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356 Cards in this Set

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5 most common parasites in dogs and cats
- Cytoisospora
- Giardia
- Ancylostoma
- Ascarids
- Trichuris
Esophageal worm of dogs
Spirocerca lupi
Geographic distribution of Spirocerca lupi (2)
- Carribean islands
- Southern US (rare)
Egg morphology of Spirocerca lupi
Paper-clip shaped
What parasite causes fibrous nodules in the thorax and stomach?
Spirocerca lupi
DH of Spirocerca lupi
IH of Spirocerca lupi
Dung beetles
PH of Spirocerca lupi (3)
- Rodents
- Birds
- Snakes
What's the problem with Spirocerca lupi larvae?
Migrates through the aorta
2 primary problems of Spirocerca lupi
- Chronic regurgitation that's associated with eating
- Esophageal granulomas
4 clinical signs of Spirocerca lupi
- Chronic regurgitation
- Esophageal granulomas
- Thoracic spondylitis
- Fibro/osteo- sarcomas
What's a common sequella to Spirocerca lupi?
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
Dx of Spirocerca lupi
- Eggs are difficult to find
DH of Physaloptera spp.
- Dog
- Cat
IH of Physaloptera spp.
Primary morphological characteristic of Physaloptera spp.
Anterior cuticular collar
Primary clinical sign of Physaloptera spp.
Chronic vomiting that's not associated with eating
Egg morphology of Physaloptera spp.
Larvated egg
SN of the common dog hookworm
Ancylostoma caninum
Primary morphological characteristic of Ancylostoma caninum
3 pairs of teeth
SN of the southern hookworm
Ancylostoma braziliense
Host of Ancylostoma braziliense
- Dog
- Cat
Host of Ancylostoma caninum
Primary morphological characteristic of Ancylostoma braziliense
2 pairs of teeth
What genus matures from egg to infective L3 in a week?
Ancylostoma spp.
Migration of Ancylostoma spp. in naive hosts
Skin - tracheal
Migration of Ancylostoma spp. in previously exposed hosts
Skin - aorta
2 ways that Ancylostoma spp. is transmitted
- Skin penetration
- Transmammarily
What genus produces black, tarry stools?
Ancylostoma spp.
Zoonosis of Ancylostoma spp.
Cutaneous larval migrans
SN of the Northern Hookworm
Uncinaria stenocephala
Hosts of Uncinaria stenocephala
- Cat ***
- Dog
Morphology of Uncinaria stenocephala
1 pair of cutting plates
Primary clincal sign of Uncinaria stenocephala
Primary mode of transmission of Uncinaria stenocephala in young puppies
Primary mode of transmission of Uncinaria stenocephala
Skin penetration
SN of the common cat hookworm
Ancylostoma tubaeformae
DH of Ancylostoma tubaeformae
Morphology of Ancylostoma tubaeformae
3 pairs of teeth
What differentiates Ancylostoma tubaeformae from Ancylostoma caninum
The species it came out of
3 genera of Ascarids found in dogs and cats
- Toxocara
- Toxascaris
- Baylisascaris
Hosts of Toxocara canis
Primary transmission method of Toxocara canis in puppies
Egg morphology of Toxocara canis
- Large, circular
Infective stage of Toxocara canis
4 methods of transmission of Toxocara canis ranked in order of commonality
- Ingestion of L2 egg
- Transplacental
- Ingestion of PH
- Transmammary
3 clinical signs of Toxocara canis and their underlying causes
- Potbelly (due to competition for nutrients)
- Thin body condition (due to competition for nutrients)
- Pneumonia (due to larval migration)
Dx of Toxocara canis
Just assume that puppies are infected
Public health problems with Toxocara canis
- Visceral larval migrans
- Ocular larval migrans
Which Toxocara species has a digitiform appendage on the male tail?
Toxocara canis
Which Toxocara species has a thin anterior cervical alae?
Toxocara canis
Which Toxocara species has a flared cervical alae?
Toxocara cati
Host of Toxocara cati
What transmission type does Toxocara canis have that Toxocara cati does not?
3 transmission types of Toxocara cati
- Ingestion of L2 egg
- Ingestion of PH
- Transmammary
3 clinical signs of Toxocara cati
- Dull hair coat
- Unthrifitiness
- Enteritis
Host of Toxascaris leonina
Which ascardid has a blunt tail?
Toxascaris leonina
Infective stage of Toxascaris leonina
How do you differentiate a Toxocara egg from a Toxascaris egg?
Toxascaris egg is unpigmented.
How is Toxascaris leonina transmitted?
Ingestion of L2 egg
What differentiates transmission of Toxascaris leonina from other ascarids?
Per os only
- No transmammary nor transplacental transmission
Migration of Toxascaris leonina
- No tissue migration
Which stage of Ascaroidea is resistant to treatment?
Arrested larvae
Which stage of Ascaroidea is susceptible to treatment?
Migrating larval stages
2 primary methods of control of Ascaroidea
- Sanitation
- Early treatment of puppies and kittens
Which Ascarid genus is found in wildlife?
Baylisascaris spp.
Which Baylisascaris species is in raccoons?
Baylisascaris procyonis
Which Baylisascaris species is in skunks?
Baylisascaris columnaris
Which Baylisascaris species is in bears?
Baylisascaris transfuga
Morphology of Baylisascaris spp. egg
Oval, thick-walled
Infective stage of Baylisascaris spp.
L2 egg
Zoonotic conditions associated with Baylisascaris spp.
- Ocular larval migrans
- Cutaneous larval migrans
- Cerebral larval migrans
SF of Strongyloides stercoralis
In which nematode species are only the females parasitic?
Strongyloides stercoralis
Infective stage of Strongyloides stercoralis
Which stage of Strongyloides stercoralis is passed in feces?
L1 larvae
Which species reproduces by parthenogenesis?
Strongyloides stercoralis
Clinical sign of Strongyloides stercoralis in adults
Clincal sign of Strongyloides stercoralis in pups (2)
- Weight loss
- Listlessness
Dx of Strongyloides stercoralis
Baermann method
Clinical sign of Giardia intestinalis
Chronic, recurrent diarrhea
Two classes of animals that Giardia intestinalis is common in
- Young
- Immunocompromised
Control of Giardia intestinalis
Clean water
What are the only two Taenia species that are zoonotic?
- Taenia saginata
- Taenia solium
DH of Taenia hydatigena
IH of Taenia hydatigena (4)
- Sheep
- Goat
- Cow
- Pig
DH of Teania pisiformis
IH of Taenia pisiformis
DH of Taenia taeniaeformis
IH of Taenia Taeniaeformis
Where is Taenia spp. located?
Small intestines
Morphology of Taenia spp. segments (2)
- Irregularly alternate single lateral pore
- One set of reproductive organs per segment
Two larval stages of Taenia spp. in the IH
- Coenurus
- Cysticercus
Egg morphology of Taenia spp.
Radially striated
Dx of Taenia spp. (2)
- Flotation
- Finding segments in feces
Three other Taenia species of minor importance in the USA
- Taenia ovis
- Taenia multiceps
- Taenia serialis
Which Giardia assemblage is zoonotic? (2)
A and B
Which Giardia assemblage is primarily in dogs? (2)
C and D
Which Giardia assemblage is primarily in livestock?
Which Giardia assemblage is primarily in cats?
What phylum are coccidia in?
3 life cycle stages of Cytoisospora that occur in the intestinal tract
- Merogony
- Gamogony
- Syngamy
Life cycle stage of Cytoisospora that occurs in the environment
Which stage of Cytoisospora is passed in the feces?
Unsporulated oocyst
Which stage of Cytoisospora is infective?
Sporulated oocyst
Sporocyst:sporozoite situation of Cytoisospora
2 sporocysts with 4 sporozoites
How does Cytoisospora often present clinically?
Two clinical signs of Cytoisospora
- Enteritis
- Diarrhea
When should you treat Cytoisospora?
When fecal float is positive with mushy diarrhea
Control of Cytoisospora
DH of Toxoplasma gondii
3 ways cats become infected with Toxoplasma gondii
- Ingest IH
- Ingest sporulated oocyst
- Transplacental (rare)
4 important IH of Toxoplasma gondii
- Humans
- Swine
- Sheep
- Rodents
Two life cycles of Toxoplasma gondii
- Enteroepithelial
- Extraintestinal
Which LC of Toxoplasma gondii is asymptommatic?
Two genera that have similar oocysts to Toxoplasma gondii
- Basnoitia
- Hammondia
Which LC of Toxoplasma gondii is hard to diagnose?
Which stage of Toxoplasma gondii has no treatment?
Intestinal (enteroepithelial)
3 methods of control of Toxoplasma gondii
- Advise cat owners
- Avoid predation
- Sanitation
4 pieces of advice you'd give to a pregnant woman or AIDS patient in regards to Toxoplasma gondii
- Serologically test your cat (+ good for pregnant, bad for AIDS)
- Keep cat indoors or outdoors, not both
- Clean up cat feces every day (48 hours for sporulation to occur in environment)
- Cook meat
What's the #1 source of Toxoplasma gondii infected meat?
Which two Taenia species have a coenurus larva?
T. multiceps
T. serialis
Which Cestode species is USDA reportable?
Echinococcus granulosas
DH of Echinococcus granulosas
IH of Echinococcus granulosas
What's important about Echinococcus granulosas fecal Dx?
Eggs indistiginuishable from Taenia
Two locations Echinococcus granulosas localizes
- Liver
- Lung
What is the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosas called?
Hydatid cyst
Control of Echinococcus granulosas in dogs (3)
- Don't feed raw offal
- Treat infected dogs prophylactically in high risk areas
- Control wild canids
Zoonotic disease of Echinococcus granulosas
Hydatid Cyst Disease
2 transmission cycles of Echinococcus granulosas
- Domestic (dog/[domestic animal])
- Sylvatic ([canid]/[animal])
DH of Echinococcus multiocularis
Red fox
IH of Echinococcus multiocularis
Microtene rodents (voles, lemmings)
LC type of Echinococcus multiocularis
What makes treating Echinococcus granulosas tricky?
If you rupture the capsule, each protoscolex released can form a new capsule
Primary concern of Echinococcus multiocularis
Spreading in northern USA
Term for infection with Echinococcus multiocularis
Alveolar hydatid disease
Progression of Echinococcus multiocularis
Comparmentalized hydatid cyst may spread invasively from primary visceral site
What is known as the double-pored tapeworm?
Dipylidium caninum
DH of Dipylidium caninum
- Dog
- Cat
IH of Dipylidium caninum
Larval stage of Ctenocephalides spp.
Larval stage of Dipylidium caninum
Morphological characteristic of Dipylidium caninum (2)
- Four suckers
- Rostellum with small hooks
Proglottid morphology of Dipylidium caninum (2)
- 2 pores per proglottid
- 2 sets of reproductive organs per proglottid
Egg type of Dipylidium caninum
Lays eggs in baskets with multiple eggs in them
DH of Mesocestoides spp.
- Dog
- Cat
Which Cestode has two IHs? (2)
- Mesocestoides spp.
- Spirometra mansonoides
Which parasite competes with the host for nutrients?
Toxocara canis
2nd IH of Mesocestoides spp.
Various vertebrates
Morphology of Mesocestoides spp. proglottids
- Central genital pore
- Central reproductive organs
Which species has a paruterine organ surrounding the uterus?
Mesocestoides spp.
What organ does Mesocestoides spp. have surrounding the uterus in the proglottids?
Paruterine organ
Morphology of Mesocestoides spp. egg
Non-striated egg (smooth walled) surrounding a Hexacanth embryo
Which stage of Mesocestoides spp. is in the first IH?
Which stage of Mesocestoides spp. is in the second IH?
Infective stage of Mesocestoides spp.
Tetrahydrium in 2nd IH
What's unique about Mesocestoides spp. populations?
May reproduce by binary fission, increasing population dramatically
- Both adult and tetrahydrium are capable of binary fission
Clinical sign of Mesocestoides spp.
Peritonitis with Ascites
Which parasite can undergo binary fission?
Mesocestoides spp.
Where is Spirometra mansonoides found?
Gulf Coast region of Texas (Houston, Beaumont, Corpus, etc.)
DH of Spirometra mansonoides
- Cat ***
- Dog
1st IH of Spirometra mansonoides
2nd IH of Spirometra mansonoides
What stage of Spirometra mansonoides is in the 1st IH?
What stage of Spirometra mansonoides is in the 2nd IH?
PH of Spirometra mansonoides (3 classes)
- Reptiles
- Birds
- Mammals
Morphology of Spirometra mansonoides
Unarmed scolex with two longitudinal grooves called bothria
What parasite has Bothria?
Spirometra mansonoides
Gravid proglottid morphology of Spirometra mansonoides
Has a genital and uterine pore
- Genital pore anterior to uterine pore
What stage of Spirometra mansonoides is passed in feces?
Operculated unembryonated eggs
LC of Spirometra mansonoides
- Operculated unembryonated egg passed in feces
- Coracidium develops in egg
- Coracidium hatches in water
- Copepod eats coracidium
- Procercoid develops in copepod
- Copepod eaten by frog
- Plerocercoid develops in frog
- Frog eaten by PH or DH
Symptoms of Spirometra mansonoides
Dx of Spirometra mansonoides
Zoonotic potential of Spirometra mansonoides
Name of the only trematode found in dogs
Nanophyetus salmincola
CN of Nanophyetus salmincola
Salmon poison fluke
DH of Nanophyetus salmincola (3)
- Dogs
- Minks
- Bears
1st IH of Nanophyetus salmincola
Water snails
2nd IH of Nanophyetus salmincola
- Especially salmon
Morphology of Nanophyetus salmincola
White, 'hexagonal oval' shaped flukes
Egg morphology of Nanophyetus salmincola
Operculated, yellowish brown egg
What stage develops in Nanophyetus salmincola egg?
What stage is infective to Nanophyetus salmincola 1st IH?
What stage is infective to Nanophyetus salmincola 2nd IH?
What Nanophyetus salmincola stage is infective to DH?
What is the actual causative agent for the pathological effects associated with Nanophyetus salmincola?
Neorickettsia helmintheca
- Nanophyetus salmincola is the vector
What does Nanophyetus salmincola cause?
Salmon poisoning
- Via Neorickettsia helmintheca
Clinical symptoms of Nanophyetus salmincola
Hemorrhagic enteritis
What dog parasite has a mortality rate of 50 - 90%?
Nanophyetus salmincola
Control of Nanophyetus salmincola
Prevent dogs from ingesting raw fish
Two dog parasites in Phylum Acanthocephala
- Onicola canis
- Macracanthorhynchus ingens
DH of Onicola canis
- Dog
- Cat
What wildlife species is Onicola canis common in?
IH of Onicola canis
LC of Onicola canis (4 steps)
Egg containing acanthor --> ingested by arthropod --> develops to acanthella then cystacanth in IH (--> IH ingested by PH) --> DH ingests IH or PH
Infective stage of Onicola canis
Pathology of Onicola canis (2)
- Asymptommatic primarily
- Adults can cause peritonitis if deeply embedded in walls
DH of Macracanthorhynchus ingens
- Raccoon
- Dog
IH of Macracanthorhynchus ingens
PH of Macracanthorhynchus ingens (3)
- Snakes
- Rodents
- Frogs
Which species of Trichuris is found in dogs?
Trichuris vulpis
Which species of Trichuris is found in cats?
Trichuris campanula (rare)
Morphology of Trichuris spp. eggs
Smooth shelled, pigmented, with bipolar plugs
Infective stage of Trichuris spp.
L1 egg
PPP of Trichuris spp.
3 months
Why is Trichuris spp. more of a problem in adolescent and adult dogs than puppies?
3 month long PPP
Required specific gravity for flotation of Trichuris spp.
What is the protozoa that exists in the LI of dogs?
Pentatrichomonas hominis
Stage of Pentatrichomonas hominis in the LI
Trophozoite only
- Has no cyst stage
Which dog parasite has progressive corkscrew motility?
Pentatrichomonas hominis
3 DH of Dirofilaria immitis
- Dog
- Cat
- Ferret
IH of Dirofilaria immitis (3)
- Culex
- Anopheles
- Aedes
What stage of Dirofilaria immitis is considered the microfilaria?
Which stage of Dirofilaria immitis is infective to the host?
Lifespan of Dirofilaria immitis
Adults can live for 5 - 7 years in dogs, 2 years in cats
- Microfilaria can live for up to 2 years
Primary clinical symptom of Dirofilaria immitis
Primary pulmonary disease
5 clinical signs of Dirofilaria immitis
- Fibrosis of pulmonary aa. --> hypertension --> Right sided heart failure
- Chronic, nonproductive cough
- Exercise intolerance
- Ascites
- Hepatic fibrosis
Dirofilaria immitis causes pulmonary arterial disease more than cardiac disease
Dirofilaria immitis causes pulmonary arterial disease more than cardiac disease
What's the general rule of thumb for severity of lesions in regards to Dirofilaria immitis?
Worm burden x time = increasing severity
What is vena cava syndrome?
Crisis associated with large numbers of Dirofilaria immitis adults obstructing venous return to vena cava and right atrium
4 parasitologic tests to identify Dirofilaria immitis microfilaria in the blood
- Direct test
- Buffy coat examination
- Filtration
- Centrifugation (Knott's test)
Adulticidal drug for Dirofilaria immitis
Microfilaricidal drug for Dirofilaria immitis
There are none.
What bacteria is symbiotic with adult Dicrofilaria immitis?
What's used to kill Wolbachia?
What does administration of doxycycline do in regards to Dicrofilaria immitis infection?
Decreases intensity of inflammation in pulmonary arteries by killing Wolbachia
What drug is contraindicated in Dicrofilaria immitis treatment?
When should prophylactic treatment of Dicrofilaria immitis be started in dogs?
4 - 6 weeks of age
What's unique about Dicrofilaria immitis migration in cats?
Erratic migration so worms can be found in a variety of locations
4 clinical symptoms of Dicrofilaria immitis in cats
- Chronic vomiting
- Coughing
- Asthma-like wheezing
- Sudden death
2 basic types of immunodiagnostic tests used to test for Dicrofilaria immitis
- AG testing
- AB testing
When should prophylactic treatment of Dicrofilaria immitis be started in cats?
8 weeks
How do you treat Dicrofilaria immitis in cats?
Let it resolve on its own.
- Active treatment is contraindicated because arsenical drugs are very hepatotoxic to in cats
- There are no drugs labeled for usage in cats
What causes Chaga's Disease?
Trypanosoma cruzi
2 stages of Trypanosoma cruzi in the vertebrate host
- Trypomastigote
- Amastigote
Stage of Trypanosoma cruzi in the vector
IH of Trypanosoma cruzi
3 methods of transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi
- Stercorarian
- Ingestion of IH
- Transplacental
What occurs during acute infection of Trypanosoma cruzi?
Fatal, Inflammatory myocarditis
What does the acute stage of Trypanosoma cruzi often occur in? (age range of species)
Young dogs
2 clinical signs of Trypanosoma cruzi in adult dogs
- Dilitative cardiomyopathy
- Electrical conduction disturbance
Prevalence of Chaga's Disease
2nd most common infectious disease causing cardiac lesions in dogs
Radiographically, what must Chaga's be differentiated from?
Dirofilaria immitis
3 diagnosis methods for Trypanosoma cruzi
- Blood film
- Serology
- Radiography
Tx of Trypanosoma cruzi
None really, just a progressively debilitating disease that results in death
- Offer supportive care to prolong life
Two things to keep in mind in regards to zoonosis of Trypanosoma cruzi
- Needle sticks (handling infected blood)
- Living with a Chagas infected dog doesn't drastically increase chances of transmission to owner
What is the 'large' babesia of canines?
Babesia canis
What is the 'small' babesia of canines?
Babesia gibsoni
4 clinical signs of acute Babesia canis infection
- Anemia
- Icterus
- Anorexia/emaciation
- Death
What is Babesia canis transmitted by?
Rhipicephalus sanguineas
2 methods of transmission of Babesia canis within the ticks themselves
- Transstadially
- Transovarially
2 clinical signs of chronic Babesia canis infection
- Anemia
- Lethargy
Vector of Babesia gibsoni
Rhipicephalus sanguineas
Which Babesia species of dogs is usually chronic?
Babesia gibsoni
4 symptoms of Babesia gibsoni
- Marked anemia
- Hemoglobinuria
- Splenomegaly
- Hepatomegaly
Which species of Babesia in dogs is relatively easy to cure?
Babesia canis
3 methods of diagnosis of Babesia gibsoni
- Find piroplasms in stained blood film
- Serology
- Molecular diagnostics
Reservoir hosts of Cyauxzoon felis (2)
- Bobcats
- Ocelots
Vector of Cyauxzoon felis
Dermacentor variabilis
Where are Cyauxzoon felis meronts usually located? (4)
- Liver
- Lung
- LN
- Spleen
Where are Cyauxzoon felis piroplasms located?
What parasite induces a rapidly fatal disease in cats?
Cyauxzoon felis
What parasite might occlude BVs in cats?
Cyauxzoon felis
4 clinical signs of Cyauxzoon felis
- Crashing anemia
- Spiking fever
- Lethargy
- Death (due to occlusion of pulmonary vasculature)
Dx of Cyauxzoon felis
ID ring form in RBCs
Host of Hepatozoon americanum
Vector of Hepatozoon americanum
Amblyomma maculatum
What parasite is transmitted through the ingestion of a tick?
Hepatozoon americanum
Transmission of Hepatozoon americanum
Dog must ingest tick
Where are Hepatozoon americanum meronts located?
Muscle as 'onion skin' cysts
Where are Hepatozoon americanum gamonts located?
5 clinical signs of Hepatozoon americanum
- High intensity fever
- Neutrophilia
- Muscle pain (not wanting to move/be pet)
- Periosteal bone prolliferation
- Death
Dx of Hepatozoon americanum (3)
- Elevated WBC counts
- Hypercalcemia
- Radiographs (for bone proliferation)
DH of Heterobilharzia americana (2)
- Dog
- Raccoons
IH of Heterobilharzia americana
Lymnaeid snail
Location of Heterobilharzia americana in host
Mesenteric veins
Which parasite is located within the mesenteric veins?
Heterobilharzia americana
Infective stage of Heterobilharzia americana to IH
Infective stage of Heterobilharzia americana to DH
Transmission of Heterobilharzia americana
Skin penetration by cercaria
2 clinical signs of Heterobilharzia americana
- Granulomatous, chronic hepatitis
- Bloody diarrhea
Egg morphology of Heterobilharzia americana
Large, oval, thin-walled eggs without spines
Which parasite must be diagnosed by sedimentation in saline?
Heterobilharzia americana
- Eggs hatch in water
What SF is Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in?
DH of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
IH of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (2)
- Snail
- Slug
PH of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (4)
- Bird
- Rodent
- Amphibians
- Reptiles
Stage of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus passed in feces
L1 larvae
Transmission of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
Ingestion of PH and IH with L3 larvae
Clinical signs of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
Usually none
- May have chronic cough
Two ways to Dx Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
- ID larvae with characteristic kinked tail
- Respiratory lavage
Two species of Filaroides in dogs
- Filaroides osleri
- Filaroides hirthi
SF of Filaroides spp.
Which Filaroides species is located in the lung parenchyma?
Filaroides hirthi
Which Filaroides species is located in the trachea?
Filaroides osleri
3 fluids that Filaroides are passed in
- Feces
- Vomit
- Bronchial secretions
Which stage of Filaroides spp. is passed in bodily secretions?
L1 larvae
Which genus of dog parasites has larvae that are immediately infective?
Filaroides spp.
Transmission of Filaroides spp.
Ingestion of infective larvae
Clinical signs of Filaroides osleri (3)
- Mechanical interference with breathing
- Verminous bronchitis
- Dry cough
Clinical signs of Filaroides hirthi
Usually asymptommatic
- Interstitial pneumonia
3 diagnostic techniques for Filaroides spp.
- Direct smears
- ID larvae in sputum
- Endoscopy for Filaroides osleri
SF of Capillaria spp.
Hosts of Capillaria aerophila
- Dog
- Cat
Hosts of Capillaria bohmi
Which Capillaria spp. is found in the trachea and bronchi?
Capillaria aerophila
Which Capillaria spp.is found in the nasal cavities?
Capillaria bohmi
Egg shape of Capillaria spp.
Bipolar plugged single celled eggs
Infective stage of Capillaria spp.
L1 egg
2 symptoms of Capillaria bohmi
- Nasal discharge
- Sneezing
3 symptoms of Capillaria aerophila
- Tracheitis
- Bronchitis
- Chronic cough
What do you have to distinguish Capillaria spp. from?
Trichuris spp. eggs
How to diagnose Capillaria bohmi? (2)
- Eggs in feces
- Nasal discharge
How to diagnose Capillaria aerophila? (2)
- Eggs in feces
- Respiratory wash
How to diagnose Capillaria plica?
Urine sedimentation
DH of Paragonimus kellicotti (3)
- Dog
- Cat
- Pig
1st IH of Paragonimus kellicotti
Water snail
Which parasite has a crayfish as its 2nd intermediary host?
Paragonimus kellicotti
Infective stage of Paragonimus kellicotti
Transmission of Paragonimus kellicotti
Ingestion of 2nd IH
4 possible clinical signs of Paragonimus kellicotti
- Eosinophilic granulomatous reaction to eggs in lungs
- Dyspnea
- Coughing
- Malaise
Dx of Paragonimus kellicotti
- Sedimentation
- Radiology
Which species of parasite appears as a signet ring on radiographs?
Paragonimus kellicotti
What parasite causes 'lizard poisoning'?
Platynosomum fastosum
DH of Platynosomum fastosum
1st IH of Platynosomum fastosum
Land snail
2nd IH of Platynosomum fastosum
Pathologic change of Platynosomum fastosum
Enlargement of bile ducts
4 symptoms of Platynosomum fastosum
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Icterus
- Death
Dx of Platynosomum fastosum
What is Leishmania reportable to when found in animals?
What is Leishmania reportable to when found in humans?
Vertebrate hosts of Leishmania (2)
- Dog
- Humans
Vector of Leishmania
Stage of Leishmania found in vertebrate hosts
Stage of Leishmania found in vector
What parasite causes a chronic, wasting visceral disease?
2 visceral pathologic changes caused by Leishmania
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Lymphadenopathy
2 external diagnostic signs of Leishmania
- Spectacled appearance to eyes due to hair loss
- Excessive toenail growth
Dx of Leishmania (2)
- ID amastigotes on smears
- History of foreign residency
What is the cutaneous form of Leishmania?
Leishmania mexicana
Clinical signs of Leishmania mexicana
Nodules on foot pads, nose, and ears where the fly bites
DH of Dracunculus insignis
- Dog
- Cat
IH of Dracunculus insignis
PH of Dracunculus insignis
Infective stage of Dracunculus insignis
Clinical sign of Dracunculus insignis
Cutaneous ulcer where worm may protrude
Tx of Dracunculus insignis
Surgical removal
Human form of Dracunculus
Dracunculus medinensis
DH of Capillaria plica
- Dog
- Cat
Egg type of Capillaria plica
Bipolar plugged eggs
2 potential clinical signs of Capillaria plica
- Cystitis
- Stranguria
What is the largest parasitic nematode known?
Dioctophyma renale
Two dog/cat parasites diagnosable in urine
- Capillaria plica
- Dioctophyma renale
Egg morphology of Dioctophyma renale
Large, barrel-shaped eggs with pitted shells