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102 Cards in this Set

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systemic veins

the blood from all parts of the body except that coming from the lungs return to the heart by way of ________

precaval veins

from the sinus venosus, it extends laterally along the border of the auricle and then passes through the pleuroperitoneal membrane

external jugular vein

most anterior tribulatory which comes from the muscles of the floor of the mouth

maxillary vein

lateral branch coming from the angles of the jaws

received blood from the thyroid glands

aka mandibular

lingual vein

anterior and medial branch draining blood from the tongue, hyoid and floor of the buccal cavity

innonimate vein

middle tribulatory of the pre-cava which receives the small subscapular vein from the shoulder muscle

internal jugular vein

beyond the junction of the small subrascapular vein from the shoulder

it collects blood from the brain and spinal cord, the roof of the mouth, the muscles nearby and the tissues beneath the parotid gland


the vein from the shoulder muscle

subclavian vein

the main posterior tributary of the pre-cava which receives two small tributaries

brachial vein

collecting venous blood from the forelimb

musculo-cutaneous vein

which turns abruptly downward and is formed by two main tributaries, the muscular vein and the cutaneous vein coming from the muscles and skin respectively of the dorsal and ventro-lateral regions of the body

postcaval vein

follow the vein posteriorly from the sinus venosus to the liver

hepatic veins

one from the right lobe and the other into the liver (2)

renal veins

between the two kidneys

hepatic portal system

the blood before reaching the heart has to pass through the capillaries of the liver

renal portal system

the blood has to pass through the capillaries of the kidneys

renal portal vein

a very conspicuous vein along the outer lateral edge of each kidney

oviducal vein

this is found in a female toad

these are tributaries from the mesovarium or the oviducts which can be identified by tracing the renal portal vein posteriorly

dorso-lumbar vein

twi conspicuous veins from the muscle wall

it joins the renal portal vein at above the posterior one-fourth level of the kidney and posterior to the kidney and limbs

femoral vein

it branches from the renal portal vein which is the outer of the two branches which is larger than the inner one

this can be traced posteriorly to the lower portions of the hindlimbs as the main drainage of the blood

sciatic vein

the inner branch of the renal portal vein parallel to the femoral vein

this collect the blood mainly from the muscle of the posterior portion of the thigh

pelvic vein

the ventral branch of the femoral vein

ventral abdominal vein

the union of the two pelvic veins which runs along the posterior wall of the body cavity towards the median ventral line immediately below the abdominal wall joining the hepatic portal vein at the level of the liver

it serves as a connection between the renal and hepatic portal system so that venous blood from the hind limbs may return to the heart either by way of the kidneys or by way of the liver

vesical vein

this is the tributary coming from the urinary bladder and several small veins from the muscle of the ventral body wall

hepatic portal system

this system is closely associated with the digestive system

gastric veins

coming from the stomach and two in number, one comes from the ventral surface of the stomach (right) and the other from the dorsal surface of the same organ (left)

pancreatic veins

receiving blood from the pancreas

intestinal veins

coming from the small intestines, spreading fan-like

anterior hemorrhoidal vein

coming from the large intestine


a short and small vein coming from the spleen

aka lineal vein

pulmonary veins

two short straight vessels found running from the inner border of the base of each lung obliquely towards the sinus venosus

arterial system

carries blood away from the heart towards the different parts of the body

conus arteriousus

the swollen structure arising from the base of the right side of the ventricle and passing obliquely across the auricles

truncus arteriosus

two branches of the conus arteriosus

carotid arch

most anterior of three arches

conveys arterial blood to the head region

aka common carotid artery

external carotid artery

a smaller medial branch which supplies blood from the tongue, hyoid apparatus, thyroid gland, various muscles at the floor of the mouth and posterior region of the jaws

aka lingual artery

internal carotid artery

at the point of forking locate a pigmented oval body, the carotid gland

systemic arch

this is the middle arch

laryngeal artery

the first small branch from the systemic arch which goes to the laryngeal prominence and also supplies to the esophagus

occipito-vertebral artery

the systemic arch proceeds dorsally and curves posteriorly

occipital artery

right at the base where it forks out from vertebral artery

gives forth a small going to the brain passing through the foramen magnum

vertebral artery

this artery proceeds alongside the vertebral column on the dorsal part and supplies branches to the muscle along the vertebral column and to the vertebrae

subclavian artery

which goes to the forelimbs to several muscles to the otic region

dorsal aorta

grows out to the nearby region of the esophagus, the esophageal artery

coeliaco-mesentric artery

a big branch to the digestive organs immediately after the dorsal aorta

coeliac artery

the anterior branch of the coeliaco-mesentery

left gastric artery

going to the ventral part of the stomach

right gastric artery

going to the dorsal side of the stomach and pancreas

hepatic artery

going to the liver and the gall bladder

anterior mesenteric artery

the posterior branch of the coeliaco mesentery

lineal artery

a branch coming from the anterior mesenteric artery followed by a duodenal branch to the duodenum, and continues posteriorly from a distance

aka splenic artery

anterior haemorrhoidal artery

a branch from the splenic artery at a distance from the duodenum and then splits into three or four smaller arteries going to the anterior portion of the large intestine

urogenital artery

supply the kidneys, flat bodies and the gonads and their ducts

lumbar artery

go to the dorsal body wall, originating from the dorsal aorta

common iliac artery

locate the small posterior mesenteric artery that goes to the posterior portion of the large intestine

epigastrico-vesical artery

it supplies branches to the muscles of the lateral ventral abdominal wall, urinary bladder and cloaca

femoral artery

small branch going to the muscles at the base of the thigh

sciatic artery

continuation of the femoral artery at the remaining regions of the hindlimb, a large and well develop artery

pulmo-cutaneous arch

most posterior arch

pulmonary artery

a short artery that goes to the lungs

cutaneous artery

it proceeds outwardly and anteriorly and disappears in front of the shoulder and comes out infront of the suprascapula

external anatomy of the heart

remove the pericardial sac, both the parietal pericardium and the visceral pericardium

conical ventricle

posterior portion

two atria (left and right)

anterior to the ventricle

bulbos cordis

ventral side of the right antrium

aka conus arteriousus

sinus vinosus

two pre-canal veins and the postcaval vein empty

cerebral hemisphere

a pair of elongated bodies which are separated from each other by a median groove

posterior to the olfactory lobes

twixt brain

posterior to the cerebral hemisphere

aka diencephalon


immediately posterior to the twixt brain which is a pair of rounded bodies, the optic lobes

aka mesencephalon


posterior to the optic lobes

a narrow transverse fold

aka metencephalon

medulla oblongata

triangular portion formed by a broadening of the anterior end of the spinal cord

aka myelencephalon

posterior to the cerebellum

optic chiasma

the crossing of the fibers of the two optic nerves which supply the retina of the eyes


a bilobed, flat structure which forms the ventral extension of the diecephalon

posterior to the optic chiasma


attached to the infundibulum

sometimes is not seen for it may be left in the sells turcica

aka pituitary body

first and second ventricles

can be seen in the cerebral hemisphere on the lateral ventricles one in each hemisphere


cavities in the brain

central canal

cavity of the spinal cord

third ventricle

can be seen in the twixt brain by means of the foramen Monroe

optic ventricles

the cavities of the optic lobes

aka optocoeles

fourth ventricle

this is the cavity in the medulla which is the largest ventricle

it communicates anteriorly with the third ventricle and the optocoeles

spinal cord

the extension of the medulla oblongata until its terminal end

filum terminale

the terminal end of the spinal cord which is a tapering portion which occupies the cavity of the urostyle

brachial enlargement

the anterior enlargement of the spinal cord that is short and somewhat flattened where the nerves which supply the forelimbs originate

lumbar enlargement

the posterior enlargement from where the nerves that supply the hindlimbs originate

spinal nerves

arising from the sides of the spinal cord

brachial plexus

the first three pairs that supply the forelimb which is fused

abdominal nerves

the 4th, 5th and 6th pairs are separate

lumbo-sacral plexus

the last four pairs found on either side parallel to the urostyle which is fused, this supply the hindlimbs

cauda equina

at the posterior end of the spinal cord the roots of the spinal nerves become crowded; the latter together with the filum terminale form this

dura mater

the outer membrane (meninges)

pia mater

inner substance

aka secondary merinx

subdural space

the space between the two membranes which in life is filled with cerebrospinal fluid that fills the central canal of the spinal cord and ventricles of the brain

gray matter

trapezoidal in shape

occupies the central region of the cord

dorsal and ventral columns

the four corners of the trapezoidal gray matter

white matter

the rest of spinal cord substance surrounding the gray matter

central canal

a small canal found at the central region of the cross section of the spinal cord

ventral columns

found at corner of the trapezoidal gray matter which is much broad and contain the large motor cells

dorsal columns

narrower than the ventral columns

ventral fissure

it nearly separates the spinal cord into two symmetrical halves which continues as the ventral septum

it is deeper and encloses the ventral spinal artery

dorsal fissure

is shallow and is continuous by a narrow septum composed of loose tissue toward the central canal

ependymal cell

the mass of cells surrounding the central canal

ventral spinal artery

the small blood vessel below the ventral fissure