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52 Cards in this Set

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things that change obstetric norms
1. augmentation of labour 2. induction of labour 3. breech present 4. cesarean 5. birth as illness 6. lifestyle
labour/birth at risk
1. complications = incr perinatal morbidity/mortality risks incr
endocrine and metabolic disorders
req careful ment to 1. promote mat and fetal well being 2. positive outcome
most common endocrine disorder assoc preg
dm pathogenesis
1. hyperglycemia rt defects insuling secretion/action/both
dm cause
1. impaired insulin secretion 2. decr insulin action in target 3. both
any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or recognition during pregnancy
impared fasting glucose (IFG)
pregestational dm
1. preconception counseling 2. maternal risks/complications
pregestational dm: mat risks and complications
1. hydarminos: incr fluid 2. ketoacidosis: incr ketone bodies 3. hypoglycemia
major CV disorders
1. incr intravascular volume 2. decr systemic vascular resist 3. CO changes during labor/birth (higher after) 4. intravascular volume after birth
high risk gestational conditions
1. ht in preg 2. surg during preg 3. trauma 4. sti
ht in pregnancy
1. most common 2. contributes to morb/mortality 3. preeclampsia 12-20% complicates
HT systolic
HT diastolic
gestational HT
1. onset of ht after 20w preg 2. no proteinuria
1. preg specific 2. ht after 20w in normotensive 3. reduce organ perf 4. ht 5. proteinuria
1. seizure activity 2. coma in woman dx with preeclampsia
chronic ht
1. present before preg 2. dx before 20w gestation
chonic ht with superimposed preeclampsia
woman with chronic ht may get preeclampsia/eclampsia
preeclampsia etiology
1. signs dev during preg 2. disappear after birth 3. assoc risk factors: primigrav, multifetal preg, morbid obese
preeclampsia patho
1. diff from chronic ht 2. hemolysis 3. incr liv enzymes 4. low platelet
preeclampsia assoc risk for
1. placental abruption 2. acute renal fail 3. subcapsular hep hematoma 4. hepatic rup 5. recurrent preeclamp 6. preterm birth 7. death
preeclampsia physical exam
1. dep edema 2. pitting edema 3. deep tendon reflexes
preeclampsia plan of care - mild
1. activity restriction 2. diet
preeclampsia plan of care - severe + hellp
1. hospital 2. mg sulfate 3. control bp
chronic ht incr risk
1. perinatal death 2. rate of preterm 3. SGA
chronic ht postpartum
1. renal failure 2. pulmonary edema 3. heart fail 4. encephalopathy
preterm labor/birth causes
1. idiopathic 2. inf 3. preg complications 4. sociodemo
sign preterm labor - uterine activity
1. uterine contrax more than every 10min for an hour+
sign preterm labor - discomfort
1. uterine contrax similar to gas pain 2. diarrhea 3. dull intermitt lbp
preterm labor - precention
1. educate symptoms 2. any symptoms of uterine contrax between 20-37w that do not go away = abnormal
1. rupture before 37w 2. 25% of preterms 3. with inf 4. etiology unknown 5. gush/slow leak
1. supress uterine activity 2. mg sulfate, terbutaline, nefedipine 3. antenatal gcc IM 24-34w
dystocia def
1. long, difficult, abnormal labor
dystocia from abnormal ut contrax prevents
1. cervical dilation 2. effacement/1mary 3. descent/2dary
dystocia dysfunctional labor risks
1. body build 2. uterine abnormal 3. malpresent fetus 4. overstim oxytocin 5. cephalopelvic disproportion
incr risk for dystocia
1. mat fatigue 2. dehydrate/electro imbalance 3. inapprop analgesic/anesthetic 4.
dystocia 2dary powers
1. bearing down efforts compromised when incr analgesia given 2. analgesics block bearing down reflex
bearing down reflex
valsalva maneuver
fetal causes of dystocia
1. anomalies 2. cephalopelvic disproportion 3. malposition 4. malpresentation 5. multifetal pregnancy
dystocia rt psychologic responses
1. hormones and nt released in response to stress cause dystocia
1. post pit gland hormone 2. stimulate uterine contrax 3. augment labor bc of inadequate ut con
augmentation of labor
1. stim of ut con after labor, but unsatisfactory 2. ment of hypotonic uterine dysfunc
augmentation methods
1. oxytocin 2. amniotomy AROM 3. nipple stimulation
prolapsed umbilical
1. obstetric emergency 2. cord below fetus
prolapsed umbilical factors
1. long <1m 2. malpresentation/breech 3. transverse lie 4. unengaged presenting part
prolapse cord type - occult
1. hidden 2. behind baby
prolapse cord type - complete
1. membranes are intact
prolapse cord type - infront of head
1. visible in vagina
prolapse cord type - frank breech
1. cord ahead of bum