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17 Cards in this Set

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You send data to a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service from a BizTalk Server 2010 application. You generate supporting artifacts for calling the service from Microsoft Visual Studio by using the Consume WCF Service wizard. You modify the names used in the orchestration to SendWCFPort for the port and to TransmitData for the port operation. In the orchestration, you set the context property BTS.Operation to the operation name. You deploy the BizTalk projects and import the generated binding file to create the send port. You need to configure the SOAP action header for the send port that calls the WCF service. Which operation should be specified in the SOAP action header XML?

A. SendData

B. TransmitData

C. SendWCFPort\SendData

D. SendWCFPort\TransmitData
Answer: B
You are integrating BizTalk Server 2010 with a secure Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that does not have metadata exchange (MEX) enabled. The web service provider distributes an XML schema with a root node named SecretData without a namespace for the data provided by the web service. You generate a BizTalk schema based on the XML schema. You finish developing the application and deploy it for integration testing. When testing the service, you trace the messages received from the service. You see that the response message is within a single element named SecureResponse. SOAP elements wrap the response message and the SecureResponse element. You need to specify the inbound message body properties to ensure that the message can be received. What should you do?

A. Choose the Body option. Add the useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress service behavior.

B. Choose the Envelope option. Add the soapProcessing endpoint behavior with the property processMessages=True.

C. Choose the Path option. For the body path expression, specify /*[local-name()='SecureResponse']/*[local-name()='SecretData'].

D. Choose the Path option. For the body path expression, specify /*[local-name()='SecretData']. Add the soapProcessing endpoint behavior with the property processMessages=True.
Answer: C
You use the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard to expose a BizTalk Server 2010 orchestration as a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. It is exposed with the WCF-BasicHttp binding and a corresponding receive location is created. The outcome of a recent IT audit has required the use of the WCF-WSHttp binding instead of WCF-BasicHttp. You need to fulfill the audit requirements. What should you do?

A. Use the WCF Service Publishing Wizard to republish the orchestration. Select WCF-WSHttp as the transport type.

B. Use the WCF Service Publishing Wizard to republish the orchestration. Use the Metadata only endpoint (MEX) to publish the metadata for the previously created receive location.

C. In the BizTalk Administration console, modify the receive location and select WCF-WSHttp. Configure the updated port with the endpoint address (URI) of the deployed WCF service.

D. In the BizTalk Administration console, modify the receive location and select WCF-Custom. Configure the updated port with the endpoint address (URI) of the deployed WCF service. Change the binding type to wsHttpBinding.
Answer: A
You create a BizTalk Server 2010 application that consumes a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. This service uses BasicHttpBinding. An orchestration in the application occasionally processes messages of variable size. You need to accommodate the variable message sizes by specifying the timeout value. Which context property should you use?

A. WCF.TimeToLive

B. WCF.OpenTimeout

C. WCF.LeaseTimeout

D. WCF.SendTimeout
Answer: D
A company uses BizTalk Server 2010 to consume a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The service uses a WCF custom endpoint behavior to authenticate requests to the service. You add the endpoint behavior to the global assembly cache (GAC). The companys IT policy prohibits modification of files under the Windows folder. You need to ensure that the endpoint behavior for the send port can be specified. Where should you register the endpoint behavior?

A. in the registry

B. in the WCF send handler

C. in the machine.config file

D. in the BTSNTSvc.exe.config file
Answer: B
A BizTalk Server 2010 orchestration consumes a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. A request-response call to the WCF service is made inside a non-transactional scope. The scope has an exception handler that has its Exception Object Type property set to the type of the fault operation returned from the service. The handler receives the fault message. The WCF service throws a typed fault exception named WidgetException. You need to extract the exceptions detail node from the fault message. What should you do in the WCF send port configuration?

A. Set the Propagate Fault Message option to True. Specify the source of the inbound WCF message body by selecting BizTalk Request Message Body.

B. Set the Propagate Fault Message option to True. Specify the source of the inbound BizTalk message body by selecting Envelope (soap:Envelope).

C. Set the Propagate Fault Message option to True. Specify the source of the outbound WCF message body by selecting Template. In the XML expression box, enter the XML of the WidgetException message.

D. Set the Propagate Fault Message option to True. Specify the source of the inbound BizTalk message body by selecting Path and entering the XPath expression for the WidgetException node.
Answer: D
You are developing a BizTalk Server 2010 orchestration that consumes a web service located at http: //localhost/ProcessData.asmx. The orchestration contains a non-transactional scope with an exception handler that handles any SOAP exceptions returned from the web service. The orchestration then completes successfully. After the orchestration completes with exceptions, you notice that the original messages posted to the web service are suspended in the BizTalk Administration console. You need to ensure that the messages are not suspended but are saved in an archive file on a shared server. What should you do?

A. In the Administration console, change the send pipeline to PassThruTransmit and enable Ordered delivery in the transport options.

B. In the Administration console, modify the SOAP send port and enable routing for failed messages. Create a FILE send port with filters ErrorReport.ErrorType==FailedMessage and ErrorReport.OutboundTransportLocation==http://localhost/ProcessData.asmx.

C. In Orchestration Designer, modify the SOAP exception handler to send a copy of the original message to a new send port that will transmit the message as a file.

D. In Orchestration Designer, set Delivery Notification to Transmitted on the request/response port that sends the SOAP message. Create an exception handler with exception type DeliveryFailureException. In the handler, send a copy of the original message to a new send port that will transmit the message as a file.
Answer: B
A car manufacturer, HWLC Motors, has outfitted its Sport Utility Vehicle
(SUV) lineup with FireBridge tires. Unfortunately, this line of FireBridge
tires had a factory recall on them due to factory defects. The FireBridge
Company has exposed a WCF Service that car manufacturers can use to
order replacement tires. Due to the popularity of these FireBridge tires their
WCF Service is very busy and service requests are taking longer to complete.
HWLC Motors is using BizTalk and have noticed that they are receiving
some client-side timeouts as a result of the service execution times increasing.
What should HWLC do to their BizTalk configuration?

a. In the WCF Send Port, they should increase the Open timeout property

b. In the WCF Send Port, they should decrease the Send timeout property

c. In the WCF Send Port, they should increase the Send timeout property

d. In the BTSNTSvc.exe.config file, the ServiceCallTimeOut property
value should be increased
Answer: c
When a service is taking a longer time than we expect to complete, we need
to increase the Send timeout property, which will allow our Send Port to wait
longer before throwing a timeout exception.
Tom, a developer for HWLC Motors, has been given strict BizTalk naming
conventions by his boss Mikael. Tom has just consumed the third party
financing WCF Service in BizTalk using the WCF-BasicHttp binding. In order
to comply with Mikael's naming convention, Tom renames the operation,
on the logical port used to communicate with the WCF Service, from
ThirdPartyFinanceApproval to External_ ThirdPartyFinanceApproval.
Tom then compiles/deploys his application and then imports the Binding
File that was generated during the Consume WCF Service Wizard. Upon
running the service for the first time, Tom discovers a runtime error and
attributes it to the mismatch between his logical port naming and the SOAP
Action header that is configured in his WCF Send Port. What must he do to
resolve the problem?

a. Re-run the Consume WCF Service wizard and specify an operation
name of External_ ThirdPartyFinanceApproval.

b. Ask the makers of the third party financing service to add the
UseCustomOperation property to the services' web.config.

c. In the WCF Send Port, remove the SOAP Action header entirely.
BizTalk will then rely upon its Pub/Sub architecture to route
the message.

d. Update the WCF Send Port's SOAP Action header and change the
operation name to External_ ThirdPartyFinanceApproval.
Answer: d
As we changed our logical port's Operation name inside of our Orchestration
and deployed it, our only option is to update the Physical Send Port's SOAP
Action header so that it matches the value that we specified inside our
Richard, another developer at HWLC Motors has consumed the Custom
Paint Service from his BizTalk Orchestration using the WCF-BasicHttp
binding. He has configured this application to catch Typed Exceptions from
the Paint Service. However, when a Paint service exception is thrown, it ends
up getting suspended inside of the BizTalk Administration Console and
never makes it back into his BizTalk Application. How should he fix it?

a. In the WCF Send Port he should enable the Propagate fault
message property.

b. He should change his WCF Send Port to use the WCF-Custom
Adapter instead due to its additional exception handling capabilities.

c. In his WCF Send Port, he should modify the Outbound WCF
message body to use a template. In this template, he will provide the
name of the Paint Service Exception he expects to receive back from
the service.

d. He needs to run the Consume WCF Adapter wizard again this time
enabling the Use Custom Exceptions feature.
Answer: a
We need to configure our Send Port to pass on the exception that we received
from the Custom Paint service. In order to do this, we need to enable the
Propagate fault message inside our Send Port's configuration.
Tom has exposed an Orchestration as a WCF Service and has chosen to
use the WCF-BasicHttp adapter when running the BizTalk WCF Service
Publishing wizard. He has successfully deployed and configured his
application. Mikael, his boss, has decided he would like to use the
WCF-WSHttp adapter instead due to the additional security features
that are available. What must Tom do in order to successfully use the
WCF-WSHttp adapter?

a. In the BizTalk Administration Console, Tom needs to modify his
WCF Receive Location to use the WCF-WSHttp adapter instead.

b. Run the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing wizard again, this time
selecting the WCF-WSHttp Adapter.

c. In the BizTalk Administration Console, Tom needs to modify his
WCF Receive Location to use the WCF-Custom adapter. Inside
the Receive Location's configuration he must set the binding to

d. No change is required. The WCF-BasicHttp adapter can also leverage
the WCF-WSHttp security features.
Answer: b
Our only option in this case is to actually re-run the BizTalk WCF Service
Publishing wizard. The reason for this is when this wizard generates our
WCF Service and related folder in the c:\inetpub folder, references to the
Adapter we selected in the wizard exist.
HWLC has changed its policy around processing orders from individual
dealerships. Dealerships used to be able to submit order requests throughout
the day. Now dealerships are being asked to submit orders once per day. It
is expected that some busy dealerships may be sending messages that are
more than 1048576 bytes (1 mb). What setting(s) need to be changed inside
of HWLC's WCF two-way Receive Location?

a. WCF two-way Receive Locations cannot accept messages that large.
Instead, a one-way Receive Location and a one-way Send Port should
be used instead.

b. The Open timeout needs to be increased to satisfy these new

c. The Maximum received message size needs to be increased to satisfy
these new requirements.

d. All dealerships must increase the Send timeout in their client
applications in order to satisfy these new requirements.
Answer: c
The default message size that a WCF Receive Location can handle is 65,536
bytes. If we are planning on receiving a message that is larger than this value
then we need to increase the Maximum received message size value.
Stephen has just deployed a new application in HWLC's Production
environment. This particular application uses a Custom Behavior to
authenticate service requests from a third party Customer Relationship
System (CRM). He needs to specify this endpoint behavior for this service
but is unable to modify the server's machine.config file. Where else can he
register this endpoint behavior?

a. Registry

b. BTSNTSvc.exe.config

c. WCF Send Handler

d. Web.config
Answer: c
The WCF Send Handler provides the ability to import a WCF Extension/
Custom Behavior. We can access this function by clicking on the Properties
button inside the WCF Custom Send Handler.
Kim, a HWLC BizTalk developer, has been asked to consume a third party
Web Service, over the Internet that is written in Java hosted on the Unix
platform. Which WCF binding do you suggest she use?

a. BasicHttpBinding

b. NetTcpBinding

c. NetNamedPipeBinding

d. NetPeerTcpBinding
Answer: a
Of the answers available for this question, the BasicHttpBinding is the most
interoperable binding.
Alan has just developed a BizTalk Application that will communicate with a
third party finance WCF Service. At the last minute, the third party financing
company added a new root node to their existing Request Schema. Alan's
application has just gone live and he is receiving errors due to a mismatch
between the message he is sending and the message the third party financing
application is expecting. What should Alan do to solve this problem without
deploying any application(s)?

a. Re-consume the WCF Service from Visual Studio, recompile and
deploy the application

b. In his Send Port, specify an Outbound WCF Message Body Template
and include this new root node

c. Change the existing Send Port to use the PassThruTransmit Pipeline

d. Build another WCF Service to intercept the BizTalk request and then
pass through a request that conforms to the third party financing
application's specification
Answer: b
WCF-based Send Ports provide the ability to alter an outbound message
by specifying an XML template. By using this template we can wrap our
message with additional XML tags that will conform to the third party
financing company's specification.
You have just exposed a BizTalk Orchestration as a WCF Service to IIS
and have enabled anonymous access to the service. You have started the
application in the BizTalk Administration Console and all required Host
Instances have been started. When you browse to your WCF Service's URL in
a Web Browser you are presented with an error. What could the problem be
based upon the following options?

a. You have not restarted IIS.

b. You need to add your user name to the authorization section of the
service's Web.config.

c. The Default Application Pool's identity does not have sufficient
permissions. You need to create and use an Application Pool that
uses the same identity as the BizTalk Isolated Host Instance.

d. WCF Services cannot have anonymous access enabled.
Answer: c
When the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard runs, it will create a Web
Application inside IIS. The problem is that the Web Application will use
the Default Application pool. Unless this Default Application pool has been
modified to use the identity of the BizTalk Isolated Host Instance account, the
Application Pool will not have sufficient BizTalk rights to launch our Web
Service in a browser.
Javid has just finished exposing his BizTalk Orchestration as a WCF Service
using the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard. He has also deployed
his application to his BizTalk server and ensured all related assemblies have
been added to the Global Assembly Cache. Calvin, a business analyst with
HWLC, has just informed Javid that he needs to add another field to his Web
Service Request Schema called DateRequiredBy. Javid has added this field
to his Web Service Request Schema, compiled his BizTalk solution and then
has re-run the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard. When prompted,
he selects the updated BizTalk assembly that includes his Web Service
Request Schema and new DateRequiredBy field. In Javid's test application,
he consumes his updated Web Service to discover that his DateRequiredBy
field has not been published. What must he do in order to have the
DateRequiredBy field published?

a. Before re-running the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard,
he needs to restart his Host Instance that he has configured his
Orchestration to use

b. He must restart Internet Information Services (IIS) after re-publishing
his WCF Service

c. Before re-running the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard,
Javid must add his updated assembly that contains his Schema,
to the GAC

d. In order to update a WCF Service that has been exposed by the
BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard, he must delete the original
Virtual Directory from IIS
Answer: c
The BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard will use the latest version of our
Schema's assembly that is in the GAC. It is not enough to just recompile our
Application and then select the most recent assembly.