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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the universal myth that most pastors believe regarding Church growth

It's the solution to your church Outreach problem can be solved with one of many Silver Bullet methods

What are three types of people the author believe exist in every community

Internal peripheral the external

Define internal group of people

Who already sit in your seat on Sundays regular attendees first-time guest casual attendees who make your regular congregation

Define periphERAl group of people

Who knows someone who attends your church

Define external group of people

Someone who has no connections to your church

The____should be a magnetic place


Magnets can cause things that shouldn't stick____

Stay Together

What are the seven actions the author took to move his church from being unmagnetic to magnetic

Comfort reality

learn new skills

get a coach

find the model

check gages

take radical actions

believe in better future

Author Max Dupree says the first job of a leader is to what

Define reality

Often churches are stuck because the leader doesn't see the need to learn new__


According to the author what happens when we stop growing

We are all dead in the water

Contrast the time spent with comparing those who read and those who watch TV

People who read spend about 2 hours a week

People people spend 2000 hours a TV year question TV

Define the principle of Massive Action

Atypical later sees a problem and Implement one solution to fix it

The longer a charge has been stuck the more... Must be to get the church back on track

Radical the action

number 14 chapter

The day a leader stops believing that best days of the church are ahead of it it's...

Game over

If a man takes his shirt off at the beach no one notices if that man takes his shirt off in Cheesecake Factory restaurant he'll likely be escorted out what is the difference?


Regarding culture what does the author say is the Bottom Line Reality for our Ministries

Culture overrides almost everything it trumps rules systems and even common sense

Culture... Is the most powerful factor in any organization

Not vision or strategy

Does the author believe that we can change the culture?

No a new culture emerges that overshadows and ultimately envolppes old culture

What is the rudder that guides the church

The pulpit

What is the place we shaped the culture of our church than any other place

The stage

What is the most powerful culture defining activity in the local church

Has been the decision to preach the gospel weekly

What is the church principal purpose

Bringing glory to God

How do we express the purpose of the church

Talk about the mission on a regular basis

How is our local churches in Mission expressed on a weekly basis

Your actions by the things you emphasize and in what you invest

What are the three things that move people when casting the vision

Statistics... Scriptures... Stories...

What is the number 1 means of communication that people tend to respond more to you than any other


Why is it so important to understand that from the moment someone decides to join a church they take a mental picture

The moment every decision changes and the initial factor is compared the snapshot was taken when he or she decides to attend your church

How do you invite people into the future without a finding your Church's current picture

Simply put you give them a new picture more attractive than the one in their minds

The author says one sign of maturity is a Church's ability to...


What group of people are usually the first and the easiest to embrace a new vision

New believers

The type churchsouth 10 - 15% attrition each year because of what

People moving dying backsliding going to another church

One group will make or break an Evangelistic culture you say to create in your church who is that

Those who served

What is one of the main things that hurt the reception of the


As as leaders wanting to create or maintain an Evangelistic culture we must do the following for those who

1 Connect their service with the gospel

Connect their service with God's mission

connect their salvation with the service of others

What is one of the greatest enemies of creating an Evangelistic culture and our lives

We forget what it's like to be a lost person

The best time to change your culture was ...The second best time is...

10 years ago... Now