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21 Cards in this Set

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States' Rights
doctrine supporting the power of states to overrule, oppose, or withdraw from the federal government if they choose. Southern states believed in states' rights and eventrally seceded from the Union prior to the Civil War; a direct cause of the Civil War
clause contained in Article VI of the Constitution, the clause declaring the Constitution as "the supreme law of the land".
Supreme Court
highest court in the federal judicial branch of government; the Court rules on issues related to the Constitution
Temperance Movement
wanted people to limit or stop drinking alcohol- eventually got the 18d amendment only to be repealed later by the 21st amendment
Three Branches of government
legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government.
Three-Fifths Compromise
clause contained in the Constitution counting every five slaves as three people for purposes of calculating representation in Congress; reached at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.
a willingness to let others practice their own beliefs which are different than your own belief without interference from you or others
English colonists sympathetic or loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War; also known as Loyalists
Trail of Tears
term used by Native Americans to describe forced removal of tribes after President Andrew Jackson's signing of the Indial Removal Act into law
Treaty of Paris (1783)
agreement ending the American Revolution and granting the English colonies their independency
Triangular Trade
system of trade pursued by New England merchants in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries that involved trading sugar, molasses, rum finished goods, and slaves between the West Indies, Europe, and Africa.
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)
book written by Abolitionist author, Harriet Beecher Stowe, describing the cruel treatment of black slaves in the south
Underground Railroad
system of assistance designed to aid fugitive slaves in their attempts to escape from Southern masters
states that opposed secession during the Civil War.
Unwritten Constitution
Policies and practices of government not specifically established.
War of 1812
Armed conflict between the US and Great Britain instigated by " War Hawks".
Dates Washington was president.
From1789 to 1797.
washingtons foreign policy
He felt the new Nation was to weak to take sides in a despute of other foreign nations with each other America should be neutral
William Penn
He started the colony of PA.
Political Party, in existance from 1800until the Civil War.
Whiskey Rebellion
(1794) Armed rebellion by settlers in PA and Virgina protesting a tax on whiskey passed as part of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton's financial plan. Federal troops under George Washington put down the uprising.