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107 Cards in this Set

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amor, amōris
(m) love
carmen, carminis
(n) song, poem
cīvitās, cīvitātis
(f) state, citizenship
corpus, corporis
(n) body
homō, hominis
(m) human being, man
labor, labōris
(m) labor, work, toil; a work, production
mōs, mōris
(m) habit, custom, maner; pl., habits, morals, character
nōmen, nōminis
(n) name
pāx, pācis
(f) peace
rēx, rēgis
(m) king
tempus, temporis
(n) time; occasion, opportunity
uxor, uxōris
(f) wife
virgō, virginis
(f) maiden, virgin
virtūs, virtūtis
(f) manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
Cicerō, Cicerōnis
(m) Cicero
frāter, frātris
(m) brother
laus, laudis
(f) praise, glory, fame
lībertās, lībertātis
(f) liberty
ratiō, ratiōnis
(f) reckoning, account,; reason, judgment, consideration; system; manner, method
scrīptor, scrīptōris
(m) writer, author
soror, sorōris
(f) sister
cupiditās, cupiditātis
(f) desire, longing, passion; cupidity, avarice
senectūs, senectūtis
(f) old age
timor, timōris
(m) fear
vēritās, vēritātis
(f) truth
voluptās, voluptātis
(f) pleasure
caput, capitis
(n) head; leader; beginning; life;heading; chapter
cōnsul, cōnsulis
(m) consul
adulēscēns, adulēscentis
(m or f) young man, young woman
Caesar, Caesaris
(m) Caesar
māter, mātris
(f) mother
pater, patris
(m) father
animal, animālis
(n) a living creature, animal
ars, artis
(f) art, skill
auris, auris
(f) ear
cīvis, cīvis
(m or f) citizen
iūs, iūris
(n) right, justice, law
mare, maris
(n) sea
mors, mortis
(f) death
nūbēs, nūbis
(f) cloud
ōs, ōris
(n) mouth, face
pars, partis
(f) part, share; direction
urbs, urbis
(f) city
vīs, vīs
(f) force, power, violence
vīrēs, vīrium
(f. pl.) strength
tempestās, tempestātis
(f) period of time, season; weather, storm
aetās, aetātis
(f) period of life, life, age, an age, time
audītor, audītōris
(m) hearer, listener, member of an audience
mēns, mentis
(f) mind, thought, intention
flūmen, flūminis
(n) river
genus, generis
(n) origin; kind, type, sort, class
hostis, hostis
(m) an enemy
probitās, probitātis
(f) uprightness, honesty
auctor, auctōris
(m) increaser; author, originator
iūdex, iūdicis
(m) judge, juror
scelus, sceleris
(n) evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
mōns, montis
(m) mountain
servitūs, servitūtis
(f) servitude, slavery
fīnis, fīnis
(m) end, limit, boundary; purpose
fīnēs, fīnium
(m) boundaries, territory
gēns, gentis
(f) clan, race, nation, people
nāvis, nāvis
(f) ship, boat
salūs, salūtis
(f) health, safety; greeting
ignis, ignis
(m) fire
arx, arcis
(f) citadel, stronghold
dux, ducis
(m) leader, guide; commander, general
lītus, lītoris
(n) shore, coast
mīles, mīlitis
(m) soldier
ōrātor, ōrātōris
(m) orator, speaker
sacerdōs, sacerdōtis
(m) priest
Carthāgō, Carthāginis
(f) Carthage
imperātor, imperātōris
(m) general, commander-in-chief, emperor
vulnus, vulneris
(n) wound
lēx, lēgis
(f) law, statute
līmen, līminis
(n) threshold
lūx, lūcis
(f) light
nox, noctis
(f) night
dēlectātiō, dēlectātiōnis
(f) delight, pleasure, enjoyment
nepōs, nepōtis
(m) grandson, descendant
sōl, sōlis
(m) sun
occāsiō, occāsiōnis
(f) occasion, opportunity
parēns, parentis
(m, f) parent
vesper, vesperis or vesperī
(m) evening; evening star
sīdus, sīderis
(n) constellation, star
honor, honōris
(m) honor, esteem; public office
as, assis
(m) an as (a small copper coin)
rūmor, rūmōris
(m) rumor, gossip
ops, opis
(f) help, aid
opēs, opum
(f. pl.) power, resources, wealth
plēbs, plēbis
(f) the common people, populace, plebeians
sāl, salis
(m) salt; wit
remissiō, remissiōnis
(f) letting go, release; relaxation
vōx, vōcis
(f) voice, word
cupīdō, cupīdinis
(f) desire, compassion
lēctor, lēctōris
(m) reader (male)
lēctrīx, lēctrīcis (f)
reader (female)
iter, itineris
(n) journey; route, road
rūs, rūris
(n) the country, countryside
arbor, arboris
(f) tree
dignitās, dignitātis
(f) merit, prestige, dignity
dolor, dolōris
(m) pain, grief
opus, operis
(n) a work, task; deed, accomplisment
ōratiō, ōrātiōnis
(f) speech
sator, satōris
(m) sower, planter; begetter, father; founder
pēs, pedis
(m) lower leg, foot
mulier, mulieris
(f) woman
aes, aeris
(n) bronze