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59 Cards in this Set

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What is an attribute?
a property of an entity
What is an entity?
a thing or object that's distinguishable from other entities
What is an entity type?
Description of the attributes an entity set has in common (in other words, a class description)
In diamond notation, how do you represent an entity type?
square box
in diamond notation, how do you represent an attribute?
a circle
in diamond notation, how do you specify something is a key attribute?
underline label of attribute
What is a composite attribute?
an attribute that is composed of other attributes
in diamond notation, how do you represent composite attributes?
attributes connected to the composite attributes
What is a multi-valued attribute?
an attribute that can have > 1 value
how do you represent a multi-value attribute?
two circles around an attribute
What is a derived attribute?
an attribute who's value can be derived from other attribute values
how do you represent a derived attribute in diamond notation?
dotted circle around the attribute
What is the purpose of Crow's Feet notation?
reduce screen clutter
How does crow's feet represent entities and attributes?
a uml box, entityTypeName as title, as list of attributes below, key underlined
What is a relationship?
an association between one or more entities
how do you represent a relationship in diamond notation?
a diamond
What is participation?
Example: does a customer HAVE to rent a movie to be a part of the relationship? (some entities may or may not)
in diamond notation, what does (x, y) mean?
min max notation
in diamond notation, what does double lines mean?
total participation
in crow's feet, how do you represent cardinality?
1=one, crow's foot = many
in crow's feet, how do you representation?
0 (or circle) = partial participation
1 = total participation
what's another to think of crow's feet?
min max, participation = min
When you create a relation using crow's feet, and try to connect them to two entity types, what side would you like on to see A's participation and cardinality information?
the relation's connection to B
What does it mean to borrow a key?
when you create a relation, the DBMS Designer automatically creates a foreign key for you when it is needed?
What can you specify with the DBMS in relation to key borrowing?
Whether or not the borrowed key becomes a part of the key
What is a weak entity type?
a type that doesn't have sufficient attributes to have a key from within its own attributes
how do you represent a weak entity type in diamond notation?
two squares around an entity type
how do you represent a partial key in diamond notation
dotted underline instead of solid
Can owning relationships cascade?
how do you represent an owning relationship type in diamond notation?
double diamond
What types of modeling does crow's feet and diamond notation represent?
Entity Relationship Modeling (ER)
What type of modeling is used in MySQL Workbench?
Extended Entity Relationship Modeling (EER)
What are the extensions EER adds to ER Modeling?
-Superclass / Subclass relationships
how do you represent a superclass / subclass relationship in EER modeling?
you draw a line that connects the super class with its subclasses, and specify the specialization
What are the different types of specialization subclasses can have?
special attributes
specialized relationship types
What are the two types of Specialization?
overlapping and disjoint
What is overlapping specialization?
an entity can be all subclasses
What is disjoint specialization?
an entity must be only one subclass
how do you represent overlapping specialization?
a circle with an "o" in it
How do you represent disjoint specialization?
a circle with a "d" in it
What is a category?
a subclass that doesn't have a general superclass
What is an example of a category?
a performer who can be a group or individual
What is the general rule in EER modeling?
keep the diagram simple until it needs to be more complicated
What are the three EER Modeling design strategies?
-top down
-bottom up
-inside out
What is the top down approach?
start with high level and add detail
What is the bottom up approach?
start with details, and add generalizations to it
What is the inside-out approach?
start with what you know, and figure out what you don't know
What is the first step in integrating multiple ER diagrams together?
find what the diagrams have in common and start there
What is the first step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
map entity types
What is the second step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
weak entity types
What is the third step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
binary 1 - 1 relationship types
What is the fourth step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
binary 1 - m relationship types
What is the fifth step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
binary n - m relationship types
What is the sixth step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
n-ary relationship types
What is the seventh step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
multivalued attributes
What is the eighth step in mapping an EER Diagram to a relational schema?
inheritance hierarchies
What the algorithm for step one?
create a table for each regular entity type. For each table:
- 1 column for each simple attribute
- you choose whether or not to represent derived attributes
-key of entity type denotes table's key
If you choose to represent derived attributes in step one, when is the attribute calculated?
when the table is populated with data
What is the algorithm for step two?
create a table for each weak entity type. For each table:
-one column for simple attributes
-Include columns for the primary key of owning entity types and indicate they are foreign keys
-the primary key is the partial key plus the borrowed keys