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79 Cards in this Set

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A surgical reshaping of the acromion, to remedy compression of the supraspinatous portion of te rotator cuff of the shoulder joint.
Movement towards the medial line.
A method of describing the alignment of long bones that have been affected by injury or disease, can be described in both anteroposterior and lateral planes.
Ankle jerk
(achilles reflex) a contraction of the calf muscles when the tendo calcaneus is sharply struck.
Infront and away from the midline.
Pain in the joints, especially not inflammatory in character. syn arthrodynia.
Creation of an artificial joint to correct advanced degenerative arthritis.
Endoscopic examination of a joint.
Avascular necrosis
Due to an deficient blood supply.
(povidone-iodine) Antibacterial, Topical. External antiseptic with broad microbial spectrum against bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and yeast.
Bone graft
Bone transplanted from a donor site to a recipient site. Autogenic or allogenic.
Bucket-handle tear
A tear and seperation in the central part of a semilunar cartilage with the ends intact that looks like the handle of a bucket.
aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Analgesic, nonnarcotic, NSAID. Treatment of mild to moderate pain, inflammation and fever.
A closed sac lined with synovial membrane and containing fluid, found over an exposed or prominent bone or where a tendon passes over a bone.
felxion crease
A permanent crease in the skin on the flexor aspect of a movable joint.
cruciate ligament
Resembling a cross. Knee ligament. Anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament.
the surgical removal of lacerated, devitalized, or contaminated tissue
Removal of pressure.
measuring the density of a fluid.
disk space
on radiographs of the spine, the radiolucent region between 2 vertebral bodies.
Bone graft
Bone transplanted from a donor site to a recipient site. Autogenic or allogenic.
Bucket-handle tear
A tear and seperation in the central part of a semilunar cartilage with the ends intact that looks like the handle of a bucket.
aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Analgesic, nonnarcotic, NSAID. Treatment of mild to moderate pain, inflammation and fever.
A closed sac lined with synovial membrane and containing fluid, found over an exposed or prominent bone or where a tendon passes over a bone.
felxion crease
A permanent crease in the skin on the flexor aspect of a movable joint.
cruciate ligament
Resembling a cross. Knee ligament. Anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament.
the surgical removal of lacerated, devitalized, or contaminated tissue
Removal of pressure.
measuring the density of a fluid.
disk space
on radiographs of the spine, the radiolucent region between 2 vertebral bodies.
A projection from a long bone near the articular extremity above or upon the condyle.
upon or outside the dura mater.
A cartilage-capped bony projection arising from any bone that develops from cartilage.
A muscle, the contraction of which causes movement at a joint with the consequence that the limb or body assumes a straight line. Antagonist of a flexor.
Inflammation of fibrous tissue. Term used to denote gerneralized muscle aching, soreness, or stiffness, with multiple tender foci (trigger points), of unknown etiology.
foramen, foramina
An aperture or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure.
Removal of a ganglion, an aggregation of nerve cell bodies located in the peripheral nervous system.
genu valgum
Genu: the place of articulation between the thigh and the leg. g. valgum, a deformity marked by lateral angulation of the leg in relation to the thigh. Syn knock-knee, tibia valga.
hallux valgus
Hallux: great toe. Valgus: bent or twisted away from the midline or body. Hallux valgus, deviation of the tip of the great toe, or main axis of the toe toward the outer or lateral side of the foot.
iliac crest
The long curved upper border of the wing of the ilium. Syn. Crista iliaca.
to strike or dash especially with a sharp collision
Inferior to the patella, denoting especially a bursa, a pad of fat, or a synovial fold.
kyphosis, kyphotic
An anteriorly concave curvature of the vertebral column. Hump-back.
cruciate ligament
The 2 ligaments that pass from the intercondylar area of the tibia to the intercondylar fossa of the femur.
lateral, medial collateral lig.
One of a number of ligaments on either side of a joint having a hingelike movement. They occur at the following joints: elbow, knee, wrist, and metacarpo- and metatarsophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints of the hands and feet.
An anteriorly convex curvature of the vertebral column. Hollow back, saddle back.
Plaques, syphillis.
Displacement of a tooth or teeth from a normal position in the dental arch.
Excision of a meniscus.
A crescent-shaped intraarticular fibrocartilage found in certain joints.
Morton neuroma
Morton neuralgia, neuralgia of an interdigital nerve, usually the anastomotic branch between the medial and lateral plantar nerves, resulting from copression of the nerve by the metatarsophalangeal joint.
Radiographic contrast study of the spinal subarachnoid space and its contents.
Failure of normal healing of a fractured bone.
Blotting out, especially by filling of a natural space or lumen by fibrosis or inflammation. In radiology, disappearance of the contour of an organ when the adjacent tissue has the same x-ray absorption.
Osteoplastic obliteration of the frontal sinus
Operation to remove the diseased contents, of the frontal sinus and to obliterate the sinus with a free fat graft without altering the external contour of the sinus.
oriented x4
The recognition of one's temporal, spatial, and personal relationships and environment.
Reduction in the quantity of bone or atrophy of skeletal tissue, age related, decreased bone mass and increased susceptibility to fractures.
PIP joint
Proximal interphalangeal joint.
(bacitracin and polymyxin B) Antibiotic. Treatment of superficial infections, prevents infections in minor cuts, scrubs and burns.
Q angle
The angle formed by lines representing the pull of the quadriceps muscle and the axis of the patellar tendon.
Relating to the radius and the bones of the carpus.
reflex, deep tendon
(DTR) myotatic reflex, tonic contraction of the muscles in response to a stretching force, due to stimulation of muscle proprioceptors.
A frenum, or a retaining band or ligament.
Radiograph. A negative image on photographic film made by exposure to x-rays or gamma rays that have passed through matter or tissue.
drawer sign
In a knee exam, the forward or backward sliding of the tibia under applied stress, which indicates laxity or tear of the anterior (forward slide) or posterior (backward slide) cruciate ligaments.
sjorgen disease
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, dryness of the mucous membanes, telangiectasis or purpura spots on the face, bilateral parotid enlargement. Seen in menopausal women and often associated with rheumatoid arthritis
Peg-shaped, denoting one of several slender processes. Pen shaped. Syn styliform.
Beneath the deltoid muscles, denoting a bursa.
subluxate, subluxation
An incomplete luxation or dislocation, though a relationship is altered, contact between joint surfaces remains.
Beneath the jaw.
Beneath the chin.
An acute and chronic infecteous disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and transmitted by direct contact, usually through sex. Incubation of 12-30 days, then chancre appears, then fever and other symptoms, then skin eruptions with mucous patches and generalized lymphadenopathy.
Relating to or resembling a tendon.
Relating to the thoracic and lumbar regions of the vertebral column.
Noises in the ears.
Making of a radiographic image of a selected plane by means of reciprocal linear or curved motion of the x-ray tube and film cassette. Images of all other planes are blurred by being relatively displaced on the film.
trigger point
A specific point or area where stimulation by touch, pain, or pressure induces a painful response.
Confined to one side only.
VMO advancement
Vastus medialis oblique muscle.