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52 Cards in this Set

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defin of anemia
dec. red cell mass with dec. in o2 tansport capacity of the blood
increase in red cell mass
ways to classify anemias
blood loss
dec. rbc survival
dec. rbc production
young healthy people can tolerate rapid loss of
500-1000 mL (up to 15-20% of total blood volume)
takes ______ for fluids to redistribute after losing 500-1000 mL of blood
24 hours
all people are symptomatic when they lose how much blood
1500-2000 mL
rapid loss of _______ mL produces shock
hemolytic anemias are characterized by
dec. rbc survival
2 types of hemolysis
a decrease in _______is a key feature of intravascular hemolysis
a decrease in haptoglobin is a key feature of
intravascular hemolysis
where does extravascular hemolysis take place
spleen, liver (RES)
hemolytic anemias are classified by the mechanism or rbc destruction into...
intrinsic (hb production, membrane abnormality)
extrinsic (ab, mechanical trauma)
examples of extravascular hemolysis
spherocytosis, sickle cell anemia, erthroblastosis fetalis
examples of intrinic defects
membrane defects: spherocytosis
abnormal hemoglobin: HbS
Lack of globin chains: Thalassemias
what type of hemolysis for spherocytosis
what type of hemolysis for sickle cell anemia
what type of hemolysis for thalassemia
about _____% of blacks in US have sickle cell TRAIT
spherocytosis is a deficiency in what
what races are thalassemias common in
southeast asian
G6PD deficiency is what type of hemolysis
how is G6PD inherited
x linked
G6PD is seen most in what race
what happens in a glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
rbc's are oxidized by drugs/toxins which denatures them and is destroyed
what are the 3 intravascular hemolysis ones
transfusin rxn
cardiac valve prosthesis
who gets rogam, what is is, and when do they get it
Rh-negative moms are given it within 72 hours of delivery of an Rh-positive fetus...it is an antibody against the Rh antigen of the fetus and it is given to the mom so she doesnt make antibodies against it
IgG crosses plancenta
IgM cannot cross placenta
deficiencies in what nutrients can cause anemia
characteristic of rbc's with iron deficiency anemia
smaller (microcytic)
less hemoglobin (hypochromic)
what is the most common cause of anemia worldwide
iron deficiencey
what type of anemia do you have if you are deficient in vitamin b12 and folate
megaloblastic anemia
both b12 and folate are cofactors in the synthesis of
thymidine (the "T" base of DNA)
what do you see with megaloblastic anemia
(caused by deficiency in b12 and folate)
abnormally large red cell precursors (megaloblast)
decr. prod. of mature rbc's
abnormally large rbc's (macrocytes)
so high MCV
where can you find vitamin b12
animal foods
where can you find folate
fresh vegetabales
where is b12 absorbed
distal ileum
where is folate absorbed
proximal small intestine
what is aplastic anemia
decreased rbc production due to messed up stem cells
what do you see with aplastic anemia
all cellular elements in the blood (rbc's, wbc's, platelets) is decreased...this is called pancytopenia
what are the 2 theories behind aplastic anemia
1: inherited defect in stem cell production
2: suppression of stem cells by T lymphocytes
bone marrow transplants have been successful for aplastic anemia in patients less than _______ years old
decreased production of rbc's due to messed up stem cells is called
aplastic anemia
decreased production of rbc's due to replacement of marrow elements is called
myelophthisic anemia
what do you see with myelophthisic anemia
normal elements of bone marrow are crowded out by a tumor or fibrosis
what is polycythemia
opposite of anemia; increase in rbc mass
relative polycythemia is cause by
absolute polycythemia can be either primary or secondary...talk about these 2
primary absolute: normal or dec. levels of erthythropoietin
secondary absolute: increased levels of erythrompoietin
living at a high altitude can cause what type of polycythemia
secondary absolute
when does primary absolute polycythemia occur
when a neoplastic proliferation of rbc's called polycythemia vera makes extra rbc's
what type of polycythemia is polycythemia vera associated with
primary absolute polycythemia