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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the genetic makeup of Klinefelter's Syndrome?
Male 47 XXY
What are the FSH/LH/Estrogen levels like in Klinefelters?
ALL Increased
What are some symptoms of Klinefelters?
Testicular atrophy, eunuchoid body shape (pear hips), tall, long extremities, gynecomastia, female hair distribution
What is a classical finding in the PMN's of a Klinefelters patient?
Barr bodies (inactive extra X chromosome)
What is the genetic makeup of Turners syndrome?
Female 45 XO
What are the FSH/LH/Estrogen levels in Turners?
Dec Estrogen
What are some symptoms of Turner's syndrome?
Short stature, ovarian dysgenesis (streak ovaries), shield chest, bicuspid aortic valve, defects in lymphatics
WEBBING of the neck, lymphedema in feet/hands, preductal coarction of the aorta, horseshoe kidneys, Primary Amenorrhea
Do Turner's patients have Barr bodies?
NO, no inactive X chromosome
What is the genetic makeup of Double Y males?
Male XYY
What are some symptoms of Double Y males?
Pretty normal, very tall, lots of acne, some predisposition to Antisocial behavior, normal fertility
What are the testosterone/LH levels like with Defective Androgen Receptor?
Both High, testosterone isn't "seen" by the receptor, so the body thinks it needs more, increases LH to increase T levels, both elevated
What are the testosterone/LH levels like with Testosterone Secreting Tumor/Exogenous Steroids?
High T, Low LH
Excess testosterone recognized, body decreases LH levels to attempt to decrease T levels
What are the testosterone/LH levels like with Primary Hypogonadism?
Low T, High LH
Testes/Ovaries not making T, body increases LH to attempt to raise T levels
What are the testosterone/LH levels like with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism?
Both Low
Both the pituitary and the testes/ovaries are not creating enough LH and T
What is the general definition of Pseudohermaphroditism?
Disagreement between phenotypic external genitalia and the gonads
What are the clinical signs of a Female Pseudohermaphrodite?
Ovaries present, external genitalia are virilized or ambiguous
From excessive and inappropriate exposure to androgenic steroids during early gestation
What are the clinical signs of a Male Pseudohermaphrodite?
Testes present, external genitaila are female or ambiguous
Common from Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
What is the general definition of a true hermaphrodite?
Both gonads present, ambiguous genitalia
What is the genetic makeup of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?
46 XY
What is the defect and the result of that defect in AIS?
Defect in androgen receptor = normal appearing female
What are the genitals like in AIS?
Female external with rudimentary vagina
NO Uterus/Fallopian Tubes
Where do the testes develop in AIS?
Labia majora, remove to avoid mailgnancy
What is the major problem of 5a-reductase deficiency?
Can't convert Testosterone to DHT
What are the genitalia like in 5a-reductase deficiency?
Ambiguous genitalia until puberty, then masculinization
What are hormone levels like in 5a-reductase deficiency?
All normal except DHT