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20 Cards in this Set

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very much like real life or nature
an enclosed area where shows or sport events are given
common sense
ordinary good judgement gained from everyday experience
A picture made out of many small, colored tiles or pieces of glass. Found in churches and governement buildings around the world.
a Greek philosophy that stressed the importance of virtue, duty, and endurance and was especially influential in ancient Rome
the Roman language, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church, the basis for the following languages: Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian, plus more than half of the words in English have a basis in Latin.
bridge-like structures designed to bring fresh water into cities and towns
The Appain Way
famous Roman road
Name 3 architectural styles that the Romans used most often?
1) arches
2) vaults
3) domes
The Romans mixed aspects of Greek culture with their own to create...
enduring forms of art.
One of Rome's key contributions was...
its support and encouragement of Christianity. Although they resisted Christianity early on, Roman officials later made it the official religion of the empire. Rome was the most powerful empire in the world and gave Christianity the strength and support it needed to thrive.
One of Rome's most lasting and widespread contributions was its systems of laws. This included:
-common sense
-equal treatment under the law
-presumption of innocence for those accused of crimes
-the basis of legal systems in many European countries and in the USA
-use of a representative government such as a senate to make laws and represent views of the people
Statues created by the early Greeks based on realistic forms, this style was adapted by the Romans. One example is The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor whose style dates back to Greek & Roman times.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
One of the most important Stoic thinkers of the Roman era. He stressed the importance of citizenship and believed that Romans should work for the godd of each other and Rome.
A large, public, outdoor arena used for athlectic events opened in Rome in AD 79. It is one fo the great achievements of Roman engineering and served as a model for future stadiums. It had numerous staircases and entrances to ensure comfort and safety for large crowds.
What lasting contributions of Roman Culture influenced later societies?
*Roman Art-mosaics, sculptures/statues
*Roman Language-Latin language which was the basis for Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, and Romanian. One half of English words are based on Latin. Official language of the Roman Catholic Church.
What three architectural styles did the Romans use most often?
arches, vaults, and domes
What advancements did the Romans make in the field of engineering?
*arches, vaults, domes led to the building of the Colosseum, aqueducts, and capitol buildings.
*Roman roads were built for transportation of powerful armies.
What contributions did the Romans make to religion?
*RELIGION: The Romans supported and encouraged Christianity, which led to it being the official religion of the empire, and also led to this religion becoming a major force.
What contributions did the Romans make to law?
*LAW: the system of law reflected Stoic ideals of duty and virtue, fairness and common sense, promoted equal treatment under the law, and the presumption of innocence for those accused of crime. Finally, Rome established a representative government that many nations use today. Romans established various assemblies, including a senate, to make laws and represent the views of the people.