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12 Cards in this Set

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describe the difference b/t type one and type 4 allergic reactions.
type one is immediate and is due to the release of substances such histamine. this will take place in minutes to hours.
type four is a delayed reaction caused by sensitized lymphocytes (t cells). this takes place hours to days later.
what is the term used for the inflammation due to the skin coming into contact with an allergic agent.
contact dermatitis
what are the types of contact dermatitis
irritant and allergic contact dermatitis
what is the most common type of contact dermatitis?
irritant contact dermatitis.
describe irritant contact dermatitis
this is when the irritant directly damages the skin this is not an allergic attack. typically could be caused by chemicals. typically no itching
describe allergic contact dermatitis
Here there is itching and involves a cell mediated immunity response. examples is poison ivy, latex, drugs, could also be chemical like irritant dermatitis but here it is not directly damaging the skin.
treatment for allergic contact dermatitis?
remove allergen, cold compresses 4-6 days, topical steroids 5 - 10 days (something like hydrocortisone), consider oral antihisamine, and ocular lubricants
what type of dermatitis is associated with hereditary disorders such as hay fever. this one is usually just an itchy patch of skin on the face scalp, or knees
what is the name for itchy welts or hives?
what is the clinical features of urticaria?
intense pruritus, raised welts surrounded by erythematous flare.
when skin appears normal but deeper layers of the skin are edematous, there is little pruritus but may have a painful burning feeling is called what?
treatment for urticaria and angioedema
cold compresses, antihistamine, systemic steroids