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45 Cards in this Set

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Considerations in choosing contraception
level of protection desired (absolute
vs. spacing children)
-knowledge and attitude about methods
-frequency of coitus
-extent of male participation in
-patient compliance
-attitude about contraceptive failure
THIS GROUP OF pts has low tollerence for adverse RXs
always--remeber reversibility
method effectiveness
versus use effectiveness:
method effectiveness refers to efficacy
with consistent proper usage

use effectiveness refers to
efficacy under actual conditions of use (more compliance needed = less use effective)
NAtural Birth control Methods
Natural family planning, ovulation detection
Periodic abstinence (traditional rhythm):
low efficacy (sperm can hang out for days)
and various methods to predict timing in cylce
(Basal Body Temperature,cervical mucus, Breastfeeding)
Timing methods
Basal Body Temperature
P increases
basal body temperature;
by time P rises, the oocyte is no longer viable and intercourse is safe.
BBT rises 0.25-0.5°C (0.45-0.9°F). must check consistantly at the same time
(say in the morning)
Timing methods
cervical mucus:
cervical mucus is thin,
watery and plentiful
when estrogen is high, just prior to ovulation. A woman can often identify
this and predict ovulation
P causes thick mucus)
Breast feeding as birth control
Increased PrL (-) LH, FSH
2/3 return to ovulation w/in 9 Mo
must be careful always feed baby...first menstration after first OVUlation
Tubal ligation or vasectomy:
Should be
chosen only if irreversible and permanent
contraception is desired.
sometimes it is reversible
A microinsert composed of a spring-like coil is inserted into each Fallopian tube. The body reacts to the presence of the inserts and forms a blockage of the tubes. The reaction takes 3 months, so another form of birth control must be used until the tubes are blocked
Nonoxynol 9
Nonoxynol 9
• Non-ionic detergent, sued as a topical contraceptive
 Inhibits sperm motility and function
 Disrupts cell membranes
 Physical barrier
cream, film, foam (fastest), jelly, gel, sponge,
vaginal suppositories
no absolute CIs
Nonoxynol-9 also spermatocide
• Irritation of vaginal/cervical epithelium
 May irritate partners skin
• No contraindications
• Not teratogenic
• Intravaginal azoles may inactive or be inactivated by these drugs (inactivate eachother)
increases AIDS infectivity**********
Barrier method of contraception
foreign body in vagina can result in infection and even TSS if left too long
Combination Oral Contraceptives (COC): defined
contain both estrogen and progesterone.

Natural estrogens and progesterone
are not used because of first pass
metabolism in the liver.
Combination Oral Contraceptives (COC):
Ethinyl estradiol
Combination Oral Contraceptives (COC):
Ethynodiol diacetate
THESe are all sythetically derived from Testosterone
all with some degree of androgen activity (first two the most, and also the most potent Ps)
P alows differentiaition and bleeding(decid)
Drospirenone is a synthetic progestin that
is related to spironolactone.
(ethinyl estradiol + levonorgestrel)
extended cycle-taken for 84 days, followed by 7 days
There is a greater incidence of spotting
or irregular vaginal bleeding during the
first cycles
with inactive tablets.
(MISSING A PILL IS A BIgger deal with these extended guys)
progestins varied activity
Norgestrel and levonorgestrel: most
potent progestational, androgenic, and
antiestrogenic activity
-Norethindrone and ethynodiol diacetate:
have slight estrogenic activity;
norethindrone has slight androgenic activity
-Norgestimate and desogestrel: very low
androgenic activity and with antiestrogenic
Combination Oral Contraceptives (COC):
Inhibit gonadotropin secretion by negative
feedback, including prevention of both the
midcycle LH surge (blocks ovulation) and the follicular phase
FSH needed to stimulate follicular growth( fewer foll. recruited)

-Progestin component causes increased
viscosity of cervical mucus, decidualization of the endometrium, and reduced contractility of the uterus
Uterine endometrium is unreceptive to
implantation (Es job)

-Gamete transport in fallopian tubes is
Minor adverse effects of COC
Nausea, breast tenderness, water
retention, breakthrough bleeding

Rarely: benign hepatic adenomas,
Progestins(and andro)-serum lipid effects & hyperglycemia.
Serious adverse effects of combination
oral contraceptives:
-MI (paradox scene)(much now less with the low doses
-DVT/embolus (due to synthetic) (much worse if smoke)
-hep. adenoma(synthetic)
-hypertension (5%)
-atherosis (Prog)
Contraceptive patch
Contains norelgestromin (a progestin)
and ethinyl estradiol.
1 patch/week off week like normal pill
very RECENT warning-----these release higher concentrations(knew THis)--and now they say increases DVT.
Vaginal ring (NuvaRing)
(ethinyl estradiol + etonogestrel)
in three weeks then out 1
Absolute contraindications for COC
hyperlipidemia, pregnant,
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, estrogen-
sensitive tumor,
history of deep vein
thrombosis, stroke, myocardial infarction,
heart disease, or vasculitis
Relative contraindications for COC
diabetes but otherwise healthy
SMoking and COC
Smoking increases the risks of oral
smoke over 35---no pill
under thirty five only LOW dose pills
over thirty five non smoke low dose only
COC,hrt and Cancer(breast, endomet,cervical
Breast cancer controversial
The risk of ovarian and endometrial
cancer decreases with COC
Risk of cervical cancer increases (due to increased HPV exposure not hormones)
Noncontraceptive indications for steroidal contraceptives
to increase menstrual cycle regularity
-to reduce menstrual blood loss
-to decrease dysmenorrhea
Noncontraceptive benefits of the pill
Reduction in the risks of benign fibrocystic
breast disease, menorrhagia, endometrial
and ovarian cancer, endometriosis, iron
deficiency anemia, dysmenorrhea,
PMS, decreased
severity of PID,
and decreased ectopic
there is also more menst. cycle regularity
Progestin-only pill

more breakthrough bleeding
but becoming more popular
can be used in lactation (E stops it )
Depot P prepiration
lasts three years
rod under arm
Medroxyprogesterone acetate
IM 1/ 3 months
can decr bone density if given >2 years
Combo depot prep
Medroxyprogesterone acetate and
estradiol cypionate
1/month more menst reg.
mechanism of action Of
P only pill
Causes cervical mucus to be thick and
viscous (unreceptive to sperm)

-decidualization of endometr.

-Affects transport time of the oocyte
in the oviducts and of sperm in the uterus
Inhibits gonadotropins,(less reliable
than COC at (-) ovulation

-Endometrium becomes atrophic and is
not conducive to implantation
depot progestins
menstrual cycle irregularity:
(breakthrough bleeding, spotting,
Intrauterine devices (IUD’s)
• Recommended for Women that …
 Have had 1 child
 Are in a stable monogamous relationship
 Have NO history of ectopic pregnancy or PID
Intrauterine devices (IUD’s)
ALL IUDs in US are medicated
Progestasert: a progesterone-containing
IUD requires yearly replacement
-Copper IUD: (ParaGard T 380A)
Effective for 10 years, releases copper
-Mirena: releases levonorgestrel for 5
a progesterone-containing
IUD requires yearly replacement
Intrauterine devices
• Increased spotting/breakthrough bleeding
 Especially in first 3-6 months
• Ovarian cysts, acne, breast tenderness, mood changes
• Perforate uterus/cervix during implantation (this is why most have been removed from market
releases levonorgestrel for 5
Intrauterine devices (IUD’s)
previously thought they aborted implanted.....But now think
• Modify biochemical environment of endometrium
 Causes inflammatory reaction in uterus that is toxic to sperm & ova (cytokines)

• Progestins released have same affect on cervical mucus, oocyte transport, and gonadotropins as oral contraceptives
emergency contraception
Plan B(Levonorgestrel)=Progestin-Only Emergency Contraception
Can also use COC...or E alone but not good on the endometrium at the high doses(NEED to USE HIGH DOSES) same mechanism as OCT but quick (AND E is an emetic big time)
Mifepristone (off label)
plan B
Levonorgestrel)=Progestin-Only Emergency Contraception
• 0.75 mg levonorgestrel
• Two pills taken with a 12 hour interval within 72 hours of coitus.
EMERGENCY contraceptives
nausea vomit and breast pain are common in high dose E

plus estrogen is very potent
at stimulating closure of the epiphyses.
Drug interactions with steroidal contraceptives that decrease the efficacy of the second drug:
-OC may increase blood glucose
so that increased insulin has to
be given to type I diabetics
Drug interactions with steroidal contraceptives that increase
the efficacy of the second drug:
-corticosteroids (reduced metabolism)
Drug interactions that decrease the
efficacy of the steroidal contraceptive:
antiepileptic drugs (eg, phenytoin,
-possibly ampicillin and tetracycline
-St. John's Wort (+ CYP3A4)