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460 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal system

206 bones


The point at which two or more bones are joined together


The study of bone

Long bones

Found in the arms and legs

Flat bones

Plate shaped and located in the skull


Bone from the top of the eyes to the top of the head.


Two bones that form the crown and upper sides of the head


A bone that forms the back of the skull indents above the nose area


The two bones located on either side of the head directly above the ears below parietal


Behind the eyes and nose, connects all the bones of the cranium


The spongy bone between the eyes that forms part of the nasal cavity


Lower jaw largest in the facial skeleton


2 bones of the upper jaw


2 bones joining to form the bridge of the nose


Aka malar. Two bones forming the upper cheek and bottom of the eye socket


2 smallest of the facial skeleton. Front part of the inner bottom wall of the eye socket


2 spongy bones that form the sides of the nasal cavity


The bone that divides the nasal cavity in the center of the nose


2 bones that form the roof of the mouth and the floor of the eye socket

Cervical vertebrae

7 bones that form the top of the spinal column and often manipulated in scalp massage


The u shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the muscle


Bony cage composed of spins vertebrae, sternum and ribs


Aka collarbone. From throat to shoulders


Large flat bone extending from the middle of the back upward to the joint where


The largest bone. Of the upper arm elbow to shoulder


Small bone on the thumb side of the lower arm


Bone on the little little finger side of the forearm


8 smal bones held together by ligaments to form the wrist/carpus


The 5 long thin bones that form the palm of the hand


The 14 bones forming the digits each finger has 3 each thumb has 2


The thigh bone

Longest bone of the body


Kneecap sits in front of the knee joint


Shin bone. The inner and larger of the two lower leg bones


The outer and narrows of the two lower leg bones extending from the knee to the ankle


Ankle bone. Above the heel, forms the lower part of the ankle joint (talas tibia fibula)


7 bones that make up mid foot and rear foot. Talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuneiform and cuboid


Five long slender bones that connect the phalanges to the tarsals.


14 bones in the toes. 3 in each 2 in the big toes


The study of the structure, function and diseases of the muscles. More than 500 muscles.

Voluntary/striated muscle

Responds to commands regulated by will.

Involuntary/ non striated.

Responds automatically to control various body functions ie internal organs


In front of


Behind or in back of


Located above or is larger


Located below or is smaller


Lifts up


Draws down or depresses


Opens or enlarges/expands


The Non moving portion of the muscle


Term applied to the portion of the muscle between the origin and insertion


Portion of the muscle joined to movable bones muscles or skins

Orbicularis oculi

Circles the eyesocket closes the eyelid


Between the eyebrows Across the bridge of the nose draws brows down and wrinkles area across nose

Orbicularis oris

Circles the mouth and is responsible for contracting tuckering and wrinkling lips

Quadratus labii superioris

Located above the upper lip raises both the nostrils and upper lip expressing distaste

Quadratus labii inferioris

Below the lower lip pulls the lower lip down or to the side expressing sarcasm


At the tip of the chin push his lower lip up and wrinkles the chin


Located at the corner of the mouth draws mouth up and out like grinning


Consists of all the structures above the cranium


A broad muscle formed by the aponeurosis


Muscle covering the forehead to top of skull


Muscle at the nape of the neck and draws the scalp back

Auricularis anterior

In front of the ear

Auricularis superior

The muscle located above the ear

Auricularis posterior

Located behind the ear


Located between the eyebrows and drawing them downward

Levator palpebrae superioris

Located above the eyelids to raise eyelids

Orbicularis oculi

Circles the eye socket. Closes the eyelid


Between the eyebrows across the bridge of the nose draws brows down and wrinkles nose.

Orbicularis oris

Circles the mouth and is responsible for contracting, puckering kiss or whistle

Quadratus labii superioris

Above upper lip raises both nostrils and upper lip

Quadratus labii inferioris

Pulls lower lip down


At the tip of chin pushes lower lip up and wrinkles chin.


Located at the corner of the mouth. Draws mouth up and out to grin


Above corners of the mouth draws the mouth up to snarl


Below the corners of the mouth draws corners down expressing depression


Located between the jaws and cheek. Compressed to blow


Located above and in front of the ear. Opens and closes the jaw like chewing


Covers the hinge of the jaw. Aides in closing closing jaw


From the tip of the chin to the shoulders and chest

Sternocleido mastoideus

Along the side of the neck from ear to collarbone. Allows head to move side to side


Flat triangular muscle covering the upper back part of the neck and shoulders draws head back and elevated shoulder blades

Latissimus dorsi

A flat triangular muscle that covers the lumbar lower half. Swings arms.

Pectoralis major/minor

Extends across the front of the chest. Swings arms.

Serratus anterior

Located under the arm. Helps lift arms and breathe


Covers shoulder. Triangle shaped lifts or turns arm


The primary muscle in the front upper arm. Raises the forearm and bends the elbow. Turns palm down


Length of upper arm and forearm


Parallel to the ulna. Turns palm up


Runs across the front of the lower part of the radius and the ulna. Palm down and in


Mid forearm on the inside of the arm. Vends wrist and closes fingers


Mid forearm outside of the arm. Straighten the fingers and wrist


Separates the fingers.


Draws fingers together


Located in palm of the hand causes the thumb to move toward the fingers giving the ability to grasp or make a fast

Tibialis anterior

Covers the front of the shin and bends the foot up and in.

Tibialis anterior

Covers the front of the shin and bends the foot up and in.


In the back of the leg attached to the lower rear surface of the heel and pulls foot down.

Peroneus longus

Originates the upper two thirds of the outer fibula and bends foot down in and out

Peroneus brevis

Lower two thirds of the fibula. Bends the foot down and out


The upper portion of the fibula from just below the knee to the heel. Bends foot down

Extensor digitorum longus

Located on the outside of the lower leg and bends the for up and extends the toe

Extensor hallucis longus

Located between the tibialis interior and extensor digitorium longus. Extends the big toe and flexes the foot

Flexor digiti minimi brevis

Flexes small toe

Flexor digitorium brevis

In the middle of the foot. Flexes toes 2-4

Abductor hallucis

Moves big toe away from others.

Abductor digiti minmi

Moves smallest toe away from biggest ones

Cardiovascular sustem

Responsible for circulation of blood. Heart arteries veins and capillaries.

Lymph vascular system

Responsible for the circulation of lymph through glands, nodes and vessels.


A cone shaped muscular organ located in the chest cavity normally about the size of a closed fist


Contracts and relaxes to force blood through circulatory system

Four chambers of the heart

Upper right and left atrium. Lower left and right ventricle


Sticky salty fluid bringing nourishment and oxygen to all Body parts. Carrying toxins and waste to liver and kidneys.


Sticky salty fluid bringing nourishment and oxygen to all Body parts. Carrying toxins and waste to liver and kidneys.

Red blood cells

Aka erythrocytes. Or carpuscles.

Carrys hemoglobin


Sticky salty fluid bringing nourishment and oxygen to all Body parts. Carrying toxins and waste to liver and kidneys.

Red blood cells

Aka erythrocytes. Or carpuscles.

Carrys hemoglobin

White blood cells.

Aka leukocytes. Fight bacteria and other foreign substances

Blood platelets.

Responsible for clotting blood


90%water. Suspension for red and white blood cells.


90%water. Suspension for red and white blood cells.


Arteries veins capillaries


90%water. Suspension for red and white blood cells.


Arteries veins capillaries


Thick walled carries pure blood red because of the oxygen


90%water. Suspension for red and white blood cells.


Arteries veins capillaries


Thick walled carries pure blood red because of the oxygen


Thin walled branching vessels carry blood from capillaries to the heart


Small vessels that take nutrients and oxygen from arteries to the cells and waste products from the cells to the veins

CapillariesCommon carotid arteries

Small vessels that take nutrients and oxygen from arteries to the cells and waste products from the cells to the veins

Common carotid arteries

Located on either side of the neck these arteries spill into the internal and external carotid arteries.

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

Radial artery

Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand

Popliteal artery

Supplies blood to the knee joints and muscles in the thigh and calf

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Anterior tibial

Supplies blood below the knee and passes down between the tibia and fibula into the skin and muscles in the lower leg

Posterior tibial artery

Supplies blood to the calf muscle skin and other tissues of the lower leg

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

Radial artery

Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand

Popliteal artery

Supplies blood to the knee joints and muscles in the thigh and calf

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Anterior tibial

Supplies blood below the knee and passes down between the tibia and fibula into the skin and muscles in the lower leg

Posterior tibial artery

Supplies blood to the calf muscle skin and other tissues of the lower leg

Dorsalis pedis

Carries blood to the upper surface of the foot

Saphenous vein

Located in the calf and then transported via femoral vein to the lungs and heart

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

Radial artery

Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand

Popliteal artery

Supplies blood to the knee joints and muscles in the thigh and calf

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Anterior tibial

Supplies blood below the knee and passes down between the tibia and fibula into the skin and muscles in the lower leg

Posterior tibial artery

Supplies blood to the calf muscle skin and other tissues of the lower leg

Dorsalis pedis

Carries blood to the upper surface of the foot

Saphenous vein

Located in the calf and then transported via femoral vein to the lungs and heart


A colorless liquid produced as a byproduct in the process through which plasma passes nourishment to capillaries and cells

Central nervous system

Composed of the brain spinal cord and spinal and cranial nerves

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

Radial artery

Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand

Popliteal artery

Supplies blood to the knee joints and muscles in the thigh and calf

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Anterior tibial

Supplies blood below the knee and passes down between the tibia and fibula into the skin and muscles in the lower leg

Posterior tibial artery

Supplies blood to the calf muscle skin and other tissues of the lower leg

Dorsalis pedis

Carries blood to the upper surface of the foot

Saphenous vein

Located in the calf and then transported via femoral vein to the lungs and heart


A colorless liquid produced as a byproduct in the process through which plasma passes nourishment to capillaries and cells

Central nervous system

Composed of the brain spinal cord and spinal and cranial nerves

Voluntary body actions


Responsible for mental activity is located in the upper front portion of the cranium


Control and coordination of muscle movement located in the occipital area directly below the cerebrum


Connect other parts of the brain to the spinal column and is located below the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum

Medulla oblongata

Connects parts of the brain to the spinal column is located just below the pons

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

Radial artery

Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand

Popliteal artery

Supplies blood to the knee joints and muscles in the thigh and calf

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Anterior tibial

Supplies blood below the knee and passes down between the tibia and fibula into the skin and muscles in the lower leg

Posterior tibial artery

Supplies blood to the calf muscle skin and other tissues of the lower leg

Dorsalis pedis

Carries blood to the upper surface of the foot

Saphenous vein

Located in the calf and then transported via femoral vein to the lungs and heart


A colorless liquid produced as a byproduct in the process through which plasma passes nourishment to capillaries and cells

Central nervous system

Composed of the brain spinal cord and spinal and cranial nerves

Voluntary body actions


Responsible for mental activity is located in the upper front portion of the cranium


Control and coordination of muscle movement located in the occipital area directly below the cerebrum


Connect other parts of the brain to the spinal column and is located below the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum

Medulla oblongata

Connects parts of the brain to the spinal column is located just below the pons

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck

Spinal cord

Originates at the base of the brain and extends to the base of the spine is


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

Radial artery

Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand

Popliteal artery

Supplies blood to the knee joints and muscles in the thigh and calf

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Anterior tibial

Supplies blood below the knee and passes down between the tibia and fibula into the skin and muscles in the lower leg

Posterior tibial artery

Supplies blood to the calf muscle skin and other tissues of the lower leg

Dorsalis pedis

Carries blood to the upper surface of the foot

Saphenous vein

Located in the calf and then transported via femoral vein to the lungs and heart


A colorless liquid produced as a byproduct in the process through which plasma passes nourishment to capillaries and cells

Central nervous system

Composed of the brain spinal cord and spinal and cranial nerves

Voluntary body actions


Responsible for mental activity is located in the upper front portion of the cranium


Control and coordination of muscle movement located in the occipital area directly below the cerebrum


Connect other parts of the brain to the spinal column and is located below the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum

Medulla oblongata

Connects parts of the brain to the spinal column is located just below the pons

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck

Spinal cord

Originates at the base of the brain and extends to the base of the spine is


Has a nucleus cytoplasm and membrane. Aka nerve cell


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Supplies blood to the brain eyes and forehead

Superior labial

Supplies blood to the upper lip and septum

Frontal artery

Supplies blood to the forehead

Parietal artery

Supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head

Middle Temporal

Supplies blood to temples

Supplies blood to the masseter

Supplies blood to the masseter

Anterior auricular

Supplies blood to the anterior part of the ear

Supra orbital artery

Supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes

Ulnar artery

Supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries in the hand

Radial artery

Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand

Popliteal artery

Supplies blood to the knee joints and muscles in the thigh and calf

External carotid artery

Branches into smaller arteries supplying blood to the skin and muscles of the head

Anterior tibial

Supplies blood below the knee and passes down between the tibia and fibula into the skin and muscles in the lower leg

Posterior tibial artery

Supplies blood to the calf muscle skin and other tissues of the lower leg

Dorsalis pedis

Carries blood to the upper surface of the foot

Saphenous vein

Located in the calf and then transported via femoral vein to the lungs and heart


A colorless liquid produced as a byproduct in the process through which plasma passes nourishment to capillaries and cells

Central nervous system

Composed of the brain spinal cord and spinal and cranial nerves

Voluntary body actions


Responsible for mental activity is located in the upper front portion of the cranium


Control and coordination of muscle movement located in the occipital area directly below the cerebrum


Connect other parts of the brain to the spinal column and is located below the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum

Medulla oblongata

Connects parts of the brain to the spinal column is located just below the pons

Internal/external jugular veins

Runs blood through the head face and neck

Spinal cord

Originates at the base of the brain and extends to the base of the spine is


Has a nucleus cytoplasm and membrane. Aka nerve cell


Short threadlike fibers on the nerve cell


Supplies blood from the back of the head up to the crown

Posterior auricular

Supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears

Superficial temporal

Supplies the sides and top of head with blood and branches further into five smaller arteries

External maxillary

Supplies blood to lower portion of the face

Submental arteryInferior labial

Supplies blood to the chin and lower lip

Inferior labial

Supplies blood to lower lip

Angular artery

Supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Nerve terminals

At the end of each axon is a nerve terminal they connect neurons to muscles and send messages


Short fibers that receive messages sent to the nerve cell


Extends to the tip and lower side of the nose

Maxillary branch

The main nerve branch to the middle third of the face


Extensive the side of the forehead temple upper part of the cheek

Infra orbital

Extends to the lower eyelid side of the nose and upper lip and mouth

Mandibular Branch

Main branch to the lower third of the face

Auriculo temporal

Extends to the ER in the area on top of the temple


Extends to the lower lip and chin

Efferent nerves


Afferent nerves

Carrie messages to brain and spinal cord determine sense of smell site touch hearing and taste


Located in the papillary layer of the dermis send sensory messages to react to outside stimulation

Reflex action

Interaction of sensory and

Triopthfacial nerve

The largest of the cranial nerves fifth cranial. Controls chewing


The main nerve branch on the top third of the face

Supra orbital

Extends to the skin of the upper eyelid eyebrow for head and scalp


Extends to the skin of the upper side of the nose and between the eyes


Extenze on the skin of the upper eyelid and side of nose