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32 Cards in this Set

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What are phytochemical compounds?
1) Plant compounds with a capacity for reaction or interaction

2) Offer benefits beyond basic nutrition - interact in complex complementary ways to prevent disease and boost overall health

3) Many have anticarcinogenic properties
Define 5 major groups of phytochemicals
1) acidophilus/bifidus
2) antioxidants
3) bioflavonoids
4) carotenoids
5) fibre
What is the function of acidophilus/bifidus?
1) friendly bacteria
2) restore balance of intestinal flora
3) assist digestion
4) treat yeast infections
What is the function of antioxidants?
1) Prevent the formation of free radicals (oxidants)
2) Intercept oxidants that do get formed
3) Intercept damage caused by oxidants that don't get intercepted
Name some antioxidants?
Vitamins - A,C,E
Minerals - selenium, zinc, manganese
Lipoic acid
What is the function of bioflavonoids?
Super antioxidants
Where would you find bioflavonoids?
Purple and red foods
citrus fruits
green tea
soy products
What are carotenoids?
1) Powerful antioxidants
2) family of natural pigments found only in plants
3) Protective against cancer, macular degeneration, CVD
4) boost immune system
Where would you find carotenoids?
Orange, green and red fruits and veg.
Lycopene - tomatoes (with lipid)
Lutein - spinach (with lipid)
What is the function of fibre?
1) Soluble fibre (pectin, apple, oatbran) slows movement of food through intestine

2) Insoluble fibre (beans, celery...) speeds up movement of food through intestine
What are the main advantages of animal foods?
1) Provide complete proteins
2) more usable iron than from any other source
3) energises and builds strength
4) Supply B12 and other nutrients

* Eggs one of the most concentrated foods
* Calf liver one of the most concentrated sources of nutrition available
What are some disadvantages of animal foods?
1) An excess of animal foods can cause health problems because of their high content of:
1) sodium
2) phosphorous
3) saturated fat
4) protein

2) Eggs have the highest allergenic potential

3) calcium:phosphorous ratio all wrong

4) cured meats very high in sodium and other additives

5) many commercially farmed animals raised on low quality food + antibiotics + growth stimulants etc
Considerations for meat eating
1) Eat meat in moderation
2) choose lean, good quality meat
3) avoid all cured meats
4) eat more fish in place of meat
5) use meat as the smaller part of the whole meal
Where would you find the antioxidant glutathione?
Where would you find the antioxidant lipoic acid?
Where would you find the antioxidant cysteine?
beef, chicken, eggs, fish, milk
Where would you find the antioxidant glutamine?
Where would you find the antioxidant methionine?
beef, eggs, garlic, onions, yoghurt
Where would you find the bioflavonoid quercetin?
Where would you find the bioflavonoid chatechin?
green tea, berries, red wine
Where would you find the bioflavonoid resveratrol?
red wine
Where would you find the bioflavonoid isoflavones?
soy products
Where would you find the bioflavonoid ellagic acid?
strawberries, raspberries, grapes, onions
Where would you find the phytochemical capsaicin?
capsicum, chilli
Where would you find the phytochemical coumarin?
green tea, soy, cabbage
Where would you find the phytochemical cruciferous indoles?
cabbage, broccoli
Where would you find lignans?
whole grains
Where would you find pectin?
apples, grapefruit
Where would you find phenolic acids (phenols)?
most fruits and vegetables
Where would you find sulphides?
garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli
Where would you find lutein?
Where would you find lycopene?