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39 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 most common affective disorders?
Major depressive and bipolar
Describe major depressive disorder?
1. Recurrent thoughts of suicide and depressed mood
2. Feelings of worthless, can't concentrate
Describe bipolar disorder and how would you treat them?
1. Recurrent fluctuations in mood, energy and behavior
2. Tx them with mood stabilizing drugs
What is hypomania?
1. Elevated mood
2. Increased activity or energy
3. Rapid and excitable but NOT violent
What about bipolar and twin studies?
95% concordance, occurs in a total of 1% of the population
What is bipolar 1? and 2?
1. Manic without major depressive disorder
2. hypomania with at least one major depressive disorder
What do you use to tx bipolar for the mood, manic and acute manic stages?
1. Litium mood stabilizer, takes a lag phase
2. Anticonvulsants for manic before lithium because these act fast
3. Clonazepam for acute mania(haloperidol)
When do you use anticonvulsants with bipolar?
1. Before lithium because they act quicker
What is the main problem with lithium?
Narrow therapeutic index so it doesn't take a lot to OD
What causes a lithium build up?
Nephropathy because it would cause decreased excretion
What is the MOA of lithium?
1. Inhibits IP3/DAG
2. Prevents muscarinic and alpha adrenergic transmission
3. Inhibits phosphatases
What does PLC do?
Makes DAG and IP3
Purpose of IP3 and DAG in the lithium pathway?
Signals PKC to phosphorylate serine and threonine, makes Serotonin
What does lithium toxicity present like?
1. Tremor, sedation, ataxia and aphasia
2. Choreoathetosis(Sinuous dance like movements)
3. Mental confusion and bizarre motor
What is the amine hypothesis of mood?
Mood is mainly affected by the levels of NE and 5HT
What does 5HT1-R do? 5HT2-R? 5HT3-R?
1. Decrease cAMP
2. Increase IP3 DAG
3. Depolarize plasma membrane
What are the non selective amine reuptake drugs?
1. Tricyclics
2. Second generations
What are the four main drugs used to treat depression?
1. TCA 1st and 2nd Gen
What is the number 1 antidepressant? 2, and 3?
1. Lexapro
2. Zoloft
3. Fluoxetine
4. All SSRIs
What is the number one NA/DA antidepressant?
What are the 4 most effective antiD?
1. Mirtazapine(Remeron)
2. Escitalopram(lexapro)
3. Venlafaxine(Effexor)
4. Sertraline(Zoloft)
What are the 4 most acceptable antiD?
1. Zoloft
2. Lexapro
3. Wellbuitrin
4. Celexa
What are TCAs? example and why not as good?
1. Highly effective and toxic antiD
2. Amitriptaline and Nortriptaline
What is good about TCA?
1. Long half life allows for little dosing
What is the TCA MOA?(3)
1. Block Serotonin and NE uptake
3. Affects 5HT1-R
4. Increases firing of 5HT neurons and reuptake; 2-4 weeks later
Side effects of TCA with a long 1/2 life?(6)
1. Blocks muscarinic and alpha adrenergic receptors
3. Sedation, Seizures Psychosis
6. Weight gain = noncompliance
What are antimuscarinic effects?(5)
1. Blind as a bat(blurry)
2. Hot as a hare
3. Dry as a bone
4. Red as a beet
5. Mad as a hatter
6. CV = hypertension, and arrythmia
What will a TCA overdose cause?
1. arrythmia
2. TCA and MAO is a severely toxic combo
How do you tx TCA toxicity?
1. Sodium bicarb IV
2. decreases TCA binding to Na channels in cardiac
What is Clomipramine?
What are two third generation antiD?
1. Remeron
2. Effexor
What is buproprion?
1. Wellbutrin is a weak NA,DA and 5HT reupatake inhibitor
2. Rare CV or sexual effects
What us venlafaxine(effexor)?(3) ?Benefit, MoA and Tx?
1. No H1 receptor = no sedation
2. Blocks NE and Serotonin reuptake
3. GAD and Panic disorder
Would you use an SSRI or a TCA?
1. An SSRI because they seldom cause cardiac arrythmia
Name 6 SSRIs?
1. Prozac
2. Paxil
3. Lexapro
4. Luvox
5. Celexa
6. Zoloft
When do you administer SSRIs?
In the morning because they increase alertness
What are the problems with Fluoxitine SSRI?(3) What is teh unique thing?
1. Drug interactions
2. Blood glucose regulations
3. Suicidal and violent behavior

4. Can treat Bullemia or Anorexia
Most common adverse side effects of SSRI?(5)
1. GI
2. Insomnia
3, Sexual sides
4. Hepatic disorder
5. Diabetes
What do MAOIs do?(2) What are the contra indications?
1. Oxidizes Serotonin way before NE,DA and Tyr
2. Inhibits MAO-A to inhibit depression
3. Never use with SSRI!
4. Can cause delirium, hypertensive crisis, seizures, and serotonin syndrome