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26 Cards in this Set

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dialectical prestidigitation
dialectal sleight of hand, trickery through manipulating the words kinda thing.
–verb (used with object) 1. to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, esp. by some wound to pride: She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation.
2. to wound (the pride, vanity, etc.).
3. to excite (interest, curiosity, etc.): Her curiosity was piqued by the gossip.
4. to arouse an emotion or provoke to action: to pique someone to answer a challenge.
5. Archaic. to pride (oneself) (usually fol. by on or upon).
–verb (used without object) 6. to arouse pique in someone: an action that piqued when it was meant to soothe.
–noun 7. a feeling of irritation or resentment, as from a wound to pride or self-esteem: to be in a pique.
8. Obsolete. a state of irritated feeling between persons.
1. fierce; cruel; savagely brutal.
2. brutally harsh; vitriolic; scathing: his truculent criticism of her work.
3. aggressively hostile; belligerent.
the branch of zoology that deals with birds.
–adjective 1. preceding; prior: an antecedent event.
–noun 2. a preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon, etc.
3. antecedents, a. ancestors.
b. the history, events, characteristics, etc., of one's earlier life: Little is known about his birth and antecedents
the process of logical reasoning.
incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring.
knowledge of spiritual matters; mystical knowledge.
–adjective 1. lying on the back, face or front upward.
2. inactive, passive, or inert, esp. from indolence or indifference.
3. (of the hand) having the palm upward.
–noun 4. (in Latin) a noun form derived from verbs, appearing only in the accusative and the dative-ablative, as dictū in mirābile dictū, “wonderful to say.”
5. (in English) the simple infinitive of a verb preceded by to.
6. an analogous form in some other language.
–adjective 1. foolish or inane, esp. in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly.
2. unreal; illusory.
–adjective 1. cowardly; contemptibly timid; pusillanimous.
–noun 2. a coward.
–verb (used with object) 3. to make cowardly.
—Idiom4. cry craven, to yield; capitulate; give up.
1. a celestial body, as the sun or moon.
2. a body, object, etc., that gives light.
3. a person who has attained eminence in his or her field or is an inspiration to others: one of the luminaries in the field of medical science.
–adjective 4. of, pertaining to, or characterized by light.
1. an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion.
2. a saying; maxim.
–noun 1. a feeling of vexation, marked by disappointment or humiliation.
–verb (used with object) 2. to vex by disappointment or humiliation: The rejection of his proposal chagrined him deeply.
1. high station, rank, or repute: philosophers of eminence.
2. a high place or part; a hill or elevation; height.
3. (initial capital letter) Roman Catholic Church. a title of honor, applied to cardinals (usually prec. by His or Your).
4. Anatomy. an elevation or projection, esp. on a bone.
1. without contents; empty: the vacuous air.
2. lacking in ideas or intelligence: a vacuous mind.
3. expressing or characterized by a lack of ideas or intelligence; inane; stupid: a vacuous book.
4. purposeless; idle: a vacuous way of life.
characterized by or showing parsimony; frugal or stingy.
1. economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful: a frugal manager.
2. entailing little expense; requiring few resources; meager; scanty: a frugal meal.
1. to reduce (laws, rules, etc.) to a code.
2. to make a digest of; arrange in a systematic collection.
–verb (used without object), -sat·ed, -sat·ing. 1. to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
2. to turn renegade.
–noun 1. a person who deserts a party or cause for another.
2. an apostate from a religious faith.
–adjective 3. of or like a renegade; traitorous.
to provide, furnish, or supply (esp. food or provisions) usually as a business or service.
–verb (used with object) 1. to castrate.
2. to deprive of strength or vigor; weaken.
–adjective 3. deprived of or lacking strength or vigor; effeminate.
bona fide
–adjective 1. made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud: a bona fide statement of intent to sell.
2. authentic; true: a bona fide sample of Lincoln's handwriting.
1. a dispute about or concerning words.
2. an argument or debate marked by the reckless or incorrect use of words; meaningless battle of words.
3. a game played with cards, each bearing one letter, with which words are formed.
2. deductive reasoning.
3. an extremely subtle, sophisticated, or deceptive argument.