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) - FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) - LH (luteinizing hormone)
gland that produces GH (growth hormone)
anterior pituitary
GH (growth hormone) is stimulated by
GHRH from hypothalamus when ↓GH - hypoglycemia - ↑amino acids - exercise - ↓fatty acids
GH (growth hormone) is inhibited by
↑GH (−feedback) - GHIH - hyperglycemia - hyperlipidemia
GH (growth hormone) targets
most cells - especially muscle & bone
effects of GH (growth hormone)
stimulates cell growth & cell division - mobilizes fats - spares glucose
GH effects of hyposecretion↓ or hypersecretion↑
↓pituitary dwarfism in children - ↑gigantism in children - adult acromegaly
gland that produces PRL (prolactin)
anterior pituitary
PRL (prolactin) is stimulated by
PRH - PRH increased by estrogen - breast feeding
PRL (prolactin) is inhibited by
PIH (dopamine)
PRL (prolactin) targets
effects of PRL (prolactin)
promotes milk production
PRL effects of hyposecretion↓ or hypersecretion↑
↓poor milk production - ↑high milk production - male impotence & gynecomastia
gland that produces TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
anterior pituitary
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is stimulated by
TRH - pregnancy & cold temperature - ↓thyroxin (T4)
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is inhibited by
−feedback by ↑thyroxin (T4) - GHIH
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) targets
thyroid glands
effects of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
stimulates thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones
TSH effects of hyposecretion↓ or hypersecretion↑
↓children cretinism - adult myxedema - ↑hyperthyroidism (like grave's disease)
gland that produces ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
anterior pituitary
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) is stimulated by
hypoglycemia - stress - CRH released with fever
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) is inhibited by
−feedback from ↑glucocorticoids (cortisol)
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) targets
adrenal cortex
effects of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
acts on adrenal cortex to release glucocorticoids (cortisol)
ACTH effects of hyposecretion↓ or hypersecretion↑
↓rare - ↑cushing's disease
gland that produces FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
anterior pituitary
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is stimulated by
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is inhibited by
−feedback by ↑estrogen - ↑testosterone - inhibin
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) targets
ovaries - testes
effects of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
ovaries: stimulates follicle & ovum maturation - testes: stimulates sperm production
FSH effects of hyposecretion↓ or hypersecretion↑
↓failure of sexual maturation - ↑no important effects
gland that produces LH (luteinizing hormone)
anterior pituitary
LH (luteinizing hormone) is stimulated by
LH (luteinizing hormone) is inhibited by
−feedback by ↑estrogen & progesterone - ↑testosterone
LH (luteinizing hormone) targets
ovaries - testes
effects of LH (luteinizing hormone)
ovaries: triggers ovulation, ↑estrogen & progesterone production - testes: ↑testosterone production
LH effects of hyposecretion↓ or hypersecretion↑
↓failure of sexual maturation - ↑no important effects