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25 Cards in this Set

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Jacksonian Democracy
term used to describe the presidency of Andrew Jackson, characterized by greater political participation for the common man
James Madison
"Father of the US Constitution" also a US president
James Oglethorpe
started the colony of Georgia as a buffer between 13 English solonies and Spanish Florida with debtors from British prisons
the first permanent English settlement in the New World in 1609
John Marshall
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for 34 years. He established the principle of Judicial Review in the famous case of Marbury vs Madison
Judicial review
principle established in Marbury v. Madison; the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional
branch of government responsible for interpreting laws; the court system
Kansas-Nebraska Act
1854 law allowing the people of Kansas and Nebraska to choose wether their territory would be admitted to the Union as a free or slave state
Know-Nothing Party
a political party formed in the 1850's by nativists that wanted US preserved for native-born citizens and was against immagrants
branch of government responsible for making laws
Limited government
belief that government power is restrained for limited by legal principles
Lord Baltimore
he started the colony of Maryland as a safe haven for Roman Catholics
Louisiana Purchase
1803 agreement made by Thomas Jefferson to purchase the territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains from France. The purchase more than doubled the size of the U.S.
colonists who remained loyal to England during the Revolutionary War
Magna Carta
1215 agreement signed by King John I guarenteeing certain rights to the people of England. Also known as the "Great Charter" it became the foundation of the Bill of Rights
Manifest Destiny
belief held by many Americans during the nineteenth century that is was God's will for the US to expand its borders from the East Coast to the West Coast
Marbury v. Madison
1803 Supreme Court decision written by Chief Justice John Marshall declaring a congressional act unconstitutional: the decision established the principle of judicial review
early civilization located in southern Mexico and Central America; by 1000 BC the Maya had established an advanced culture
Mayflower Compact
1620 agreement among the Pilgrims to create a representative form of government in their new colony
economic principle favoring the acquisition of colonies as a source of raw materials for and a market for ginished goods of the mother country
Mexican War
1846-1848 armed conflict between Mexico and the US resulting in the US acquisition of territory in Texas and the purchase of Californie and New Mexico for $15 million
Middle Passage
the horrible trip between Africa and the West Indies for captured blacks in the holds of slabe ships where many died of mistreatment
Missouri Compromise
1820 agreement between advocates and opponents of slavery admitting Missouri as a slave state. Maine as a free state and establishing a boundary between free territory and slave territory
Monroe Doctrine
1823 policy announced by President James monroe declaring the Western Hemisphere off limits to Eruopean colonial powers
Natural Rights
Liberties granted by God to which all people are entitled as human beings; first discussed by John Locke, these rights include life liberty and the property