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75 Cards in this Set

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What is dissociative amnesia?
1. Cannot recall significant personal info
2. absence of organic impariment
3. Several types
intentionally trying to make someone think you are sick
What is a dissociative fugue?(4)
1. sudden unexpected flight from home
2. Can't remember who your are or your life
3. You adopt a new life
4. Prevalence is 0.2%
What are the types of dissociative amnesia?(5)
1. Localized
2. Selective
3.. Generalized
4. Continuous
5. Systemized
What is deprsonalization disorder?(4)
1. A persistant out of body experience
2, Abuse mechanism
3. Intact reality during epsiode
4. Drugs or a meidcal condition
what is dissociative identity disorder, how many are there when does it start
1. Multiple personality disorder
2, Can have 2-100 personalities
3. One master controls all the others
4. Onset in childhood
What is the psychodynamic view of a dissociative disorder?
1. It relsults from the massive repression of unwanted impulses.
The social cognitive view of a DID is what?
1. We all have these diifferent traits and we can use them in a time of need
Borderline personality and DID are similar Dz but found in different spots of america?
1. BPD is found in the midwestern states because these places are more down to earth
2. DID is found more on the coasts becuase it is more acceptable and glamorous to have it
What does research say about DID?
1. Many people who have had traumatic events and would like to foreget like abuse
2. Most DID patients can be skilled at self hypnosis
3. creating new personalities could help them escape stress
How do you tx DID
1.Establish a safe environment for them to talk
2. Allow them to remember and grieve their abuse
3. Integrate the personalities with hypnosis or medications
What disorders are on axis one, two and three?
1. clinical syndromes
2. personality/MR
3. Medical conditions
What disorders are on axis 4 and 5?
4. Psychosocial, environmental problems
5. Global Assessment of functioning
MMPI L,F and K?
Frequency(how Bizarre)
K whatever
MMPI 1,2 and 3
1. Hypochondria(Hs)
2. Depression(D)
3. Hysteria(Hy)
MMPI 4,5,6
4. Psychopathic deviant(conflict, struggle,anger) (Pd)
5. Masculinity/femininity(Mf)
6. Paranoia(Pa)
MMPI 7,8,9,0
7. Psychasthenia(worry)(Pt)
8. Schizophrenic(Sc)
9. Hypomania(Ma)(ecitable)
0. Social introversion(Si)
What is the Rorshark test?
1. The classic ink blot test
2. You want to show it to the patient and see where he focuses on, what he sees, and what everyone else sees
What is the TAT test?
1. The thematic Apperception test
2. A neutral picture and you get them to tell a story
What is the draw person test?
1. Get them to draw a person, tree , and house
2. They have to draw their sex first
4. If you see many phallic symbols you have to raise a flag
What is the sentence completion test
You start a sentence and have the patient complete it for you
What are Galens four humors?
1. blood -sanguine(warm)
2. Black Bile - melancholic(depressed)
3. Phlegm - phlegmatic(slow)
4. Yellow bile - choleric(angry)
What are the four theories of personality?
1. Psychodynamic
2. Behavioristic
3. Social learning
4. Humanistic
Focus of psychodynamic theory?
Inner conflicts and struggles
Focus of behavioristic theory
Conditioning and learning from the external environment
Focus of the social learning theory
Perosnality comes from socialization and expectations
Focus of the humanistic personality theory
Personality from private experiences and personal growth
What is the libido?
1. It is the life force that drives you forward
What is the eros
It is the primal lust that gives the sex drive and keeps the human race alive
What is Thannatos
The god of the underworld, as we grow we lose libido and gain thannatos
What is the Id?(2)
1.It is our instictual unconscious that works on the pleasure principle.
2. It is fragile and cannot deal with shame
What is the psyche?
It is the forces that influence our behavior, made of the id the ego and the superego
What is the Ego
1.It is what protects the Id
2. It works on reality and helps us get what we want without getting in trouble
What is the superego
It is our conscience that follows societal norms, where our guilt and shame gets put on the id
Describe the topography of the psyche?(3)
1.The ego has a third conscious, preconscious and unconscious
2. The super ego is mostly unconscious
3. The id is all unconscious
Name the 4 narcissistic defense mechanisms?
1. Denial
2. Projection
3. Distortion
4. Splitting
What is distortion?
Twisting the real facts so I am right
What is splitting?
Things are all black or white without any grey
What is projection?
Projecting your thoughts and feelings onto others and reacting to them, This is what paranoid schizos do
What is introjection?
Reversing the normal projection mechanism
What are the five immature defense mechanism
1. Acting out
2, Hypochondriasis
3. Schizoid fantasy
4. blocking
5. passive agression
What is Acting out def mecy h?
Punching a wall to feel better
What is the hypochodriasis def mech?
internalising bad feelings about the outside world
What is the schizoid fantasy def mech?
Go into a fantasy land that you can come out of when you need to
What is the blocking def mech
putting something out of your thoughts so not to deal with it
What is the passive afression def mech?
Deciding not to respond to another person and getting back at them passively
What are the neurotic def mechs(5)?
1. Displacement
3. Intellectualization
4. Reaction formation
5. Rationalization
What is displacement def mech?
1. Redirecting your emotions to a safer out let because you don't want to get hurt
What is dissociation def mech?
drastic modification of ones identity to avoid distress
What is itenllectualization def mech?
Avoiding emotions by treating it as an intellectual problem
What is reaction formation def mech
Doing the opposite of what you feel
What is the rationalization def mech?
Giving excuses as to why it is right
What is repression
putting problems into the subconscious, unconsciously
What is supression?
Consciously putting problems into the unconscious
What are the 6 mature def mechs?
1. Altruism
2. Humor
3. Anticipation
4. Ascetism
5. Sublimation
6. Suppression
What is altruism def mech
Doing something good to get rid of shame
What is the humor def mech
Seeing the comedy in an exposing situation
What is the anticipation def mech
looking to the furture to displace th present
What is the ascetism def mech
giving up earthly pleasures
What is the sublimation def mech
Taking unacceptable urges and turning them into socially acceptable ones, like boxing
When and how long is the oral stage of psychosexual devpmt
1. 0-18months the first stage
2. must learn trust and dependence becuase everything you need comes from outside
What problems arise in the oral stage?
1. Narcissim
2. Pssimism
3. Demandingness
4. excessive dependance
5. Envy and jealousy
What is the objective of the anal stage
1. 1-3 years
2 must learn indpendance by pooing on your own
What problems arise during the anal stage?
1. too much structure = stubborness and frugality
2. too little structure - messiness and defiance
3. OCDPD - perfectionist
What occurs during the pahhic stage>
1. age 3-5
2. gender and sexuality, groundwork for gender ID
What problems arise during phallic stage?
1. Latent homo
2. Castration anxiety(GAD)
Describe the femal phallic stage
1. no fear of castration
2. doesn't identify with mom
3. gets penis envy(seductive, hystrionic)
What happens during the latency phase?
1. Age 5- puberty
2. Consolidation of identity
3. This is why we can't dx a personality disorder until 18
Prevention of the incest taboo
1. boys and girls are separated from 5-18
2. still around their sisters
3. learn that sisters aren't for sex
4. reintegrate with the females later in life
Describe the genital phase?
1. Puberty to young adult
2. Sexual relationsips form
What problems arise during the genital phas?
1. identity diffusion(not adolescent identity crisis)
2. Sexual relationships with things other than adults
What is factitious disorder?(muchausen syndrome)
1.Person knows they are producing the symptoms but don't know why
2. Primary gain is to play sic
How to produce factitious disorder symptoms?
1. 29% injection of toxin
2. 24% medication
3. 17% exacerbate wounds
4. 10% thermometer manipulation
5. Comet in the urethra can make it bleed
How can you tell your patient has factitious disorder?
1. Few visitors
2. multiple hospitalization
3. Have extensive knowledge of procedures and terms
Munchausen by proxy?
1. Parent produces it in the child
2. So they can get sympathy