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17 Cards in this Set

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related to practical instead of religious affairs:

Edgar ruled over the Church as well as his temporal kingdom

دنیوی ، غیر روحانی ، جسمانی


to deliberately disobey a law, rule etc, without trying to hide what you are doing.It is an event in which one societal group, en masse, has openly flouted and defied the law, choosing instead to follow the opinion of a source of authority other than the government

استهزاء کردن ، اهانت یا بی احترامی کردن ،


a document from a court that orders someone to do or not to do something.If you look up the definition of a failed state, the general explanation of the term is a country where the writ of the government does not extend to large parts of the population.

حکم ، نوشته ، ورقه ، سند


someone who supports something or persuades people to do something



a soldier, plane etc that is sent to search the area in front of an army and get information about the enemy: He sent three scouts ahead to take a look at the bridge.



a detailed explanation of the problems of something such as a set of political ideas a major new critique of his work a critique of modern economic theory

انتقاد کردن


the number of people who vote in an electionhigh/low turnout the low turn-out of 54 percent in the March elections



someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age

Students on a part-time course are not eligible for a loan.

واجد شرایط


very eager to argue or fight with people: The professor had been pugnacious and irritable.

جنگجو ، ستیزه گر

en masse

if people do something en masse, they do it together: The management team resigned en masse.

به صورت دسته جمعی، با هم


the person who is in charge of the prayers, ceremonies etc in the Jewish religion:

The State of Israel has approximately nine million souls, so what does it mean when at least 5% of those citizens are more inclined to adhere to the instructions of their rabbis than the laws passed by their elected government?


On Sunday morning, tens of thousands of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) families, comprising around half a million citizens, chose to send their children to school in defiance of the government’s instructions to keep those schools closed and the children at home.

، بی اعتنایی ، مخالفت


Nevertheless, on Sunday, the belief of the ultra-Orthodox community in the concept of “Da’at Torah” – the idea that great Torah scholars have an innate ability to make the right decisions on temporal matters regardless of their lack of expertise on such issues – outweighed their commitment to the law.

ذاتی ، فطری


to be more important or valuable than something else: The benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages.

سنگین تر بودن از ، مهمتربودن از


the haredi community has for a long time been largely exempt from military service

مستثنی ، معاف کردن


join the army, navy etc

سربازی گرفتن ، نام نویسی کردن


to be a sign that something is going to happen, especially something bad

What Sunday’s event presages for the future of the Jewish state is unclear.

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