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26 Cards in this Set

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< _____ hemoglobin is anemia
if woman is at risk for preterm labor, how often does she need to empty her bladder?
every 2 hrs
if the postpartum bleeding is a trickle, what might it be due to?
a laceration
what is the first sign of a puerperal infection?
high temperature (not foul smelling lochia)
what is priority to ask a postpartum mom at her six week check up if she had postpartal depression?
has she had thoughts of hurting herself?
after ROM wat do you need to check for?
check to see if cord is prolapsed.
what problem has a correlation with ectopic pregnancy?
what do you need to check for if mom has gestational trophoblastic disease?
vaginal bleeding
Small amts of glucose in the urine is normal in pg women? t/f ?
what is #1 priority for a pg mom with a heart problem?
bed rest
desribe stages of lochia
rubra: bright red
serosa: pink
alba: clear
if bright red blood pops up after lochia rubra disappeared, what should you suspect?
postpartal hemmorrage. The blood odor is of fresh blood. Color, amt and odor is assessed.
when does the nonlactating mom start her period?
6-8 weeks (50%)
when does the lactating mom start her period?
within 12 weeks
when does ovulation resume?
usually in 12-18 weeks. dependent on prolactin levels for lactating women.
what kind of lubricant can a woman use after birth?
water based only!
how much blood loss is normal during vaginal and C/S birth?
300-400 ml in a vaginal and 600-800 in a C/S. this is why the first day we do a CBC for H and H levels.
how long does it take to return to prepregnancy blood levels?
3 to 4 weeks
should blood pressure change from labor BP immediately after labor?
if blood pressure goes up after birth, what might that indicate? if it goes down what might that indicate?
up---may suggest PIH

down---orthostatic hypertension or uterine hemmorrhage
why might the mom's temp be up to 100.4?
dehydration, so push fluids
what are the postpartum emotional stages mom goes thru?
1) takin in phase. Very passive and dependent, focuses on own needs

2) taking hold phase (3-10 days) Begins to initiate action

3) letting go . Mom has taken control over mothering tasks
stages of maternal role attainment
anticipitory: during pg mmom looks to role models such as her own mother.

formal: begins at birth of the child. mom is influenced by what she believes people expect from her as a mother.

informal (mom makes her own choices and develops her own style.
what is most common reason for a mom to be readmitted after postpartum?
endometritis (infection of the uterine lining.)
how many extracalories does a breastfeeding mom need?
500 per day
if mom has mastitis, how should she proceed with breastfeeding?
start baby on unaffected breast until letdown occurs and then have baby on