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31 Cards in this Set

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When there is documentation of a current wound infection due to MRSA and that infection does not have a combination code that includes the casual organism, assign a code from subcategory Z16.11, Resistance to penicillins.

False: assign the appropriate code to identify the condition along with code B95.62, MRSA infection as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere for the MRSA infection

True or false

For patients documented as having MRSA colonization and infection during hospital admission, code Z22.322, carrier or suspected carrier of MRSA.


If a patient is documented as having both MRSA colonization and infection during a hospital admission, code Z22.322, Carrier or suspected carrier of MRSA, and a code for the MRSA infection may both be assigned.


True or false

Categories B95 to B97 are codes that are assigned to identify the cause of diseases classified to other chapters and are to be used as an additional code to identify an organism.


True or False

Colonization means that MSSA or MRSA is present on or in the body without necessarily causing illness.


True or False

A code from subcategory R65.2, severe sepsis, should not be assigned unless severe sepsis or associated acute organ dysfunction is documented.


T o F

The coding of severe sepsis requires one code for the underlying systemic infection

False: it requires two, first a code for the underlying systemic infection, followed by a code from subcategory R65.2, severe sepsis.

When severe sepsis developes during an encounter and it was not present on admission, the underlying systemic infection and the appropriate code from subcategory R65.2 should be assigned as secondary diagnoses.


Urosepsis is a synonymous term with sepsis

False, it is not synonymous with sepsis

An acute organ dysfunction must be associated with sepsis in order to assign the severe sepsis code


T o F

A chronic disorder that results from a problem with the pancreas not secreting insulin properly is called ?

Diabetes Mellitus

The thyroid gland secretes hormones that regulate what?

Metabolism and growth

Diabetes mellitus falls into what block of codes?


When the pancreas does not secrete insulin, the patient typically has type 2 diabetes.



Ketoacidosis is most commonly found in type 2 diabetes.

False: commonly found in type 1 diabetes


Gestational diabetes developes during childhood

False: pregnancy

When hormone selections fall within normal limits but the thyroid itself becomes enlarged, this is known as a what?


Type 1 diabetes is usually referred to as juvenile type, juvenile onset, or what diabetes?

Ketosis prone diabetes

Patients with hypothyroidism are often treated with what medication?


A culture and sensitivity test is used to identify parasitic infections

False: bacterial

Clinical tests used to diagnose tuberculosis include chest x-rays, sputum cultures, and what type of skin tests?


An underlying condition or infection code is sequenced first, followed by manifestation code


Septicimia occurs when there is a systematic infection with the presence of organisms or their toxins in the blood


Asymptomatic HIV cases are coded to code what?


Viral hepatitis include hepatitis what?

A b c d and e

Code block D10-D36 re ports malignant neoplasms

False: benign

When an encounter is for the treatment of the neoplasms, designate the complication as the principle first listed diagnosis.


Different fluids and electrolyte balance are painted by the flow of the Blood through the body


Monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils are all types of granulocytes

False: neutro, eosin , baso

Transcobalamin 2 is a common recessive disease

False it is rare

Thalassemia is a condition in which the white blood cells are not formed or functioning properly and the globulin gene arrangement is affected

False: red blood cells