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59 Cards in this Set

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For whom is treatment with Viagra contraindicated?
Persons taking organic nitrates
Increases in what neurotransmitter have been associated with increased sexual desire in females?
What sex intercourse position helps to increase ejaculatory control?
Female superior face-to-face
Which psychoactive medication is associated with priapism?
Trazadone (though rarely)
What is the need and ability to be aware of, in touch with and accepting of our own bodies and others- especially the body of a sex partner called?
What is the ability and need to experience emotional closeness or nearness to another human being and have this feeling returned called?
Sexual intimacy
What is the development of a sense of who we are sexually, including a sense of maleness and femaleness?
Sexual identity
What is the use of sexuality to influence, control, or manipulate others?
What are 4 things that contribute to the etiology of sexual dysfunction?
-Biogenic factors
-Psychogenic factors
-Interpersonal dynamics
-User error
What are 3 requirements for a sexual stimulus to be adequete?
What are 5 steps in diagnosing a Sexual dysfunction disorder?
1. Where in sex response cycle
2. Primary/secondary, lifelong or acuired
3. Global or context-specific
4. Persistent or recurrent
5. Is it caused by a medical condition or substance use
What does it mean to say a sexual dysfunction is primary or secondary?
Primary - it never worked
Secondary - it used to work but now it doesn't
What does global vs context specific mean?
Global = its always a problem
Context-specific = only a problem with certain people
What does Recurrent mean?
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
What is a typical example of a recurrent sexual dysfunction?
Performance anxiety
What are the 5 main sexual dysfunction categories?
-Problems with the sexual response cycle
-Sexual pain disorder
-Medical problem related
-Alcohol/recr. drug related
-Not otherwise specified
4 components of the sex response cycle?
What are 2 disorders of sexual dysfunction that occur in the desire stage of the response cycle?
-Hypoactive desire
-Sex aversion
What are 2 disorders of sexual dysfunction that occur in the excitement stage of the response cycle?
-Erectile dysfunction
-Sexual arousal disorder
What are 3 disorders of sexual dysfunction that occur in the orgasm stage of the response cycle?
-Female orgasmic disorder
-Rapid ejaculation
-Delayed ejaculation
What is the main disorder that will be seen in the resolution stage of the response cycle?
What are 2 sexual pain disorders?
What is Vaginismus?
The INVOLUNTARY constriction of the muscles of the outer 1/3 of the vaginal canal
What is an Anhedonic erection?
Spinal cord injury
What can cause Hypoactive sexual desire? (6)
-Chronic stress
-High serotonin (SSRI)
-Low testosterone
What are 3 causes of sex aversion?
And what are Hypoactive Desire and Sex Aversion both examples of?
Dysfunctions of the Desire stage of the sex response cycle.
What are the 2 disorders of the Arousal/Excitement stage?
-Erectile dysfunction
-Female arousal Disorder
What are 5 causes of Female arousal disorder?
-Decreased estrogen (lactation)
-Thinning of vaginal tissue
What are 6 causes of Erectile dysfunction?
-Vascular disease
-Decreased androgens
-AntiHTN meds (some)
What disease of the orgasm stage affects women?
Female anorgasmia
What can cause female anorgasmia?
-Inadequete stimulation
-Some anti-HTNs
What 2 disorders of orgasm affect males?
-Rapid ejaculation
-Delayed ejaculation
What are 4 causes of Rapid ejaculation?
-Shorter nerve latency time
-Distraction (bball scores)
What meds cause delayed ejaculation?
Stimulants - cocaine, SSRIs, TCAs, Ecstasy, Anti-HTNs
What else can cause delayed ejaculation?
Spinal cord injury
What is Anhedonic erection?
When a spinal cord injury prevents ejaculation, even though erection can be achieved.
What is dyspareunia?
Painful sexual intercourse due to a medical or psychological cause
What are 3 common causes of dyspareunia in females?
-Episiotomy scarring
-Vaginal infections
What can cause dyspareunia in males?
-Peyronie's disease
What does Vaginismus develop from?
Trauma or dyspareunia
What two hormones increase desire?
Dopamine and testosterone
What 4 hormones decrease desire?
What are the 5 big medications commonly implicated in sexual disorders?
What are 4 treatment modalities for sexual dysfunction?
-Sex therapy
What are 6 forms of sex therapy?
-Brief PLISSIT model
-Psychotherapy w/ sex therapy
-Behavioral therapy
-Dual sex therapy
What is the last ditch effort for sex therapy?
Individual psychotherapy
What is PLISSIT?
Permission, Limited info, Specific suggestions, Intensive treatment
What is PLISSIT meant to achieve?
The least amount of effort possible
What is an example of behavioral therapy?
Desensitizing someone to touch by starting very gently and lightly.
What are Kegel exercises?
Tightening up the PC muscle by stopping the flow of urine
What is sensate focus?
Not allowing touch to stimulate or arouse, but just to desensitize
What is stop start?
Squeezing at the coronal ridge
What is the best position for ejaculatory control and clitoral stimulation?
Woman on top, face to face
What is the best position for conception?
Male on top, face to face
What is a Paraphilia?
An activity that is the sole means of sexual gratification for at least 6 months, is recurrent and intense, and extremely distressing.
What are the diagnostic criteria of a Paraphilia?
-Duration of 6 months at least
-Extremely distressing
-Causes interpersonal difficulties/unable to carry out social roles
-Acted on urge
What is Sexual compulsivity?
Persistent and recurrent impulse to engage in sexual activity
What are the diagnostic criteria for sexual compulsivity?
-Patient CAN'T CONTROL impulse
-Increasing freq over time
-Deprivation causes distress
-Behavior continues despite dire consequences