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30 Cards in this Set

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Vygotsky vs piagets take on preintelectual language vs preliguistic thought
vygotsky says that once the union of thought and language has occured then language becomes the foundation for thought. piaget thinks that thought precides language
Egocentric speech vygotsky vs piagete
vygotsky believes that egocentric speech is the forrunner for inner speech, piaget says that egocentric speech is becuase kids are talking with no concept of others areound them egocentric speech thus disapears as children start to use social speech
stage 2 what are the sounds that a child makes
cooing laughter
stage 3 what are the sounds that a child makes *4-6months*
vocal play "babbling"
stage 4 6months and older
stage 5 10 months
jargon final stage of linguistic vocal development " strings of sounds uttered with a rich variety of stress and intonation patterns"
what does phonology mean
what does morphology
Bound morphemes
what does semantics mean
vocabulary rules
what does syntax
word worder rules govern language
what is pragmatics
usage of language
what is paralinguistics
prodody intonation
what is metalinguistics
awareess of language
Pervaive development disorder, may innteact socially but the have major behavioral problems
what does standerdized mean
Standardized simply means that there are consistent standards, or directions to follow, for administering and scoring the test.
what are nomed tests
questions that don;t distinguish abilities are thrown out and test is given and tested to make sure that the test results are bell curved in shape.. Find out what is normal for this age
Confidence interval
quantifies the uncertainty in measurement ..
what is reliabilty
refers to the reproductability of a measurement
what is validity
it is the agreement between value of a measurement and it;s true value
Error of measurement
sometimes things can't be totally the same between testing and little things change this cause slight differences tp calculate this we use the persons sd in each of there measuments bettween tests we can then account for this in our mean
what are scaled test scores
scaled scores take a raw score ubtained on a subtest and turn it into a score that is relevent to a all level assesment
What iis a [ersentaile score
this is detemend by dividing the correct answers by the incorrect ones
mental age vs chronological age
chronological age how old a child is in years..( you are Xyears old) mental age is chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance
what is a baseline
this is a line imaginary that we use as our starting point in measurment
what is probing in terms of thisn class
probing is a way of finding out information in an indirect manner it is a way to test for something
pre testing vs post testing
if you do not complete a pre test then there is no point to a post test.. the pretest helps to determain where the child is so that you have a baseline to work from, the post test will allow you to see if what you are doing helped
what is regression toward the mean
tendency for group with very high or very low scores to have more normal scores on subsequent measure.
what is a false possitive
this is when someone appears to have a problem when they really don't
what is a false negative
this is when some seams like they DONT have a problem when they DO
language delay vs deviance
language delay is when a childs aquasition of one or more aspects of language is not within normal development ; a child who has a deviance problem is acquaing the language out of normal order.