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144 Cards in this Set

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4 things that can cause abdominal distension
fetal hydrops
prepubic tendon rupture
5 causes of weight loss
decreased intake
increased rate of protein/energy loss
inadequate circulation/respiration
5 causes of decreased intake causing weight loss
pecking order
poor dentition
esophageal obstruction
5 causes of maldigestion/malabsorption causing weight loss
lactose intolerance
GI ulcers
4 causes of increased rate of protein and energy loss causing weight loss
infection (pneum, pleur, periton)
glomberular dz
chronic pain
how do you determine body weight without a scale?
girth weight tape
what is the function of forages vs concentrates?
forage = fiber for hindgut fermenting

concentrates = provide more energy
3 concentrates?
single grain
sweet feed
pelleted/extruded rations
what are the 3 components of horse diet?
pregnant horse relative % forage and concentrates?
same forage and need some concentrates 0 is not an option
early lactation horse relative % forage and concentrates?
higher both
late lactation horse relative % forage and concentrates?
same forage, slightly higher conc
weanling horse relative % forage and concentrates?
less forage, more concentrate
yearling horse relative % forage and concentrates?
slightly higher forage, more conc
see slide 14 of part A
most equine diets are formulated based on what?
energy needs of a given horse
what are the 4 nutritional components?
what are the 3 components of "energy"?
cho (main) + fat (20%) and protein (rarely)
hydrolyzable cho is ___ and fermentable cho is ______
non-structural (intracellular)

mono and polysaccharides are what kind of carbohydrate and where are they absorbed?
hydrolyzable (intracellular)

in SI
2 types of forage
T/F forage alone provides enough maintenance energy for a normal sedentary adult horse on pasture
what does grass do to stool?
3 grass pasture examples
kentucky bluegrass
coastal bermuda
list 5 pasture management techniques
fecal control
trace mineral salt
mental breaks
avoid toxic plants/trees
hay is high in 3 things, what are they?
fiber (roughage)
vit D
when should cereal grass hays be cut?
when green because the stem is unpalatable once cereal grain ripens and dries
3 types of cereal grass hays?
what are 3 grasses that can cause cystitis/bladder paralysis from prussic acid?
sudan grass
sorghum grass
johnson grass
what is the most nutritious of the hays?
how much hay does a horse need to eat?
10-20 pounds per day
list the 7 hay types we talk aboot
legume (alfalfa)
which hay is widely grown in the souther US b/c of it's hardiness and drough-resistance?

but it is kind of crappy and not super palatable
how can you make round-baled hay safe (it's kind of dangerous)?
bale only after dried
store inside/covered
remove all baling wire/string
peel off moldy/wet layers
use quickly
what is "pickled" grass? any problems?

theoretically anaerobic

botulism can be a problem
what are the 2 most energy dense grains?
oats and corn
what are 4 ways to process grains?
dry heat
wet processing
what's the most common AND most palatable single whole cereal grain in the US?
list 4 advantages of oats
highly palatable
highly digestible
keeps well
fiber 12% (safe)
high protein oats have higher or lower digestibility?
what are "clean" oats?
foreign material removed so it's denser and more palatable and more $$$
what is a groat oat?
seed kernel w/o hull
which cereal grain can be easily chewed and properly digested w/o any processing?
processed oats (not whole):

-nutrient loss
more digestible
less chewing
more nutrient loss
way more $
should feed 2-3 weeks w/i process
what's the 2nd most common cereal grain in the US?
what are 4 ways to feed corn and which should never be done?
whole shelled
crushed (both high dig)
ground (NEVER)

-when to harvest
-moisture content when stored
only when fully ripe
less than 14% moisture to store
highly digestible
what are 2 "heavy" feeds?
wheat and barley
2 forms of wheat usually fed
bran or middlings
wheat bran:

-why fed?
-high in what element?
as a laxative mash for colic!

high P
4 problems in horses from inadequatetly baled/stored round hay bales
baling wire/string
most palatable grain and cereal grain?
grain = sweet feed

cereal grain = oats
why isn't barley fed more often? 2 real reasons.
it's "heavy" ie "concentrated" and low in bulk. very compact and can cause GI upset.

also it's hard to digest if not crushed or ground
so barley is all you got. how do you feed it?
crushed/ground and MIXED with bulkier feed to prevent colic
what's the most common protein supplement?
soybean meal
what about whole soybeans?
no no no they have trypsin (protease) which prevents protein breakdown so you need to heat them
soybean meal:

-high in 3 things
-low in 2 things
high protein, real high P, high Ca

low in fat and fiber

highly digestible
3 big things in sweet feed
3 fxns of molasses in sweet feed
improves mixing/consistency
lower dust
how are pellets cooked and what are 4 advantages to this?

resist mold/decay
preserves quality of diet
lower dust
what are 4 disadvantages to pellets
-if only feed pellets, that means less hay and more cribbing/chewing
-colic via high digestibility
-heat can kill vitamins
T/F fat has more energy than carbs
when can a high fat diet be useful?
tying up!

high fat allows low carbs
what's the easy rule for feeding fat?
1 cup of corn oil twice daily on regular grain ration
3 goals of supplements and do you need them?
improve intake of E-, minerals and vitamins

many diets have enough w/o supplementation
what 2 e- are fed as salt supplements?
Na and Cl
what is the Ca:P ratio and which electrolyte is important in enzymes?

which vitamin is synthesized in the liver?
what vitamin is made by LI flora?
peripheral vs. central fatigue
p = lower substrate available for blood/muscle ie glucose and FFA

C = lower blood/brain glucose, higher NH3 and *tryptophan*
how does tryptophan jack up fatigue?
tryptophan -> up serotonin -> down motor drive
5 nutritional mechanisms for "improving" horse performance
diet manips
B vitamins
4 dietary manips for exercising horses

sugar beet pulp
what does forage (hay) do performance?

-hours before
-right before
incr gut fill which incr body weight which decr performance

right before: fluid into gut, decr plasma volume, lower cardio and thermoregulatory
T/F small forage meals 2-3 meals prior to exercise have little fx on substrate utilization
T/F grain (hydrolyzable cho) consumed 3 hours prior to exercise can adversely affect performance (incr cho use and decr lipid oxidation)
increasing dietary carbs:

-fx on performance
-high intensity exercise fx
-muscle glycogen fx
no performance fx
high HR and blood LA
incr muscle glycogen
how is protein related to exercise?
it's not! at all.
2nd degree cushing's effect on weight
which B vitamin is gut synthed?
which B vitamin is an ergogenic and how?
thamin! B1.

coenzyme in pyruvate-> ac CoA conversion. so you have a higher anaerobic threshold because of lower blood [LA]
why don't hematinics "blood builders" really work in horses much?
their spleen is a huge RBC reserve so they don't need them. ie they don't get Fe deficient under appropriate feeding conditions.
3 alkalinizers
na bicarb
na acetate
na citrate
which "ergogenic" really does work and hence is illegal in racing?
when do you want to test for alkalinizers?
closer to race time because warmups can confound AND acetate gives later peaks in pH, pCO2 etc than bicarb.
define exhaustion vs. heat stress vs. heat stroke
exh: severe fatigue w/ inability to continue. staggering, weakness, depression

h. stress: fatigue in hot/humid conditions w/ dehydration, heat retention, slow recovery responding to simply rx

h. stroke: heat stress -> bad stuff
differentiate exhaustion/h. stress from heat stroke:

-GI sounds
TPR goes UP after time with stroke
CRT WAY up with stroke
NO SWEATING with stroke
no/shitty GI sounds with stroke
treat heat stress/stroke
freezing cold ice water all over (no wet towels)
encourage drinking if stress
4 dietary steps to prevent heat stress
minimize grain before race
allow endurance horses to eat fresh grass/drink
OE pastes during race
external cooling at rest stops
T/F VPCs are always bad news
FALSE. occasional VPCs are not uncommon during exercise in normal horses
3 reasons for atrial fib
E- imbalance in endurance exercise
furosemide can make it worse
3 tx for AF in endurance horsies
stop exercise
mucho IVF over 3-12 hours
top dress grain w/ lite salt daily

-what? who?
synchronous diaphragmatic flutter. endurance not race so much.

twitch/spasm in flank w/ heartbeat

hyperirritability of phrenic nerve over the pericardium on left. from elecrolyte depletion
SDF treatment (3)
stop exercise!
external cooling
IVF (Ringer's, NOT LRS) 40-60L
lactation tetany:

-4 signs
-fix it
basically milk fever
SDF, weak, recumbent
total Ca is 4-6 (half)
IV Ca dextrose and better Ca intake like alfalfa, grain, DiCal on top of grain

partial/complete failure to sweat
moved from north to south
E- imbalance
One-AC (tyrosine, niacin, choline etc)
3 general colic causes
3 ways to help horse with bad teeth in diet
pelleted/cubed hay rations
pelleted, extruded concentrates
incr fat/energy density of concentrate

-main cause (exact)
-key when treating
gluttonous consumption of concentrate ration

feed small meals more freq. put rocks in feet tub so horse can't get huge mouthfuls

what are 3 causes of gas colic
increased grain (inc prod)
mold intake (inc prod)
cribbing (inc intake)
3 gas colic prevention measures
lock up grain
give good quality feed only
cribbing strap, relieve boredom
5 causes of impaction colic
overeating forage (hay esp)
crappy forage (low digestibility)
dehydration around exercise
low water intake
wintertime impaction colic?
yeah, less thirst drive in cold weather. they don't like cold or hot water so mind the temperature when heating it up.
4 ways to curb parasitic colic
keep poop out of stalls
keep hay off floor
feed grain in tubs
deworm every 6-8 weeks
4 causes of dietary diarrhea
normal alfalfa, green pasture eating
overeating CHO
overeating NaCl (inc H20 drinking)
intolerance in foals
how to avoid diarrhea in foals on milk replacer
watch the brand
correct concentration
don't overfeed
watch rancidity in summertime
dietary cause of gastric ulcers and how to prevent
high carbs low fiber

avoid that, and more frequent lower volume concentrate meals. also drugs.
3 dietary causes of enteroliths
lower fresh grass intake
higher alfalfa hay intake
incr sand content of soil
3 ways to prevent dietary enteroliths
access fresh pasture mucho
grass hay if needed for forage
feed off ground!
how does grain overload cause laminitis?
cho intake->VFA production->gram negatives die-> endotoxin released->circulatory change in hooves-> laminitis
how to treat (and pre-treat) for grain overload.
NSAIDs (cox block) and mineral oil (absorb endotoxin)

prevention is curative
5 nutritional causes of developmental orthopedic disease
energy excess
protein imbalance
Ca:P imbalance
Cu deficiency
Zn excess
how does protein affect DOD?
DOD often attributed to excess protein
describe protein imbalance causing DOD
mildly low protein with enough energy makes them gain weight but not bone strength = DOD
what about Ca and P affects DOD?
low Ca, low P, or low Ca:P
how does Cu affect bones?
it stabilizes bone cartilage, so lower = DOD
how does zinc affect bones?
increased zinc in diet, decreased GI Ca absorption. remember zn and CALCIUM NOT copper

so high zinc = DOD
what's the dietary remedy for ER?
higher fat, fiber and lower CHO. also cut grain by 50% when not working.
how can you treat PSSM with diet? 3 yes and 3 no
low carb, high fat
grass hay (not alfalfa)
no grain
sweet feed w/ fat supplement
how can you prevent HYPP in hetero and homozygous horses. 2 big ones.*************
lower K in diet! = grass/pasture NOT alfalfa, oats, NOT SWEET FEED!!, no molasses for meds use corn syrup

decr. K in horse! = furosemide/acetazolamide which are K wasting diuretics
3 nutritional causes for CVM
overfeeding for fast growth
Ca:P outside the 1.5/1.0 ratio
Cu,Zn deficiency
2 nutritional treatments for CVM
low protein, low energy diet
what's the dietary cause of EDM?
predisposition to poor VE absorption
what are 4 dietary contaminants that can test positive?
salicylic acid
what's equine senior like? 2 ID'ing factors
pelleted for incr. digestibility high fat too.
what's the dietary cause of stereopathies?
boredom from shitty diet. mainly decreased fiber. you can increase freq and decrease meal size to help fix this.
what can be a dietary cause of excessive nervousness?
high CHO diets!
what type of maple is toxic?
the GREEN leaves that fall after a storm.
what happens when cattle feed gets mixed with horse feed sometimes?
ionophore toxicity! heart failure cuz coccidiostats from cow diets are reallll bad for horsies.
what is "bran disease", "bighead disease", or "miller's disease"?
nutritional 2ndary hyperparathyroidism.
nutritional 2ndary HPT?

-diet cause
bran diet = low Ca, high P, these are detected by the PT gland which releases PTH and moves Ca from the bones and replaces it with fibrous CT.
how to treat nutritional 2ndary PTH? 3 things including which grain ration you DON"T want
higher Ca, lower P in diet.
grain ration should be oats/corn but NOT BRAN.
top dress grain with DiCal. alfalfa hay.
list 4 DOD's
angular deformities
what can cause goiter in foals?
mares that aren't on ionized salt! note also have wicked angular limb deformities.
what are some goitrogenic compounds (uncooked)? 2 big categories
brassica! broccoli, b. sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, etc

soybeans too
how to dietarily prevent uroliths?
mature grass pasture or hay
avoid high Ca hays like legumes
grain w/ no added Ca
3 dietary causes of cystitis?
prussic ACID!!

sudan grass
johnson grass

long preg, crappy foaling maybe death

domperidine to encourage milk production
4 urogenital problems with dietary causes
mare reproductive loss syndrome
ryegrass staggers:

perennial ryegrass has a. lolii
lolitrems are mycotoxins. hindlimb paresis/staggers
look at leuko
EMND 4 dietary causes
minimal turnout on drylots
no pasture, crappy hay
mucho pelleted/sweet feed
no VE supplementation
2 ways to dx EMND
EMG or biopsy
EMND 2 tx
VE supplementation
good green pasture/hay