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50 Cards in this Set

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애기가 떨어질까 겁나요. 이제 겨우 9개월이거든요
I'm afraid of my baby falling off the bed.
제가 부탁한 아기침대와 하이체어 준비되었나요?
Are you ready for the baby cot and high chair that I requested for?
혹시 침대가드도 있나요?
Are there any safety belts for beds?
이거랑 저거 중에 어떤 게 나을까?
Which do you think is better between this and that?
핸드폰이 갑자기 꺼졌어. 충전기 있을까?
My cell phone got cut off. Do you have an I Phone charger ?
조금 있다 주문해도 되지?
May I order after a while?
아이들이 먹을 만한 음식이 뭐가있을까?
Is there a good / healthy menu for children?
얼음물 3잔이랑 차가운 물 3잔 줘
I’d like to order 6 glasses of cold water and three of them should be with ice.
어디 앉아도 상관은 없는데, 해 지는게 잘 보였으면 좋겠어
I don't mind sitting anywhere but I'd like to have a good view of the sunset.
특별히 가고 싶은 식당 있어?
Do you have any restaurant in mind?
이 근처에 괜찮은 한 식당집 있다고 들었어
I heard there is a good seafood restaurant nearby.
어른 넷, 아이 넷, 유아 한 명 위한 자리 있을까?
Do you have room for four adults and five kids?
오늘 밤 여섯시에 9명자리 예약하고 싶어.
I'd like to make a reservation for nine people at six tonight.
석양을 잘 볼 수 있는 창가자리로 줘.
I'd like a window seat with a good view of the sunset, please.
저쪽 테이블로 옮길 수 있어?
Could we move to that table?
얼마나 기다려야 해?
How long will it take?
자리 있어? 그럼 다른 시간은 있어?
May we get a table? Do you have any other spots open?
테라스에 앉고 싶어
I'd like to sit on the terrace.
여기 주문 받아줘.
You may now take our orders.
좀 이따 주문하께.
Give us a little more time.
정해지면 부를께
We’ll call for you when we’re ready.
메뉴 다시 보여줘
Can we check the menu again?
이거 하나 더 줘.
We'd like another one of these.(We'd like one more of these.)
5분 뒤에 다시 와줄래?
Could you come back in five minutes?(Please be back in five minutes.)
조아. 니가 추천하는 걸로 먹으께
All right, I'll have what you recommended.
매운 것 뭐가 좋을까?
Could you recommend something spicy?
이거랑 저거랑 어케 달라?
Could you tell me their differences?
양이 얼마나 돼?
How does this food come in portion?
우리에게 충분해?
Is it enough for us ?
이건 양이 많아?
Does this come in a big portion?
재네들이 먹는 거 모야?
What are they having?
두 그릇으로 나누어 줘
Could we have this in two plates?
앞접시 여러 개 가져다 줄래?.
Could we have some small serving dishes?
음료는 식사와 같이 줘?
Could you bring the drinks with the food?
애들은 매운 거 잘 못먹어. 이건 맵지 않지?
The children aren't really fans of spicy food. This isn't spicy, is it?
후추 갖다 줄래?
Could I get some pepper?
빵 더 먹어도 될까?
Could we have some more bread?
이거 리필 될까?
Could we get this refilled?
반찬 더 먹으면 돈 내니?
Is it extra for more side dishes?
아기 먹이려는데, 소스 없이 야채만 아주 조금 줄래?
May I Have a bit of vegetables without sauce for my baby?
감자튀김이 너무 익었어
The fries are overcooked.
이 컵에 뭐가 묻었어. 다른 걸로 갖다줄래?
There's something on the cup. Could I get another one, please?
우리 음식 오래 걸릴까?
Will our food be long?
우리 오래 기다렸어?
We've been waiting for a long time.
내 생각에 이 음식 맛이 간 것 같아
I think this food is off.
여기 좀 치워 줄래?
Could you clean this up?
내가 조금 급해.
I'm in a hurry.
우리 옆 테이블이 음식 먼저 받았어
The table next to us got their orders first.
이건 내가 주문한 게 아니야.
This is not what I ordered.
이거 다시 데워줄래?
Could you heat it up again?