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38 Cards in this Set

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What tax did Ghana impose to people

Taxed people to travel through their country


African story teller

African Diaspora

Spreading of their culture


a group of people descended from the same ancestor


The language and culture of East African people of Africa


type of boat that Arabs sailed to Africa

Why is Sahara Desert important

Because it was trade route from Timbuktu to Mediterranean sea

why is Niger River important

People built towns near the river to live, to transport goods

why is Songhai important

largest empire lasted more than 100 years, ruled Timbuktu, slave trade, and Timbuktu

why is Sahel important

It was a trade route and people had homes there to live

why is Mali important

controlled important trade routes across the sahara desert

Why is Ghana important

They collected all the taxes, skilled with iron, best military and had gold and salt mines

why is Zimbabwe important

It is a trading center and supplied gold, copper,and ivory to the East coast of Africa

Meaning of "Bantu"

"The People"

Who is Mansa Musa

King of Mali allowed different religions but devoted Islam Stronger

Who is Askia Muhammad

He was a emperor and a reformer of the Songhai Empire

Who is Sundiata Keita

The first leader of Mali empire

Who is Sunni Ali

The leader of Songhai

Who is Sumunguru

evil tyrant

What items in Africa did they trade

Gold, Salt, Copper, Yam, Rice, Banana, Leather,Ivory and Cloth

What was Africa's oldest written history

"Glory of the Kings"

What was the African religion

Islam AND native African religion

What was the effect of slavery in Africa

African slaves went to other areas and spread language and culture

Why was African art and culture important

It keep African history and culture alive

Who is Sultan

Muslim Leader

Oral history

Stories passed down from generation to generation

African Plateau

An area that is high flat land

What is Extended families

They are families that are made of several generations

Matrilineal villages

It is traced descent through mothers rather than fathers

Who first develop in the middle ages


Which city is located on the red sea


Teachers in Africa


Which Queen led a war against Muslim invaders of her kingdom


How did Mansa Musa attempt to strengthen Islam in Mali?

He was devoted to Muslim. He made Mali known to the world when he set out to Makkah as pilgrimage. Built library to have all Muslim books.

How was Mali ruled differently from Ghana?

In Mali, Mansa Musa rewarded citizens with gold, land and horses to keep them loyal.They put generals in charge of provinces.

How did early empires of Africa gain wealth and power?

By trading gold and salt to make money

Ghana and Mali became successful kingdoms because....

they controlled the trade along the Niger River trade routes

Speaking the Arabic language and following the Islamic faith became acceptable in West African cities partly because....

these influences helped African merchants trade goods with Muslim Arabs