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34 Cards in this Set

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How many of REM in a normal sleep cycle?
1. 5 cycles in 8 hours, the last cycle brings you back awake
What is the awake/resting state, and brain waves?
1. State where you are laying down with your eyes closed, using alpha brain waves
What is stage one of sleep?(3)
1. 1-7min
2. Dozing off
3. Alpha waves become larger Amplitude waves
What is stage two of sleep?(3)
1. Light sleep
2. First true sleep stage
3. Sleep spindle bursts appear(12-24hz)
What is stage 3 of sleep?(3)
1. Harder to wake up
2. Decreased HR and BR
3. More sleep spindles and lower Hz waves
What is stage 4 of sleep?(3)
1. Called slow wave sleep(SWS)
2. Delta Waves are low and slow baby
3. In this stage you may still move, and sleep walking occurs here
What is REM sleep(stage 5)?(3)
1. Starts 10-20 min and eventually totals 90-120 min
2. Motor neurons are inhibited
3. People are usually paralyzed during this sleep
How do sleep pattern change with age?
1. Typically older people need less sleep
What are the two main types of Primary sleep disorders?
1. Dysomnias
2. Parasomnias
What is a dysomnia?(2)
1. Problems getting to, or staying asleep
2. Divided into insomnia and hypersomnia
What are parasomnias?(2)
1. Problems that occur during sleep, or the sleep to wake transition
2. Sleep apnea or sleepwalking
What is insomnia?
1. A symptom where you are unable to fall asleep on your own
What is primary insomnia, how would you tx, and what drugs?(3)
1. Difficulty with sleep for at least a month
2. Tx by stop trying so hard to fall asleep(deconditioning)
3. Drugs used can be; benzos, antihistamines, dietary supplements, or neuroleptics
What is hypersomnia,typical causes and tx?(3)
1. Eccessive daytime sleep
2. narcolepsy or sleep deprivation or stimulant withdrawel
3. tx with stimulants or SSRIs
What is narcolepsy?
1.Neuro disorder characterized by sleep attacks
Can include; cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations, automatic behaviour, etc
What is cataplexy?
1. A sudden loss of muscle tone which can involve one or all muscles
2. The goats dropping and falling asleep
What are hypnagogic hallucinations?
1. intense vivid, dreamlike experiences that occur just before sleep
What is automatic behavior?
1.It is purposeful activity that is often nonsensical like peeing in a fireplace
What are the two types of sleep apnea and tehir problems?
1. Central sleep apnea where the person wakes up cause he is choking
2. Obstructive sleep apnea where the person slowly stops breathing and never reaches later stages of sleep
Name some other types of dysommnias?
1. Restless leg syndrome(RLS) where the person must do something with their leg before they fall asleep
2. Periodic limb movement syndrome where the person kicks out their leg while sleeping
What are three types of parasomnias?
1. nightmare disorder
2. sleepwalking(stage 4)
3. night terrors(stage 4)
What is REM behavior disorder?
1. Acting out your dreams during REM sleep, usually occurs in older men
What is bruxism?
Teeth grinding
What is somniloquy?
sleep talking
What is jactatio capitis nocturnis?
sleep head banging
What are parasomnias?(2)
1. Problems that occur during sleep, or the sleep to wake transition
2. Sleep apnea or sleepwalking
What is insomnia?
1. A symptom where you are unable to fall asleep on your own
What is primary insomnia, how would you tx, and what drugs?(3)
1. Difficulty with sleep for at least a month
2. Tx by stop trying so hard to fall asleep(deconditioning)
3. Drugs used can be; benzos, antihistamines, dietary supplements, or neuroleptics
What is hypersomnia,typical causes and tx?(3)
1. Eccessive daytime sleep
2. narcolepsy or sleep deprivation or stimulant withdrawel
3. tx with stimulants or SSRIs
What is narcolepsy?
1.Neuro disorder characterized by sleep attacks
Can include; cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations, automatic behaviour, etc
What is fatal familial insomnia?
It is a rare AD dz where you go through sleepless nights until coma and death. Can be a prion Dz
Why do we dream?
consolidation of memory
What is the psychoanalytic dream theory?
Dreams represent our unconcious and aggressive sexual thoughts that are repressed
What is the activation synthesis dream theory?
The brain is doing something good for its own benefit