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58 Cards in this Set

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What ended the Progressive Movement?
What kind of warfare was used during WWI, and what was the germans new weapon they used during war?
Trench warfare, subamrines
What problems were caused by using these new german submarines?
They could not see well and sometimes mistakenly shot friendly ships and even U.S. ships.
What ship was shot by German subs, Why?
Lusitania because germans said there were weapons, there were,
What position do the US take when the war first breaks out? Why?
neutral because we could sell goods to both sides of war and profit
Who causes US to stop selling goods to both sides of war?
Britain because they did not want the US, their ally, to be supplying there enemies with goods that would help them in the war.
What caused the US to finally declare war on Germany in April 1917?
US intercepts a telegram that reveals Germany talking to Mexico that if we join war then Mexico should join Germany and fight against us from south
Give some reasons as to why US troops were needed in Europe?
-Germans take Lenin to Russia to start a revolution
-over half of french wont fight
- blacks not allowed to fight due to Span American War, but french welcome them
What General was in charge of the US forces in Europe?
Why do we choose to be an individual force?
General John Jay Pershing
So that we have more to bargain for at the end of the war
Why did some people not agree with the type of strategy Pershing took during WWI?
Because he took the offensive route and sent men into no man's land to die
What did the War Industries Board set out to do during the war?
What did the Wheatless project do?
-standardize production between different companies, to produce goods more efficiently
- saved food by saying one cant eat certain foods on certain days
What did the National War Labor Board do?
Who and what did the board favor most of the time?
-if workers began to strike they would go and solve strike, had the power to agree with strikers and give them benefits
-supported workers, worker unions, and equal pay for women
Due to the National War Labor Board, what ended up happening?
Unions began to grow
What two aspects did the US suffer through during the WWI?
They had to juggle between mobilizing the economy and getting citizens to support the war
Give main reason as to why there were problems on getting support for war and fighting for war...
Socialist Party began to grow when WWI broke out because they did not support war ans US citizens had resistance to support war due to reason to believe that US was in war purely for profit
What did the Committee of Public Information do during WWI?
What was the name of the people who were assigned to help the committee?
-It produced brochures and pamphlets about information to US citizens about positive of war
-4 Minute Men
What was the Espionage Act and Sedition Act?
*Espionage Act- allowed US to ban certain newspapers and mags that were against gov. policies(war) and also subjected people who skipped out on the draft a fine of 10,000 and 20 years in jail
*Sedition Act- allowed gov. to convict people of crime if they said something bad about policies (war)
What did the American Protective League do in WWI?
What were Slacker Raids?
Non-governmental, would spy on -neighbors to see they were involved with German
- people would hold others up to see if they were registered if no they would be arrested.
What happened when talking about the Industrial Workers of the World(IWW)?
They wanted all to join a single union so it would disrupt the economy and then they could over throw capitalism, Feds raid offices and put to an end in Sept. 1917
What occurred during the Bisbee Deportation?
A local sheriff deputizes 2000 people to go arrest 1400 IWW's and they put them in train cars and ship them into train cars.
What changes begin to occur towards end of WWI (education, youth, women)?
Youth culture begins to develop, higher educations begin to become more normal, there are now levels of classes, woman wear flappers and dress more provocative
What did the economy transform into towards the end of WWI?
It became more of a consumer based society, a lot of credit was used to buy things.
The early 1920s seemed to be a period of economic growth what was the problem for americans in seeing this as an opportunity?
Many Americans would buy and buy until they were in debt assuming that they would come out on top.
What happened to the economy in the summer of 1929, October 1929?
-Economy begins to contract and productions goes to halt and workers are laid off
- Stock Market Crashes
What were some of the first steps US took to try and fix the unemployment, over production, and under consumption?
The increased tariffs to foreign countries, thinking that we would now buy our goods, but in return the foreign countries did the same to us so now they didn't buy our goods
What happened to married woman at this time, and what act deals with this similarly?
-People thought that married women were taking jobs so companies began firing them.
- Act of 1932 said that if cuts were needed then women would be the first to go.
What organization started in Seattle in 1931 looked for ways to get jobs for people, looked for ways to make money while also saving money? Did it work?
-Unemployed Citizen League
-Yes 32 states used it by 1932
Who organized Unemployed Councils, and what did the councils do?
Communist party, wanted improvements in relief, such as a National unemployment compensation system
What do the farmers do during this hard time? What does it cause?
-they take over the railroads so they no longer have to pay to use them
-causes Washington DC fear of a farmer revolution
What was the Bonus March and who did it involve from beginning to end?
WWI congress agrees to give bonuses to veterans who fought, decided they would not get bonus until 1945, veterans demand them now and march to Washington, Senate still votes against it. MacArthur burns down veterans tents that are at capitol, said he saved from revolution
What did FDR do to help save the economy?
Began to implement his first New Deal that helped set up projects to help rebuild the suffering economy.
Name some of the acts and projects that FDR set up to help citizens and the economy.
Public Work Administration(PWA), Townsend Act, Social Security Act of 1935, Free Labor Standards Act, and the Wagner Act of 1935
Identify the acts:
-this act prohibits child labor, establishes minimum wage, 40 hour work week
-this act granted workers the choice of unions, right to strike, boycotts and picketing.
-Free Labor Standards Act
- Wagner Act of 1935
Identify the acts:
-this act said all citizens over 60 and not working should receive 200 a month from the government
-this act gave minimal payments to unemployed workers, elderly, and the deceased bread winners.
-Townsend Act
-Social Security Act of 1935
What occurs as a result of the Wagner act of 1935?
The American Federation of Labor holds national convention, and the Committee of Industrial Organization is created with unskilled workers and skilled workers.
Whatt type of strike does the Committee of Industrial Organization create? give an example of one.
the sit down strike, The sit down strike in the GM factories which ends up being successful and created the United Autoworkers(UAW)
What starts WWII? and who is behind it?
Germans invading Poland violates the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler who became chancellor fixed economy while taking land and eliminating weak along the way
What act was created in an attempt to keep us out of European affairs. Stop the selling of weapons to belligerent countries
Neutrality Act
What was the Cash Carry Act?
What was the Lend Lease Act?
-if you want to buy our weapons you have to pay cash and send your own ships or planes to get them.
-the U.S. will lend money to buy weapons, and we will ship them to you.
What were some significant differences in WWI and WWII?
Citizens supported war and would fight, economy was shifted towards the help o the war
What was it called when the government got factories transform themselves into factories that helped build for war?
What were Liberty Class Merchant ships?
What did the Congress of Racial Equality(CORE) do?
Ships that shipped goods across seas and built fast but not as safe.
- directed actions to solve racism such as sitting in all whit restaurants and not leaving
What did Phillip Randolph do?
talked about opportunities of blacks ends up getting FDR to pass the executive order 8802 that banishes racial discrimination
What happened in the case of Korematsu v. US
he got plastic surgery so he can stay with wife is discovered and sent to internment camps
Where does US strike first In WWII and then what do we do?
In North Africa, Operation Torch, where Germans are weakest and then use cross channel invasion to get in Europe, D-Day
How did the US begin to defeat the Japanese?
Used island hopping technique to reach mainland and organize the bombing of Tokyo
During this period of the war, what different war technique begins to be used all over?
Civilians begin to be targeted
How do we figure out about the atomic bomb? what do we launch to begin production?
Albert Einstein and we launch the Manhattan Project
What was the difference in battle with the Germans and battle with the Japs?
Germans Rules of War were in affect, while Japs there were no rules
After war US economy is growing and we decide to help Europe rebuild with what plan?
Marshall Plan
What supported free people everywhere who were resisting subjection by armed minorities or outside pressures.
Truman Doctrine
What order stated that you must take an oath of layalty in order to work in US? Why was this needed after WWII?
Executive order 9855, people were scared of communists in the country
What did the Pan American Democracy do?
Why is it significant?
-They were set up to end segregation of major league baseball
- thought to be communist activity by Attorney General
What act will cause people that are said to be subversive from becoming a citizen or even coming to US, and allowed gov. to deport immigrants that were suspected to be communists?
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
What group of people investigated communist influences anywhere in the US?
House Committee on Un-American Activities(HUAC)
What book and what type of book did Dalton Trumbo write?
Johnny got his Gun, anti-war
What forced labor leaders to discredit themselves as non communists? And what would they do in case of strikes?
Taft Hartley Act, they would set aside a "cool of period" so there could not be a strike, unions can no longer strike and push for demands
What did Joseph McCarthy do as a senator in Wisconsin?
He showed lists of names that contained supposed communists to boost his re-election during times of scare