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15 Cards in this Set

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-lack of enthusiasm or energy: lack of interest in anything.
-emotional emptiness.
- THESAURUS:-indifference, unconcern, lethargy, laziness, boredom, ennui, droopiness, dispiritedness.
- antonym: interest.
advocate ,n
-recommend or support something: to support or speak in favor of something.
- THESAURUS:-supporter, backer, promoter, believer, activist, campaigner, sponsor.
- antonym: opponent
ascetic ,n
- austere person: somebody who is self-denying and lives with minimal material comforts.
- THESAURUS:-austere, abstinent, frugal, abstemious, Spartan, severe.
- antonym: hedonistic.
- disapproval: severe criticism.
-official condemnation.
- THESAURUS:-criticism, disapproval, condemnation, denunciation, deprecation, scorn, contempt.
- antonym: approval.
frugal ,adj
- thrifty: characterized by thriftiness and avoidance of waste.
- meager: involving very little expense .
- THESAURUS:-thrifty, prudent, sparing, careful, penny-wise, parsimonious, stingy, meager, economical, tight, penny-pinching (UK, informal)
- antonym: profligate.
haughty ,adj
- condescending: behaving in a superior, condescending, or arrogant way.
- THESAURUS:-supercilious, proud, arrogant, snooty (informal), conceited, self-important, superior, stuck-up (informal), self-aggrandizing, high and mighty, condescending.
- antonym: humble.
haphazard ,adj
-unplanned: happening or done in a way that has not been planned.
- THESAURUS:-random, hit-or-miss, chaotic, slapdash, disorganized, messy, jumbled, all over the place (informal), arbitrary, indiscriminate, unsystematic, irregular, unselective, unplanned, careless.
- antonym: systematic.
scritinize, v
- observe somebody or something closely.
- THESAURUS:- examine, inspect, study, pore over, analyze, dissect, search.
- antonym: glance.
debacle, n
- chaotic failure: a sudden disaster, defeat, or humiliating failure .
- breakup of river ice.
- THESAURUS:-disaster, catastrophe, fiasco, shambles, tragedy, calamity, misfortune, farce.
- antonym: success.
aloof, adj
-remote in manner: uninvolved or unwilling to become involved with other people or events.
-physically remote.
- THESAURUS:-remote, standoffish, reserved, indifferent, distant, detached, unfriendly, cold, unapproachable, proud, snooty (informal), lofty.
- antonym: friendly.
-separate, remote, distant, set apart, away, independent.
- antonym: close.
mitigate, v
-partly excuse crime: to make an offense or crime less serious.
-lessen something: to make something less harsh, severe, or violent.
-THESAURUS:-alleviate, lessen, ease, allay, moderate, take the edge off, diminish, tone down, dull, soften, assuage, relieve, mollify, abate (formal or literary), palliate.
- antonym: aggravate.
disdain, n
- intense scorn: extreme contempt or disgust for something or somebody.
- look down on somebody or something.
- THESAURUS:-scorn, contempt, derision, condescension, disparagement, disregard, aloofness.
- antonym: respect.
rethoric, n.
-persuasive speech or writing.
-pretentious words: complex or elaborate language that only succeeds in sounding pretentious.
-empty talk.
- THESAURES:-oratory, public speaking, speechifying, speechmaking
bombast, pomposity, grandiloquence, fustian, orotundity, magniloquence
language, expression, style, idiom, words, vocabulary, speech, writing.
redundant, adj
-superfluous: not or no longer needed.
-repeating meaning.
-backup: fitted as a backup.
- THESAURUS:-laid off, let go, out of work, out of a job, jobless, fired, dismissed, terminated.
- antonym: employed.
-superfluous, outmoded, disused, surplus, unneeded, unnecessary, uncalled-for, unwanted.
articulate, adj
-communicate something: to express thoughts, ideas, or feelings coherently.
-speak distinctly,speak intelligibly.
- THESAURUS:-eloquent, clear, coherent, fluent, lucid, expressive, communicative.
- antonym: inarticulate.