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38 Cards in this Set

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Windows PowerShell providers
With Windows PowerShell providers, you can access data stores,
such as the registry and Active Directory, as easily as you access the file system
You can add functionality to Power Shell by importing what
by importing modules/snapins
You can open the Active Directory Module For Windows PowerShell from the Administrative Tools program group, or you can import the module into
a PowerShell session by typing the following command
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Are cmdlets in power shell case-sensitive
What naming convetion cmdlets use
Verb-Noun aka Action-Object format
Noun is always singular

Active Directory nouns begin with AD what cmdlet you can use to list them
Get-Command -Noun AD* | More
to list all of the commands in the Active Directory for Windows PowerShell. To list the commands in the module, type the following command:
Get-Command -Module ActiveDirectory
‑Identity parameter
-Identity parameter is used by most Active Directory cmdlets to reference a specific object

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "cn=Sales,ou=Groups,dc=contoso,dc=com"
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Sales
Get-Help cmdlet
When you find a cmdlet that appears to support a task you want to perform, you can expose
the documentation for the cmdlet using the Get-Help cmdlet

Get-Help Get-ADGroupMember
optional parameters of Get-Help
-Examples Shows usage examples of the cmdlet

-Detailed Shows detailed information about the cmdlet and each of its parameters,
as well as examples

-Full Shows all documentation of the cmdlet
get help, including examples, about the New-ADGroupMember cmdlet
Get-Help Get-ADGroupMember -detailed
The following command returns
an object representing the user with the sAMAccountName mike.fitz:
Get-ADUser -Identity mike.fitz
In Windows PowerShell, variable names are preceded by a
In Windows PowerShell, variable names are preceded by a dollar sign ($).
The variable name itself is not case sensitive.

To assign a variable—that is, to create and define a variable—simply use the following
$variable = value
Windows PowerShell has built-in variables, including the following:
$true Boolean true
$false Boolean false
$error Contains the error object of the most recent error
Windows PowerShell features a pipeline:
a channel through which the output of
a cmdlet can be passed to the following cmdlet on the same command line. The pipeline is
represented by the pipe character (|).
For example, type the following to disable the account for Mike Fitzmaurice:
Get-ADUser mike.fitz | Set-ADUser -Enabled $false
Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet returns a collection of objects representing group members. To disable the accounts of all users in the Sales group, type the following command
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Sales | Set-ADUser -Enabled $false
Often, the pipeline is extended to more than one line to improve readability. There are several ways to enter one line of a pipeline and then continue the pipeline on a subsequent line:
The tick mark (`)
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Sales | `
Set-ADUser -Enabled $false

The pipe symbol (|)
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Sales |
Set-ADUser -Enabled $false

Curly braces ({})
gsv is an alias
gsv is an alias for Get-Service, a cmdlet that returns a collection of
services on a system.
list all aliases
Get-Alias lists all aliases in the current PS session
Windows PowerShell automatically creates a PSDrive for each drive letter already defined by Windows
PS also creates PSDrives for commonly required resources
to PSDrives create autmatically by PS for
To list the PSDrives that have been created
type Get-PSDrive.
Active Directory PowerShell Provider
Windows Server 2008 R2 adds a provider for AD, so you can navigate AD as folders on a disk volume. To use the Active Directory
provider, type the following command:
cd AD:
The prompt changes to PS AD:\>
PS cmd that uses AD PSDrives to navigate to the domain partition for the contoso.com domain type
cd "dc=contoso,dc=com"
PS cmd that uses AD PSDrives to navigate to the User Accounts OU, type
the following command:

To create a new OU for Contractors in the User Accounts OU, type the following command
cd "ou=User Accounts"

md "ou=Contractors
To create a user account for Mary North, type the following command

For example, to create a user account for Mary North in the User
Accounts OU, type the following command
New-ADUser -Name "Mary North"

New-ADUser -Path "ou=User Accounts,dc=contoso,dc=com" -Name "Mary North"
-SAMAccountName "mary.north"
In order to create an user account using a template
1st you need to create a reference to the template account
2nd create the account based on the template
1)$user = Get-ADUser "CN=_Sales Template,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com"
-Properties MemberOf,Title,Department,Company,PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName
2)New-ADUser -path "ou=User Accounts,dc=contoso,dc=com" -Instance $user -Name "Mary North"
-SAMAccountName "mary.north"
Set-ADUser cmdlet
provides parameters for the most commonly used attributes. For less commonly used attributes, the –Add, -Replace, -Clear, and -Remove parameters provide direct access to all attributes
you can use the -Identity parameter of the cmdlet to change Mary North email
Set-ADUser -Identity mary.north -EmailAddress "mary.north@contoso.com"


Get-ADUser -Identity mary.north | Set-ADUser -EmailAddress "mary.north@contoso.com"
dot notation
A dot (.) separates the object from the LDAP name of the property
cmdlet to change or reset a password
and switch to reset
Set-ADAccountPassword cmdlet

Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity "mary.north" -Reset
Windows PowerShell does not allow a cmdlet to receive a secret, such as a password,
in a plain text parameter. It must be passed securely. Therefore, if you want to include
the password in the command line, it must be converted to a secure string before it can be used as a password parameter
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity "mary.north" -Reset
-NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Pa$$w0rd" -Force)
Import a csv file with PS

John Woods,john.woods,Johnathan,Woods
Kim Akers,kim.akers,Kimberly,Akers
import-csv "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\newusers.csv" | New-ADUser

You can even add parameters, as in the following example:
import-csv "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\newusers.csv" | New-ADUser -organization Contoso
create a new OU called Employees in the User Accounts OU.
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name Employees
-Path "ou=User Accounts,dc=contoso,dc=com"
-ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true
Which cmdlet deletes a user?
cmd to query all users with the word Miami in the description field of their account

cmd to modify the office for all users with the word Miami on the description field
dsquery user -desc "*Miami*"

dsquery user -desc "*Miami*" | dsmod user -office "Sydney"
get all users with description containing "Sidney" and display their samid
dsquery user -desc "*Sydney*" | dsget user -samid -upn
Using Get-ADUser and -Filter find all users with office Sidney

change their account to enabled
Get-ADUser -Filter {office -eq "Sydney"}

Get-ADUser -Filter {office -eq "Sydney"} | Set-ADUser -enabled $true