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66 Cards in this Set

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clinical manifestations of GI dysfunction
1. failure to thrive 2. spit up 3. NVDC 4. ab pain/distend 5. gi bleed 6. jaundice 7. dysphagia 8. abnormal bowel sounds
GI peds
1. small stomach nn60 inf 250-300 2. gastric HCl low 3. pepsinogen = adult 3mo 4. food in stomach decr time
4:2:1 rule
1. first 10kg = 4ml/kg/hr 2. 2 3. 1
1. leading illness in children <5yo 2. 24% all deaths rt dehy/dia
diarrhea factors
1. weight loss 2. pulse 3. bp 4. behavior 5. thrist 6. mm 7. tears 8. ant font 9. ext jug 10. skin 11. urine spec grav
diarrhea - weight loss
i/c mild 5/3 mod 10/6 sev 15/10
diarrhea - pulse
incr = worse
diarrhea - bp
mod 10mm ortho sev ortho/shock
diarrhea - behavior
mod thirst/irrit sev incr irrit/leth
diarrhea - thirst
incr = worse
diarrhea - mm
incr = worse
diarrhea - tears
sunk = worse
diarrhea - ant font
sunk = worse
diarrhea - ext jug
not vis = worse
diarrhea - skin
>2yo is less useful cap ref mild 2+ mod 2-4 sev 4+
diarrhea - urine spec grav
>1.02 mild oliguria 3-500ml/day med anuria 50 ml/day severe
acute diarrhea def
sudden incr freq/consistency stool
acute diarrhea patho
1. infectious agent in GI 2. assoc with URI/UTI, Ab, laxative 3. self-limited 14d
acute diarrhea nursing consid
1. emo support anxiety/scared 2. promote rest/comfort: dark/quiet/toys 3. nutrition 4. discharge plan: handwash, symptoms, sep bathroom
diarrtha - prevention
1. fecal-oral route 2. teach pers hyg 3. clean water/decr contam 4. food prep 5. handwash
pediatric dehydration tx
1. D5 and 1/2 NS with 20meq/L KCl 2. Ringer's lactate
constipation - def
1. alteration in freq, consistency, ease of passage 2. comorbidity possible
functional constipation
chronic constipation
enviro/psychosoc factors
constipation - tx
1. hydrate 2. fiber: fiber, bran as per age
1st meconium
1. within 24-36h 2. if not ax for hirschprung, hypothyroid, meconium plug, meconium ileus/CF
constipation - infant
1. rt to diet 2. if bf rare 3. ff usual
constipation - infant tx
1. ab stim 2. mineral oil
constipation - child
1. enviro change 2. body control 3. stress 4. encopresis
soiling underwear if toilet trained
constipation - nursing consider
1. history bowel patt 2. meds 3. diet 4. trip 5. educate 6. diet mod as per age
hirschprung def
1. aka congenital aganglionic megacolon 2. mech obs from decr motility 3. rare incr male/down 4. abs of ganglion in colon (one or many spots) 5. 75% rectosigmoid
hirschprung tx
surgery to remove affected part
hirschprung clin manif
1. aganglionic segment usu rectum/prox colon 2. stool accumulate 3. int anal spinc fail relax 4. enterocolitis
enterocolotis symp
1. fever 2. ab dist 3. diarrhea 4. dehydrate 5. sepsis 6. usu COD
vomit tx
1. 1-2d self limit 2. track output rt dehydrate
vomit patho
1. eats 2. bug 3. ICP
vomit nurse consider
1. anti-emetic 2. measure output 3. diet 4. hold feeds but hydrate 5. lie side/not back
GER def
1. transfer of gastric contents into esoph 2. everyone does it, freq = abnormal 3. GERD not req
GERD def
1. GER with damage 2. may occur without regurg/vomit
GER nurse consider
1. avoid spicy/fatty food 2. avoid ab pressure
cleft lip/palate
1. facial malform during embryonic dev 2. one or both
cleft lip/palate - timeline
7-11w lip, 7-12 palate
cleft issues
1. parrents maybe upset/vent 2. focus positive 3. bf/milk comes out 4.speech
cleft patho
1. max process fail to fuse 2. enviro/gen/folate suspected
cleft tx
1. surgery lip first 2. zplasty to decr retraction 3. protect suture line with logan bow 4. 12-18mo
esophageal atresia def
1. esoph and trach do not develop as parallel tracts 2. esoph ends as blind pouch 3\
tracheoesophageal fistula def
1. esoph and trach do not develop as parallel tracts 2. esoph ends connected to trach by fistula 3. TEF
EA/TEF patho
1. amniotic fluid 2. baby kidney
EA/TEF nurse consider
EA emergency surgery
EA/TEF pre-op
1. close obs/intervent to maintain air 2. suction 3. bed head lower to decr aspiration 4. IV 5. I&O
EA/TEF post-op
1. maintain gastrostomy drain 2. admin IV fluid/ab 3. TPN til gastrostomy/oral tolerated
EA/TEF emo support
1. educate 2. encourage bond 3. allow rents to participate in care
pyloric stenosis def
1. hypertrophic obs of pyloric sphincter 2. incr boys
pyloric stenosis sympt
1. obs sphincter 2. inability to move food-stomach/duodenum 3. vomit/dehydrate
pyloric stenosis nurse consider
1. fluid/electro needs 2. min weight loss 3. rest/comfort 4. prev inf 5. support care
omphalocele def
1. internals in pouch 2. hi risk inf
omphalocele nurse consider
1. keep moist/wet
gastroschisis def
1. ab contents outside
gastroschisis tx
1. hang contents on isolet 2. lower as space available
renal system ax
1. phys exam 2. history 3. obs symps 4. lab/radiological/other eval meth
UTI def
1. with/wo symptoms 2. multifactorial 3. common 4. hard to localize 5. incr 3mo uncircum 6. e.coli 80% 7. anal/perianal region
UTI symptoms
1. incontinent in toilet train 2. strong/foul urine 3. freq/urgency
UTI nurse consider
1. urine/blood culture & sensitivity test 2. penicillin/sulfonamide/ceph/nitrofurantoin 3. ID risks 4. prevention
wilm's def
1. aka nephroblastoma 2. kidney/renal and intraab tumor of childhood 3. 3x more common in afro 4. peak age dx 3yo 5. incr male
wilm's nurse consider
1. chemo and surg 2. do not palpate ab