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1362 Cards in this Set

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Acyclovir toxicity
--> crystalluria with obstr in high dose pt
MCC primary adrenal inssuficiency
80% DT autoImmune adrenatlitis in developed countries
MCC adrenal insufficiency in 3rd work...HIV...
TB (adrenal CALCIFICATION)...CMV in HIV... and Fungal
adenemyosis vs. leomyomas
L is softer in consisteny
sx of endometritis and MCC
FEVER post birth..Strept
ADHD length
TOC for Adjustment DO
Cognitive or psycho...not DX
length of PTSD if less?
1month … if less = Acute Stress Disorder
other cause of Primary adrenal insuff
all airway needed in? What if in field
unconscious pt...needle cricoitd...ER: oro intubate / naso too long...
tx of etoh withdrawal and can happen after surg when pt not drank in awhile
BUN>40 in nl Cr means...? 2 causes
upper GI bleed -MOA: BacT break down HB in GIT and → reab of urea...also with STEROIDS
ETOH liver dz 3 types, difference
1) FATTY LIVER (DT short term) 2) ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS and 3) ALCOHOLIC FIBROSIS ...upt to early fibrosis can be reversed if stopped
if have alcoholic cirrhosis next?
endoscope to see vacies
25% lymphoblast in BM and + PAS(periodic acid shift) reaction...sx: nonspecific...dx: dec platelets, blast cells..need BM bx
sx oh Hodgins
painless, firm, cerivical adenopathy (like ALL but with without LYMPHOBLAST)
AML age, dx
Adult, 35% MYEloblast in bx
Aplastic anemia in lab
decreased ALL CELL LINES
Kids with ITP sx and lab
sudden bruising, petechiae, epistaxis...lab: only PLATELETs low and HUGE
Atypical lcy on periphery and + monospot
high IgE, brownish plug in sputum, pulm infiltrates, asthmatic...dx...tx...
ABPA...glucocorticoids...so asthmatic pt need test for ab to this...then IgE level..if <1000, no
recurrent bacT + high IgE...infxn are staph and SKIN...neutrophils cant chemotax...sthma, allergic rhinitis...dx
Job's, tx: ABX
Tetrad: Excema, dec platelets, pyogenic infxn...A, E high...M low
Wisckot Aldrich Xlinked
MC eosinophilia in US
Conic Esosinophilia PNA ...sx: fever, malaise, weight loss...lab: E >40%..tx: Glucocorticoid
skin, kidney, vasculitis, many system (cns, GI, heart, asthma...lots eosinophila)
churg strauss tx: steroid
Contact dermatitis type
type 4...ex: nickel, poison IV
Atopic Dermatitis sx, loc, tx
pruritic lesion in kid <6mo...diapier area spared...tx: prevention, warm bath, moisturizers...if acute: steroid
Allergic Intersitial Nephritis DT and tye..triad
Nafcillin...type 4...triad: fever, petechial rash, peripheral eosinohilia in azothemia pt (inc UREA)
Common cz of ATN...lab
Ischemia or nephrotox rx...MUDDY BROWN
what is allergic shiners and seen in
“dark puffy eyelids”...allergic rhinitis
if rhinitis keeps happening...next
nasal Cytology= if Neutrop = infxn, if Eosino= allergic
if high AFP, next?
US...then Amnio for AFP and AchE (AchE = inc only in NTD)
AFP low in
chromosomal dz
triple and ALP done in
16-18 week (4th mont)
Alpha 1 antitrypsin Deficin cause what
PANLOBULAR emphysema... sx in adult: Asx cirrhosis, maybe w/ HCC (liver cell have PAS _ and Diastase Resistnat)
What else has PAS positive
Whipple's (but no cirrhosis)
recurrent hematuria, sensory deaf, renal dz
Alport (split GBM)
withdrawal of benzo
seizure, confusion
tx of ALS
RILUZOLE (Glutamate inhibitor)...sx: muscle wasting throughout
Alttered mental in elderly cause
1) hypo/per Na 2)hypo/er Ca, 3)hypoMg, 4) hypoPhosph, 5) hypoGlc, 6) stroke, 7) cardiac, 8) infxn
diff btw Altruism and Sublimation
A: dec internal fears by helping others (AA alcoholic)...S: turn bad behavior into acceptable ones
diffuse cortical atrophy and tx
Allzheimer vs Picks
Picks is more behavior change
tx of Amaurosis Fugax
Doppler...and dec athersclerosis Rfs
Dx of amebic liver abscess...look like...tx
CT of liver...aspiration: ANCHOVY paste...tx: Metro PO 1-2weeks
cyst acqiure with contac with dogs...
Hydatid cyst, Echinococcus
2nd amenorrhea steps
Preg, HyperPRL, or HypoThyr
adequate Estrogen and hx intrauterine equiment
ASHERMAN...dx: hysterosalpingogram
2ndary ammenorrhea in athletes DT
dec estrogen
pt need rate control but pulmo fibrosis...dont give
DIGFAST in mania
Distract, Insomnia, Grandio, Flightideas, Activ inc, Speech talktive, Thoughlessness
sweating, lacrimation, N/V, diarrhea is
Herion withdrawal
Amyloidsis in heart means
last stage = need transplant
severe painful bright red blood during defeation
anal fissures...tx: diet mod, stool softener, local anesthetics
Analgesix nephropathy lab
hematuria dT PAPILLARY NECROSIS and TUBULOINTERSTITIAL NEPHRITIS...early: polyuria sterile with WBC cast...later: protein and blood
bee sting removal?
if after 1 hr, dont remove, sc epi!...if after 1 min, remove sting first
MCC anemia in premies (often seen in premies and low birth kids)
dec RBC prod, short RBC life..tx: Fe sup doenst help and Fe defic not the case
MCC aneurysm
1) trauma do CT/MRI suspect because might not show up CXR...
MCC descending aorta aneurysm
atherosclerosis, pt has sign CAD
if ascending aneursm and aortic regurg
Mycotic aneurysm MC location, MCC
femoral art > ascending aorta..MCC: auerus and salmonella
syphilis aneurysm where, sx, dx,
ascending..chills and splinter hemorrhages!...do CT
no CAD RF, wake up, transient ST elev, neg cardiac enz...dz? Tx?
Prinzmetal...give Nitrates and CCB (DILTIAZAM)...dont give ASA and Propranolol
ST depression
subendocardial ischemia
ST elevlation
transmural infarct
#1 test for stable angina...when do stress test? If can't? If test abn?
EKG stress test...do stress echo instead if: Lbbb, WPW, ST depress >1mm at rest...DOBUTAMINE stress..if bad: Angiogram
Dont give these rx before stress
Dig, Bblocker
tx stable pt with angina?
BB! if cant...CCB!! both have antiAngina too...ACEI only has antiHTN
define unstable angina
Nitro only partially relieve...T invert...no cardiac enz...tx: IV hep, BB, Nitro...
when thrombolysze then give
LBBB...give: CLOPIDOGEL..not ticlodipine for prevent platelet aggr
MCC painless GI bleed and how to diff
Angiodysplasia: assoc with aortic stenosis/ renal failure...DX: scope to see diverticulosis
angioedema MOA and tx
ACE breaks Bradykinin...ACEI increases Bradykinin → substance P → inflammation...tx: ANTIHIST
grey red mass in post nasophranx, young male, frequent nose bleed, dx? Lab?
Angiofibroma (bening vasc tumor)...DX: CT and surg
Winter formula
PaCO2 = 1.5 (HCO3) + 8 = level that CO2 should be to compensate for Metab Acidosis
Ankylosing Spond assoc w?..tx AS?...to dx?
IBD....only tx to halt: EXERCISE...NSAID and SULFALAZINE just for sx...to dx: XR for SACROILITIS if cant see--> MRI!
Yellow skin color in skinny person
Anorexia Nervosa ..tx: hosp
pain over medial tibia..sx of trauma XR nl?
Anserine Bursitis
Anterior Cord Syndrome can be DT and sx and tx...lab?
MVA..sx: paralysis and analgesic below level...post column ok...tx: METHYLPRED...MRI is best
Typical AntiPysch (3)
Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine, Fluphenazine
Atypical AntiPsy (2) and MOA
Cloazapine, Risperdal (adds Serotonin inh! So dec EPS sx)
if SSRI causes impotence, now?
antiD and insomnia?
Types of AntiPL Ab...tx?
VDRL, Lupus, Anticardiolipin...Heparin+ ASA
MCC AAA and cause
Ascending aorta and is cystic medial necrosis...Descending is atherosclerosis
if diarrhea and blood after AAA surgery...?
Ischemic colitis!...do CT and if ok: SCOPE...f/u with abd US
if CT shows rupted AAA?
straight to laparotomy NOT laparascopy
IF BP in different arms 30mmHg...next
ICU + Nitro (dec BP) + BB (dec HR)...dont delay = ANTIHTN before imaging
Water hammer pulse + pilstol shot femoral pulses...next..to dx
Diuretics + ACEI + Dig = relieve Congestion of LV dxn..then change valve...dx: Aortic Regurg...to dx: ECHO
tx for RECURRENT aortic coarct
baloon angiography
Exerption dyspnea...ejection systolic murmur rads to carotid..dx..to dx?
Astenoss...in elderly DT Calcification...dx: ECHO and for F/U
Bact endocarditis →
AR not AS
S4 means
forceful atria contact vs. thick ventricle
AorticSten and surgery?
SAD (syncope, angina, dyspnea)
to dx Aplastic anemia
BM bx: hypocellular and fatty infiltrate
pancytopenia, brown pigments, cafe' au lai, short, upper limb problem...first dec platelets...dec neutrophils..dec RBC...?
what is Diamond Blackfan Anemia
congenital RBC aplasia...sx: first 3 months life: pallor poor feed...WBC/platelets nl
if pt with appendicitis need surg and on warfarin, next?
reverse with FFP NOT vit K then surg
abx for complicated appendicitis
ARDS MCC is? And lab dx? If use mech vent, whats the best way?
Sepsis (also acute pancreatitis)...need PaO2 = 55, and O2 by mask 60%...best way: PEEP inc
bilateral flully with hypox and NO FEVER
colles fx is what
fall outstretched hand
Chauffer;s fx is what
radial styloid on drivers
Galazzi's fx is what
isolated fx along radius and also distal radial joint
if arrest of labor with prominent ichial spine, what does it mean and next
means midpevic contraction → Csection
when can u use forcepts?
when cervix fully dilated (10cm)
what to do if shoulder dystocia?
Zavanelli maneuver (push head back and do Csec)
define enthesopathy and found in
where muscle tendon insert into bones disease...reactive arthritie (spondyloathropathy...tx: NSAID...TETRA+ceft for GC
pleural plaques
if glass and pottery maker
if work in high tech industry
tx ascending cholangitis?
DT most likely obstr...need ERCP to remove stone...then abx
tx cirrhotic ascites
Diagnostic paracentesis...Restrict salt diet...SPIRONOLACTONE > lasix...else tap 2L/d with given Alb...
where is Aspergillios found and how does it look
SE USA: mobile mass
PE what can see on EKG and CXR
RVH, RBBB, T invert on anteriolead...CXR: dec pulmo markings
MC fungal infxn in usa? On CXR
Histop...CXR: Calcification
Whats found on CXR of ABPA, dx, tx?
central bronchiectasis...inc IgE and Eosinophilia...dx: skin test for ABPA ab..tx: ORAL Predno
Fungal ball in lung cavity, hemptysis, what and how to treat
how to tx invasive Aspergiliosis
ASA intox in 1) adult 2) kid
1) MetabAcid with Resp Alk 2) init. Metab Acid..then Resp Alk
how to tx ASA sensitivy Syndr
Leuk recept inhibitor (DOC)..steroids, ASA, and desensi therapy...sx: bronchoconstrict/nasal polyps
to test for Asthma...
give B2agonist...if better → reversible, good dx (measure of FEV1)
when give mast cell stabilizers
CHROMOLYN – if other allergic DO
tx exercise Asthma
Bagonist + Chromolyn
Asthma + crepitus →
CXR to RO pneumothorax
if persistent asthma...now tx w
inh steroid (BECLOMETHASONE)
if pt has nl CO2 and acute asthma attack?
Bad...means lungs is not breathing much anymore
tx atelectasis and sx
bronch to remove mucus plug...seen post surgery...encourage coughing
Arthero emoblic DZ vs. Gout?
Gout = red toe...this: blue and pt has circulatory prob like pain
Atopic Dermaitis sx and tx
red, itchy skin...tx: PIMECROLIMUS (like TACRLIMUS = inh Tcell)
Afib + WPW tx
DOC: PROCAINAMIDE or DISOPYRAMIDE...don;t use slow AV like Dig or VERAPIMIL → arrhythmia
if Afib witout hemo probl? Tx
Amiodarone..also CCB
Aflutter tx?
Same..depnding on how stable pt is...long term tx: CCB or Bblocker
Autism assoc with? Tx
Berry...tx: special ed early like at 3
Male DO where nl dev for 2 yrs...then lost acquired skils...autism sx...?
Childhood Disintegrative DO
good dev until 6 mo...loss hand coord and stereotype hand...?
Rett...mainly girls
orogressive hip pain without dec rom, nl xray, next? Dx?
MRI!!!! Dx: avasc necrosis femoral head
if vegeterian for <3ys and get B12 deficiency...? cause
probably Pernicious Anemia (not diet...B12 last 3-4yrs in body)...if >4yrs = AbTest for IF
MethylMalonic level diff?
folate from B12
Cut lesions, round, vascular, fever, HA, in HIV pts...dx?
Bacilliary Angiomatosis DT Bartenella
Skin lesion purpura + petechia and meningitis?
BacT! (AMP used for Listeria)
normotensive, hypoK, metab alk?
Barter syndrome...early in life, polyuria, polydipsia, MR, grow slow...MOA: defect NaCl channel reap → hypovol → renin and problems...
how to diff btw Primary hyperAldo vs. Renin secre tumor
measure Renin level and aldo
MCC hypok?
diuretics...not Barters, Gilterman or vomit
MC malign tumor eyelid?
BCC (slow, pearly)...histo: clusters surrounded by palisading basal cells...can be upper lip, NEVER on lower...rarely met...
tx of BCC
1) cauterize 2) surg excision 3) cryo and rads
Becet affect which pop?
Males <20 asia and mideterranean...no tx..MOA: AutoI
baby with: big tongue, big orgs, omphalocele, hypoGlc, hyperIns...dx
Beckwith Widerman
no hypoGlc, no hyperIns, umbilical hernia, no omphalocele....?
Congenital Hypothyroid
Wilm, Aniridia, Genitoruinary prob, MR...dx? MOA
WAGR...gene WT1
MOA Bell's palsy
PERIPHERAL 7th nn palsy...no central DT central will have furrows still
Sx of Acute hepatic failure
inc PT, low alb, neuro DT hepatoencephalopathy
Diff btw HALOTHANE type 1 and typ2 hepatotoxicity
Type 1) mild inc liver enz and NO jaundice...type 2) Acute liver failure
what is benign Intrahepatic cholestasis
occer 2nd day post surgery..inc ALKP, but mild inc AST/ALT
Giant platelets..ARecesive...mild dec platelets...16 yo girl period last 10 days and brother has bleed prob...dx
Bernard Soulier...MOA: defect 1b receptor → lack vW attachment so platelet cant attach to endthe
how to tx Bblocker toxicity
Atropine to oppose vagal tone...else: ISOPROTERENOL...else: GLUCAGON...else temp pacemaker
MCC AS in middle age adult
Bicuspid...murmur: at Llsternal border rads to carotid (HCM cant hear at carotid)
BPP has?
NST + 4 others at 2 poins each...8-10 nl...if<4 deliver now
Acute abd sx...skin necrosis like pyograngrene..deep skin ulcer...tx and dx
CaGluconate and muscle relaxer...local exicision...give DAPSONE if G6PD defic...dx: BLACK WIDOW
nonpalpable bladder, lower abd and perineal edema...dx and tx
Bladder rupture...tx RETROGRADE CYSTOGRAM...in accident, intraperinal rupture more common
skin, lung cavity and bone lytic lesion in ohio/missi
when to transfuse blood in truma?
if loss >1.5L...ex: if pelvic fracture → start IV crystaloid 2L in 10mins...if still hypovol, start blood transfusion
if chest trauma with widened mediastinum...next?
NEED ECHO or CT for dx
XR of boerhaave show...dx with...
subQ emphysema..dx with BARIIUM...need surg
Tx Pertussis
everyone gets 14d ERYTHRO no matter what
Bowerl ischemia post surgery DT
infarct of IMA
if pt has bowel obstr without strangulation or perf..do?
conservative: NG and Barium
what kinda of stone DT bowel resect?
Oxalate!! (DT xs oxalate reabsorp from GIT...the Ca is bound to fat in the GIT and unable to bind to oxalate)
Prostate: Finasteride act on
Prostate: alpha 1 blocker act on (DOXAZOSIN) act on....best one?
smooth muscles...TAMSULOSIN
What 2 tests done on all possible BPH?
UA for infxn and Cr....if Cr inc: US of KUB!!!
pt had OM and sinusitis...now HA, focal neuro..?
brain absess! (CT or MRI = ring)
What is braindead?
clinical...means: abasent CORTICAL and BRAINSTEM...their DTR may still work...no pupil rxn, ATROPINE no accelarate heart...no vagal
Occlusion of VERT art can →
Medial Medullary Syndrome: contral paralysis/loss vibration/tong dev to same side
Lesion in lateral pons can →
LATERAL MID-PONTINE Syndr: impair sensory/motor of V
lesion in Medial Midpon →
MEDIAL MID-PONDINE SYNDR: ipsi limb ataxia, contralat eye dev, paralysis face, arm, leg
Lesion of Lateral Medulla →
WALLENBURG: ipsi Horner, loss pain/T face, weak palate/pharynx/vocal cord/cerebellar atax...no pain/T opposite side
HER2/neu good or bad
bad prognosis
MCC metastatic skin CA in women
Breast CA (erythema covered with necrotic skin)...tx: PALLIATIVE with wound care
tx Breast CA in pregos
no chemo in 1st Trimester and NEVER rads...no lumpectomy 1st (DT rads afterward)..so only tx for 1st = modified radical mastectomy
if Breeech, next?
if before 37 – leave alone, else cephalic version
MOA bronchiectasis...sx..lab
widening of med size airway → hemoptysis...”copious foul smelling sputum”...CXR: Tram track (inc vasc markings)..for dx: CT > Scope...next: AFB sputum
Wheezing in winter, usually >2yo, inc chance of asthma later...WBC nl...CXR: air trappings..DT?
Bronchiolitis...MOA: CMV!!!...tx: humidified O2 and bronchodilators
MC lung CA after asbestosis exposure
Bronchogenic Carcinoma > Malign Mesothelioma...BGC CAR inc with smoking
damage to lateral spinothalamic tract → AKA
Brown Sequard Syndr (sx: contralat loss pain and T beginning 2 levels below)
Bruton's Agamma MOA, sx, tx
Panhypogamma...IgG <100...infxn after 6 mo, recurent pyogenic...gene at Xq22 stops preB to become B...tx: lifelong Ig
triad: abp pain, ascites, heptameg
Budd Chiari (occlusion of hepatic vein)
triad: occlusion disease of artery, migratory superficial thrombophlebitis + Reynauld in male smoker
definition of Bulimia Nervosa
Binge >=2x /week, if not...”eatin DO NOS”
Tense blisters, >60...what and MOA
Bullous Pemphigous...MOA: Ab vs. BM, IgG/C3 at the epidermal/dermal jxn..tX: steroids
MOA Pemphigous Vulgaris
IgG deposit in dermis...HERPES has C3 in the BM
Bupropion used for and watch out for
Depression with smoking...can SEIZURE! (watch out for hx → give SSRI)
best way to dx inhalation burn?tx?
bronchscope!...tx: b-agonist, steroids, trach, abx
burn that involve entire circumference...tx
resuscitation dosage for burn PARKLAND formula
4ml/kg/% body burn...half in 8hrs, rest in 16hrs
MCC death DT burn is
first degree burn,what and tx
epidermis...heals without scar (sunburn)
2nd degree burn, what
red, blisters
tx for 3rd burn
debridement and graft
calanium fx DT fall, next?
XRAY pelvic, neck, head and everything else too!
Cancer rx causes anorx, tx that SE? Tx NV SE?
flush, diarrhea, valve dz...at risk of what?
Carcinoid...CA make SEROTONIN and 5HIAA (need Trp for precursor...Trp used for NIACIN as well...so → NIACIN deficiency → PELLAGRA)
triad of Pallagra and DT
Diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis...deficiency of NIACIN
if Carcinoid in Small bowel vs. appendix
SB: sx, if appendix: asx
cardiac contusion...next
EKG!!! can be arrhythimia, dont do US
difference btw Cardio tamponade vs. mediastinal hemorrhage
CT show blood in cardiac sac instead of mediastinum
MCC of myocarditis that result in dilated cardiomyopathy
viral infxn (MC: Coxsackie)
aortic stenosis lead to
concentric hypertrophy
regurg leads to
HCM how to dx?
Echo is nonspecific...look at hx instead..tx: BB
HCM inc mucmur by
valsava and standing after squatting
HCM dec mumur by
Handgrip (inc Syste Art Resistance), leg elevation (inc LV vol)
only tx for restrictive cardiomyopathy
if pt has Hemochromatosis (phlebotomy and subQ deferoxime)
speckled pattern on heart
What is Caroli syndr
congenital dilation biliary tree...seen in APKD
cat bite TX
AMOX/CLAVULANIC for 5d DT fear of PASTEURELA...sx start within 24hrs
Cat scratch fever DT
cat scratch sx after 3-10 d
sx of Cat Scratch...lab...tx
localized cutaneous and LN DO near inoculation site...dx: Hx and Ab to Bhenselia or + Warthin-Stary stain...tx: 5d of AZITHROMYcIN
MCC white reflect in kid
to dx Caustic poisoning
sx of cavernous venous thrombosis...dx?...tx?
HA, Fever...opthalmo, lat gaze palsy, nasal dc, blood...dx: CT of sinuses, brain, head...tx:
pallor DT anemia, bone pain DT osteomalacia, brusing DT vitK, hyperkeratosis DT vit A defic...dx
Celiac dz...dx: IgA ab to Gliadin and immunofluresent IgA ab endomysium, ab vs. Transglutaminase...confirm: bx Small intetestine
dermitits herpidiformis, bloody diarrhea
Celiac dz
Central cord syndrome sx, age, loc
sx: burning pain and paralysis upper extremities and spares lower...DT hyperextend of the neck
if INR <5 and no bleed, INR 5-9, INR >9
1) omit next wearfarin dose 2) stop it temporarily, 3)stop and give vitK
Pap if shows dysplasia →
if pap shows intl atypia spotting →
repeat in 1 months...if pt comes with gross cervix → straight to punch biopsy
MC finding in cervical spondylosis
osteophyte... bony spurs are MC findings
NADPH oxidase defici...defect in phagocytosis...dx and tx
CGD...DT NitroBlue...tx: Bactrim and Gamma Interferon, BMT...
Eczema, thrombocytopenia, recurrent infxn with encaps since birth...petechia and bloody stool
Wiskott Aldrich
dec granulation, chemotaxis, and grarunation...neutropenia, GIANT LYSOSOME il!!!
tx: Bactrim
recurrent chalazion
squas. CC
pleural effusion DT CHF
define exudate on pleural effusion
if any of these: 1) Pleura/serum prot >.5, 2) pleural/serum LDH >.6...if pH <7.2 = empyema...if pH<7.3 = pleural inflammation
aFib + CHF tx
Choanal Atresia dx by...
kid cyanotic when feed...nasal tube cant pass...best dx: CT
1) USG 2) HIDA (good for acalculous especially)
MCC acute cholecystitis
stone blocks of cystic duct
pain AFTER gallblader removal
ERCP...if everyhtin clear and still pain...FXNAL pain so give analgesics
acalculous cholecystitis occur in
critically ill patient and imaging shows distended with fluid..remove it
dilation of inta and extra hepatic ducts....RUQ pain or cholangitis...need US
dx: Choldedochal cyst...
tx of cholelithiasis
1) if asx: no tx 2) surgery but if CI, then = URSODEOXYCHOLIC ACID → dec chol secretion from bile and
Most gallbladder stones are
can cause conduction hearing loss in kids...not CA, what from? MOA
Cholesteatoma: epithelial cyst that contain keratin...DT: OM or Eustachian tube dysfxn (Pseudomonas)... can destroy bone..best dx: CT and surg!
painless redish blue mottling of skin of extremities
Cholesterol embolization
cholesterol profile done on kids who
parents have total chol >240 or kid with risk of CAD
sequest bile acid...lowers LDL and inc HDL...also reduces bioavail of other rx so need to inc those
if baby has tach, uterine tenderness...dx and gold dx
Chorioamnionitis... to dx: Amniotic fluid culture...tx: AMP + GENT
postpartum woman with HEMOPTYSIS, SOB, CP...next
CXR and serial HCG for chorocarcinoma
to dx Chronic Mesensteic Ischemia
Angio and US...pain after eating
most pt with CRF also get
HyperPT → renal osteodystrophy (dec Ca and retain Phosph)...Normo anemia (give Fe before erythropoitin)
how to improve sx of CRF
protein restriction and ACEI(this will worsen once cr keeps escalating)
eosinophils pulmo infiltrate, peripheral pulmo infiltrate, peripheral blood eosinophilia, alergic granulomatosis...dx
Churg Strauss
going from 1 topic to another
if pt has esopha varices but no bleed...prophylactic tx?...if pt has recurrent variceal, ascites bleed, tx? TIPS
Bblocker (dec future bleed...)
MCC liver transplant
HepC...Etoh MCC liver cirrhosis
Clavicle fracture...risk damaging? Tx?
subclavian artery and brachial plexus...if distal (ORIF), if near (CRIF wit figure 8)...if new born, no tx
MCC leukemia in western world...sx...lab
ClymphocyticLeukemia...asx...smudge cells
C Lymphocytic Leukemia vs. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
CML = LEUKOcytes (neutrophils)...ALL have
MOA clomiphene
AntiEstrogen → block hypothal, GNRH, inc LH FSH and inc ovulation...
MOA Danozol
androgen that inh gonads...for: endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic breast Dz
Club foot tx
aka (Talipus Equinovarus)...tx: 1) non surgical =stretch/manipulate of foot/splint/...tx:2) surgery at 3 and 6 months
Clusters prophylaxis?
CML lab … BM...tx in crisis?...
inc mature granulocyte like band forms and segmented neutrophils ... BM: hypercellular...tx in crisis: IMATINIB (Tyr K inhibitor) …
CMV pneumonitis seen in
in BM transplant … sx: dyspnea, cough, fever,
Coarct CXR
dilation ascending aorta and subclavian
tx Coke OD
EKG abn: st depression...tx: Benzo, Nitrates, Aspirine...if MI = cath!
coccidomycosis vs blastomycosis
C: cutaneous erythem multiform...B: cutaneous / verrucuous / ulcerative
complex partial seizure sx
brief loss impaired consciousness, AUTOMATISM (lip smacking) and post ictal...
absence seizure has no?
HypoNa, HyperK, Hypoglc, Metab Acidosis...btw boy and girl babies?
CAH (21 hydroxylaze deficiency)...AR.. boys may not go unnoticed for 2-4 weeks …
tx of Congenital Diaphragmtic Hernia?
NG tube to keep lung from further compression by stomach...tx before dx!...dont do bag mask → makes it worse
Endocardial cushion defect seen in?
MCC congenital hypothyr and tx
MCC 85% thyroid dysgenesis...baby sx: weak, hypotone, large tongue, umbilicial hernia...tx: levothyroxine
triad: sensoneural deaf + cardiac (pda, asd) + cataracts
Congenital Rubella...also: thrombocytopenia and purple skin lesion (BLUEBERRY MUFFIN spots)... maybe sx at 2 yo
Triad: Chorioretinitis + hydrocephalus + intracranial calc
TOXO congenital
neonatal conjunctivitis
MCC silver nitrate (to prevent gono)
tx neonatal chlamydia conjunctivitis
systmeic ERYTHRO
constrictive pericarditis DT
TB immigrants...
MOA lactation and contraception
inh GNRH → inh ovulation
if woman wants contraception right after giving birth...give?
PROGESTERONE (minipill)...dn't give combined OCP (Estrogen can dec milk production)
to be qualified for home O2?
PaO2 < 55, or SaO2 <88... (tx acute COPD: bronchodilators and prednisone)
in pt with Multifocal TachyCardia
Give O2 to stop arrhythia
Chronic Bronhitis, DLCO? Puffer? O2 sat?
nl DLCO, Blue Bloaters... O2 desat
Emphysema, DLCO, O2 sat?
MOA: destruction of alv walls...pink puffer (hyperInflation), and mod O2 sat
tx COPD exacerbation
Non Invasive Positive Pressure Vent
Dx Craniopharyngioma
MC in kids...retarded growth... adults hyposex... MRI: cystic calcified parasellar lesion...
CREST syndr
AntiCentromere ab... better prog than calcification
Fast dementia, myoclonus, periodic bi and triphasic sharp wave on EEG...dx...to dx...?
Creutzfeldt Jacob... bx: cortical spongiform changes, CSF nl...death in 1 yr... no tx
non caseating granuloma
tx coup?
give Epi before intubate!
caused by “sand box handling” and tropical travelers...dx and dx and tx
Cutaneous Lava Migrans...sx: serperginous lesion on skin... tx: appying THIABENDAZOLE or MEBENDAZOLE
MCC hemorrhagic CVA
lateral stria arteries (aka Arteries of Stroke) a br of MCA
SE Mycophenolate
BM suppression
SE Azothioprine
leukopenia, liver tox
SE Tacrolimus
hirsu and gum hypertrophy
to dx Cystic Fibrosis
Sweat Chloride concentration >60... CXR: Tram track
MOA of vit K
is a cofactor of Gamma-Glutamil Carboxylase (adds carboxy group to glutamate residue of 2, 7, 9 10, C, S)
Cystic Fibrosis pt need which vacc and not
tx of Pseudo for CF?
Gent + Piper
MC base pair mutation in CF ?
Delta JO8 in CFTR gene in chromo 7
how to screen for cystinuria?
urinary Cyanide nitroprusside test... stones are hexagonal
Dacryocystitis...where...DT...tx for acute and chronic
MOA: inflammation of medial canthal (St. Aureus and strept)...tx: CEPHALEXIN and CEFAZOLIN (I&D if needed)...chronic: dilation of nasocralimal duct
DeQuervain DT?
abd of extensor of the tumb...tx: sx by rest or immobili (splinter cast) of tendon, application of heat for chronic infl or cold...NSAID...
How to tx Dehydration and a good way to monitor it?
NS...monitor: inc BU/Cr bad!
Tx of Dermatomyositis Herperteformis
DAPSONE (sx: malab, pruritic papules and vessicles over extensors)...lab: anti-Endomyosial Ab, Gluten sensitivity enteropathy and Celiac Sprue
Grotton's sign what and seen in
Skin on back of knuckles: nonscaly and violavious erythematous eruption...DERMATOMYOSITIS
DES cause
clear cell ADENOCARCINOMA of vag (usde for threatened abortion)
uneven gluteal fold in babies:
Development dysplasia of hip...dx: US if <6mo, lab: +Barlow +Ortolani...tx: Surgical reduction
Dextrometorphan has rx toxicity with
MAOI → hyperthermia
intraabd organ lac...best dx procedure?
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage... Angio is almost never done
Pt likes cold beverage and urine osmolarity < serum osmolarity (xs amt of diluted urine) dx
SAIDH seen in
Lung CA and brain trauma
Tx of Central DI
intranasal Desmopressin
if pt has nl AG metab acidosis in DM with GI prob...what and how to dx
what: can lose NH4 through diarrhea or defective NH4 synth...so do urinary AG --> if (+) = nephropath, if (-) = Gastroenteritis
fasting Glc for DM
126..check again, if still >126 = DM or if px is Sx
75 g of glc tolerance test level?
200 or greater
earliest renal prob in someone with DM
glomerular hyperfiltration...first chance qunatified: thickening of GBM (ACEI is god)
hyperK during DKA due to
xchange K for H and inpaired insulin dependent reentry of K
what is used to screen and confirm gestation DM
1hr 50gm (<140 rules it out) for screen and 3hr 100 gm for confirm
What's the best way to document delayed gastroemtying
Nuclear medicine Scintigraphy after ingestion of radiolabeled food
pt with NKHS... first check?
Glc level
MC type of DM neuropathy and how to dx
symmetrical distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy (stocking glove)...dx: EMG and conduction studies
DM is a RF for
infxn in uncontroleld DM?
consider Candida
Mucor Mycosis vs Rhizopus infxn
in DM...M: eye/chemosis/diplopia... R: maxillary sinus...both necrotic infxn
CC bacterial sinusitis
H. Influenza and Moraxella Caterrhalis
how to dx cystopathy
Cystometry and Urodynamic studies...tx: strict volume control and Bethanoecol...then cath if not work
Emphysematous pylon...DT...dx...tx
DT Ecoli....dx by CT...tx: IV abx and possible emergency kidney removal...(this is an emergency)
kid with macrocytic anemia (no megaloblastic, no hyperseg), low reticulocytes, congenital abn...short, webb neck...MOA
tx: steroids and then transfusion if no work
how to dx diaphragmitc herniation
Barium swallow
MCC bloody diarrhea in USA … watery as well
Campylo (undercooked poultery)
blod diearrha seen in daycare, institution
MCC diarrhea in kids that cause acute gastroenteritis and tx
Rotovirus...had a vaccine but took off DT cz intusseptin
tx of DIC
1) if pt bleed: FFP...if no bleed 2) IV abx + activated prot C
how to dx Diffuse esophageal spasm
mannometry: repetitive, non eipositic, high amp spont contraction
DiGeorge sx
HypoPT and impair cognitive
Dig tox that needs and not need stop
need: AV heart block, atrial tachy...
SE of diphenhydramine
seizure and anti-chol effects
tx for disck herniation
NSAID and early mobilization
Biggest RF for diverticulosis
chronic constipation...dx: Barium.
XRAy of ischemic colitis
thickening of colon walls
lab for Down's
Dec AFP, dec Estriol, inc HCG,
Down kid with GI?
duod atresia (MC), ASD (endocardium defect) (double bubble)... hirsprung, esoph atresia, pyloric stenosis,
DOC for dressler
drug induced pancreatitis
1) diuretics/furesamide/thiazide 2) IBD/sulphalazine/5ASA...
CCB CI for
2nd and 3rd degree Heart block and CHF
familial bile secretion (conjugated bili) can be aggravated by woman taking OCP...liver bx: dark granular pigments
no dark granule
Duchenne MD dx by
test of choice for DVT
Compression US...Venography is the GOLD but uncomfortable...
test of choice for recurrent DVT
INR for prosthetic valves
dystonia define
depressed mode for 2 yrs
what's close contact with sheep
ecchinococcus...(hepatomegaly, hydatid cyst in liver)...cyst has inner germinal layer
neurocystercosis DT
pig farmin, cyst in brain...kills fast
assoc with atopic dermatitis...dx and DT
eczema herpeticum...Herpes simplex... many umbilicate vessels around healing area...tx: life treat in kid = ACYCLOVIR asap
closed fit, prominent occiput, microcephaly, overlapping fingers...
EDWARDs (trisomy 18)
t wave seen
st depression seen in
subendocardial infarct and unstable
pt comes in with cold hand...next
possibly emboli...tx: IMMEDIATE coag and possible surgery
hx of neonatal jaundice and emphysema...
Alpha 1 antitryptsin deficiency
elderl DM man...infected gallbladder...crepitus...dx...lab..tx
emphysematous Cholecystitis (acute DT gas forming bacT)...dx: abd xray gas line... lab: moderate unconj... tx: fluid, early cholecystectomy, abx)
parapneumatic effusion can →
empyema (PH< 7.2, 100k wBC)
tx for endometriosis...gold std for dx:
OCP...if fail: DANOZOLE (cause pseudomenopause SE: hirsu/deep voice)...dx: powder burn laparatomy
tx vaginismus
when is endometritis and rF...MC bacT...tx
2-3 d … prolonged labor/ PROM/repeated pelvic exam... MC: anaerobe … abx: Clinda + AMG or AMP
best test to see if pt benefits from lung resection...
PFT (esp FEV1 postop)
MC helminth infxn in USA
Enterobus Vermicularis...tx: Albendazole and Mebendazole
tx for enuresis
low dose IMIPRAMINE or DESMOPRESSIN...but RO UTI by urinalysis
dx Epiglottitis
dx: fiberoptic scope in OR, then → intubate...trach if cant... dn't need Epi first here
some causes of Erectile dysfxn
Venogenic ( tunical albuginea)... prolactinoma... don't give nitrates w/ sildenefil
erysipelas is a type of … tx
Cellulitis .. tx with: Pen V or Erythromycin 500 mg po >= 2 weeks...group A MCC
how to tx DUBleed
prolly DT anovulation...tx: Give Estro...then Prog...then withdrawal last few days
erythema multiforme aka
iris/target lesions
erythema multiforme can be dT
hespes...or Mycoplasma PNA & tx with TETRACYCLINE
Erythema Nodosum can be DT
TB...strepth throat...tx: bed rest
new born, bening, self containing rash with red halos...eosinophils on skin...
Erythema Toxicum... no fever, healthy
tx esophareal varies acute
1) IV fliuid...2) stop bleed by OCTREOTIDE or BAND LIGATION(less SE)...3) SCOPE if not avail--> balloon tamponade...if all else fails 4) TIPS surgery
whats the indication for TIPS or sugery in ESOphageal Varies
>= 5 units blood transfusion in 24 hrs
Estrogen replacement therapy and Thyroid hormone?
need more Lthyroxine...also same for pregnancy
tx essential tremor
BB > PRIMIDONE (SE: abd pain, acute intermittent porphyria: dx by urine prophobilinogen)... familial dz
AG metab acidosis w/ rectangular envelope crystals...what is it and dx
Calcium Oxalate...dx: ETHYLENE GLYCOL poisoning
URI then hearing loss, full ear, pop when swallow...retracted and decreased movement tympanic...dx
E tybe dysfxn...common...middle ear effusion
Ewing sarcoma sx...and XR
lower extremities pain in kids, swelling...very malignant...XR: ONION SKINNING periosteal retraction → moth eaten appearance...tx: everything...
if XR: lytic bone defect with surrounding sclerosis..aka...seen in
BRODIE's ABSCESS...in: osteomyelitis chronic
diff btw factitious Diarrhea and IBS diarrhea...
IBS not happen at night … (factitious cause is laxative, also rich nurses)
define false labor
painless, irregular... NO PROGRESSIVE cervical change (cervx shut)...tx: reassurance
Arecessive, progressive pancytopen, macrocytosis...cafe au lai, small head, jaw...short, horshoekidney... NO THUMB...age 8...dx
Fanconi's anemia
tx of fat emboli
HEPARIN... petechia, SOB
assoc with surgery or trauma and mimics what? Dx?
Mimics: Breast CA...dx: Fat necrosis... bx: foamy microphages and fat globules, bigcalcification=benign, microcalc=malignant...bx to dx...no tx xcept mammo
dec platelets, fever >100 for 1 hr...next and dx
FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA (emergency)... tx: admit, Blood cultures, IV CEFEPIME or CEFT, or IMEPENEM.... + VANC if skin or hypotensive (aureus)
how to tx femur shalf fracture...how about if NECK of femur fractures
closed intra medually fixation of shaft...then intramedullary nail insretion thhrough skin over greater trochanter... Closed nail > open nail... 2) if NECK = Int fixation with plates and screws
fix intertrochanter fracture
internal fixation with sliding screw with plate and early mobiliz
sx femoral next fx...tx..
elderly: short limb, rotated... if unstable (complete fx) = open reduction w/ internal fix or primary arthroplasty(reconstruction) when pt is stable... don't do surgery if pt needs mobiliszation asap
epicanthal fold, long philtrum, small maxilla, thin upper lip...
if can't hear fetal heart beat..next...
Fetal hydantoin syndr
small, small head, hypoplastic distal phalanx fingers/toes, low nasal bridge, cardiac murmur...NEUROBLASTOMA...
Fever 3-5 days postop
Fever 3-7 days postop
Fever 1-2 months post surg
post spleenectomy sepsis (give pneumococcal vaccine after surg!_
fever 6days postop
Fever 4-7
wond infxn
Female 35 with firm, rubbery mass, next
MAMMO (fibroadenoma)
fibrocystic breast...next and next
1) aspirate = will go away...2) wait almost 1 yr = if come bac = BX... *******if fluid was smelly/bloody = cytology then!
in FMD, which renal artery more likely affected...best tx?
Right... angio: STRINGS OF BEADS … invertentional (stent placement) rather than medical better...
dx for chronic fatique syndr
6 months
sx of Polymyalgia Rheumatica and age?
pelvic and shoulder and >50, stiffness, not pain...fever..weight loss...ESR: elevated
tx Fibromyalgia
Amitriptyline or cyclobenzaprine
SE of fluphenazine
Hypothermia DT VD and inh of shivering
HIV peeps get what type of glomerulonphritis
focal segmental
hard to perform simple task...low iq...lang prob, autism...large head, jaw, low set ears...dx...MOA
Fragrile X DT mut FMR (CGG repeat inc..)
ARecessive, trint repeat, poor prognosis...dx and best lab...
Friedtrick Ataxia...tell parents to get genetic for next kid..lab: MRI brain/spinal = marked spinal atroph, minimal cerebral
sx of Friedrich...MCC death?
starts early 20s...atax, fall (degen spinocerebeallar, pyramidal, post tract)....nonneuro sx: HCM, DM, scoliosis, HAMMER toes...live 20 yrs...MCC death CV!!!!
tx frost bite
warm upbody with warm water
rotator cuff dec what
abd...ROM dec in active but nl in passive...arm drops at 90
to dx tendinits from tear?
inj lidocaine inc ROM in tendinitis but not in tear
AMG, vanc, chloroquine
newborn, bilat cataracts, jaundice, hypoGlc...
dx: GALACTOSEMIA...tx: take out galactose..MOA: Uridyl Transferase def
Galactosemia vs. Galactokinase def?
Deficiency only has cataracts...nothing else
chronic gallbladder stones →
gallbladder carcinoma...XR: Porcelaine (DT Ca deposit)
Acanthosis nigrans...blood vomiting...
gastric carcinoma
tx of MALT
Gastric Mucosa assoc Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma...tx: kill H.Pylori = usually takes care of it...if already met--> CHOP
tx H. Pylori
Omeprazole + chlarithromycin + Amox
bowel not covered...dx...tx
Gastroschisis= cover it, abx and fluid
DT deficiency of Glucocerebrosidase...dx...sx
Gaucher's dz...sx: big liver, anemia, dec WBC, dec platelets....NO CHERRY RED MACULA
tx GAD
SE Gentamycin
Nephro, ototox, vestibular tox (dizzy)
how to dx Gerd
24hr pH monitor of esophagus...
to diff btw GERD and nocturnal asthma...
give Omeprazole (PPI)...if better you kow
complication of Giant Cell arteritis...lab
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm...lab: inc ESR, normo anemia
partial absense of enzyme...nl liver enz...inc w/ stress...comes back to nl...dz
Rotor syndrome bili?
Criggler Najjar type 1 vs Type 2
both: uncon, Liver enz nl...type 1: kerniterus...type 2 dec bili with PHENOBARBITAL
Glascow scale
Minor >14, mod <13 >9, severe <9
MCC bindness...how can u tell acute … dx tool
Glaucoma... acute: non reactive, mid dilated pupil..dx: TONOMETRY
open angle glaucoma sx...labs...last tx
slow...PERIPHERAL affected first... high IO pressure...lab: cupping of disc... once defect found, map out where it is
Acute closure glaucoma sx and tx
svere pain,ant chamber shallow with inflammation...inc IOP...tx: ACETOZOLAMIDE, MANNITOL, PILOCARPINE...permenent tx: LASER PERIPHERAL IRIDOTOMY...avoid atropine
acute open angle glaucoma sx and tx
Blacks and DM...gradual loss PERIPHERAL... cupping of dis..tx: BB, TIMOLOL for init...def tx: TRABECULOPLASTY
MOA: Glc 6 Phosphatase defic...dx?..sx..
Von Gierke type 1 Glycogen storage dz...hypoGlc, lactic acid, hyper uric, hyperlipid...big liver, kidney... doll fase (fat cheeks), big abdomen, thn legs
long term steroid →
inc neutrophils, dec easino, dec wbc
Type 2 and type 4 and type 1 glyc stor dz
1: Von Gierke, 2: Pompe
if suspected gonococcal arthritis go whee?
urethral culture higher yield than synovium
Arthritis + palm/soles necrosis
sputum has Fe in forms of hemosiderin...anermia, RBC case In urine...
Ggood Pasture
Good Pasture vs. Idiopathic pulmo hemosiderosis
IPH: kids and more hemoptasis
Wegner vs Good Pasture
GP: lower (hemoptosis) + kidney...Wegener = GP + URI and CRESCENT
tx Good pasture
Plasmapheresis to remove Ab vs. GBM ASAP
MOA: defic Acid Beta Glucosidase (lysozome)... sx... lab..
Askhani Jew, tired, easy bruise, bone pain/fx... dx: XR: Erlenmeyer flask in distal femur.. BM: Gaucher cells wrinked paper
If 24hr uric acid level show hyperuric (>800), tx?, if hypo tx?
Gouty attacks DT? Tx for acute... chronic...
Etoh ( → lactate and competes with urate for xcrete... inc urate → gout) 1) acute = oral INDOMETHACIN/ COLCHICINE/STEROIDS... 2)chronic: COLCHICINE
MOA graft vs. host?
activated donot Tlcy vs. organs → maculopaplar rash in palms/soles/face..
rapid dev into painless ulcer... red beefy base... inguinal LN no Buboes... dx..lab...tx...if chronic?
GRANULOMA INGUINALE dt Donovale Granulomatis... STD... dx: Donovan bodies (Giemsia or wright stain = red, encapsulated bipolar bacT in monocytes)...tx: TETRA...scarring
describe ulcers of primary syphillis
punched out base
describe ulcer in Chanchroid
PainFULL, buboes form and PAINFUL too
describe ulcers in HERPES
vesicles BEFORE → ulcers
ulcers of Lymphogranuloma Venerum vs. Granuloma Inguinale
both painless... Syphillis shallow and LN is inflammation and not same time as ulcers
Tx Grave's
Radioactive IODINE...
Preg women suddenly Afib?
MCC hyperthyr in pregos
Growing pain sx
mostly at night...NSAID
best way to monitor breathing in Guillan barre'? Lab
besides serial VC (above 15ml/kg)...CMPYLO BACTER!...lab: alb-cyt dissociation (inc prot, nl cell count)...tx: IV Ig and plasmaphoresis
whats another ascending paralysis?
Tick borne paralysis
what's descending paralysis
butulism (antitoxin)
injury below nipple line? (4th rib)
laparotomy gunshot
Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase stain? BM?
Hairy Cell leukemia (type B lcy Chronic leuk)... BM: usually dried so no help
tx NHL
tx CLL
Chlrambucil + prednisone
Hashimoto lab.. seen in...imaging and to dx
+ antithyroxyperoxidase ab...large rubbery goiter... thyroid lymphoma (60x!)...US: pseudocyst, uptake: dec...to dx: CORE BX (needle may miss)
tx inc ICP?
head elevated, hypervent, IV mannitol and diuresis
Mobits type 2 can be DT
Heat exhaustion vs. Heat stroke vs Cramp
Stroke: CNS + >40 / MOA: thermoregulators failed...Cramps: pain DT dec salt
tx Heat Stroke?
evaporation cooling! (emerging in water hard to calc temp)
Tx Acute Fatty liver disease
HUS basics sx
thrombosis glomerular arteries, in kids, after URI
TTP basic sx and tx
like HUS and with NEURO sx... tx: xchange transfusion or plasmaphoresis with FFP
tx for HELLP
If >34, deliver, give Mg to dec BP and vag
Hemi neglect DT
Right (non denominant) parietal lobe
lab hemochromatosis... MC complication... inc risk of
Transferrin sat >50%, Ferritin >1000.. MC complication HCC... inc risk of LISTERIA... first lab: CBC for fe level!
big liver, hiperpig, DM, arthritis, HF and hypogonadism
Oliguric RF + MAHA (micro angiopathic hemolytic anemia) + dec platelets
TTP variant of HUS... T: thrombosis everywhere not just kidney / sx: fever AMS focal neuro renal MAHA (micro angio hemolytic anemia) and dec platelets... tx: xchange transf and plasmapheresis with FFP
kid with diarrhea, now abd pain, inc bun/cr and triad: Uremia (renal fail), dec platelets, hemolytic anemia
HUS... tx: supportive, if not work: plasmaphoresis/dialysis and steroids
Solid tumor, xs estrogen → pubic hair, breat, uterus... bimodal young old, surg to remove..dx
Granulosa tumor
Dysgerminoma in what age
young female, no hormone made
mature teratoma aka
dermoid cyst
ovarian mass, abd pain...
serous cystadenoma... MC cystic CA of ovaries
Fe (HEMOSIDERIN) deposit and synovial thickening with fibrosis... bloody arthropathy..what...type...lab
Hemophilia... X... PTT inc
Hemothorax...first tx
low tube to drain blood... if >1.5L = surgical thoracotomy or >600 mL after 6hrs
males, URI, then → palpable purpura in buttocks, peripheral edema, scrotal swelling...hematuria/proteinuria...dx
Henoch Schonlein tx..steroid ...MOA: IgA vasculitis of small vells → rash/abd pain/joint/renal... dx: Immuno = IgA deposit in kidneys
how to tx IgA...
if travel <4weeks → IgA, if more → Vaccine
HIT seen how many days … labs...sx:
3-15d and resolve 5d after stoppping... lab: BOTH PTT inc and PLATELETS dec... sx: Art/venous thrombosis + dec platelets
OCP women
Liver encephalopathy MOA and tx
MOA: accum of ammonia → CNS... tx: Clear bowels w. anema/ dec prot / oral lactulose / oral Neomycin
give cryoprecitpitate if
coag factor defic like 8... packed RBC if <8
tx Hep B after liver transplant v. Hep B infxn vs. vacc mult times with no response vs. exposed and never vacc before
transplant: B IgG + Lamivudine... infxn: Interferon + Lamuvidine... vac useless: B IgG on exposure... never vac: B IgG and start vacc
best test for acute hepB? How to tell if peson is vacc vs. infxn
Anti core Ag, surface Ag... difference: vacc will have Anti surface Ag, but no surface Ag
how to tell chronic HepB
Surface Ag, eAg, and high hepB DNA titrs
how to tell the tx for HepB
ALT > 2x high = Lamivudine + inteferon (not useful if less)... if post exposure and had Vacc = just Ig, if no previous response: Ig _ vacc
define fulminant hepatitis... lab...tx
8 weeks post acute infxn... marked inc ALT, CNS... tx: put name on transplant list
if pt depressed and choose btw Lamivudine or Interferon pick
LAMIVUDINE (Inter is CI in psych pts)
Hep E tx?
none available
HCC tx
surgery..none avail...lab: AFP >500..tx: careful about volume so stop lasix and spironolactone
how to dx hereditary spherocytosis... tx
osmofragility test / MCV inc... AReces.. tx: give FOLIC ACID and transfusion during extreme anemia... worst: encaps bacT after splenectom = Pneumoc/Hinfl/daily Penicillin
rhinorrhea, dilated pupils, sweat..dx
heroin withrdrawal
after abd hernia, bad for resp? Tx
abd push up--> dec lung volume, so needlung exercise: blowing,
CSF: lcy, low gl, inc prot. Bizzare behavior...dx..tx
Herpes brain: Temporal lobe...dx: HSV PCR...tx: Acyclovir
how to dx herpetic keratitis
slit lamp
tx herpetic witlow
self gone
hirshsprung, leukemia, duode atresia found in
if hirsutism DT ACTH tumor or adrenal adenoma?
ACTH: bilateral adrenal hyperplasia... adnoma: focal
white hairy lesion...DT..MOA in what
Hairy Leukoplakia.. painless, DT EBV in HIV pts...
all HIV pts shouuld get
Chem, 2) CD4, plasma hiv RNA levels, VRDL, MMSE, Pneuc vac, HepA/B serology, HepA/B vaccine
CD4 <50, abd pain, bloody dirrhea, bx?dx?tx?
CMV colitis... bx: owl's eyes... tx: Gancyclovir/Foscarnet
prophylax vs. MAI? CD4? How about tx?
HIV prophylaxis vs. Histo at? With
if pt has PCP SEVERE, add what?
steroids to bactrim (esp. if PaO2 <70)
tx Toxoplas in HIV
SULfazadiazine and PYRIMETHAMINE... BACTRIM for propho
HIV pt has collapsed vertebrae?
diarrhea in HIV pt CD4 <80?
1) Cryptosporidium (Modificed Acid Fast...ooocytes in stool, self gone)is MC 2) ISOSPORA (like #1 but not as common) 3) MICROSPORIDIA (SPORES in stool, not oocytes)
multiple non-ring enhancing lesion in brain, CD4 <100...dx
PML (DT: JC virus) = progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy and NO MASS EFFECT
TOXO vs. LYMphoma in HIV
T: multiple ring lesion in basal ganglia...L: 1 ring and periventricular and EBV DNA in CSF
Bartonella cause
Bacilliary Angiomatosis...sx: red papules, fever, chills, anorexia...init: vascular, then crust over...tx: abx
PCP pneumo sx
TB vs Nocardia in HIV
both cavitary lesion...N: PARTIALLY acid fast with branching rod / ppd small... tx: BACTRIM for N
how to dx diarrhea in HIV
NOT EMPIRIC...start with stool exam
HIV user with dry cough and tx?
PCP... give PENTAMIDINE if allergic to BACTRIM
Condiloma Acuminata vs. Condyloma Lata
A: (anogenital warts) pink/papiliform tx: PODOPHYLINE (antimitotic) but not in pregos... L: 2nd syphillis: Penicillin: flat and velvety
HIV eye problems: CMV vs. Toxo vs. Herpes keratitis vs. Herpes Z Opthalmicus vs. HIV retinopathy
C: CD4<50, retinal opaque/hemorrhage, yellow/white patch (GANC/FOSCAR)...T: >50% encephalitis, choroiditis, white fluffy lesion and necrosis of retina … HSK: pain, photophobia, dec vision, DENDRITIC ULCER... HZO: elderly, rash CN5...HIVR: benign cotton wool and self gone
tx: Cryptococcus Meningitis in HIV pts
bird and bat... if disseminated, sx:... tx
Histo (ohio) is MC fungal infxn in usa... sx: oral ulcers, big spleen/liver, pancytopenia...tx: IV AMPHOTERICIN + lifelong ITRACONAZOLE
Metastatic Breast CA can → and tx? By activating cytokine and TNF
HyperCa … tx: if has bone lytic lesions and taking TAMOXIFEN give → PAMIDRONATE (biphosph)
in acute hyperCa, give what? ...most common sx of HyperCa?
IV NS before lasix (this will prevent renal failure DT dec volume)...sx: constipation
MC sx in Sq CC of lung
hyperPTH lab?... criteria for surgery/removing
inc Ca, dec Phosphate, inc PTH...requirements: 1) Ca >=1 above nl, 2) 24Ca urine >400, 3) <50yo, 4) BMD <2.5 SD, 5) if diff F/U
Gout can → lab?
HyperPTH (aspirate: rhomboid Ca Paraphosphate)
Primary vs 2nd hyperPTH
Ca: high in 1st, nl or low in 2nd (inc PTH is DT hypoCa)...
dry, rough skin, horny plaques over surface of limb... dx... tx>
ICHTHYOSIS VULGARIS (lizard skin)...tx: minimize bathing and oral vit A (CI in pregost)
Pleurodesis used for
recurrent pneumothorax and effusion
tx Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Steroids... live 3yrs
how to dx IgA deficiency...vs. CF?
IgA <7, nl IgG and nl IgM... tx: BACTRIUM or AMOX prophy... if fail: IgA to nl amt...CF: does not cause anaphylaxis rxn in blood transfusion
MCC glomerulonephritis in adult
IgA.. sx: URI then 2-3 days later: gross hematuria, nl serum complements
2-6yo kid... URI few days ago... petechia, purpura, hematuria, GI bleed...dx..tx
ITP (ab vs platelets)...lab: nl xcept for dec platelets... if WBC <30k: steroid else, nothing
how to tx local Impetigo?
Mupirocin... if no help: systemic: CLOX or 1st gen CEPHALO....if allergic: ERYTHROMYCIN
how to tx Afib in hyperThyroid?
BB or
SE of PTU or Methimazole
agranulocytosis within 90 days (for hyperThyr)...sx: sore throat/fever..tx: STOP
how to diff Graves from rest? And tx?
24 hr RadioIodine reuptake... #1 initial=BB but always RadioIodine Ablation afterward...PTU used if pregos
Nephrosclerosis is what?
look like: hypertrophy and fibrosis of renal art... sx: pt present with ANEMIA
histo of DM nephropathy
inc EC matrix, thick BM, mesangial expansion and fibrosis
isolated SYSTOLIC HTN seen in?...moa...tx
elderly pts...DT dec elasticity → wide pulse pressure....tx: THIAZIDE
stop..if not work: THIAZIDE
HTN retinopathy histo
spasm...sclerosis...narrowing...AVnicking..copper/nickel/exudates and hemorrhages
Beta 2 agonist dec K by
driving it into cells (so becareful if someone taking B starts muscle weak)...other SE: resting tremors and peripheral edema
Perforation of esophagus need be tx
by 6hrs (drain) and close
HypoThyr assoc with
myalgia, muscle hypertrophy... check CK and myopathy... hyperLipid and hypoNa... especially after Graves tx...so to dx: TSH level
if pt has Major depression, chek?
Hypothyroidism...so CHECK TSH
MCC congenital hypothyr?
Thyrdoid Dysgenesis
postvoid cystometry in pt with stress incont? Tx
nl... tx: KEGEL. Estrogen if postmenop, surg
if pt has overflow, stop what
NSAID = inhibits detrusor muscles, but give BETHANECHOL to improve detrusor, or self cath
tx Urge incont
if pt with EBV mono gets petechia/airway obstr/ autoI hemolytic anemia?
Give Steroids
rash after Ampicillin for URI? How to dx..?
Infectious Mononucleosis...lab: atypical lcy (large basophilic lcy)..dx...Heterophil Ab may be neg, then do EBV Ab test
Strept Bovis assoc with
Colon CA
infection edocarditis. MOA of ROTH spots / OSLER NODES
ROTH: immune vasculitis → ovral retinal hemorrhae with pale centers... OSLER: deposits of complex... JANEWAY: nonpainful → DT septic emboli → small abscesses on palms and soles
Condition that do not require prophylactic tx for IE
MVP without regur, innocent murmurs, pacemakers and defibs
Tricusp regurg murmur
Holosystolic that worsen with inspiration... DT IV abx users st. aureus
IE prophylacic for dental and GI
Dental: if allergic to Amox: Clinda/Clarithro... if GI: AMP + GENTA / else: VANC + GENTA
if fungal endocarditis tx?
SURGERY, they are bad
Erythema Nodosum + PANCA?
IBD... vs: infectious diarrhea: painful anus.. todx: scope
tx influenza A
A: Amantidine....OSeltamivir for B and A
Influenza vaccine for
1) >65, 2) Nursing hom 3) chronic disease 4) 2nd trimester
MOA of Alveolar Proteinosis
accum of PL in alveoli... PFT: restricted.. dx: bx and PAS postive material... tx: total lung lavage
what is Acute Interstitial Pneumonia
acute and fatal...quickly → fibrosis (>40, fever, breathless, cough, hypoxia... need vent)
Asbestos shows as
obstructive and pleural fibrosis
internal carotid occlusion →
occular problem
if pt comes in bwith bowel obstr, metab acidosis and shock> next
Laparotomy (scope is CI)
bloody nipple
intraductal papilloma
intra parenchymal hemorroage in pontine
Deep coma, paraplegia
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of pregnancy vs. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Vs. Ulcerative Collitis
ICP: pruritis, inc Bile Acid, fetal monitoring... PBC: intense pruritus, inc ALK PHOSPH and CHOL
Intra ventricular hemorrhage of newborn... seen in? Sx? To dx
low birth weight babies (premies)... hypoT, seizure, focal neuro, bulging fontanelle... US: transfontanel
lab of Fe Defic Anemia...
Dec Fe, inc TIBU and hypochromic... newborn at inc risk DT lack of Fe in milk!
Define sidroblastic anemia
Fe is increased but abn utiliz to make heme... sometimes can be helped with giving B6
Giving milk to babies can →
Fe defic anemia... so babies should be breast fed for 1 yr or given Fe supplements for 4-6 months
High ferritin and signs of extramedullary hemopoiesis (spleen, bones...)
sx: NVD, abd pain, GI bleed, Metab Acidosis...dx
Fe poisoning → accumin mit –> cell damage... todx: serum Fe level... tx: IV DEFUROXAMINE
MC site splenic flexure (watershed) btw... seen in
SMA and IMA(this is the culprit)... careful if after AAA repair and bloody diarrhea... to dx: CT, if not Scope, do not do Barium → may perf.
INH toxicity
inc ALT / AST initially... will resolve
Sx of ITP
AutoI w/ isolated dec platelets...no fever/no big spleen/ skin or mucosal bleed/ coag studies normal... MOA: destroy platelets can be DT SLE, inflxn, CMV, toxo, hiv...tx: in kids, will go away, in adult: chronic!...to dx: check SLE, check BM....
MC acquireed hemolytic dz in kids.. sx and lab
ITP (after URI)... sx: easy bruise, petechiae... lab: dec platelets and nl PT PTT
triad of HUS
Microangioapathic hemolytic anemia, ARF, dec platelets
IUGR define and type and DT
<10 percentile... if symmetrical = <28 weeks (DT stuff like TORCH and congenital), if asym = >28weeks (abd small / DT: DM/HTN/PreE/CRF and better than symm)
monitor with NST and BPP twice weekly... deliver at 34weeks or if lung mature... if onligo, try to deliver!.. inc risk of RDS, hypoGlc, meconium, MR, so TRY TO DELIVER VAG AsAP
work up for jaundice (bili >1, normally direct is <10%of total)
1) Conj ( direct >50%) or Unconj (indirect >90%) 2) Con causes (intrahepatic = etoh/rx/preg/vira or congenital=DJ/Rotor... Extrahepatic), 3) so Liver enz (AST/ALT = liver, ALKPHOSP= intra or extra) 4) Do US or CT to see extrahepatic obstr 5) ERCP or PTC last
amenorrhea and no 2nd sex
Kartagerner MOA
Dynan abn...sx: sinusitis/bronchiectasis/Dextrocardia
tx Kawasaki
IV Ig and Asparin... sx: lips fissure, straw tongue and bulbar conjunctival injection
tx Scarlett fever if pt is Penicillin allergic
hand paralysis and ipsi Horner's.... DT and MOA
Klumpke Paralysis (brachial plexus and injury CN 7 and 8th and T1)
sx: hyperacusis, seizure, irritable...what and MOA
Krabb's dz... MOA: Sphingolipidoses DT def in Galactocerebrosidase
define labor
contract q5 min and last .5-1 min
2nd vs. 3rd vs. 4th stage labor
2nd: complete dilation to deliver baby (.3-3hrs)... 3rd : deliver baby and end with delivery placenta... 4th: delivery placnta to 6hrs postpartum
Define false labor
there is no cervical DILATION
MCC chronic inspiratory noise in kids... scope shows? Tx?
Laryngomalacia...scope: flaccid larynx that collapse during inspiration... tx: self limited(hold baby in upright for ½ hr post feed and never feed while baby lying down)
hypochromic anemia w/ basophilic stippling?
lead poisoning
femoral nn action and sensation
extend thigh, flex hip... S: ant thigh, medial leg
tibial nn action
flex knee and digits, plantar flexion foot... S: leg and plantar foot
Obturator nn
Adduct thigh, S: medial thigh
Common peroneal nn
ant and lat leg thigh...
12 yo, fat kid, wide joint space of jp and collapse femoral head, 1 side!, dx? Tx?
Legg Calve Pertes... XR: diplaced femoral epiphysis (avsc necrosis)... tx: if <5 no, if >5 brace/surgery
weird gait, adolescent kid
slipped capitis femoral head
PhD (Pneumonia, hypoNa, diarrhea) dx? Tx?
Legionella...tx: ERYTHRO
how to dx Leprosy
acid fast bacilli in skin bx
HGRT deficiency... sx and DT... tx
Lesch-Nyhan... sx: mutilation, neuro, gouty arthritis (gout usually old, so if boy, thenTHIS!!!)... tx: ALLOPURINOL
M5 leukemia (Acute Monocytic Leukemia)... lab
“Alpha napthyl Esterase positive”... lab: lots of blast cells...sx: gingival hyperplasia
M2 leukemia (Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia w maturation)...
lost of myeloblast
M3 lab
promyeloblast... DIC!!!
ALL (acute lymphoblastic Leuk)
PAS + lymphoblast
M6 Acute Erythro Leuk
Leukemoid Reaction define... like what... how to differentiate
lots inc leukocytes by severe infxn or inflm... like CML... Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase increase with LR!!...CML: Philadelphia chromosome
epithelial lining inflammation and dry skin... in postmenop women... itch vag soreness... dx? Can-->? Tx
Lichen Sclerosis... can → Vag CA... tx: steroid crea and wait for bx
confusion, HA, GI, seizure, comma, hyperreflex... SE of what.. can precipate
Lithium...--> Psoriasis!
DI, Hypothyr, Ebstain...>
Li...test for TFT, Cr, Preg before prescribe
3 main fx of liver
Synthesis (clot factors, chol, estrogen)... Metab (rx, steroids)/Detox... Excr bile
how to tell if Liver is recovering or fulminant(dying)
PT checks liver enz ability... so if dec TransAminase and Dec PT → BAD
Acute liver failure vs. Fulminant liver failure... MCC of both
ALF: failure within 8 weeks of hepatocellular injury.. FLF: ALF + encephalopathy... MCC: Acetaminophen... lab: AST/ALT 3000s
work up for asx inc of Transaminase
1) RO etoh and rx abuse and RF for viral 2) if only AST high check out extrahepatic cause for AST (ALT is more specific for liver)
infxn of submaxilally and sublingual gland, dx? DT? Tx?
LUDWIG angina... DT: tooth infextion (fever, diff swalloing)... tx: IV Pen + anaerobe
CML pop, sx, lab
>50, anorexia, low grade fever, bone pain, anemia... lab: leukocytosis, anemia, inc Granular like neutrop... BM: hypercell w/ lots granulocyte hyperplasia... LOW LEUK ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE
Low Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase test seen in
CML, Hypophosphatemia, PNH
sx of Lumbosacral strain
paravertebral tenderness after activity... neg straight leg...
least assoc with Smoking
lung adenocarcinoma
if short period cycle, low level of mid leuteal progesterone?
Luteal Phase defect... to dx: Endometrial bx (shows lag of 2 days or more).. to tx: Progest vag suppository first, if not--> CLOMIPHENE and HCG (both increase serum FSH)
erythema migrams is in?
Lime disease
Reactive Arthritis occur when
2-4weeks after GI or GU infxn...sx : symmetrical involvement
lyme caused by and cross react with
Ixodes Tick... w. T. Pallidum... tx: DOXY unless preg or kid, then AMOX
Acute alcoholic hepatitis histo
Balloon degen w/ polymorphic cellular infiltrate
Histo of acute viral hepatitis
Panlobular mononuclear infiltration w/ hepatic cell necrosis
Histo of chronic hepatitis
portal necrosis with piecemeal necrosis and bridging fibrosis
histo of Primary biliary cirrhosis
inflammatory destruction of small intrahepatic billiary duct
histo: extensive fatty vaculorization of liver
Reye's syndrome
hepatojugular reflex used for
differentiating lower extremety edema that is DT heart vs. liver
visual hallucination, impairmen cognition, parkinsonism, dx
LEWY BODY dementia... main pt: PROGRESSIVE cognitive decline
HA, fever, then papules and ulcer in vulvovaginal region, PAINLESS...will go to LN if not tx now... dx DT
Lymphogranuloma Venereum DT C. Trochomatis L1-L3... if untx: chronic ulcer, PROCTATITIS, rectal stricture/fistula... tx: DOXY or ERYTHRO
ulcer and LN present same time... dx...histo...tx
GRANULOMA INGUINALE dt Donovale Granulomatis... scrape: beefy red base...tx: AZI/ERYTHRO/DOXY
LYNCH DO aka HNPCC and which extracolonic tumor
Endometrial carcinoma
progressive loss of Central vision... dx... MOA... tx
Age related MACULAR DEGEN... MOA: Dgen/atrophy of outer retina... tx: LASER PHOTOCOAG
ARMD vs. OAGlaucoma
OAG: peripheral vision lost
Prophylaxis vs. MALARIA? If rx resistant? Tx vivax and ovale?
CHLOROQUINE... MEFLOQUINE... PRIMAQUINE... best dx: Giemsa stain thick smear
Malignant HTN → what vasculitis?
Fibrinoid necrosis of small arteries... 200/140...
best bx for malign melanoma? MC type, least? Biggest RF
excision bx with narrow margin... MC: superficial spreading, LEAST: Acral lentiginous... best tx: avoid 10am-4pm... strongest RF: recent change(size, color)
tx for Bipolar with and without renal prob... tx for acute psychosis/mania
Without: Li... with: Valproate >Carbama... acute: Haloperidol
Marfan MOA and sx
Fibrillin1... AD...Aortic root dilation / lens dislocation
March fracture of stress fracture seen in and where
young dancers... tibia
burned skin w/ ulcer that has not healed yet?
Marjoli's ulcer (SCC of skin)
init tx of massive hemoptysis
rigid scope (not flex)
to inh lactation
tight bra/ice packs.... NO BROMOCRIPT
sx of lactose intolerance
positive hydrogen test... stool for REDUCING substances
The 4 types of Lacunar infarcts and MCC
MCC: HTN...1) PURE MOTOR (post genu INT CAPSU) = unit lat deficit... 2) PURE SENSORY (VPL of nucleus of thalamus)... 3) ATAXIC HEMI (post limb of INT CAPSU)=weak lower extr/ispi arms and legs... 4)DYSARTHRIA (CLUMSY HAND SYNDR = pontine = mild motor aphasia, no sensory prob, weak hand)
to dx knee injury
1) MRI, if else, arthroscopy... surgery rare
fxn of ACL
prevent leg from gliding anteriorly
meniscus injury DT? MC
planting and twisting foot... bucket handle tear
Juvenile RA aka? Sx? Lab?
kid with systemic (fever, rash w/ central clearing, big spleen/ LN, pleuropericarditis, myocarditis, myocarditis)... lab: RF rarely positive...tx: NSAID, steroid if not respond or if myocarditis... aka: STILL'S DISEASE
aka Congenital Q Syndrome...sx...dx...tx...
sx: Syncopal episode without disorientation, nl PE, fx hx: Sudden cardiac death... dx: JERVEL LANG NEILSON... tx: BB
work up for infertility in women
1) check Basal Body Temp(for duration of luteal phase) / Mid Luteal Progesterone(level of luteal fxn)... to confirm: Endometrium BX to confirm luteal phase defect
work up for infertility in men
male coital factor (40% of time) responsible... first step: SPERM COUNT...2) if nl → endocrine (TFT = inc TSH → dec GnRH), testosterone level, GNRH, PRL level...
the causes of women infertility
1) Peritoneal (endometriosis/adhesions)... 2) Ovoluation(HPA axis) 3) cervical (structure and mucuous) 4) tubo-uterine (rare cause, fibroids..)...MCC is #1
tx endometriosis
MOA of Clomiphene
AntiEstrogen (comp inhibit Estrogen in hypothalams → inh the neg feedbac Estrogen has on GNRH -->inc LF/FSH)... can also use HCG
androgen derivative... GNRH inhibition...for: endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic breast dz
CT: dilation of all ventricle and enlargement of subarachnoid space over cortex...dx? Can -->? caused by?
Infantile SAH (these CT show nonObstruction/Communicating hydrocephalus and this is the MCC)... can → destruction arachnoid villi and cistern...DT: hemorrhage common in premies
Non-Communicating cystic expansion of 4th ventricle
Dandy Walker
sx of hypoCa... can be DT
Crampy pain, paresthesia, carpopedal spasm... DT: hypervent--> alkalosis → more Ca bound to Alb → hypoCa
hypoCa vs. hypoMg
Hypertrophic osteoarthropahy, sx...DT
Chronic prolif of Periostitis of long bone, clubbing of fingers and synovitis... Sq.CC and AdenoCar of lung
MCC HyperK and MCC EKG change due to that...tx...
DT: Rhabdo... EKG: peak T...tx: Calcium, B2 agonist, then Insulin, glc, kayexelate...
EKG of hyperK
peaked T, prolong PR / QRS...widening qrs
tx for SLE and its SE
HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE... SE: eye disase like Macular Degen so do frequent eye exam, MC: allergic skin
Non communicating hydrocephalus examples
Dandy Walker, Arnold Chiari
diff btw hydrocele
Non-communicating: DT remnant of processus vaginalis (most gone by 12 month)...Communicating: can't reach the upper limit and need surgery
Echinococcus come from and cause
Dogs... Hydatid cyst... sx: most asx... lab: CT = eggshell calc in liver...tx: DO NOT ASPIRATE (sepsis), but surgery unde A:LBENDAZOLE
tx of hyaline membrane disease
ventillation and surfactant... sx: resp distress and hypoxia NOT responding to O2
whats tx for human bites
Amox + Clavunic Acid
tx for humeral fx
closed reduction and hanging cast
tx segmented fx (wat is it?_
AKA open fx = open reduction and internal fixation
HRT decrease what
hip fx, colorectal CA, and vulvo atrophy
Hodgkin's' tx and their SE
ABVD... Adriamycin(cario), Bleomycin(pulmo), Vinblastin (neuro--> constipation), Davabrazine(ematogenic)
sx of Homocyteinuria and tx
Marfan + MR + thromboemboli + downward dislocaiton of lens...tx: high dose B6
Staph abscess of eyelid aka and tx
Hordeolum (stye)...tx: warm compress / I&D if no resolution in 2days
The RF of HepC that makes it rapidly progress
1) male, 2) if get it past 40, 3) with HepB or HIV 4) Etoh
Complications of HepC
1) Cryoglobulinemia (→ membranous glomerulonephritis)...2) B-cell Lymphoma... 3) Plasmacytosis...4) AutoI like Sjogren and thyroiditis 5) lichen planus 6) porphyrea cutanea tarda 7) ITP
Whats the best way to screen HepC
HepC RNA... if Chronic, need test for Hep A, B too and give vacc if need to (ok w/ pregos)...
Mastitis MOA
heavy, warm breast bilat... tx: tight bras, tx: oral DICLOXACILLIN... feed need stop but keep pumping breast
Mastoiditis DT... sx..tx
complication of acute OM... sx: fever, otalgia, tender mastitis... CT: fuild middle ear and demineralization of mastoid... tx: IV abx npw
sx of methadone withdrawal
seen 2-6th week... sx: seizure
sx of coke mom
IUGR, intracranial hemorrhage, premature labor
etoh withdrawal
tremors, agitation, lethargy and seizure
The 3 P's seen in and tx
McCune Albright (Precocious puberty, Pigment, Polyostitic Fibrous dysplasia)... tx: GnRH agonist
Tx measles?
Vit A can reduc sx
Fifth disease aka
erythema infectiosum by B19
painless melena in 2yo DT ? MOA, how to dx?
Meckel's...MOA: vitelline duct still open... todx: Tech99 scan...
tx mediastenitis
Thoracotomy for debride/ drain / abx... widerning mediastinum DT effusion (not pericardial flui)
2 MCC post fossa tumor in kids
1) Cerebellar astrocytoma, 2) medulloblastoma... MC location: VERMIS
adult with recurrent UTI or renal stones...think of? To dx? Tx
Medullary Cystic DZ (AD in adults)... need IVP (radial arrangement of cysts)... tx of stones: fluid/pain
IgG vs. C3 convertase of the alt pathway can lead to-->
MPGN (dense intramembranous deposits that stain for C3)
Most likely kidney dz in someone with both HepB and nephritic dz
Membranous GN
HepC assoc with which kidney dz
HIV assoc with which kidney dz
SLE assoc with which kidney dz
diffuse prolif GN1
Pit, PT, Pancrease
PT, THYROID MEDULLARY withdrawal, + pheo
Thyroid C cell hyperplasia →
Thyroid medullary carcinoma
pheo, thyroid medullay, neuroma
triad: rotation vertigo, sensori neural hearing loss, tinnitus, dx
if vertigo is continuous and maybe ataxia
acoustic neuroma
meningitis w/ rash
MOA aromatase
in peripheral FAT and converts Androgen ---> estrogen
can lead to massive fluid sequestration in bowls → hypovol shock...dx...lab...
Mesenteric thrombosis...lab: inc CK, diarrhea w/ blood, BP:60/0, CVP 0
What is hyperchloric metab acidosis...
nl AG metab acidosis (low HC03 but nl AG)... DT: 1) renal loss bicarb(RTA, CAI rx), 2) GI loss biarb(diarrhea)....to diff: Urine AG should tel
uremia can lead to
metab acidosis
NG tube can →
lots of aspiration acid → metab alk
pt on dialysis who receive citrate?
also metab alkalosis
2 types of metab alkalosis
1) cloride sensitive (Cl<20) = ECF contraction...also DT thiazide, loop, gastric secretion, acid ingestion, CF... tx by IV saline and K
2nd type of metab alk
2) cloride resitant (Cl >20) = DT continous mineralocorticoid stimulation and hypoL (ECF expansion)...HTN so NO IV FLUID... DT: primary hyperaldo, Cushin, Batter', Gilterman's
MC acid base abn in hosp?
metab alk... kayexelate can cause it too
in first born only... 3 types... foot
metatarsus adductus... typ1(feet correct both passive and actively)... 2(to neutral position with both)=need shoes or cast.... 3)rigid (first: serial cast and surg if not improve by 4)
need check what before giving Metformin
kidney status DT potential lactic acidosis SE... don't give if need Dye imaging
sx of methanol tox... tx... assoc with
BliNDNESS... tx: etoh... w: renal failure and crystallinuria (rectangular)
Thrombolytics and MI...what are the indications
yes if: 1) ST elev >1mm AFTER nitro rules out vasospasm, 2) new LBBB
Thrombolytics and MI, what should not
1) ST depression or unstable angina
absolue CI for thrmbolytics
strike withn 1 yr, intracranial neoplasm, int bleed, 180/110, AAA
thrombolytics w/ tPA vs Streptokinase
tPA needs heparin and ASA... streptokinase no
After MI, when: 1) VSD&papillary rupture 2) ant wall MI need
1) within first week, 2) need Hep and warfarin for 3 months, 3) Wall rupture within 1 week,
MCC death in pt with acute MI
Reentrrant Ventricular arrhthmia (Vfib)
if pt has ST elevation MI, what needs to be done ASAP?
What are (in sequence) the EKG findings in MI?
1) peaked T... 2) ST elevation... 3) T inversion... 4) Qwaves
Acute pericarditis vs. Dressler post MI
time: Dressler is a >2weeks afer
RV infarct leads →
dec filling--> dec SV/CO/BP...so DO NOT GIVE ANY MEDS THAT dec PRELOAD (diuretics and preload)... so tx: IV NS to inc RV pressure, if not → DoBUTAMINE
Inf wall infarct DT?
bradycardia and hypotT
RV infarct (slow HR DT SA nodes)
if cold leg after an MI... dx.. tx?
emboli...tx: Angio and embolectomy
tx Migraine
1) NSAID, if not 2) Acetaminophen, not 3) ERGOTAMINE
ERGOTAMINE for migraine, CI and for
CI: in Pregos... give for migraine if >2d or recurrent
Prophylactic migraine?... what if have asthma?
BB … Amitryptypline!
Trousseau syndrome seen in?
Chronic DIC (Migratory Trombophebitis)...CA(especially if you see it on weird places like hands...)
MC nephropathy assoc with carcinoma?... tx this nephro for kids?
Minimal change... tx: in kids: straight to steroids, no need bx... dx: light electro nl, EM = effacement foot
Midcycle abd pain in young girls (period 2 weeks ago) no fever
MCC of isolated Mitral Regurg?
MVP without regur, innocent murmurs, pacemakers and defibs
other cz of Mitral Regurg
#1 RHD, IE (leaflet or chordae), HCM, mitral calc (elderly), MI
MC valve affected in IV drug users that is not tricuspid?
Mitral valve
The MCC of Mitral Regurg
1) MVP is MCC, 2) MI, 3) RHD, 4) IE (feveR), 5) Mitral calc
Mitral stenosis cz and ss
1) Rheumatic HD, 2) R&L failure 3) HF... tx: diuretics, anticoag, dig, balloon angio
murmur in Mitral stenosis
Midsystolic rumble w/ opening snap at apex
MVP tx
1) BB for chestpain/palp 2) ASA if now have TIA...3) warfarin if not enough...4) repair
mixed acid base DO how to find them
look at ph (if acidic, and low HCO3 → metab, now look at CO2 and way too high, so it's resp acidosis too!!!)
triad of Mixed CT dz
SLE + Sclero + myositis... dx: antiRibonucleotide ab
sx: palpable purpura, hematu, proteinuria, some peripheral neuro, hypoComplement..dx and assoc w
Mixed Cryoglobulinemia... assoc w/ Hep C... MOA: Ig that clumps when plasa is cooled (cryoglobulin) while flowing through skin and tissue → smal vessels dz and purpura... to dx: clot blood at 98.6, incubate the separated serum at 39.2 and after 24 hrs look at it
Mobitz type 1 seen in
Dig tox, inc. Vagal tone, Inf Wall MI
Assoc with AIDS when cd<100, gone in 1 yr, dx. tx.
Moluscum Contagiosum... (a POXviurs)... tx: excistion and cryotherapy
what is salmon patch and where and tx
flat salmon colore (eyelid, neck, forehead (Glebella) = a vasc lesion in kids
fx prox 1/3 ulna with ant disco of radial head...dx and assoc w
Monteggia..can mess RADIAL nn so check
radialf shalt fx asso w
disruption of radial and ulna distal joint... GALEAZZO
lab for Monoclonal Gammopathy of undetermined Significance
only inc IgG, plasmac cell <10%, no anemia, no ss of MM (no lytic or bence jones prot)
muculopurulent cervicitis dx
C. Trachomatis (asx in 50% pts... no pain)
murcor tx
(in DM)...tx: debride w/ IV AMPHOTERICIN B
Multiinfarct Dimentia need
focal neuro deficit (else = alzheimer)
MM MOA and lab
MOA: prolif of Plasma cells (in BM) DT plasmacytoma in BM → inc intact Ig aka Bence Jones... sx: old, bone pain, anemia, renal failure, hyperCa, path fx osteolytic... to dx: electrophoresis
to dx osteoporosis
DEXA... DT dec bone density
MOA of Paget's
xs resorption by osteoclast (replace BM by fibrous CT)... lab: inc ALK PHOS, inc IgG, bone deform, large skull..HEARING LOSS NERVE PALSY
lab for Essential Thrombocytopenia
BM: inc cellularity with megakaryotic hyperplasia
labs for aplastic anemia
nl cells in BM but fat filled!
aka Paraprotein
Bence jones
tx for MS
intefergon B or Glatimavir... steroids for relapsing/remitting MS... dx: oligoclonal bands... MRI: Plaques in periventricular regions
midsystolic sof mumur in young adult...tx
no need to
missense mutation moa
Like 1 nt change
Decreased Acetylcholine Receptors? Tx?
MG... #1) Pyridostigmine (antiChoE)... immuno (Azothiprine, cyclosporine)... to dx: det level of Ab vs. Receptor (not Tensilon test anymore)
MG crisis DT, tx
infxn... tx: inbute the pt and withdraw from antiCholE for a few days (need bedside PFT)
Define Myelodysplastic Syndrome
clonal stem cell DO → acute leukemia... lab: PANCYTO
muscles in dermato and polymyocitis
PROximal weakness...ocular weakness not seen... tx: steroids, if not → METHOTREX
myositis vs. scleroderma
Myositis: striated msucles... S: smooth muscle...
sx of Mixed CT dz
swollen hands, synovitis, myositis and Reynauld
The 2nd MCC muscular dystrophy... sx?
Myotonic MD (#1 is DUCHENNE)...sx: ALL body atrophy (lips is a V)..AD...DELAYED muscle relax
local mass that → bony erosion and epistaxis
Tx for nasoethmoidal fx
Do not nasal pack → possible IC injury
CSF from nose is and not
fx base of skull...not ethmoid system
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma DT
EBC... sx: painless neck mass, nasal
Comon in smoker/drinkes.. palpable cervical node...dx and tx
Neck Small CC... to tx: triple bx triple scooe
neck trauma zone 1, zone 2, and tx
1: clavicle to cricoid cartilate... 2: cricoid to angle of mandible...tx: ALL GUN tx / asx STAB can be observed... 3: mandible to base of skull
neck trauma need?
angiogram to RO CAROTID art damage... if intimal flap → surgery to prevent stroke
duodenal atresia assoc w/?
tx for Necrotizing fasciitis
what rx given t newborn
Siver nitrate and vit K
Neonatal cholestasis characterized by
light color stool, big liver, lots direct bili...deficne >2 and NEED wORK up
common cause of Ca oxalate stone
fat malab and bile salts (→ inc aborsp of xalic acid)... #1 stones
Uric acid stone seen in and tx
very low pH urine (<4.5) (nl = 5.6)...DT: defet rnal ammonio secretion (need US or CT...XR wont see it)...2nd MCC...tx: hydration, alk urine, low purine diet
if film NOT show stone in pt with typical sx
1) radiolucent (Uric acid)...2) <1-3mm...3)non stone causes (obstr by blood clot or tumor)
tx idiopathic hypercalciuria
nc absorption in kidney by INC CA INTAKE, Thiazide, prevent precipitation in urine...1) inc fluid 2) nl or inc Ca intake 3) Restrict Na 4) restrict OXALATE (dark roughage, chocolate, vit C) 5) dec prot
Cystinuria lab
stones are radioOPAGUE, rhomboid … urine: positive CN nitroprusside
Oxalate stone DT?
(or IBD) small bowel resection → inc oxalate reabsorption... also if big diet of tea/coffee/beer/choco
Calcium phosphate DT
hyperciuria, sarcoid, cushing, RTN
Cysteine stone can rarely cause
Dx stone in preg!
dont want to expose kid..soo → #1) US, if not 2)Transv US, if not 3) LIMITED IVP and Uteroscopy
Nephrotic sx and inc what?
sx (protein, hypoalbu, edema, hyperlipid, lipiduria)....inc risk of (HyperChol, HyperTG, HyperCoag)
nephrotic dz DT amyloidosis how to dx
renal bx: amyloid deposit that show apple green birefringent under polarized light after Congo Red staining...
“crescent” GN?
Granular deposit on microscope are
blacks HIV, IV rx, morbid obese
IgA after and sx
URI and nephritic
Hodgkins assoc w
Nephrotic Syndr...
MCC Nephrotic Syndr in Lymphoma is
Minimal change
Minimal change in kids...Membranous in
Adults (also HBV and rx like god)
MC extracranial tumor in kids..age...from...sit...sx...dx
Neuroblastoma... 2yo...Neural Crest Cells (precursor of adrenal medulla)...MCsite: adrenal or retroperitoneal ganglia...sx: firm mass, calc or hemorrhage on xray or CT...lab: VMA, HMA, no fainting spells/HTN/palp like pheo
MC parasite infxn of brain and see in?...sx
Neurocysticercosis...pig farmers...sx:Neuro,HA die in 1 week
optic gliomas, nodular swellings (hemartoma)..dx?
what else has hemartoma
TS and NF
what else type 1 NS?
Lisch nodules (iris) and neurofibroma, lytic bone lesions
Type 2 NF from type 1? and tx
bilateral acoustic neuroma... MRI to confirm then surgery
malformation of brain, seizure, hemiparesis?
Sturge Webber
MR, ash leaf, cardia rhabdomyomas, kidney angiolyomopas seen in
Neuroleptic Malign syndrome sx and DT
AMS, muscle rigid, hyperthermia,CPK-->renal failure.... tx: DA(Brom)o and Dandrolin(relaxere) and alk urine of rhabdo)...DT: HALOPERIDOL SE
Niacin SE DT and tx with
Inc. Prostaglandin... give ASA
Nieman Pick...MOA...sx...
def Sphingomyelin (dead by 2)... big organs, cherry red spot
lab finding for nocardia and organs and tx
histo: abscess: acid fast: crooked, branching breaded, G+ filament on RED background... lung/brain...tx: BACTRIM
diff btw NASH and alcoholic steatosis...NASH DT?
same xcept AST/ALT not 2:!...tx: urodeoxycholic acid...DT: insulin resistance → accum fat in cells (inc lipolysis → inc insulin), intrahepatic fatty oxidation → ox stress → inflammation, fibrosis, cirrhosis...
SE of this rx can make arms blue and cold so use in ICU only
NE (for hypoT)
lab for NPHydrochephalus
MRI: dilated ventricle...CSF: nl pressure...tx: if tap helps, then shunt!
MC nosocomial infxn
E.Coli and S. Aureus... Noso PNA is MCC death from noso (PSEUDO!)
Nursemaid: arm is and tx
sublux of radial head..tx: passive elbow flexion and forearm supination
Obstructive Jaundince MCC and labs
cause: stones and pancreatic CA...labs: inc Alk Phosph...tx: US then CT
to dx OSA?
to dx: Nocturnal Polysomnography...do not give BENZO for them
Serotonin...Tx: SSRI > Clomipramine
who should avoid OCT?
1)SLE (inc risk thrombosis DT antiPL and nephritic)... 2) Migraine can → stroke... if start and irregular bleed, keep taking it
Olanzapine vs. Clozapine SE
O: weight gain... C: agranulo
tx open fx
don't close... dress it and plaster
tx Opoiod tox
Naloxone IV
pain on eye movement, central scotoma (area of blindness in center), seen also in MS,
Optic neuritis
best way to tx OA?
lose weight if obse
xray finding in OA...tx?
1) narrowing joint space 2) subchondral cyst 3) Heberden nodes 4) osteophytes...tx: ACETAMINOPHE first, next = INDOMETHACIN
OA vs RA
joint space narrowing but RA: juxta articular erosions
gout vs psoriatic arthritis xray
G: punched out erosion with a rim of cortical bone...P: marginal bony erosions and irreg joint destructioin
DT collagen type 1 mutation
Osteogenic imperfecta
lab for osteosarcoma
ESR nl, Alk PHOS INC!...XR: osteolytic lesion with periosteal reaction w/ may hx of trauma
Osteomalacia MOA vs. Rickets
defective mineralization bone in adult...Rickets in kids: defective mineraliz of bone AND cartilate
MCC osteomyelitis if <1yo
Group B
MCC osteomyelitis DT puncture wound and tx
Pseudo tx: quinolone
if osteomyelitis of lumbar?
careful..may need MRI DT if abscess formation → spinal cord compression
MOA of osteomyelitis
1) URI or whatever → 2)infxn lead to dead bone aka SEQUESTRIUM (fever, chill, esr)...to dx: XR, if not, bone scan, if not, bone bx is gold.
imaging of osteomyelitis best? XR?
XR nl for first 2-3 weeks... best: TECHNITIUM scan 3 phase
tx for OsteoPorosis and Osteopenia
Dx: 1000mg/d Ca 31-50, if >50: 1200 + Vit D...need stop etoh and smoking
tx for osteoporosis pt w/ HTN?
Thiazide (decreased urinary Ca excretion)
Codman's triangle and seen in
Sclerotic lesion in distal femur periosteal lifted and SUNBURST...
Otitis Externa malign sx? DT...tx?
pain on traction of pinna... Pseudomonas... tx: cipro... in DM / immuno... IF white fibers in canal = fungal infxn
Tx for Otitis Media
Amox... acute: S. Pneumo, Hinfl, Moraxella...
Serous OM DT
prolonged blockag (membrane dull and hypomobile, air bubbles seen)
hearing loss by 30s...dx...type...MOA... tx
Otosclerosis...AD...osseous dyscrasia limited to Temporal Bone
inhibin action
inhibits FSH...so dec inhibin in ovarian falure → in FSH
hearing loss, hat size, inc alk phosph...MOA...
Pagets...eventually → sclerotic bone
increased osteoid deposit DT?
Vit D deficiency
bone demineralization DT
fibrous replacement of bon
primary hyperPTH
MCC inc Alk Phopsh in elderly
Pagets...tx: BiPhosphonate (inh bone resorption), Calcitonin (inh osteoclast) (Ca and Vit D has no effect)...osteosarcoma
red, ooozing custy breast lesion not responding to Abx or steroids...bx?
large cells surrounded by halo like area ivading the epidermis...BREAST CARCINOMA present (infiltrating Ductal cell carc and sometimes ductal carci in situ)
smoker, arm pain, cough and weight loss
Pancost tumor
RF pancreatic CA... labs?
Fat, smoking, family, chronic pancretitis, DM, high fat diet... NOT ALCOHOL...lab: first US, then CT better, then ERCP assess duct...amylase not useful here
Acute pancreatitis... can be DT
HyperTG (>1000), if DT gallbladder=remove it afterward
palpable abd mass 4 weeks post acute pancreatitis
pancreatic cyst (not true cyst = no epithelial)...leaks amylase so inc amylase..to dx: US...tx: drain if >6weeks or >5cm... tx: lipase/amylase level, USG, HIDA for calculus and acalculus
tx pancreatic abscess
Drain externally
Best lab for chronic pancreatitis
weight loss...best dx test: 24 hr fat in stool >7g...
tx panic DO
tx: benzo affects right now, long term: SSRI or TCA w. therapy
pt on rx for panic DO now has seizure...DT?
Alprazolam (shorter acting)...Diazepam is longer, less likely of seizure withdrawal
lab level of PTHr by sq. cc
inc Ca, dec Phosph
Paraneoplastic Syndrome can sx (Besides Ca)
Myopathy = prox muscle dec symmetrically....nl reflex...lab: inc CK, abn EMG
10 yr w/facial hair, vertical gaze and Collier sign...dx? vs. Craniopharyngioma
Parinaud (Collier sign is Eyelid retraction)...MCC: pinealoma...Cranyo: no Collier sign
tx tremor and rigidity of parkinsons
Parkinson assoc w/?
subborrheic dermatitis
hemolysis at night when serum is more acidic...sx: morning urine = red DT lysis...cc of death: thrombosis of hepatic v...lab: inc LDH, bili, reticulocyte...test: sugar warter and Acidified Hemolytic test (HAM), DAF is gone...CD59 absent through flow cy
Hypocellular BM but no abn peripheral blood smear, no splenomeg
Aplasti anemia
pain in sym joints wrist, knee, feet (small), females, rash sometimes
Parvo virus infxn (school teacher(... to dx: antiB19 IgM
similar (aggresion, violent) but PCP more...LSD: visual flashbacks
IgM hyper Syndrome lab
high IgM, low IgG/A... poor response to vac...sx: recurent sinopulmo/PCP, dec neutrophils...recurrent opportunistic
X-Linked Agamma aka, 4 findings
Brutton's...1) recurrent bacT infxn first 5yrs, 2) IgGMA very low (poor to vac), 4)<2% B19 Bcells in periphery
Common variable ID...lab...sx and diff than others
lab: Low IgGMA, NORMAL Bcells...sx: like XLA but 15-35yo (not at 1-5)
IgA deficiency affect
resp, GI and GU... lab: all ok xcept for A
Selective Subclass IgG def sx
recurrent pulmo but NORMAL IgG!
Severe Combine ID
sx: life threat, recurrent, oral candida, diarrhea, viral and opportunistic... dx by: NO LN and NO TONSILS, no thymic shadow, abn B and T
Wiskot Aldrich...type...age...sx...lab
young boy: eczema/thrombocytopenia/recurrent encaps infxn since birth, bleeding...XR...lab: Low IgG, high IgAE, dec T and platelets
Chronic Granulomatous DZ...prob? MOA
defect in fagocytosis DT NADPH ox → recurrent catalase + (klep, aspergillo, staph...), ok with cat – (Strpeptneumo and Hinfl)...sx: abscess and lymphanenitis skin and visca... to dx: NitroBlue...tx: Daily BACTRIM or Interferon or BM
Transient HypoGamma...lab...
Dec IgG, nl IgA, varialbe IgM....tx: no, become ok by .5 to 1 yr
Chediak Higashi: 2 sx...lab dx...tx
sx: dec granulation and chemotaxis → multisyste/neuro/plancyto/albnini/aureus... lab: dec platelets and giantlysozome in neutrophils..tx: bacTrim and daily ascorbic acid
Leuk Adh Defi...assoc with
delayed separation of umbilical cord, necrotic skin, gingivitis
chronic itchy, staph inxn (resp/skin), IgE
Hinfl meningitis...age and lab dx
.5-2yr...CSF: antigen
Listeria meningitis...moa
fin milk or DM mom through vag delivery
New born meningitis
Group B – Listeria – S. Pneumo
1 month – 2 yrs meningitis
S. Pneum – Nisseria – Group B
2-18 yrs
Neisseria – S. Pneu – Hinfl
Adults >18
S. Pneumo
Rheumatic fever
SubQ nodules, Erythema Marginatum...tx: Pen G (if chorea=antiEpilieptic, if pericarditis=ASA, Arthritis=codeine)
Inc PeeP →
dec Venous return → Dec output → hypoT
so pt on vent and hypoT?
if on PEEP need?
Swan Ganz monitor (DT dec CO)
tx: if tidal vol is high (800), next?
dec PP and inc Vent rate to not inc PC02
Pediatric jaundice first 24 hrs good?
no, immediate tx...possible cause: Erythro fetalis, hemorrhage, sepsis, ifxn
jaundice first 24hrs vs. 2nd-3rd d vs. 3rd-1week
2nd/3rd: physiology... 3rd: bact sepsis or TI and prompt tx by blood culture and LP
pt wth corn fed have what defi? Aka? Sx?
Pellagra... 4D: diar/dementia/derm (rash on sun) and death
Pelvic trauma need
XR not CT
flaccid bulla, dx? Lab? Tx
Pemphigus Vulgaris... lab: IgG in dermis, ab vs. Desmoglyen...sx: first in oral, easy sep of epidermis w/ pressure (NIKOLSKY)..tX: steroid
Pemp Vulg vs. Bullous Pemphigous
BP: tense, IgG and C3 in dermal/epider jxn
penile fracture...next?
urethrogram, then surg exploration
whenever you do NG suction...do what
give K
how to tx pericardial cyst.. which imaging...other mediastinal mass
CT and drain...no surgery needed...other mass: Bronchogenic cyst, Lymphoma, AA
Renal fail + acute pericarditis
Nephritic syn → uremic pericarditis → dialysis
sx acute pericarditis
sx that is relieved by sitting up or leaning forward...MCC: Coxakie ( hx current viral illness)...PR depression
Absolute indication for dialysis... CI?
1) fluid overload not dec w/ tx 2) hyperK not responding. 3) pH< 7.2, 4) Uremic pericarditis/enchpalo 5) coag dT liver fail..CI: debilitating chronic dz, severe irreversible dementia
MC Peripheral aortic aneurysm
Femoral and Popliteal...all have atherosclerotic RF
MCC of peritonitis...to dx?
2nd to paralytic ileus...if shifting dullness: do dx needle!
Pernicious anemia vs. lead poisoning
Both: basophilic stippling...Lead: very much like Fe defic anemia=microcytic..PA: megaloblastic, very high LDH
tx strept?
IM PenG, not IV PenG
Phenelzine CI?
Not with SSRI...this is an MOAI...else → Serotonin syndrome (high T, rigid, mental status)...2) w/wine → HTN crisis
to tx Pheo surgery
alpha blocker...then BB
physio vs. Neonatal sepsis vs. Breast Milk vs. first 24 hrs time wise
P: 2-3d, gone in 1 week...NS: starts 5th...BM: after first week but within first week... first 24Hrs: Erythroblastosis fetalis
1) Picks Dz...aka...sx...VS. 2) LEWY body VS 3) MultiInfarct VS. 4) Neurosyphillis
1) FrontoTemporal...sx: personality change, compulsive, memory... 2)L: flux cognitive/visual hallucination/parkinsonism... 3) MI: cognitive w/ motorand sensensory prob... 4)N: Psychotic and personality change but NO fam Hx(like in Picks)
tx PID
Ceft + Doxy
Sx of PKU... to dx... to tx
Sx: fair skin, blue eyes, rash, musty odor 1 month old... to dx: Guthri test shows metab of Phe... tx: low prot low Phe
Placenta Previa dx by... tx?
Transabd US > Transvag... if bleeding keeps going, Csection
Pleural effusion...next?
1) diagnostic thoracocentesis to see exudate/transudate XCEPT if pt is CHF, then use diuretics...2) if exudate: further workup (exudate can be CA)... 3) if fluid inconclusive → BRONCH
MCC pleural effusion?
CHF (transudate)
pleural pH nl? Inflm? Transudate?
Nl: 7.46... infl: <7.3... transudate 7.35
how to dx PMS...tx
menstrual diary... tx: SSRI maybe?
Pneumococcus vacc MOA
T cell independent B cell response
Frielander affects
upper lobe
if after 2 weeks, PNA still there even after abx...next
Broncho for CA
Mycoplasma pneumona has a rash?
sometimes: Erythema Multiforme (target).... this has no membrane so will not stain
Paraneumonic effusion sterile?
at first andwill go away w/ abx... if sx not go away, consider tube: if Glc <60 = ALWAYS TUBE, but best lab os pH...if pH<7.2, TUBE!!!!!
Pnemomediastitum tx
Dt: air from pneumothorax into hila and mediastinum...put a tube...if mediastinitis, then surgery
Tension pneumothorax vs. Spontaneous?
Spontaneous require no trauma...S: main problem is oxygenation, CV 2nd...T: CV first!
car accident now w/ Tension and hemothorax...next
chest tube, not O2 mask! It won't help
Can peep cause Pneumothorax?
Yes, tension → collapse lung → RV fills up → HypoT
Insulin resistant hyperinsulin found in
PCOD (can → DM2)...so? Need glucose tolerance test: 2hr >140 = dx.
MOA Metformin in PCOS
1) prevent DM, 2) causes anorexa dec obesity 3) Correct hirsu 4) correct menstrual irreg
ninc H&H and big spleen/liver?... typical sx? ...lab?
Polycythemia Vera... risk: Budd Chiari (hepatic v. → tender/big liver)... sx: itch, thrombosis (DT inc platelets and their impaired fxn)... BM: hypercellular...lab: inc Leuk Alk Phosh, nl O2 sat, lOW Erythropoiein
Prox stiffness (NOT PAIN) >1 mo at least 30min in AM, elev ESR...dx
Polymyalgia Rheumatica... tx: low Steroids
sx: difficulty going up/down stairs, combing, dysphagia..dx...to dx?
Polymyositis...inflammatory dz...to dx: muscle bx = ENDOMYSIAL infiltration (dysphagia DT weak striated muscle)
The 3 types of polyps and difference
1) Hyperplastic (MC non neoplastic – no FU)... 2) HEMARTOMATOUs (inc Juvenile polyps and Peutz Jeghers – non malig)... 3) ADENOMA (MC polyp in colon, 1% malig, malig based on histo and apprearance)
Types of adenoma polyps
1) Sessile (CA more)...2) STALKED=pedunculated...
histo of adenoma polyps
Villus (sessile inc CA)... tubular(least)... tubulovillu
painless blisters, hypertrichosis and hyperPig, inc skin fragility of hands... assoc w? ...can be trig by?...tx?
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda... assoc w/ Hep C... trig: OCP (estrogen) and ethanol... lab: Inc urine Porphyria.. tx: Phlebotomy or HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE
Post exposure prophylaxis for chicken pox?
VZIg if wihing 3 days...if no, tell mom it's too late, baby will get it
PTSD vs ASD...tx?
ASD: less than 4 weeks...both: dont give them benzo (hx of abuse), SSRI and Cogn instead
>42 weeks DT?
Anencephaly and Trisomy 18 (follow biweek w/ NST and BPP
MCC endopthalmitis?
post op btw 1-6 weeks... need abx
low C3, low CH50, complement in serum...RBC ast and proteinuria
Post Strepth GN...C3, CH50, ASO all go back nl eventually
Post Strepth GN vs Drug Induced Interstitial Nephritis
DIIN: eaosinophila, hematuria, pyuria, rash, arthralgia...
MOA is genomic imprinting...dx?...sx...
Deletion arm 15...Prader Willi... sx: diamond eyes, down turn mouth, eat a lot, hypogonad
Pseudopuberty vs True?
Pseudo is very fast...so pt pt has severe acne + acccelerated growth = pseudo!
Precocious PUBarche DT
sever androgen xs (like from 21-oh def)
how to test for true precocious pub?
give GnRH...if inc LH,then yes
Prednisone can → acidosis, how?
by dec pulmo fxn...so do PFT
Tx Mg toxicity
Stop it and give Ca Gluconate
what's proteinuria for PreEcclampsia?
MCC death from PreEclam
Hemorrhagic stroke DT HTN and thrombocytopenia
tx PreE...?
1) Mild: if at term, deliver, if btw 24-34w= give steroids and once mature deliver... 2)Severe: eval, if >160/110 give antiHTN, ...HTN tx: if close, give Hydralazine/Labetolol, if far=MEthylDopa...CCB are 2nd choice
If BP very high, give nitro?
Not if near term... may make baby cyanosis
time frame: CVS, Amnio, Cordo/Percut Umb Blood Sampling
C: 2.5-3 mo... A: 4-4.5 mo... Cordo: for rapid karyo or Rh iso... AFB done in 2nd trimester
when is Group B tested on pregos and tx with
36week... PenG durin labor even if no risk
lower back pain 3rd trimester DT?
lordosis and relax of lig
xs ocytocin →
water retention, hypoNa and seizure DT water intox
tx sugar in pregos?
stop oral and give insulin
Pt 6 weeks preg, +FTA...allergic to Penicillin...next?
Try to Desensitize her
neonates of pts w/ graves tx with surgery may get?
epidural anesthesis can →
hypoT DT pooling and LE redistribution
Edema lower extremities in pregos?
ok unless proteinuria or HTN
HTN post 20 weeks DT?
PreE (prot >300mg/d), or Transient HTN (no proteinuria)
how can baby and mom have diff blood type and be ok?
IgM for ABO doesnt cross blood
Premature Adrenarche DT?
adrenal gland androgen... Pubarche is 50% CNS
Tx premature labor
MG!!! (and give steroid to speed up maturity)
MCC premature ovarian failure
Adhesion, Hashi, Rads or Chemo...sx: Amenorrhea, atrophy vag... tx: egg donation
PPROM, next?
Amniotic to measure lung indices...US to measure amnio vol and fetal anomalies..if babies has anomaly: let vag deliveries...if ok, prolong to mature lung, then deliver
Tx Premature Ventricular Contraction?
no tx
Define Presbycusis?
hard to hear high freq in older both ears (speech differentiation)
define preterm labor
1) <37weeks, 2) cervical 80% or 2cm.... define 20-37weeks..
tx Preterm labor
1) bed rest and hydration (hydration actually inh oxy and--> dec contraction), 2) tocolytics Mg 3) culture Group B and Ab 4) if btw 24-34 give steroids
DRE and hemocult at what age
50, yearly
50, q 10yrs
Yearly 50-75
Chlamydia screen
100 in a DM...start lifestyle
CIN 2 or 3
yearly pap if even negative 3years in a row
best tx for osteop for postmenop
TD booster?
q 15yrs
DTP for adults?
not really if >5yrs, adults dont get it
Hep A vacc?
if travel
Yellow Fever vac?
Africa or South America
if kid has seizure after DTP, next?
next time only give DT (no pertussis)
if surgery for UC?
Scope 8 yrs post surg, then q1-3
rx that cause priapism
Trazodone > Prazosin
tx the sx of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Ursodeoxycholic dec itch and progression...end tx: Liver transplant
Histo of PBC and assoc w/
histo: granulomatous destruction of bile ducts in in portal triad... assoc w: Sjogrean, RA and CREST
Primary Dysmenorrhea
appears .5-1yr post menarche... few hrs before menses, last 3-4 d... tx: NSAID, OCP (DT inc Prostaglandin)
when is inc / low renin?
hi: in Renal Vascular HTN... low: Primary HypeAldo (adenoma = hypoK)
MOA of aldosterone and why NO EDEMA
Aldo → inc salt and h2o retention...--> natruiresis (aka ALDO ESCAPE PHENOMENOM), therefore = Mild HyperNA and NO EDEMA
Primary ovarian failure: Estrogen and inhibin?
both decrease → loss feedback → inc LH and FSH (inhibin only for FSH)
Primary Polydypsia can be dT
PHENOTHIAZINE (antiChol) that cause dry mouth... or hypothalamic lesion affecting thirst
Define Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis MOA... sx... can progress -->...to dx...
Infl destruction of of intra/extra ducts...sx: itch, jaundice, RUQ pain or acute cholangitis... progress: complete obstr, wnday cirrosis, liver fail... to dx: ERCP! BEADING DT strict, LFT: very HIGH ALK PHOS, TA<300, PANCA, hyperGamma, inc IgM
Cholangiocarcinoma can be DT...sx
PSC (especially smoker)... sx: SEVER stricture of tree → cholangitis...tx: ERCP , then bx of stricture...tx: URSOdeoxy to dec liver enz
aka lactotroph adenoma..sx in men/women
prolactinoma... men: hypogonadism, women: galactorrhea... tx: CARBEGOLINE, if no, then MRI and surg
SE of PTU MC and Worst
MC: allergies...worse: agranulo(most recover)
tx bone pain post Prostatectomy CA
work up for spinal cord compression DT CA (cauda equina)
1) steroids, 2) MRI or CT angio if MRI CI, 3)rads
work up for Prostate CA
if PSA >4, USG...next: needle bx, next staging, ast : bone scan
if late prostate CA, tx
palliative: AntiAndrogen! (LEUPROLIDE)> flutamide
Work up for acute bacT prostatitis
1) midstream catch...2) empiric abx
sx nonBacT prostatitis
no fever, irritabe, UA nl, excretion of prostate: WBC10, cult negative... need to RO CA
Prostatodynia...what is it and lab
inflammation prostate with no known cause... afebrile, void irritation... prostate secretion: nl...no hx UTI
woman complain pregnancy but all labs negative
Pseudocyesis...need psych
tx pseudodementia
high Ca, low Phosph, rhomboid shaped crystals, dx
Pseudogout... Ca pyrophosphate w/ postive birefringent
needle shape
coffin lid
tx pseudomembranous
IV/oral Metro....or ORAL ONLY vanc
only MRI abn in pseudotumor cerebri, tx if LP not dec ICP?
Dilated ventricle DT inc ICP...tx: Acetazolamide (inh Choroid plexus CA inhibitors)
RUQ pain, fever, + psoas sign, and Furuncles (pus filled sore)...dx...to dx:...tx
Psoas abscess... need CT...if cant find and still suspicious → laparotomy and drain
Psoriasis can precipitated by? Sx? Location? vs. OA...vs RA
Lithium...pitting nails, asymmetric...DIP...OA not infl...RA not DIP
Define Puerperal fever... MCC?... if not sx not improve with abx?
>38 for 2d within 10d postpartum....MCC: endometritis...tx: if not improve, add Heparin for 2-3 weeks in case of thrombophebitis or something...if not = abscess!
Trauma, hypoxic, chest wall bruising...dx...lab
Pulmonary contusion...ABG: hypoxia
Antithrombin 3, C, S defic
PE labs?
arterial hypoxia ALWAYS...tx: O2 and anticoag
if reccurent DVT and now PE?
Factor 5 leiden (MOA: mut to coag 5 → resistant to inact by prot C
PE tx
1) if pt hemo unstable and clot in main pulmo artery → embolectomy (give him heparin but still surg)...2) fibrolytic BEST if hemo unstable but not in post pt is good...
PE sx
sudden SOB with clear lungs
best dx for DVT
Doppler US
Very first step in tx PE?
Anticoa start!!!
Pulmo HTN CXR?
enlarged pulmo art and RV
Pulmo regurg more prominent w
nitrites for
Chronic Pyelo seen w?
Focal parenchyma scarring and blunting of calyces in IVP
tx Pyloric stenosis
1) #1=hydrate + K! 2) US then 3) surgery
RA needs tx?
DMARD (dz mod anti-rheum drugs)= METHOTREX/ HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE /SULFASALAZINE /AZATHIOPRINE...SE of Methotrex? Microcytic anemia DT inh DHF reductase
1) GI, 2)visual 3) hemolysis w/ G6pDH
1) pancreatitis, 2) liver tox, 3) BM suppr...
CYCLOSPORINE used for and SE
transplant... Kidney bad
bit by dog, now what
1) if cant catch dog: active and passive 2) catch and bx brain, if nl, still give both
tx fx of isolated humeral
tx: closed reduction and cast
SERM used for osteop?
RALOXIFENE (no inc rsk of Endometrial CA!!! unlike estrogen)...problem: inc PE and CI in pt with recurrent DVT
ramsey hunt
Woman who hates foreigners now voluteer to help them
reaction formation
rape victim open clinic for other rape victims?
altruism (calm her own fears)
Pain, swelling and vasomotor prob dx? Loc? Imaging? Tx
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy... loc: shoulder restriction... XR: osteopenia...tx: PT and steroid if need
Keratoderma Blenorrhagium on palms and soles, dx?
Reactive arthitis... clear vesicle w/ red bases... painful shallow ulcers...lab: B27
tx chlamydia arthritis?
NSAID and Tetracyclin
Renal artery stenosis...1) RF, 2)lab
RF for athero (DM...)... Resistant HTN!... lab: continuous murmur (syst and diast) in periumbilical
if VARICOCELE fail to empty in recumbent? Dx and next
Renal CC... Abd CT
pt comes in with low pH but no HCO3 compensation...MCC
RTA acid base?
nl AG metab acidosis (DT dec renal acid secretion)
Type 1 RTA: aka, MOA, labs
type 1: DISTAL RENAL ACIDOSIS (cant make more bicarb) lab: urine pH >5.5, LOW K,
Type 2 RTA: aka, MOA, labs
Proximal Tubular Acidosis: (can't reab HCO3 → urine HCO3) lab: urine pH <5.5, K ok or low...assoc w/ Osteomalacia
RTA typ4?
HyperK RTA: MC in adults (DT Aldo resistance or deficiency)...lab: hyperK (asx)
Renal vein thrombosis can be DT
Nephrotic syndrome, antiThrombin 3 lost in urine... MCC: MEMBRANUS (abd pain, hematuria sudden)
MCC of ocular stroke...fundo...tx
emboli from retinal artery...painless...fundo: retinal whitening/red cherry spot...tx: do not delay (massage the oculi) and high )2
sx of retinal detach...tx...
one side, floaters, “curtain coming down”...tx: LASER CRYO
Retinal necrosis acute DT
HSC or VZV in HIV...(keratitis, uveitis)
CMV retinitis sx...fundo...seen in
painless (no keratitis or conjunctivitis)...fundo: fluffy/bleed around retinal vessels, yellow plaques, opaque retia...in: HIV w. CD4<50..tx: Gang
Retinoblast can met to...sx..
brain, liver....sx: strabismusl pain, dec vision, glaucoma
MCC white reflex
Congenital cataracts
POSTERIOR pharyngeal edema and nuchal rigid?
Retro pharyngeal abscess
MCC rhabdo...lab
etoh...cr inc a lot → ATN..tx: Fluid and Alkalize urine and osmotic diuresis (mannitol).
Purpose of RhoGam
AntiDgamma → prevent contact mom and baby blood by dec fetal RBC in mom's circulation...good if mom not sensitized (ab <1:6)...
rhoGam given at
28th and within 3 days of delivery
MCC Mitral stenosis?
Reumatic Fever...complic: LA gets huge and can push on left main stem bronchus or phrenic (cough)... dx by Echo and PenG prophylaxis (IM monthly)...
rib fx can be deadlty in elderly DT →
Pain → hypovent DT atelectasis/pneumonia...main tx: PAIN MANAGEMENT even w/ nn block
a B2agonist (tocolytic) → inc water retention (edema), and heart workload...inc glucose from liver/muscle so inc need insulin also
complication of rocky mountain if not tx
shock (need IV) then tetra
light skin, 30-60, telangiectasia cheeks,nose,chin.... flush caused by hot, heat,...dx
rosacea and tx: topical metro for papules/erythema
conj bili in urine
arthritis in adult female, w/ rash, post auricular LN, fever 15d...
rubella! Rash is same as measles...
vesicular rash
erythema infectiosum
slapped cheek
roseola infantum
HHV 6 (no longer febrile when rash comes)
rubella at begin of preg worse!...infxn dx by
IgM or IgG..tx: vac all ladies, if unsure hx, obtain titer at 1st tri (dont give vac to pregos)
hydrocepha, cerebral calc, chorioretinitis, small head in
cmv and toxo
salmon patch location
tx sarcoid
steroids if sx
tx scabies
permetrin for adults
scaphoid tx
even if XR neg … tx: all nondisplaced fx = cast, if displaced open reduction and int fix
Schizo + mood
schizoaffective (hear voices, not violent, want to be alone)
if schizo non compliant?
FLUPHENAZINE and HALOPERIDOL (both injectible q2mo)
detached and limited emoitino
schizo btw 1-6 mo
brain of schizo
inc ventricles, dec cerebral mass, temporal mass, no change in cerebellar mass
tx catatonic schizo
Benzo – lorazepam
Scl 70
antiJo, ANA
types of scoliosis
type1: idiopathic (infantile, juvenile, adult)...type2: neuromuscular....type3: congenital
to dx scoliosis ...and tx
bend over and Cobb's angle...tx: <20: f/u, >30=brace, >40=surgery
dry scales of scap, inrecaspular umbilius, body folds...dx..seen in...
Seborrheic dermatitis...seen in: Parkinson, HIV!, Hep C (if w. lichen planus)
bening, warty, greasy, stuck on...anywher xcept palms/soles...dx...dx by...tx
Seborrheic keratosis...dx by shave bx...tx remove to look good
to find spina mets
Technitum 99 scan
Tonic clonic describe and type
general....aura (lights)...stiffness and loc
absence is
generalilzed as well
complex partial seizure
focal then transient or incomplete impaired consciousness
leukocytes in septic arthritis
>50k or >100k...tx: SURGERY NOW! Abx kid: Nafcillin + 3rd gen...adult: Nafcillin
both septic arthritis and osteomyelitis from
URI blood
MC ear path in hiv pts
serous OM
Serous OM vs. Chronic
Chronic: purulant aural dc, t. membrane thick and calcified, perf....
absense of stapedial reflex in 3rd decade...dx...loc
Otosclerosis...temporal bone
no b, t, nk cells, no ln or tonsils
SCID (life threat)
Common variable ID vs. Brutton's Xlinked Agamma
CV: older 15-35, less severe, AGME may be dec but B cells ok!... B: asx until 6mo then pyogenic infxn, dec AGME AND B CELLS!!!
young bo, ezcema, dec platelets, inc infxn w/ caps...at bith petechia, bleed from circumcision...dx...lab
Wiskott Aldrich (Xlinked)... lab: low MAE Ig, dec T, dec platelets
impair ADH → DI, DT?
sheehan (ischemic necrosis of pit)
how to wok up shock
1) CO < 5? → PCWP <18 = hypovolemic, if >18 = cardiogenic...2) if CO>5 = sepsis, or neurogenic
The 4 classes of hypovol define
1) class 1 = 10%, tachy, thats it...2)class2 = 20% confused and combative, cold... 3) class 3 = 35-50% BP cannot maintain, HR keeps going ip, mental bad....4)class 4>40% = coma, BP incompatible with life
MOA septic shock
Systemic VD → inc CO (dec RA and pulmo pressure)
MOA neurogenic
has low Mixed Venous O2 concentration DE inc O2 extraction by hypoperfused tissues
if no JVD?
if pt unstable with supsected intraabd bleed, best dx procedure?
Peritoneal lavage!...if pt stable: CT...Ultrasound before PL maybe
tonic clonic seizure →
post disloc shoulder (presents w. int rotated arm and cant ext rotate...good sensory and reflex) ....vs Ant disloc (sensory loss and pt has arm ext rotated)
Parkinson pt with postural hypoT, impotence, incont...dx and MOA, tx
Shy-Dragger (park + auto like bladder prob)... tx: antiPark not hep, need IV volume expansion
how to tx SIADH induced hypoNa
1) mild (asx 120-130): fluid restrict, 2) mod (asx 110-120): loop+NS, 3) severe (CNS sx)= hypertonic saline (3%)
hypoNa, hypoTonic, euvolimic
chronic tx of SAIDH?
Li or Demeclocycline = inh ADH action
MC in submandibular gland...dx? Sx..tx
sialolithiasis...sx: pain post food DT stone seen on xr...tx: dilate and remove
MC pattern of sick euthyroid synx
fall in total and free T3, nl T4 and TSH
MC sx in sickle
painless hematuria
aplastic crisis DT in sick?
1) folate defic (GIVE EM) 2) Parvo infxn
how to tx painful crisis in sickle?
O2, fluid and HYDROXYUREA...MOA: vasoocclusion
5 yo AAM present with high fever, hypoT, AMS, inc WBC wth bands...DT?
S. Pneumonia DT sickle cell asplenia
what is aplastic crisi?... vs Spenic Sequestration
transient arrest of erythropoieisis DT infxn → Hb and no reticulocytes... tx: transfuse...SPLENIC SEQ: pooling of blood in spleen (those who still have them) → dec Hb but RETICULOCYTES ARE STILL THERE → hypoT shock, tx: remove spleen
Sideroblastic anemia DT?
impair heme ( like B6 impair...so look out for INH pts!)...lab: hypochromic like Fe def but lab--> inc Fe and inc TIBC...tx: B6...MCC chronic etoh
sideroblastic anemia histo
Fe granules in blue around nucleus
MCC death 1mo-1yr
sx: dental carries, diff swallow, talk, keratoconjuntivitis...dx..moa..lab..
Sjogen...MOA: autoI vs. exocrine gland--> salivary insuff...lab: anemia, leukopenia, eosinophilia, inc ESR...to dx: lip bx
MCC in sle?
MOA kidney damage in SLE
Type 2=immune complex deposit (good pasture is type 3
5 patterns of renal involvement w SLE
1,2 no tx....3,4 = immuno...
renal involvementin SLE
1) mesengial first and least bad...2)focal (getting worse, areas of necrosis)...3) diffuse proliferative (MC and worst, hematuria, dsDNA ab)... 4)Membranous GN (renal fx fine, thick BM, subepithelial deposist).... 5) Sclerosing ( healing of previous damage, urine nl, no infl so immunotx no help)
Only 40% of sle pts
SLE + muscle, skin , pulmo, kidney....dx
mixed CT dz DT antiRNP
scarring alopecia
in SLE pts (skin)
sleep terror vs. nightmare
sleep terror : dont remember....N: remember
MOA of Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
failure of growth plate btw fem neck and fem head → displacement (in fat kid)...dx by XR (bone cyst and sclerosis and collapse if advance)...surgery (fix hip w/ screws)
tx somatization DO
repeat clinic visit
specifc phobia tx
systemic desensitization
tx acute anxiety
big spleen vs levels of haptoglobin
spleen: vasclar hemolysis... hapto: intravas hemolysis...
hereditary sphericytosis
AD... has extravascular hemolysis... osmofragility test positive
osmofragility test positive in? How to diff
Hereditary spherocy (fm hx) and AHA (no fm sx)
sx of Black Widow Spider bites and tx
Sx: acute abdomen...tx: Muscle relaxant and Ca Giuconatek
sx Brown reclusive spider bite and tx
Sx: like extensive localized skin necrosis (like Pyoderma Gangrenosum)... tx: Dapsone (dec necrosis)
describe brown reclusive spider wound
deep ulcer with necrotic center and red halo...tx: local incisioj
Burst fracture of vertebra →
Anterior Cord Syndrome (total loss of motor fxn below level of lesion w/ loss pain and T)... best dx method: MRI
purning pain paralysis of UE... in elderly DT hyperetension neck injury
Calf pain when standing up and walks...DT?
Neurogenic claudication from spinal stenosis...POSITIONAL (no pain at rest)...dx: MRI
Splenic contusion often DT
rib fracture
define Spondylolesthesis
dev DO...forward slip of vertebra...sx: “step off”, neuro (urine incont), back pain...
MCC peritonitis
E. Coli...lab: 250 neutrophils, SAAG (serum to ascites albumin gradient) >1.1...if worse 2 days later: 2ndary peritonitis...tx: CEFOTAXIM or AMP+AMG... recurrent very common
sporothrix pain?
hilar lung mass
Sq. CC
Biggest RF for SqCC of skin..assoc loc?
sunlight...assoc: LEUKOPLAKIA (need bx) and ulcer not heal in LOWER LIP.
Ulcers that never heal aka?
MARJOLIN's (sq. CC)... need a PUNCH bx and WIDE excision
Precursor to SqCC
Actinic Keratosis
tx Status epilepticus
EMERGENCY...1) pt on lateral with mandible pushed out, 2) meds, if not work in 30 min 3) general anesthesia w. intubation
RA + salmon rash _ fever in 20-30 yo
STILL's dz
itchy rash, abd pain, rash lower legs and buttt
Henoch Sholein
Only CA that has decreased
Stomach CA
MCC of amblyopia (dec visual acuity) is
strabismus (MC type = esodeviation = medial dev)...tx: cover the eye
Stranger anxiety vs. Seperation Anxiety
Stranger: younger 6mo – 18mo...Sep: older kids
bone pain at rest, worse with excercise, XR negative rght now...dx..next
Stress fx...need MRI...tx: dec weight bearing with cast (takes 1 month)...DANCERs LEG
2 vertebral arteries →
Basilar → posterior
Anterior Cerebral artery stroke sx
lower limb problem, urinary incont, atax
MCA stroke sx
more upper limb... homonomos hemianopia...if left (dominant lobe) = aphasia, if nonD (right) = neglect and anosognosia
PCA stroke sx
ataxia, visual hallucination (Calcarine Cortex), sensory (thalamus), 3rd n palsy (mid brain)
Lacunar infarcts sx
very define sx (not both sensory and motor)
Within 3 hours of a stroke and CT is neg, next>
Thrombolytics w/ tPA (NOT streptokinase)
Thalamic stroke where
VPL of thalamus (sensory from opposite side)
Diff btw not understanding what is said to speech difficulty
Speech difficulty: Expressive Aphasia (DT dominant fronta)...Cant understand: Parietal (Dyscalculi, dysgraphia)
Caverness unilateral hemangioman, in skull XR?
gyriform intracranial calcification look like tramline...tx: control seizure and dec ICP, laser to remove skin lesoins
Neer sign, what is it, dx? And sx... imaging...tx
Subacromial bursitis...pain absent at rest...N: pain passive int rot and forward flex shoulder...MRI...tx: NSAID, PT
MCC SAH in kids?
AVM malform (hx seizure and migrained like HA)
MCC death in SAH? And tx
vasospasm!...tx: CCB (Nimodipine)
SAH aka
Cerebral salt wasting syndrome (SAIDH inc water retention → hypoNa (tx: water restriction)
subdural hematomy without midline shift on CT...tx?
Dec ICP by hypervent, head elev...if need: acetazolamide/mannitol...if midline shift = craniotomy
man with fiery temper channels anger toward running
CI to sumatriptan
Prinzmetal, CAD, preg!!
MCC superior vena cava syndrome
bronchogenic carcinoma (small cell tumor) smokers...tx: angioplasty with stent
triad of SVT
narrow QRS, HR>140, reg, loss P...tx: same, unstab=DC, stable=Vegal and adenosine...2nd: VERAPAMIL
supraclav fx can →
brachial artery pulse loss
sx Bradycardia tx
Atropine, then transcutaneous pace...if brady and hypo = EPI
Exerptional syncope define and DT
cardiac flow obstr (AS)
Syncope DT cardiac sx
end and start suddenly...DT arrhythmia
Vasovagal syncope DT
stimuli like fright (dx by tilt table and carotid massage)
situational syncope DT
autonomic dysregulation (like pee then pass out)
primary syphilis
painless, shallow chancre ulcer with punched out base... painless bilateral LN
Condyloma lata contagenous
if syryngomyelia + arnold chiari... watch out for
caudal displacement cerebellar tonsils
tx of systemic sclerosis for skin thickening and renal dz
1) Penicillamine, 2) ACEI
Dig for
atrial tach
tx Vtach
Amio if not, lido...unstable=DC
Tamoxifen used for and SE
breast CA...SE: 2 CA 1) endometrial, 2) Uterine sarcoma
Hexosaminase def → GM2 gang accum...dx...sx
Tay Sachs...(MR, seiz, cherry red macula, hyperacus, NO big spleen NO LN)
MCC constrictive pericarditis in immigrants?
TB (hx JVD and previous exposure)
tx for TCA intox
tx: Na HCO3 → prevents arrhtymia...tox: QRS widening....if seiz = diazepam
inc placental Alk phosph and testical pain
inc AFP and testis
inc BHCG and testis
choriocarcinoma (next: US then orchiectomy...do not do a bx!)
MC testicular sex cord stromal CA?
Leydig cell
yolk sac tumor
breast dev from?
periphery estrogen...ax/pubic hair does not
toxoid boooster?
TOF: early cyanosis
Theophyllin SE
CNS (insomnia), GI( NV), Cardio (arrhythmia)
antipsych... SE: cardiac arrhythmia, prolong QRS (need NaHCO3)...also inc PRL dt inh of DA
Thoracic outlet syndrome, next
CXR...MRI and angio to det compression
in threatened abort, cervix?
inevitable abortion
cervix dilated, USG=sac is ruptured and no fetal cardiac
cerclage is for
1st trimester DT incompetent cervix
location of Thymoma
anterior mediastinum
location neurogenic tumors and which ones
Posterior mediastinum (neuroblastoma, esoph lyomyoma)
location of pericardial cyst
middle mediastinum
MC thyroid CA...pt hx...histo
Papillary Carcinoma...hx of rads... histo: hurtle cells, psammoma bodies, large cells/pale nuclei with central bodies...prog: GREAT even if mets
#2 MC thyroid CA..
Follicular CARCINOMA...elderly...vs. ADENOMA (not invade capsule and BV)...prog: more malig than papillary (blood spread)
#3 MC Thyroid CA
Medullary (solid) carcinoma = sporadic or familial...type: AD...path: prolif of paraFollicular cells (Ccells)--> lots of calcitonin (→ dec Ca dec Phosph)...tx: TOTAL removal
$4 Anaplastic
sx: fast and painful (die in 1 yr)
Types of thyroid nodules and work up
MC: COLLOID (benign) > FOLLICULAR adenoma (benign)...w: 1) TSH (then T3, T4 based on that)
Follicular adenoma histo
invade capsule and blood
Follicular vs. Papillary CA
Follicular = encapsulated and not LN like Papillary
Subacute lcy thyroiditis
sx: painless, thyrotoxicosis = leak of hormones
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis aka and sx
De Quervain's... sx: intense pain thyroid...tx: NSAID
sx of embolic TIA...imaging...tx
hours...EKG: aFib or MI... tx: dec RF: smoke, htn, choles...antcoag? If emboli from heart (hep, then war)
embolic TIA vs. atherothrombotic TIA?
embolic: hours...athero: minutes(if no CI, give anticoag – ASA is initial...or CLOPIDOGREL if ASA CI)...
tx thromboembolic TIA?
always anticoag if no CI (ASA >CLOPIDOGREL>TICLOPIDINE)
What is Reversible Ischemic Neuro Deficit and duration
TIA then resolve in 1-7d
Babiosis sx
splenectomized...enter RBC-> hemolysis → jaundice, renal fail, death...NO RASH...dx by blood smear
tx tinea corporis
lotion (TERBINAFINE)...systemic (GRISEOFULVIN)
“spagetti and meatball dx?
tinea versicolor..tx: topical SELENIUM or Ketoconazole shampoo
tx of Tourette
typical like antipscy
Tx Torsades
1) stop med (Quinidine) 2) Mg
Outgrowth of the hard palate aka
Torus palatinus...tx: none...(fleshy immobile mass on hard palatine)
Toxic adenoma vs. Grave's
Adenoma: RadioI uptake in 1 lobe...Grave: diffuse uptake AND exopthalmos...Multinodular: patchy uptake...
hyperthyr have inc risk of
bone loss (DT inc osteoclast resoprtion)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis DT
Sulfa, barbiturates, Phenytoin, NSAID...tx: supportive
MCC blindness in world...tx
Trachoma...dx by: lymphoid follicles in conjunctiva...tx: TETRACY
tx to prevent PCP in transplant pt
MCC cyanosis w/n first 24 hrs
Transposition of great vessels... TOF few yrs later
pear shaped, has flagella, malodorous
dx: microscope...T.Vaginallis
Sx of Tricuspid atresia
Cyanotic heart dz early....most have VSD
mid diastolic rumble
tricusp stenosis
TCA tox
antichol, vc, neuro sx... CV(prolong QRS and AV block)...best predictor of TCA tox? QRS INTERVAL
MOA of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Art > vein compressing CN5 root...tx: CARBAMAZEPINE
rx that cause hemolysis
blunting of villi and hx is travel...dx...triad...to dx
Tropical Sprue... sx: triad (sore tongue, diarrhea, weight loss)... malab: steatorrhea,to dx: Dxylose absorp nl >90% case... histo (shot villi, lengthed cryps, changes in surface epith, infl cell infiltrate of lcy, plasma and eosinophils)...tx: TETRACYCLINE
TTP pentad? Lab
1) severe dec platelets, 2) Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (RBC fragments), 3) neuro signs, 4) renal failure, 5) fever... lab: inc : LDH; PT/PTT nl
HUS like TTP without neuro...tx: both PLASMAPHESIS
dx ITP
isolated dec in platelet count...
init sx of TS... on CT...tx
seizure... sx: cutaneous anomaly: ADENOMA SEBACEUM (5-10yrs)... first yrs of life: symmetrical infantile spasms...ash leaf (hyperpig) and cortical tubers...tx: IM ACTH!!
tx broad spectrum abx
GENTAMYCIN + CLINDAMYCIN + AMP...if not work = laparotomy possible abscess
tx Tumor Lysis syndrome?...lab?
allopurinol... lab: hypoCa, hyperPhosph (from inside cell cause dec extracellCa), hyperK, hyperUric
turcot assoc with...type...assoc
BRAIN (meduloblastoma, gliomas), FAP or HNPCC...AR and in teens...
GARDNER … assoc … type
Peutz Jegher type... assoc w/
AD... cutaneous melanocytic macules
Multiple Hemartoma syndr assoc w/
GIT hematoma, breast CA, thyroid CA, gingiva hyperplasia
no fxnal ovaries or estrogen...DT
Turner syndrome (streaked ovaries)
if Turner with XY, next?
bilateral gonadectomy (inc risk of gonadoblastoma)
Toxic megacolon seen in and tx
UC...tx with: IV steroids, NG decompress, and fluid....if remove colon, need scope 8 yrs later
MCC esophageal ulceration in HIV? vs. Herpes?
CMV...triad (substernal burn w/ odynophagia, shallow ulcers, IC inclusion) / Gang tx...HERPES: many, well circumscribed like volacnoes
variable decel DT
umbilical cord compression... FETAL head compression: early decel
Umbilical hearnia tx?
most gone by 1yr... when to surg? If 3-4yo, >2cm, sx, strangulation
Triad of urethral injury
1) blood at meatus 2) can't void 3) distended bladder..
anterior vs. posterior urethral injury
A: (ant to perineal membr) / DT: trauma like saddle / tx: surgery now...P: (prostate urethra and membr urethra) / high riding prostate/pevic fracture/tx: RETROGRADE URETHROGRAM then SUPRAPUBIC cath
tx URETHRAL vs. BLADDER injury
urethral (post) = suprapubic cath after retrograde urethrogram...Bladder: urethrogram with post void film
what makes urine alkali?
Proteus (makes urease)
if female uti not better with BACTRIM, dx?
C. Trachomatis (friable cervix and dc)
Chlamydia urethritis discovered how?
dysuria for 7d and not better with tx for chlamydia CYSTITIS
MCC red eye in akylo spond
Vaginismus DT?
mental...tx: relax, KEGEL, gradual dilation (penetration)
vag candida can be DT, lab, tx
besides stuff like DM...Alkali pH of vag during menses (favors Candida growth)... tx: cottage cheese appearance...lab: NO SMELL, ph 4-5.5... dx by wet KOH... tx: IMIDAZOLE cream or FLUCONAZOLE
Vericose vein → ulcers where
medial malleolus
varicose v. VS Art Insuff
AI: pain worse by leg elev (V: if leg raise, it goes away)...AI: ulcers are deep and more distal , NO SWELLING, but loss hair/muscle atrophy
Art Insuf vs. DM ulcers
DM: at pressure points
DVT ulcers vs. others
D: takes years to dev and UNLIKLEY in ACTIVE pts
Vasa Preva lab, to dx, tx
Hemarrage → baby HR tach to brady → sinosoidal.... high death rate... dx w/ Transvag US w/ Doppler...tx: CSECTION
pt with Vtach, next?
1) Amiodarone...2) if recurrent look for cz...MCC: DIURETICS (lasix → hyPOK) 3) oder electrolytes and correct them! (K)
Vfib tx
1) defib, if not 2) lidocaine or amiodarone 3) EPI can be tried to lower treshold for conversion
VERAPAMIL tox and tx
Bradycardia and hypoT, AV block, cardiac arrest... tx: IV saline first, Ca Cl to reverse CBB effects
what is vesicourethral reflux
Urine → bladder and ureter and pelvis (uti and scar)...Renal scar is MCC RENAL FAIL in kids...dx: voiding cystourethrogram
diarrhea, hypoK → leg cramp, dec acid in stomach...wight loss, face flush...dx
VIPoma...dx: VIP in blood high...tx: IV for dehydra, OCTREOTIDE for diarrhea, surg
vit K lab
dec PT and coag factors
vWF lab
Bleed inc, PTT inc...PT ok... low F8
liver dz labs
PT inc...everythin ok
ITP labs
dec platelets...everything ok
MCC vit D def Vs. HyperPTH and PseudoPTH
MCC Malab → dec Ca and dec Phosph... H&P: dec Ca but dec Phosph...
sx of vitD def in kids, path
soft and deformed bone... low birth weight, dark skin, breast fed kid...path: defective MINERALIZ
costochondral jxn, wrist/ankle thick...XR: cupping and frying distan ulnar /rad, dx?
rickets (vit D)
Photophobia, dermatitis, anemia
B2 deficiency riboflavin
kid and adult BeriBeri
B1 (thiamine)
sx wet beriberi
Neuro + cardiac
sx dry beriberi
sym periph neuro with sensory and motor prob
pale mough and areola... assoc with
Vitiligo:...assoc: Pernicious, Graves, DM1, alopecia areata
sudden no vision, floaters, hard to see fundus...dx...assoc w/
Vitreous Hemrrhage...MCC: DM retinopathy
3 types of eye bleed and diff
1) conjunctiva (small trauma like sneeze, no tx gone in 2weeks)...2)Vitreous (black reflex, retinal v occlusion)... 3) Retinal Hemorrhage (flame shaped in HTN, dot/blot in DM or septic)
Whats on the radio of supracondylar fx
displaced ant fat pad
Volkdman's ischemic contracture define
Volkmann's contracture results from acute ischaemia of the muscles of the forearm. It is caused by pressure on the brachial artery, possibly from improper use of a tourniquet, improper use of a plaster cast or from compartmental syndrome. It is commonly described in supracondylar fracture of the humerus where it results in injury/occlusion of the brachial artery.
If <1 mo, billious vomit, blood stool, abd distended
Volvulus midgut...sx: irritable but NO PAIN
Hirrschprung vs. meconium ileus
H: no stool (Down)...M: no meconium
VSD closure?
40% close by 3yrs, 70% by 10... need IE prophy...permanent if large (soft murmur) so need surg now or else irreversible
Describe Vulvur Hypertrohphy dystrophy and peeps
thick, hyperkeratotic...DT long term scratching... in PM women
Vulvar Papillomatosis aka and DT
aka Condyloma Acuminata... DT: HPV 6,11 (cauliflower)
Waldernstrum Macroglobulinemia...MOA...lab...sx..
Chronic plasma cell neoplasm...MOA: mult and invade BM, spleen, LN-> xs IgM → viscosity...sx: ing size spleen, liver, LN, tired
Walden Vs. MM
MM: Ig A/G not IgM / no hyperviscosity....W: IgM
Warfarin induced skin necrosis DT and occur when
prot C deficiency...w/n weeks...tx: give viK and stop warfarin if worsen, now give heparin until lesions heal
pt on warfarin now need emergency surgery, next
Febrile rxn DT...and tx
transfusion rxn DT ab in pt's plasma vs. Donor's leukocytes...prevent by: leuk dec technique like CELL WASHING...this is a NON-hemolytic rxn
sudden vasomotor collapse and rash
Waterouse friedricksen--> adrenal just hemorrhaged
Wegener triad...assoc...lab...XR...
bloody pee, bloody vomit, sinusiti...MOA: necrotizing vasculitis w/ granuloma... CANeutrophilicCA...XR: nodular cavities...
Wednig Hoffman...type...MOA...like what
AR...degen ant hor cells and CN nuclei...floppy baby
COAT stands for
confu, opthal, atax, thiamine defic
cheilosis and glossitis DT
riboflavin (B2)
Cz of Whipple dz...sx...to dx...if unx...tx?
T. Whippelli...joint pain/stomachpain/diarrhea/lose weight/skin hyperpig...todx: PAS+ microphage w. glycoprot seen in bx of small int...if untx: progressive and fatal...tx: Procaine PenG then TETRA
diff btw bact overgrowth and Whipple dz
Xylose absorb dec in both... but becomes nl after abx
pneumothorax, subconjuntival hemorrage, prolapse...dx
Whopping...tx: ERYTHRO + anticough
MC primary kidney tumor in kids..dx and age
Wilms...2-5yr...80% big abd mass...tx: nephrectomy
Wilms vs. Neuroblastoma
N: <1 yo, usually have HTN, crosses midline and dx w/ urine catechol products, from NEURAL CREST CELLS... W: 2-5yo, from METANEPHRONS
lab for Wilson's
dec CERULOPLASMIN, inc URINE copper, SLIT LAMP of eye...liver: MALLORY hyaline...basal ganglia (HEPATOLENTICULAR)..dx after 1yo (most kids have high Copper first 3 months)..tx: PENICILLAMINE, fulminant need LIVER TRANSPLANT
age for Wiskott Aldrich
within first year...sx: first bleeding episodes then pyogenic infxn...low IgM but AG nl...bad: can't make response vs. polysacc Ag...
Wisckott Aldrich predisposed to
ALL and Hodgkins
Age of Chronic GD and dx?
<2...dx NEGATIVE nitroblue test means you HAVE THE DZ
partial albinism, neuropathies and nystagmus
Wiskott aldrich
Smith fractur
reverse of Colles (MC fx of distal radius in outstreteched hand)
MOA of Zenker
herniation of mucosa through CRICOPHARYNREAL muscle...to dx: BARIUM esophaGRAPHY, NOT ENDOSCPE
pathognomic for ZE
ulcers in jejunum! (even mult duod)...tx: PPI (Omeprazole) indefinitely until surg, if med fail = TOTAL GASTRECTOMY... assoc w: MEN1(HyperPTH, Pit tumors)
Placenta Prev. VS. Abruptia placenta
PP: if no bleed, can't be...AP: if no blood, CAN be and PAIN
MCC DIC in preg
Placenta Abruptio (DT replease thromboplastin)
HTN peeps (esp pregos)...moa: it's a B2 agonist, a tocolytic
best for AIRWAY
in ER: orotrachial intubation...in field: needle crico...if unconscious = chin lift
if can't do IV, next
Saphenous cutdown...interosseous in kid
Gingival hyperplasia, LN, hirsu...SE of
Valproic Acid
EEG symmetric 3hz spike and wave
Abasense seiz
SE is Stephven johnson?
Phenytoin and Carbamazepine
Cough is SE of and DT?
ACEI...DT: inc Kenin (are degraded by ACE)
if acute acetaminophen tox, can use?
ETOH (competes for same liver enz) → less toxic metabolites
Chronic etoh users inc acetaminophen tox DT
dec Glutathione (metabolizes acetaminohen)
how to tx ACETAMINOPHEN tox
1-4hrs: AA levels.....if>7.5 grams and level not avail for 8hrs...tx with NAC
ACETAZOLAMINDE tox (acid base)?
NAG metab acidosis (DT renal loss bicarb)
gliding tibia under femur?
ACL (hyperextension injury)
Lachman test for
Valgus test for
Medial collateral ligament
Meniscus injury
Yellow sulfur granules, NO PAIN, mass that drain...dx, DT, tx
Actinomycosis...DT Actinomycosis Israellii...tx: IV Pen for 6-12 weeks, surgery debride after abx
ingest lye, next
Upper GI CONTRAST ASAP to see if perf!!!
dx Angiodysplasia?
painless...labeled RBC scintigraphy
Acute rejection of kidney histo... tx
histo:lcy and vasc swellng, inc Bun/Cr, oliguria...tx: high dose STEROIDS IV
prolonged hypoT →
ATN (Muddy brown granular cast)...
RBC cast
WBC cast
Interstitial Nephritis....Pyelonephritis
Fatty cast
Nephrotic syndr
Broad and waxy cast