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60 Cards in this Set

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Is There a Scientific Strategy for Finding a Good Parking Spot?

There's even science to finding a good/the best parking spot!


Bulk commodity

Asia is an important ______ (引擎,动力来源) for the global economy

Asia is an important engine for the global economy


Strengthen market supervision and price monitoring


lead a path of common development

Qionghai City has _______ed its ____s (加快脚步) towards the construction of “beautiful villages

Qionghai City has quickened its steps towards the construction of “beautiful villages

the decision was _____ (made) in _____ of the changing ________ (形势) and to _______ to international practices

the decision was taken in light of the changing situation and to conform to international practices

Special scholarship programs have been ________ed to boost China’s cooperation with developing countries in human resources.

Special scholarship programs have been introduced to boost China’s cooperation with developing countries in human resources.

In my opinion

In my book


Set limits upon


Strengthen quality control

________ (perfect, 优化) their _______ _______ (质量保障) system

optimize their quality assurance system


Strictly follow legal procedures


Quality supervision by the government


further safeguard tenderers’ autonomous rights

the circular ________ed (要求) scientific design of single residential buildings’ houses

the circular required scientific design of single residential buildings’ houses

the circular required a higher quality of residential environment with ____ (良好) security, __________ (实用性) and livability.

the circular required a higher quality of residential environment with good security, practicability and livability.

When your friend/_____ wishes you HBD

When your friend/crush wishes you HBD

Our Party must have the courage to carry out self-______ to make the Party stronger," the article said.

"Our Party must have the courage to carry out self-reform to make the Party stronger," the article said.

Prevention is the ________, but nationwide treatment measures are also ____ of the effort.

Prevention is the priority, but nationwide treatment measures are also part of the effort.

A growing number of cancer ____s in China

A growing number of cancer cases in China


Occupational disease

______s will be made to improve ______ to anti-cancer drugs

Efforts will be made to improve access to anti-cancer drugs

Overall ________s (occurances, frequency) and the mortality rate ___ cancer have _____ed upward in China in recent years

Overall incidences and the mortality rate for cancer have trended upward in China in recent years

Integrated efforts

Coordinated efforts

cancer _________ and treatment

cancer prevention and treatment

promoting _____ ____ing (检测), _________ (诊断) and treatment

promoting early testing, diagnosis and treatment


Reduce misdiagnosis

Driving force

Driving factor

They need to find themselves some goals __ a ______ of _______ (urgently).

They need to find themselves some goals as a matter of urgency

it hits the _____ of post and crossbar

it hits the angle of post and crossbar

Somebody tell Lukaku that De Ligt has a ______.

Somebody tell Lukaku that De Ligt has a family.

Can't help doing

Can't resist doing


Emergency meeting

My right arm felt like it's not ____.

My right arm felt like it's not mine.

Sad and happy, ____ at once.

Sad and happy, both at once.

That's something to be ____ed at and changed.

That's something to be looked at and changed.

It's overwhelming.

It's massive. It takes over.

It changes my life.

My life will be never the same again.

Completely different animal

A world away (from)

Do a part-time job

Work part-time


Traditionally men have ______________ed their lives, never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives.

Traditionally men have compartmentalized their lives, never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives.

Engage the reader on a human _____

Engage the reader on a human level

They focus on one side of the ____ (story, picture)

They focus on one side of the coin


(Happen to) hear (some people say)


Studio/sound system/equipment


The Classic of Poetry

Have suicidal thoughts and rely on ____________ pain killers

Have suicidal thoughts and rely on prescription pain killers


Alternative medicine

Would you ___ (试) acupuncture?

Would you try acupuncture?

Speed up, accelerate

<vt., informal>


A ____ of dirty/clean laundry

A pile of dirty/clean laundry

Seem suspicious

<His explanation definitely _____s _____; my guess is that he's lying.>

His explanation definitely smells fishy; my guess is that he's lying.


A social glue

...is a case in point

...offers an illuminating case in point.

If you say that you _______ the _____ to do something, you mean that you will do it if you feel that it is necessary.

If you say that you reserve the right to do something, you mean that you will do it if you feel that it is necessary.

Particularly thanks to

Would not have been possible without

Great things can happen when...


I feel old.


Busy everyday life

Bustling, teeming everyday life