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17 Cards in this Set

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what are the cellular genes called that govern the cell growth and mitosis
true or false there is a form of melanoma that has no pigment
true it is called amelanomic
what is the name of a benign tumor like nodule that is composed of cells and tissues that normally occur in tissue?
what is a neoplasm composed of embryonic cells of the tissue/organ?
blastoma (from birth)
what is a malignant growth of epithelial cells infiltrating tissue and giving rise to metastatic lesions called
during what years does the maximal growth occur for a choroidal nevus
prepuberal years
what type of RD can occur with a choroidal nevus
what is it called when there is an increased amount of pigment in the choroid that looks slate gray in color and the lesion is typically flat and oval/circular
choroidal nevus
there is a 95% chance that a choroidal nevus is benign if it is under what size
2 DD
what are some of the findings you may see with a choroidal nevus that is 2DD to 5DD in size
may find elevation, overlying drusen and or subretinal fluid. At this point you should suspect malignancy and perform the necessary tests
what test should be done on a pt that is suspected of having a malignant choroidal nevus?
FA, ultrasound, photodocument, P32 and recall in 6 months
what 2 signs on a 5DD choroidal nevus could you see other than elevation, and drusen that would make you consider it malignant
color changes and feeder vessels
what is the most common primary intraocular tumor in adults
choroidal malignant melanoma
choroidal malignant melanoma is extremely rare in what race?
African Americans
what size is choroidal malignant melanoma usually, when it is first seen?
usually 10DD or larger
is choroidal malignant melanoma usually unilateral or bilateral
true or false a choroidal malignant melanoma can grow so large that it can break through bruchs membrane and appear like a mushroom mass?