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29 Cards in this Set

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Cysts filling the uterus like a bunch of grapes - think:
Complete hydatidiform mole
What causes a hydatidiform mole?
Blighted blastocyst in uterine wall causes trophoblast proliferation/hypertrophy
What tests diagnose hydat. mole?
-Increased hCG
-Seeing Pre-eclampsia
What is pre-eclampsia?
What do complete moles consist of karotypically?
COMPLETELY paternal chromosomes
What is a malignant tumor of trophoblast?
How does Choriocarcinoma present clinically?
Repeated uterine bleeding
What are 3 things that can cause Choriocarcinoma?
-Normal pregnancy
-Hydat mole
How is Choriocarcinoma diagnosed?
High hCG
What is the most common cause of premature labor and oligohydramnios?
Premature rupture of the amniochorionic membrane - breaking of waters
What is placenta previa?
Implantation too low in the uterus
What is a clinical sign of placenta previa?
Repeated episodes of bright red vaginal bleeding
What is Placental abruption?
When a normally implanted placenta prematuraly separates from the uterus before fetal delivery
What is a clinical sign of placental abruption?
3rd trimester bleeding with PAIN
What are 2 risk factors for Placental abruption?
-Maternal smoking
Why is Erythroblastosis fetalis so fatal?
Because the hemolysis of fetal RBCs releases lots of bilirubin which damages the brain
What is Oligohydramnios by definition?
<400 ml of amniotic fluid in late pregnancy
What are 2 possible results of oligohydramnios?
-Potters sequence
-Hypoplastic lungs
What is the usual cause of oligohydramnios?
The fetus fails to MAKE amniotic fluid because of RENAL AGENESIS
What is Polyhydramnios by definition?
2000 ml of amniotic fluid in late pregnancy
What is the usual cause of polyhydramnios?
Fetus fails to SWALLOW and remove amniotic fluid
What are 2 conditions that would make the fetus unable to swallow amniotic fluid?
-Esophageal atresia
-Anencephaly (lack the reflex)
What is a common MATERNAL condition that can cause polyhydramnios?
What do monozygotic vs dizygotic twins develop from?
mono - from 1 zygote
di - from 2
What do most monozygotic twins have for
-amniotic sac
1 placenta
1 chorion
2 amniotic sacs
What do most dizygotic twins have for
-amniotic sac
What hormone is found in amniotic fluid?
AFP - alpha fetal protein
What is elevated AFP indicative of?
Neural tube defects - anencephaly
What is low AFP indicative of?
Down's syndrome