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74 Cards in this Set

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To fail miss
The Scottsman says -- akh blank a when he fails misses. 3 Mar 13
To fail miss
not فشل
The Scotsman says -- akh blank a when he fails misses. 3 Mar 13
تَوَصُّل ل
Attainment achievement arrival reaching. 3 Mar 13
Attainment achievement arrival reaching
تَوَصُّل ل
أخفق هو والجمهوريون في الكونغرس في التوصل لاتفاق من أجل تجنب التخفيضات
He and the Republicans in Congress failed to achieve an agreement for the sake of avoiding the cuts. 3 Mar 13
Spontaneous automatic
التخفيضات التلقائية
The automatic cuts
The automatic cuts
التخفيضات التلقائية
مع أنَّ
مع أنَّ
Can be a decree regulation act
وقع أوباما مرسوم دخولها حيز التنفيذ بموجب قانون يلزمه بذلك
Obama signed a regulation whose taking into effect according to the law requires him to do that. 3 Mar 13
لن يشعر الجميع بالمعاناة التي ستسببها هذه التخفيضات على الفور
Not everyone will feel the suffering that these cuts will cause right away. 3 Mar 13
قَضى يَقْضي القَضاء ب بأن
To appoint determine decree (sth/that) 3 Mar 13
To appoint determine decree (sth/that)
not أمر
قَضى يَقْضي القَضاء ب بأن
Spreading circulation running validity taking effect
The President is like -- sor(ry) I an just spreading running taking into effect what the Republicans made me do. 3 Mar 13
Spreading circulation running validity taking into effect
The President is like -- sor(ry) I an just spreading running taking into effect what the Republicans made me do. 3 Mar 13
Feverish frantic wild
If you talk about -- my mom I'll get feverish and wild! 3 Mar 13
Feverish frantic wild
If you talk about -- my mom I'll get feverish and wild. 3 Mar 13.
جهود محمومة لخفض العجز في أغسطس
Feverish efforts to reduce the deficit in August. 3 Mar 13.
مِلاَحَة الجَوِّيَّة
Aviation air navigation
Aviation air navigation
مِلاَحَة الجَوِّيَّة
تأخيرات بحركة الملاحة الجوية
Delays in air traffic
Delays in air traffic
تأخيرات بحركة الملاحة الجوية
Can be shortage
Can be shortage
نقص في اللحوم
Meat shortages
Meat shortages
نقص في اللحوم
مُتَعَهِّد ون
Contractor entrepreneur
Contractor entrepreneur
مُتَعَهِّد ون
Federal federalist
Federal federalist
مُتَعَهِّدون الاِتِّحادِيّون
Federal contractors
Federal contractors
not مقاولون
مُتَعَهِّدون اِتِّحادِيّون
فَضْلاً عَنْ / عن ذلك
Besides in addition to
Besides in addition to
فَضْلاً عَنْ/ عن ذلك
To be damaged
To be damaged
الخلاف بشأن كيفية تقليص عجز الميزانية
The disagreement over how to lessen the deficit 3 Mar 13
The disagreement over how to lessen the deficit
الخلاف بشأن كيفية تقليص عجز الميزانية
على مَدَار السنة السنين
Throughout the year
Throughout the year
على مَدَار السنة السنين
حافِز حَوافِز على
Spur drive (to do sth) stimulus motive.
After the murders on X-Files people asked about -- the fizz that was the spur drive stimulus motive for murder and -- how a fiz could do that.
not نشّط
حافِز حَوافِز على
After the murders on X-Files people asked about -- the fizz that was the spur drive stimulus motive for murder and -- how a fiz could do that. 3 Mar 13
مُتَدَاعٍ المُتَدَاعِي
Faltering shaky precarious litigant party.
If a kid doesn't have a -- mother and a -- daddy at home they are shaky precarious. 3 Mar 13
Faltering shaky precarious litigant party.
مُتَدَاعٍ المُتَدَاعِي
If a kid doesn't have a -- mothter and -- daddy at home they are shaky and precarious. 3 Mar 13
الحوافز الحكومية للاقتصاد
Government stimulus to the economy. 3 Mar 13
Government stimulus to the economy
الحوافز الحكومية للاقتصاد
Abyss pit cliff hell
-- how we a gonna get out of this fiscal cliff. 3 Mar 13
Abyss pit cliff hell
-- how we a gonna get out of this fiscal cliff? 3 Mar 13
الهاوية المالية
The fiscal cliff.
The fiscal cliff.
الهاوية المالية
ولا يريد الجمهوريون التنازل بشأن الضرائب
The Republicans don't want concessions on taxes. 3 Mar 13
مجددا مثلما فعلوا في مفاوضات
Redoing what they did in negotiations. 3 Mar 13
موظفو الحكومة الاتحادية
Employees of the Federal government 3 Mar 13
Employees of the federal government
موظفو الحكومة الاتحادية
إعَانَة ات
Help assistance subsidy
Everyone has there -- eye on a help assistance they want from the government. 3 Mar 13
Help assistance subsidy
إعَانَة ات
Everyone has there -- eye on a help assistance they want from the government. 3 Mar 13
من يتلقون الإعانات
Those that receive aid
Those that receive aid
من يتلقون الإعانات
والحكومة الأميركية أكبر جهة توظيف في الولايات المتحدة
The American government is the largest employer in the United States. 3 May 13
التقشف قد يحد من النمو الاقتصادي الأميركي بنسبة 5.‏0 نقطة مئوية
Austerity could lessen American economic growth by .5 percent. 3 May 13
التوصل إلى اتفاق
To arrive at an agreement
To arrive at an agreement
التوصل إلى اتفاق
عدم تمكنهم من التوصل الى اتفاق
Their inability to arrive to an agreement. 3 May 13
Inflation recession retraction Money will just be an -- inky mash if this inflation recession keeps up. 3 May 13
Inflation recession retraction
not رُكود
Money will just be an -- inky mash if this inflation recession keeps up! 3 May 13
كَفِيل ب
Guaranteeing assuring (sth)
She's the type that is guaranteeing assuring that you -- can feel b. 3 May 13
Adj meaning guaranteeing assuring (sth)
كَفِيل ب
She's the type that is guaranteeing assuring that you -- can feel b. 3 May 13
اِنْدِفاع إلى في
Plunging rushing into
Plunging rushing into
اِنْدِفاع إلى في