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68 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal weight and length of the kidneys?
150 grams
11 cm length
What are 2 general categories of renal cystic diseases?
What are 2 ways that congenital renal cysts can form?
-Via Maldevelopment
-Due to genetic defect (either dominant or recessive)
What are 2 categories of Acquired cystic diseases?
-Simple cystic disease
-Cystic disease due to Kidney Failure
What is Cystic Renal Dysplasia?
A SPORADIC disorder withOUT Family Clustering
What distribution can be seen in Cystic Renal dysplasia?
Either unilateral or bilateral
What is the typical GROSS appearance of cystic renal dysplasia? (3 findings)
-Enlarged kidneys
-Extremely irregular
-Multiple cysts up to sev CM in diameter
What is a microscopic HALLMARK of cystic renal dysplasia?
Little bits of CARTILAGE in the kidneys
What are 4 microscopic features seen in Cystic Renal Dysplasia?
-Disorganized architecture
-Immature mesenchyme
-Immature collecting ducts
With what 3 abnormalities are most cases of cystic renal dysplasia associated?
-Ureteropelvic obstruction
-Ureteral agenesis
Is Renal cystic Dysplasia congenital or acquired?
Congenital - one of the more common congenital disorders actually
What is a fairly common ACQUIRED form of renal cysts?
Simple renal cysts
How are simple renal cysts seen?
By ultrasound
What does the development of simple cysts correlate with?
What age does NOT normally have simple cysts?
Under 30 yr old
What are the 2 general Gross morphology changes seen in ADPKD?
-Very large kidneys - volumes of 500-1500 ml (N is 150 ml)
-Long kidneys of 15-30 cm
What is the Incidence of ADPKD in live births?
How many Americans are affected by ADPKD?
~500,000 of all races
How does the incidence of CF in live births and Americans compare to that of ADPKD?
-Less common in live births 1/2500
-Fewer affected Americans ~30,000
Why does CF affect so fewer Americans than ADPKD?
By CF manifests itself earlier (in childhood) and is more lethal
What are 3 notable ASSOCIATIONS with ADPKD? What is their frequency?
Mitral valve prolapse - 25%
Brain aneurysms ~10%
What protein is defective in a large % of ADPKD cases?
What is the nature of the Polycystin protein like in general?
Very large with the capacity for many mutations!
What implication does the fact that the Polycystin gene can have many mutations have for lab testing for ADPKD?
It is impossible to detect a mutation in a given patient
What is the chromosome defect in 85% of ADPKD cases?
Short arm (p) of Chromosome 16
(Polycystin 1)
What is the Ch' defect in Polycstin 2?
How does a gene defect in Polycystin cause ADPKD?
We don't know
What is a very important structure on renal epithelial cells that detects urine flow?
How do the cilia transform urinary flow into a signal?
By calcium influx
What are 2 proteins within the cilium that are important for normal signalling in renal epithelial cells regarding urinary flow?
Polycystin 1 and 2
Why do changes in urine flow signalling create cysts?
We don't know
In many cases of ADPKD, why are cysts lined by cells that are HOMOZYGOUS for the PKD mutation, considering that it is auto dominant?
Because of the 2-hit hypothesis
What is the 2hit hypothesis?
Patients are born with 1 germline mutation of a PKD allele, and acquire a somatic mutation in the other.
How does the progression of PKD compare between type I and type II?
-18 yr old w/ type I will show more cysts than in type II
-41 yr old w/ type I will show much more having developed than in type II
At what age do patients with type I PKD BEGIN to show ESRD or death?
~40 yrs old
By what age are MOST patients with type I PKD in ESRD or dead?
What implication does the fact that PKD presents after reproductive years have?
Its transmission from parent to child is very likely and easy.
How does the onset of ESRD and death in PKD type II compare to that in type I?
It occurs LATER - because fewer cysts have developed by the age of 41 in type II than in type I
What % of subjects on dialysis or with ESRD have ADPKD?
only ~5%
So is ADPKD a common cause of renal failure in this country?
What are the top 2 causes of renal failure in this country?
-Glomerular disease
What is an even less common cause of renal failure than ADPKD?
What is live-birth incidence of:
ADPKD = 1/1000
ARPKD = 1/10000
What is the protein product of the defective gene in ARPKD?
Where is Fibrocystin/polyductin protein found?
Also in the cilia of renal epithelium
Where within the kidneys do the cysts in ARPKD form predominantly?
In the collecting ducts mostly but also in the cortex/medulla
What is the muddiest form of inherited PKD?
Medullary cystic disease
How does the size of kidneys in Medullary cystic disease compare to those in ADPKD and ARPKD?
Kidneys in MCD are SMALL
Where are the cysts that form in MCD found within the kidneys?
In the medulla, not the cortex
What is Medullary cystic disease also sometimes referred to as?
What is MCD/Nephronophtisis in general? What is the inheritance pattern?
A diverse group of rare conditions - can be EITHER dominant or recessive
How can MCD affect blood pressure?
BP may remain normal due to salt wasting
How does the age of progression to renal failure in MCD compare to that in ADPKD?
Evolution to renal failure occurs much earlier in MCD, ie in youth
What is the Auto Dominant form of Medullary cystic disease associated with?
A mutation in Tamm-Horsfall protein
And what is Tamm-Horsfall protein?
A protein that is secreted from the surface of renal tubular epithelial cells in the TAL (thick asc limb of LOH)
What is a medication that can cause renal cysts to develop?
What is the most common form of acquired cystic kidney disease?
ACKD (acquired cystic kidney disease)
When are acquired cysts commonly seen in the kidneys?
In end-stage kidneys
What do ACKD in end-stage kidneys have the potential for?
Cancer formation
What does the development of cysts in end-stage kidneys correlate with?
The # of years the patient has been on dialysis
What can be seen on histology in complex cystic lesions of the kidney?
Both Clear cell carcinoma and Papillary carcinoma
What is NOT a cystic kidney disease, though it is often confused as one?
Medullary sponge kidney
What actually are the structures that appear as cysts in medullary sponge kidney?
Dilated collecting ducts
How common is medullary sponge kidney?
Fairly common - 1/100 by IVP exam
What is medullary sponge kidney associated with?
Nephrolithiasis - kidney stones
What is medullary sponge kidney NOT associated with?
It is NOT a cause of kidney failure
What is the lifetime incidence of kidney stones in
Males: 1/10
Females: 1/20
Is medullary sponge kidney congenital or acquired?
Congenital, but sporadic, and without a defined inheritance pattern.