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190 Cards in this Set

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What is the atomic number for hydrogen?


What is defined as anything that occupies space?


What is the scientific study of matter and the physical & chemical changes of matter referred to as?


What are the 4 properties/characters that define a substance?

• Color

• Odor

• Weight (density)

• Hardness/Softness

What are the 3 basic forms that matter exists in?

• Solids

• Liquids

• Gases

What form of matter has definite weight, volume & shape?


What form of matter has definite weight & volume but no definite shape?


Which form of matter has definite weight but indefinite volume & shape?


Conditioners, perm solutions and most shampoos are...


What are the two ways forms can change from one to another?

Physical and chemical

What is a change in the physical characteristics of a substance without creating a new substance referred to as?

Physical change

What is a change in a substance that creates a new substance with chemical characteristics different from those of the original substance referred to as?

Chemical change

What type of chemistry studies all matter that is not alive, has never been alive and does not contain carbon, such as rocks, water and minerals?

Inorganic chemistry

What are basic substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances referred to as?


What type of chemistry deals with all matter that is now living or was alive at one time, with carbon present, such as plants and animals?

Organic chemistry

Oxygen is a colorless, odorless...


What 5 elements form the basis of hair, nails and skin, and are important for cosmetologists to know?

• carbon

• oxygen

• hydrogen

• nitrogen

• silver


What category is oxygen in?


What is the atomic number for hydrogen?


Which three elements are in the gas category?

Hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen

What category is sulfur in?


What category is hydrogen in?


What category is nitrogen in?


What category is carbon in?


Which two elements are in the solid category?

Carbon and sulfur

What is the simplest atomic structure?


What is two or more atoms joined together by chemical bond referred to as?


What is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust and the second most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere?


If the atoms that combine are different, the resulting molecule is a...


When atoms combine, they make more complex units, known as...


What are the three main parts of atoms?

Protons, neutrons and electrons

What is the smallest complete unit of an element referred to as?


What part of atoms have a positive electrical charge and identify the atoms (hydrogen atom or an oxygen atom, etc.)?


What part of atoms have a negative electrical charge and (under certain circumstances) make it possible for atoms to unite with other atoms to form bonds?


Using rollers or a blow dryer and curling iron to create a thermal style is referred to as what?

A physical change

What percentage of hair is made of keratin?


Amino acids join together in Chains to become what?


What are compounds consisting of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen referred to as?

Amino acids

Keratin in hair contains how many of the 22 common amino acids?


Hair is a form of protein called what?


What provides the chemicals the body needs for growth and repairing tissues?


The atoms of the five elements of hair combine chemically to create compounds that eventually create the...

Protein of hair

What is a peptide bond also known as?

An end Bond

When two amino acids are positioned end-to-end, the acid end of one amino acid attaches to the amino end of another amino acid. What forms when these two ends join?

The peptide bond

What is the backbone of all protein molecules?

The Peptide bond

What connects thousands of amino acids lengthwise to form a chain?

The polypeptide Bond

Hair is the linking together of what?

Protein groups

It's very important not to disturb what?

Peptide bonds

How many common amino acids are there?


What percentage of hair is trace minerals?


When amino acids combine to form the Keratin protein of hair, the take on a...

Spiraling configuration

What are the 4 side bonds holding protein chains together?

• the hydrogen bond

• the salt Bond

• the disulfide Bond

• Van Der waals forces

What is the first bond, which works on the principle that unlike charges attract?

Hydrogen bond

A second type of bond between protein chains is the... (also a result of the attraction of unlike)

Salt Bond

Hair has many of these bonds, which are individually very weak and can easily be broken by heat or water.

Hydrogen bonds

About 35% of the hair's strength is due to the millions of what in its structure?

Hydrogen bonds

The amino acids that create proteins are linked together end-to-end by what?

A peptide bond

If you put a sodium hydroxide relaxer under a hair dryer, the combination of the alkaline chemicals and heat could break these critical peptide bonds and Destroy what?

The protein structure

Exposure to what can break the new bonds and restore the original ones?

Water and humidity

What part of atoms have no electrical charge, are neutral and determine the weight of the atom?


When hair is saturated with water, the hydrogen and salt bonds are weekend, leaving the hair more...


Hair can be shampooed, set on rollers and dried by heat into a new shape since both hydrogen and salt bonds can be weakened by what?


If broken, the protein chains separate into small fragments, or revert to groups of amino acids that no longer have what?

The characteristics of hair

Which side bond is the most important for a hairstylist?

The disulfide Bond

What is the sulfur-containing side bond known as?

Disulfide Bond

When these sulfur type side chains join with other sulfur type side chains, they form what?

The sulfide Bond

Which side bond is a chemical bond that forms between protein structures?

The disulfide bond

A lot of your chemical Services, particularly perming and relaxing, directly affect which side bond by either Breaking it or reforming it in a new shape?

The disulfide bond

Which side bond is based on the theory that Atomic groups prefer an environment with other groups that have structures similar to theirs?

Van Der waals forces

Hair begins with individual what (the smallest unit of matter)?


Atoms unite by sharing electrons to become molecules of...

Amino acids

One end of one amino acid bonds to the opposite end of another amino acid to form the what?

The peptide or end Bond

The amino acids create...

Polypeptide protein chains

The bonding of protein chains to other protein chains makes what?

Human hair

What is described as a unit of measure that indicates whether a substance is acidic, neutral or alkaline?


Alkaline is sometimes called what?


What measures the amount of acid or Alkali in a water-based solution?

PH numbers

Only solutions containing what can have an acidic or alkaline nature?

Water (or dissolve in water)

The pH measurement scale ranges from...

0 to 14

Which number on the pH measurement scale is neutral?


On the pH measurement scale, numbers less than 7 indicate what?


On the pH measurement scale, what do numbers greater than 7 indicate?


What does logarhithmic mean?

Each step or number increases by multiples of 10

PH 6 is how many more times acidic than neutral 7?

10 x

PH 6 is how many more times less acidic than 5?

10 times

Which pH falls in the range of the average pH of Hair, Skin and scalp?

4.5 - 5.5

What are two terms that are sometimes confused in the cosmetology industry?

Ph balanced and acid balanced

PH balanced means the pH is balanced at a certain number but not necessarily at...

4.5 to 5.5 average PH range of Hair, Skin and scalp

Acid balanced means balanced within the acid range of...

4.5 - 5.5

Acid balanced is the term applied to most professional what?

Shampoos and conditioners

What are the 6 general classifications assigned to categorize Cosmetics used in the cosmetology industry?

• Solutions

• suspensions

• emulsions

• ointments

• soaps

• powders

Mixtures of two or more kinds of evenly dispersed are...


What is made by mixing a package of instant soup and a cup of hot water?

A solution

What is described as any solution that dissolves into a liquid and forms a solution?


What is any substance that is able to dissolve another substance called?

A solvent

Solutions do not separate when left standing and are generally...

Clear mixtures

Solutes can be either... (3)

Solid, liquid or gas

What cosmetic classification is also mixtures of two or more kinds of molecules (similar to solutions) except they have a tendency to separate when left standing & therefore need to be shaken before using?


What is formed when two or more non mixable substances (like oil and water) are united with the help of a binder or gum-like substance?


What are mixtures of organic substances and a medicinal agent, usually found in a semi-solid form (water is generally not present in this mixture) referred to as?


What comes in the form of sticks (lipstick), pastes (eyeshadow or blush) and mucilages (thick liquids, styling lotions)?


What are mixtures of fats and oils converted to fatty acids by heat and then purified called?


Soaps used in the cosmetology industry generally fall into the category of... 4

• deodorant soaps

• Beauty soaps

• medicated soaps

• liquid soaps

What are equal mixtures of inorganic & organic substances that do not dissolve in water and that have been sifted & mixed until free of coarse gritty particles referred to as?


Perfume and shades of color are usually added to powders for purposes of:


What is done primarily to to clean the hair scalp and to remove all foreign matter, including dirt, sebum (natural scalp oil), cosmetics, hair spray & skin debris without adversely affecting either the scalp or hair?


The shampoo should be a soothing, relaxing experience, as it sets the climate for:

All future services

Improper or a regular cleansing allows a breeding place for disease causing bacteria and can lead to what? 2

Scalp disorders and hair loss

Even though the hair fiber beyond the scalp is dead, a mixture of secretions from the sebaceous glands and perspiration from the sweat glands helps maintain the hair and scalp at its natural pH allowing a...

Shiny, alive appearance

What is defined as a substance formed when two or more non mixable substances, such as oil and water, are united with the aid of a binder or an emulsifier?


Most shampoo is water based and contains an ingredient known as...

Surfactant or cleansing agent

What are surfactants also called?

Surface active agents

Surfactants or Surface active agents are used to remove what from the hair?


The molecule of a surface active agent is a...

Two-part molecule

What is the water loving part in the two-part molecule of a surface active agent referred to as?


What is the oil loving part in the two-part molecule of a surface active agent referred to as?


Water can be classified as either...

Hard or soft

What type of water contains certain salts of calcium, magnesium and other metals that prevent the shampoo from lathering?

Hard water or well water

What type of water contains very small amounts of minerals and is preferred for shampooing as it lathers more freely?

Soft water

What are the two methods used in the purification of water?

Sedimentation and filtration

During what do undesirable substances, such as clay, sand, Etc, sink to the bottom and then during filtration, pass through a porous substance?


What is added to kill bacteria and complete the water purification process?


Water boiled at what temperature will destroy most microbic life?

212° (100° C)

The natural pH of hair is maintained by the mixture of what? 2

Secretions from the sebaceous glands and perspiration

What type of shampoos contain a low alkaline content and a low concentration of surface active agents?

All Purpose shampoos

What type of shampoos are designed to cleanse the hair without correcting any special condition, do not strip color and are very mild?

All Purpose shampoos

What type of shampoos are formulated to have the same pH as the hair and skin and can be used on almost all types of hair?

Acid balanced (non stripping) shampoos

What type of shampoos are made especially to cleanse chemically treated hair?

Acid balanced or non stripping shampoos

Always use what type of shampoo on bleached hair and dry, damaged hair?

A mild non stripping shampoo

What type of shampoos are usually strong and contain a high alkaline or soap base?

Plain shampoos

What type of shampoos can be used successfully on Virgin Hair in good condition, but are not recommended for chemically treated or damaged hair?

Plain shampoos

With what type of shampoo should you always follow with an acid rinse to restore the acid balance of your clients hair and scalp?

Plain shampoos

What type of shampoos are able to lather without harsh alkaline ingredients?

Soapless shampoo

What type of shampoo is are effective in both soft and hard water and rinse out easily?

Soapless shampoo or surfactants

What type of shampoos contain ingredients designed to treat scalp and hair problems or disorders?

Medicated shampoos

What type of shampoos often have a higher alkalinity in order to be able to remove residue, chlorine, minerals, or product build-up? Often used before chemical services.

Clarifying shampoos

What type of shampoos are formulated for either dry or oily scalp and contain an antifungal or germicide ingredient and conditioners to control dandruff conditions or other scalp conditions that could breed infections?

Anti-dandruff shampoos

What type of shampoos are used to cleanse the scalp and hair when the client is unable to receive a normal shampoo?

Liquid dry shampoos

What type of shampoos are effective in cleaning wigs and hairpieces?

Liquid dry shampoo

What type of shampoos are formulated for clients who are bedridden and cannot what their hair?

Powder dry shampoos

What type of shampoos contain Orris root powder that absorbs soil and oil?

Powder dry shampoos

What type of shampoos contain additives that can improve the tensile strength and porosity of hair and will usually be removed within the next shampoo?

Conditioning shampoos

What type of shampoos contain temporary color molecules that adhere to the outer cuticle of the hair and deposit color?

Color shampoos

What type of shampoo does not cause damage or weigh hair down?

Shampoos for thinning hair

What is the luster or shine of the hair referred to as?

Cosmetic appearance

If the layers of the outer cuticle stand away from the hair shaft the hair will appear...

Rough and dull

What refers to the ability of the hair to absorb moisture, liquids or chemicals?


What is determined by how easily a comb can pass through wet or dry hair?


Whose responsibility is it to be aware of products that can strengthen hair, add body and protect it from further damage?


What is the ability of the hair to stretch and return to his natural straight without breaking referred to as?


What percentage can hair stretch when it's wet?


What percentage can hair be stretched when it's dry?

Up to 20%

What measures the amount of tension that can be applied before the hair brakes?

Tensile strength

What type of rinses help keep the cuticle compact?

Vinegar and lemon (acid) rinses

What type of rinses usually have a very low PH (2-3) and are designed to dissolve soap scum and curds, untangle and separate the hair and add Sheen?

Acid rinses

What type of rinses soften and add luster, making tangled hair easier to comb, is creamy in appearance and adheres to the hair shaft?

Cream rinses

What type of rinses are designed with ingredients that control minor dandruff and scalp conditions?

Medicated rinses

What type of conditioners coat the hair shaft and restore moisture and oils, but do not penetrate into the cortex?

Instant conditioners

What type of conditioners usually contain a vegetable protein and have an acidic pH which causes the cuticle to close after alkaline chemical services?

Normalizing conditioners

What type of conditioners are required when hair is fine and limp and contains too much moisture to maintain a good Style?

Bodybuilding conditioners

What type of conditioners are recommended for dry, brittle hair that has been mechanically or chemically damaged?

Moisturizing Conditioner

What type of conditioner are formulated to meet special needs?

Customized conditioners

Most protein conditioners are derived from what?

Animal or vegetable materials and a few come from minerals

A common animal protein found in the conditioners is bovine serum, a refined and sterilized cattle tissue such as...

Blood and bone marrow

The refined placenta of female cattle and sheep and collagen are popular animal proteins found in what?

Hair conditioners

What found in conditioners are usually made from soybeans, balsam trees, olives, wheat germ and Tong beans?

Vegetable proteins

What are the two primary categories that perms fall into?

Alkaline and acid waves

What are alkaline waves also known as?

Cold waves

What are acid waves also known as?

Heat waves

What type of waves are processed without heat and have a pH of approximately 8.0 - 9.5?

Alkaline waves or cold waves

What type of waves are processed with heat, must be wrapped with tension and have an approximate pH of 6.9 - 7.2?

Acid waves or heat waves

What are the two main chemical ingredients found in alkaline waves?

Thioglycolic acid or its derivatives and ammonium hydroxide

What is added to the alkaline wave formula to shorten processing time?

Ammonium hydroxide

What is the main chemical ingredient found in acid waves?

Glyceryl monothioglycolate

The main ingredient found in most neutralizers or bonding lotions is either... 3

Hydrogen peroxide, sodium perborate, or sodium bromate

What are the two popular types of products used to chemically relax hair?

Sodium hydroxide type and ammonium thioglycolate type

A sodium hydroxide relaxer should never be given on hair that has been relaxed with what or vice versa?

A thioglycolic relaxer

During what process is the hair first moved into a relaxed shape by using the back of a comb and fingers combined with the application of the thioglycolate based product in a gel or cream form?

Curl Reformation

Once the test girl displays the desired curl formation, the hair is rinsed and what is applied to reform the curl into a lasting shape?

Neutralizing or bonding lotion

The application of the processing solution prior to wrapping the hair on Perm tool serves to soften and rearrange the...

Disulfide bonds

The chemical rearranger is rinsed before a complete relaxation or straightening of the hair takes place, allowing the disulfide bonds to take on the shape of...

The selected perm rod

Extended processing time, combined with dual application and processing solution can...

Damage the hair

What five categories do hair color products fall into?

• non oxidative

• oxidative

• lighteners

• Developers

• vegetable, metallic and compound dyes

What type of non oxidative colors are non-reactive, direct dyes that only coat the surface of the hair shaft? There's nothing to lighten the hair and no chemical changes occur in the solution

Temporary colors

What type of hair colors are called certified colors and are accepted by the government for use in Foods, drugs and cosmetics?


What type of non oxidative colors last through several shampoos, have molecules in a solution that are able to penetrate the cuticle layer of the hair versus coating the hair shaft as with temporary colors?

Semi-permanent colors

What type of colors are sometimes referred to as demi-permanent or oxidative without ammonia?

Long lasting semi-permanent colors

What type of colors use a low volume peroxide to develop the color molecules and Aid in the color processing?

Long lasting semi-permanent colors

What is a colorless gas with a strong odor, composed of hydrogen and nitrogen referred to as?


What type of hair color is sometimes referred to as oxidative with ammonia?

Permanent hair colors