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55 Cards in this Set

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Return of the uterus to a non-pregnant state after birth
size of uterus at 24 hours post-partum
same size as at 20 weeks
weight of uterus at 6 weeks postpartum
what stimulates massive growth of uterus?
estrogen and progesterone
self destruction of excess hypertrophied tissue
failure of uterus to return to nonpregnant state
most common causes of subunvolution
retained placental fragments and infection
how is postpartum hemostasis achieved?
compression of intramyometrial blood vessels
what makes uterus contract
oxytocin (Pitocin)
two ways to get oxytocin postpartum
injection & breastfeeding
afterbirth pains
uncomfortable cramping early puerpenium; more noticeable with large baby
endometrial regeneration is complete by postpartum day...
day 16
regeneratio of the placental site usually complete at week...
week 6
post-childbirth uterine discharge: bright red (lochia rubra) with small blood clots.
Lochia lasts how long
about 2 hours
Lochia serosa
Old blood (brown), serum, leukocytes & tissue debris
Lochia serosa, how long?
22-27 days
Lochia alba
yellow to white: leukocytes, decidua, epithelial cells, mucus serum, and bacteria. scant if having recieved oxytocin
Lochia alba lasts...
10-14 days
Lochia general:
pools in vagina when lying in bed; upon standing, gush of flow. most women stop at 3-4 weeks but some at 6
Nonlochial bleeding
discharge spurts from vagina: may be tears in vagina if bloodk continues to be bright and excessive.
Cervix shortens, becomes firm and regains form in (how long?)
2-3 days
Cervix closed by...(how long)
2 weeks
Vagina returns to normal size in...(how long)
6 weeks
coital discomfort
How long to regain tone of pelvic floor muscles?
6 months
What to do to regain tone of pelvic floor muscles?
Kegel exercises
Pelvic relaxation
lengthening and weakening of the fascial supports of pelvic structures
What are the pelvic structures?
uterus, upper posterior vaginal wall, urethra, bladder rectum
Decrease in placental hormones
human chorionic somatomammotropin, estrogen, cortisol, insulinase, estrogen, progesterone
The time immediately after the delivery of a baby
Menstrual flow
usually heavier for 3-4 cycles
diastasis recti abdominis
seperation of abdominal wall muscles usually caused by overdistention of the abdoman because of large or multiple fetuses
Urinary & kidney function returns in...
approximately 2-8 weeks
Postpartal diuresis
usually at nighttime for 2-3 days
Bladder tone usually restored in
5-7 days
strong after giving birth
bowel evacuation
may not occur for 2-3 days
clear, yellow fulid expressed from the breast before it becomes milk (72-96 hours after birth)
associated with milk production
measures to relieve breast engorgment discomfort
suppoort bra, ice packs, fresh cabbage leaves, analgesics, avoid nipple stimulation
blood loss as a result of birth
500ml via vaginal birth or 2X that for cesarian
3 protection factors that increase circulatory blood volume
1. elimination of uteroplacental circulation: reduces size of the vascular bed.
2. loss of placental endocrine funtion: removes stimulus for vasodilation.
3. Mobilization of extravasculare water.
Cardiac output returns to normal in....
6 weeks
may rise for 24 hours (dehydration) and then return to normal
returns to normal within a few days
decrease to return to normal within 6-8 weeks.
Blood pressure
orthostatic hypotension can develop in the first 48 hours
Pueperal sepis
suggested if a rise in temp lasts for more than 2 days
rapid pulse rate could mean
hypovolemia due to hemorrhage
may follow after epidural, cesarean or spinal block
High blood pressure may reslut from
excessive us of vasopressor or oxytocin
Neurologic changes
nubmness and tingling of fingers disappear
headaches could be caused from
postpartum-onset preeclampsia, stress, CSF leakage,
Integumentary changes
dholasma disapears; hyperpigmentation of areolae and linea nigra may not regress completely; stretch marks may not disapear; spider nevi may persist, hair growth slos, hair loss, fingernails return to normal, profuse diaphoresis occurs immmediately postpartum.