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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the fuels for muscle?

1. Liver Glycogen

2. Muscle Glycogen

3. Adipose TG

4. Intermuscular TG (cyotsol)

3 things that help regulate oxidative metabolism

1. O2

2. Acetyl-coA

3. ADP conc

5 sights of energy regulation in the muscle

1. FA-albumin into cytosol (requires FA transporter)

2. Glucose uptake into cytosol (GLUT1&4)

3. Pyruvate uptake into mito (PDH)

4. Fatty Acetyl-CoA into mito (CPT+ carnitine)

5. Phosphorylation cytosol (glycogen -> G-1-P...G-1-P -> G-6-P into glycolysis)

How are enzymes regulated ? (types of reactions)

1. Near- Equilibrium Reaction

2. Non- Equilibrium Reaction

3. Covalent Reaction

What is a near equilibrium reaction?

-determined by gradient

-increase substrate = increase product

-lactate dehydrogenase

What is a Non- equilibrium reaction?

-highly regulated

-ADP is an example of this...high ADP indication you are low on energy

-increase activity phosphorylation (enzyme)

-"modifier" ....allosteric regulation

-dimmer light switch

ADP is known as a ____________ and that is categorized as ______________regulation.



What is a covalent modification?

KEY: door fully open

-major changes in demand

-light switch on or off

-major surge of calcium with intense exercise

What does glycogen phosphorylate do?

strips 6 carbons off glycogen (phosphorylation) to be turned into glucose ---> pyruvate

Glycogen Phosphorylate and PDH have two states, and active and an inactive form. True or false.


What serves to activate glycogen phosphorylate?



What serves to activate PDH?


What serves to inactivate PDH?


With progressive increases in exercise intensity (%VO2 max) why does fat utilization go down as CHO utilization increase?

-ADP + Ca stimulation of glycogen phosphorylate

-Ca stimulation of PDH

What methods are available to determine what limits substrate utilization during exercise?

1. Blood Samples (artery/vein)

2. Infusions (stable isotopes)

3. Pulmonary gas exchange

4. Muscle biopsies

How can we determine fuel utilization through pulmonary gas exchange?

-observe RER

-RER=0.7 indicates most energy provided by mobilizing fat (FA)

-RER=1 indicates mainly CHO breakdown providing energy

How can we determine fuel utilization through blood samples?

-could measure blood lactate...issue is la taken out of blood regularly

-more accurate if you take lactate conc before muscle (artery) and after muscle (vein) to determine how much of specific fuel burned...must know blood flow rate

In Van Loon paper on "effects of increasing exercise intensity on muscle fuel utilization" how did they measure total rate of energy ?

Measured VO2

n Van Loon paper on "effects of increasing exercise intensity on muscle fuel utilization" how did they determine %CHO and %FAT?


In Van Loon paper on "effects of increasing exercise intensity on muscle fuel utilization" how did they measure contribution of specific substrates?


Isotope tracers

How do infusions of stable isotopes show fuel utilization?

For example: FA* infusion

-use a FA (palmitate) with slightly different mass...some FA* will be taken up by adipose tissue (TG)... RA (rate of appearance) in the blood will determine how much FA in blood derived from adipose tissue...observe rate at which FA* taken up into muscle and oxidized for energy ROX...when FA* combusted in mito...labelled carbon will show up in breath

Therefore...able to compare RA and ROX.


Why might someone think that fat utilization with increasing workloads is a delivery issue rather combustible issue?

-Ra goes up then goes down at higher intensity levels

***** BF to adipose does decrease with increased intensities therefor somewhat of delivery problem*****

What was the key finding n Van Loon paper that solidified fat utilization is mainly limited by ability to oxidize it in the mito?

-%Ra that is oxidized decreased at highest workload intensities

-THEREFORE....issue is with oxidation of fat at high workloads

What is responsible for the limitation in our ability to oxidize fat at high relative workloads?

-very slight changes in pH can inherently reduce activity of CPT (through moderate and intense exercise)

-THEREFORE at high intensities La build up = change in pH = reduce CPT activity = less efficient fat oxidation

4 components of VO2 paradigm (UIHL)

1. Upper limit to oxygen uptake

2. Individual differences in VO2 max

3. High VO2 max prerequisite for endurance success

4. Limited by cardiorespiratory system

Potential limiting factors for VO2 max (PCOS)

-Pulmonary diffusing capacity

-Cardiac output

-O2 carrying capacity

-Skeletal muscles

What is the fick eqn

VO2 = CO x A-V O2 diff

How can Pulmonary diffusion capacity be limiting factor for VO2 max?

-elite athletes have decreased TT of RBC in pulmonary capillary=less time to fully absorb oxygen in blood

*overcome with supplemented O2

Why don't we see fall in O2 saturation with non-elite athletes?

Likely Q is not high enough to cause reduction in arterial desaturation