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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the inheritance of CF?

Most common infection of patients w/ CF?

Describe the PHYSICAL (not retardation) presentation of Cretinism?

It is a problem with what hormone?

What other hormone abnormality is associated with Cretinism?
child with puffy face, pottybelly, protuberant tongue

Thyroid hormone

Growth Hormone (permissive effect)
Compare what areas are supplied by the IMA and the SMA?
SMA: transverse colon

IMA: lower colon/rectum
Premature infants may have a meconium ileus. What other condition causes meconium ileus in infants that is not due to prematurity?
What drug is related to "gray baby" syndrome?
What affect does carbon monoxide have on oxygen binding to Hemoglobin?
increases the affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin (wont let go!)
What is Wermer Syndrome?
Parathyroid: hypercalcemia/stones
Pancreatic: hypergastrin/ulcers
What do you call the inability to recognize somebody's face?
What autoimmune condition is associated with Turner's syndrome?
hypothyroidism (low T3/T4)
What drug improves outcomes in ALS?
What are the markers of an immature T cell (HINT: other than TdT)?
CD4 CD8 (before committment)
What is the difference between Chiari Malformation I and Chiari Malformation II?
I: only tonsils herniate

II: midbrain, other structures herniate
What is thoracic outlet syndrome?
compression of neurologic bundles of the brachial plexus (possibly due to cervical rib)
What are the sources of yersinia entercoliticus? (2)
1. milk
2. chitterlings
What type of anti-depressants tend to have anti-cholinergic side effects?
What is the function of secretin? Where is this hormone produced?

What is the function of CCK? Where is this hormone produced?
secretin (S cells of duodenum): ↑HCO3/↓gastric acid

CCK (I cells of duodenum): slows gastric emptying/galbladder contraction
What is a common mechanism for necrosis in neoplasm?
fast growth outpaces blood supply and tissue dies
Most common site for embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma?

Where ELSE can it be seen?
head and neck

What is dermatitis herpataformis and where is it seen?

What is a nevus?
dermal rash seen in celiac sprue patients over extensor surfaces (elbows, knees)

a mole
What is an adverse event to anti-psychotic medications?

What are the extrapyrimidal side effects caused by anti-psychotic drugs? (4)
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

1. 4h: dystonia
2. 4d: akinesia (parkinsons)
3. 4w: akathisia (restless)
4. 4m: tardive dyskinesia (chorea)
What paraneoplastic syndromes is associated with RCC? (2)

What is Rotor Syndrome?
↑EPO: polycythemia vera
↑rPTH: Hypercalcemia

a mild condition of Dublin-Johnson syndrome (hyper conjugated bili d/t defective excretion)
What is Dublin-Johnson syndrome?
hyper conjugated bili d/t defective excretion; associated with black liver
1. Guillen-Barre is associated with infection of what organism?

2. What is another name for Sipple syndrome?
1. Campylobacter Jejuni

2. MEN-2A
1. What are neurofibrillary tangles and what disease are they associated with?

2. What is the status of the ovaries in Turner's Syndrome?
1. uncorrectly phosphorylated Tau proteins; associated with Alzheimers

2. ovarian streaks=dysgenesis
1. What does the CAMP test differentiate between?

2. What is a ribozyme and what does it do?
1. Group A versus Group B strep

2. its a ribonucleic acid enzyme that cleaves RNA
1. Compare the S/S in MEN2A and MEN-2B

2. What pathogen are surfers at risk of contracting?
1. MEN2A (2P's): Parathyroid, Pheo Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
MEN2B (1P): Pheo, Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

2. Leptospirosis
1. What blood components push the oxygen dissociation curve to the right? (3)

2. How is DMD inherited?

3. What are diagnostic criteria for dythymia?
1. DPG, CO2, H+

2. XR

3. loss of pleasure for 2+ years
1. Compare the typical presentation of acute Tb infection with reinfection? (HINT: where are the lesions, specifically)

2. What cardiac abnormalities are associated with DMD?
1. acute: mid-lung lesion with mediastinal node involvement; reactivation: single lesion in apex

2. dilated cardiomyopathy
1. What contribution does the prostate give to seminal fluid?

2. What cells have MHC-I and which cells have MHC-II
1. acidic medium AND zinc

2. MHC-I: all nucleated cells (no RBC); MHC-II: all APCs
1. What contribution does the bulbourethral glands give to seminal fluid?

2. What condition are Munro abscess associated with?
1. basic medium

2. Psoriasis
1. What contribution does the seminal vessicles give to seminal fluid?

2. Diagnose these characteristics: Young child with increasing ataxia and loss of reflexes?
1. fructose

2. Fredreich's Ataxia
1. What are the genetics of Friedrich's ataxia?

2. Where is the defect in Pemphigus Vulgaris and Bullous Pemphigoid?
1. expanding trinucleotide repeat

2. PV: is in the intraepidermal connections; BP: is in the dermal/epidermal junction