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90 Cards in this Set

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Physiological systems of animals function in

A fluid environment

Relative concentrations of water and solutes must be contained within

Fairly narrow limits


Regulate solute concentrations and balances the gain and loss of water

Freshwater animals show adaptations that

Reduce water uptake and conserve solutes

Desert and marine animals face desiccating environment that can

Quickly deplete body water


Get rid of nitrogenous metabolites and other waste products

Osmoregulation is based on

Controls movement of solids between internal fluids and the external environment


The solute concentration of a solution

Osmolarity determines

The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane

If two solutions are isoosmotic the movement of water is

Equal in both directions

Is two solutions that differ in osmolarity the net flow of water is from

The hypoosomatic to the hyperosmotic solution


Isoosmotic with their surroundings and do not regulate osmolarity


Expend energy to control water uptake and prevent loss in the hyperosmotic or hypo osmotic environment

Most marine invertebrates are


Most marine vertebrates and some invertebrates are


Marine bony fishes are hypo osmotic to seawater because

They lose water by osmosis and gain salt by diffusion and from food

Marine bony fishes balance water loss by

Drinking sea water and excreting salts

Adaptations to reduce water loss are key to

Survival on land

Body coverings of most terrestrial Animals help prevent


Desert animals get major water savings from

Simple anatomical features and behaviors such as a nocturnal lifestyle

Land animals maintain water balance by

Eating moist food and producing water metabolically through cellular respiration

Osmoregulators must expend energy to maintain

Osmotic gradients

Amount of energy used to keep osmotic gradient up differs based on

Transport epithelia

Are epithelial cells that are specialized for moving solutes in specific directions

Transport epithelia are typically arranged in

Complex tubular Networks

The type and quantity of an animal's waste products make greatly affect its

Water balance

Among the most significant wastes are

Nitrogenous breakdown products of protein and nucleic acid

Some animals convert toxic ammonia (NH3) to

Less toxic compounds prior to excretion

Animals excrete nitrogenous waste in different forms

Ammonia, urea, or uric acid

Ammonia and urea and uric acid differ in

Toxicity and the energy cost of producing them

Animals that excrete nitrogenous wastes as ammonia need

Access to lots of water

The liver of mammals and mosy adult amphibans converts ammonia to the less toxic


Conversion of ammonia to urea is energetically expensive but

The excretion of urea requires less water than ammonia

Insects and land snails and many reptiles including Birds mainly excretes

Uric acid

In order of greatest to least the more energetically expensive ways to excrete nitrogenous wastes are

Ammonia to urea to uric acid

Uric acid is

Relatively non-toxic and does not dissolve readily in water it's can also be secreted as a paste with little water bottles

An animal's evolutionary history and habitats and water availability and immediate environment of the animal egg effect

The kinds of nitrogenous waste excreted

The amount of nitrogenous waste is coupled into the animals

Energy budget

Excretory systems regulate

Solute movements between internal fluids and the external environment

Most excretory systems produce urine by

Refining the filtrate derived from body fluids

The key functions of most excretory systems are

Filtration and reabsorption and secretion and excretion


Filtering of body fluids


Reclaiming valuable solutes


Adding non essentials solutes and wastes from the body fluids to the filtrate


Processed filtrate containing nitrogenous wastes is released from the body

Systems that perform basic excretory functions very widely in animal groups but

Usually involve a complex network of tubules

Kidneys are the excretory organs of vertebrates and function

Excretion and osmoregulation

The tubules of kidneys are

Highly organized and numerous

The filtrate that contains salts and glucose and amino acids and vitamins and nitrogenous wastes and other small molecules is made in

Bowman's capsule

Re-absorption of ions and water and nutrients takes place in

The proximal tubule

Molecules are transported actively and passively from the filtrate to the

Interstitial fluid and then capillaries

As the filtrate passes through the proximal to materials to be excreted become


Some toxic materials are

Actively secreted into the filtrate

Reabsorption of water continues through channels formed by

Aquaporin proteins

Reabsorption of water is driven by the osmolarity of the interstitial fluid which is hyperosmotic to the

Filtrate this also causes the filtrate to become more concentrated in the descending limb of the loop of henle

In the ascending limb of the loop of henle salt but not water is able to diffuse from the tubule into the

Interstitial fluid which makes the filtrate become dilute

The distal tube regulate potassium and salt concentration of

Body fluids

The controlled movements of ions H+ and bicarbonate contributes to

PH regulation

The collecting duct carries filtrate through the medulla to the

Renal pelvis

One of the most important tasks of the collecting duct is reabsorption of

Solutes and water

Urine is hyperosmotic to

Body fluids

Energy is expended to actively transports salts from the filtrate in the

Upper part of the ascending limb of the loop of henle

The counter-current multiplier system

Involves the loop of henle and maintains a high salt concentration in the kidney

The counter-current multiplier system allows the Vasa recta to supply the kidney with nutrients without interfering with the

Osmolarity gradient

In the collecting duct osmosis extract water from the filtrate as it passes from the cortex to the medulla and encounters

Interstitial fluid of increasing osmolarity

Urine produced is ISO osmotic to the interstitial fluid of the inner medulla but hyperosmotic to

Blood and interstitial fluid elsewhere in the body

The juxtamedullary Nephron is key to water conservation

Terrestrial animals

Mammals that inhabit dry environment have

Long Loops of henle

Mammals can control the volume and osmolarity of urine in response to changes in

Salt intake and water availability

A combination of nervous and hormonal controls manage the osmo regularity functions of

The mammalian kidney

Nervous and hormonal controls in the kidney contribute to homeostasis for

Blood pressure and blood volume

ADH is also called


Osmoreceptors cells in the hypothalamus monitor blood osmolarity and regulates the release of

ADH from the posterior pituitary

When osmolarity rises above its set point ADH release into the bloodstream


Binding ADH to receptor molecules leads to a temporary increase in the number of aquaporin proteins in the membrane of collecting duct cells which

Reduces urine volume and lowers blood osmolarity

Alcohol is a diuretic as it inhibits

The release of ADH

Mutation in ADH production causes severe hydration and results in diabetes which

Increases urine production

ADH stands for

Antidiuretic hormone

RAAS stands for

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

JGA means

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

RAAS is a part of a complex feedback circuit that functions in


A drop in blood pressure near the glomerulus causes the JGA to release

The enzyme renin

Brennen triggered the formation of a peptide

Angiotensin 2

Angiotensin 2

Raises blood pressure and decreases blood flow to the kidneys it also stimulates the release of the hormone aldosterone

Aldosterone increases

Blood volume and pressure

ADH and raas both increase water reabsorption but only raas

Will respond to a decrease in blood volume

Another hormone ANP opposes the raas by being released in response to

An increase in blood volume and pressure to inhibit the release of renin

ANP means

Atrial natriuretic peptide

Most mammals are stenohaline meaning

They cannot tolerate substantial changes in external osmolarity

Euryhaline animals can survive large fluctuations in

External osmolarity