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65 Cards in this Set

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A lengthy, formal type of letter found in the New Testament is called an _____.
Many of the letters in the New Testament were written by _____.
Epistles were written in order to _____.
1. encourage Christians  2. teach about Christ 3. instruct Christians in the faith
Some of the early Christians, Paul the Apostle wrote to, were the _____.
1. Philippians 2. Galatians 3. Corinthians
Paul wrote to the early Christians who were his _____.
Paul’s writing to the community at Ephesus was written to _____.
help them in their faith
_____ is the saving activity of God setting humankind free from sin and death.
Our redemption comes through the power of the _____ of Christ on the cross.
Paul told the Ephesians that they were sealed with the promised _____.
Holy Spirit
We have been _____ sealed with the Promised Holy Spirit.
We are _____.
1.  chosen by God 2. adopted as God’s children 3. redeemed in Jesus Christ
Paul’s writings sometimes addressed _____.
1. a problem faced by the Christian community 2. the need for instruction in matters of faith   3. the encouragement and support of his converts
The _____ also contains letters written by other early Christians besides Paul.
New Testament
Diocesan newspapers help Catholic families _____.
1. understand the Church’s teachings 2. make informed decisions 3. live the Catholic faith
Through _____ bishops instruct the faithful about Catholic teachings.
pastoral letters
The Church remembers and celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles on _____.
The Church is _____.
1. the Body of Christ 2. the People of God 3. the Temple of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit _____.
has always been at work in the world
The work, or mission, of Jesus and the Holy Spirit _____ be separated from one another.
On Pentecost, the disciples were filled with ____.
1. enthusiasm 2. the Holy Spirit
On Pentecost, the Church _____.
was born
At Mass, we profess our faith in the _____ Church.
1. one 2. holy 3. apostolic 4. catholic
The mark of “holy” means that the Church _____.
1. lives in communion with God 2. is a holy nation of God’s people 3. has the Spirit to help us live holy lives
A mark of the Church that tells us that Jesus is the Savior of all people is _____.
There is a(n) _____ succession between the apostles and their successors, the popes and bishops.
We use the image of the Church as a mother because the Church _____.
teaches us and nourishes us
A formal letter written by the pope or authorized by him is an _____.
a.       encyclical
The _____ is one image of the Church meaning those God has chosen to be his own.
People of God
  The Church is the Communion of _____.
The Communion of Saints includes all the faithful _____.
1. on earth 2. in heaven 3. in purgatory
The Church shares in the one faith revealed in _____ and passed on in Sacred Tradition.
Sacred Scripture, or Bible
The source of the Church’s life and unity is the _____.
Holy Spirit
_____ teaches that the Church is the Body of Christ.
_____ is the Head of the Church.
Jesus Christ
Jesus gave _____ the responsibility to be the shepherd of the whole Church on earth.
All the members of the Church, including the _____, form the one Body of Christ.
1. laity, or church members 2. religious communities 3. ordained priests
 Each member of the Church has different gifts and _____ to build up the Church.
Graces of the Holy Spirit given to build up the Church are called _____.
The Church is the _____ of the Holy Spirit.
The pope’s ministry includes the responsibility to _____.
1. keep the Church together as one 2. keep the Church faithful to the truth of Jesus 3. strengthen and encourage his brothers and sisters
All the people of the Church join together to prepare for the coming of _____.
the kingdom of God
We continue the work of Christ in the world when we _____.
1.       pray 2. prepare for the kingdom of God 3. live as followers of Jesus
The angel who told Mary that she was to be Jesus’ mother was _____.
Mary is honored by the Church because she is _____.
1.        a great model of faith 2. one who freely believed 3. one who followed God’s will
Mary is the mother of _____.
1.        God 2. Jesus 3. the Church
Our belief that Mary was born free from original sin is called the _____.
Immaculate Conception
Our belief that Mary was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven is called the _____.
At the foot of the cross, Jesus entrusted his mother to the _____ disciple.
In the tradition of the Church, we believe that _____, the beloved disciple, wrote the Fourth Gospel.
Jesus _____.
1.        is the second person of the Holy Trinity 2. became human in all things except sin 3. is the child of the Virgin Mary
People of faith fill the pages of the _____.
1.        Old Testament 2. New Testament 3. Bible
Throughout the year, we honor Mary by celebrating special _____.
feast days
The _____ is a prayer of meditation on the mysteries of the lives of Mary and Jesus.
When we pray the rosary, we place ourselves in the main events, or mysteries of _____.
On January 1st, we celebrate the feast of _____.
the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on _____.
December 8th
In the New Testament, there are _____ written accounts of the Gospel.
The Gospel tells about the _____ Jesus.
1.  life and teachings of 2. death and resurrection of 3. good news of our salvation in
The four accounts of the Gospel tell about the life of Jesus from four _____ perspectives.
Jesus clearly teaches us that only those who _____ will enter the kingdom of God.
love others
The opportunity after death to purify oneself of weaknesses and grow in love of God is called _____.
Eternal separation from God is called _____.
Everlasting life in communion with God is fully realized in _____.
We separate ourselves from Christ by _____.
1.  forgetting about the needy 2. turning our back on society’s outcasts 3. looking out only for ourselves
We are merciful when we reach out to the _____.
1.        hungry and thirsty 2. those without shelter and clothing 3. the sick 4. those in prison